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Dismounting Traps


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Recently came back to the game a few months ago, was here when Warclaw was released and I've seen the state of the game grow to where we are now.

I like the Warclaw, I think it provides a different aspect to the game(WvW), but damaging a Warclaw to bring the player down can be tricky, especially when they jump 20ft in the air and zoom off into the distance.

I suggest the dev team work on a Dismounting Trap. Similar to the spikes found in the Desolation, without incurring damage to the player. I believe this can provide a semblance of balance, and I believe these Traps should have been released when the Warclaw was released.

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@Widmo.3186 said:Welcome back, there are already like 10 or 20 threads complaining about mounts and containing ideas such as dismounting traps. Just look them upAnd also the dev has already said they are looking at that.

Personally I still think a trap is the worst possible way to handle dismounting. Its just as silly as telling people to use stealth traps to fight thieves. Yeah thats not how reality works.

At this point and with all the moaning, I'm wondering why we just dont allow cc period. Pull mounts, knockback mounts, stun mounts, cripple mounts, the works. Because why not? Its just a mount.

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I don't like the idea of a dismount trap, but I do like the idea of more ways to dismount. Im pretty hard anti mount. So don't get what I'm saying confused. I think the dismount trap would be far too clunky to use in any situation outside of just plugging up single exits and camping them. On that note I think traps as a whole should maybe change in how they work? Be faster to place (certain traps) if not instant. Maybe keybinds for traps so I can have a keybind for a few I use. Etc. I guess what I meant to say is Im not against the idea of a dismount trap but Im against the idea of any more clunky traps.

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I doubt people will use it anyway.Until they implement a ranged dismount skill and a break bar, it wont change anything.

Anet is just wasting their time like they did with the marked mechanic, traps and tricks for stealth instead of tweaking deadeye's stealth uptime.

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@IWAY.8231 said:dismounting trap -> wait ~5 seconds ~ mount again

unless that dismounting trap disables mounting for 1 minute.

If they get dismounted into combat, they won't be able to mount up again right away. Which is the idea. A net would work better here instead of a trap I think, because we need an instant dismount for players that reaches a bit farther...

The net should probably have the equivalent of a longbow's range, instant cast, with a 30 second CD or longer and requires supply to use (2-5 supply per use?).

Just ideas.

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@Svarty.8019 said:Ganker lobbyists always get their way. You’ll see.

?? Ganking lobbyists already have their way, and its called playing pewpew rangers, zerk mesmers and other range/heavy spike classes. Also the more ppl around the higher chance you have to dismount someone (thats called ganking)

What we lack atm is dismounting ability for people running solo and playing meele range classes that are very unlikely to dismount someone.

So please, dont say a thing about gankers because atm people who want fair 1v1s are in disadvantage, not groups of organised teefs and other cool-stuff classes that can dismount someone in no time.

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@Widmo.3186 said:

@Svarty.8019 said:Ganker lobbyists always get their way. You’ll see.

please, dont say a thing about gankers because atm people who want fair 1v1s are in disadvantage

This trap won't improve that situation.

FAIR 1v1s aren't going to magically happen with the introduction of a trap designed specifically to pick off people who don't want to fight against gankers.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@Widmo.3186 said:Welcome back, there are already like 10 or 20 threads complaining about mounts and containing ideas such as dismounting traps. Just look them upAnd also the dev has already said they are looking at that.

Personally I still think a trap is the worst possible way to handle dismounting. Its just as silly as telling people to use stealth traps to fight thieves. Yeah thats not how reality works.

At this point and with all the moaning, I'm wondering why we just dont allow cc period. Pull mounts, knockback mounts, stun mounts, cripple mounts, the works. Because why not? Its just a mount.

That was my original idea too that soft CC and hard CC work on the mount but everyone assumed it would be a break bar and to wait on dismount skills and traps instead...

I want Chill and Cripple to work, I want Updraft to actually do something.DD Tempest has literally no hope of dismounting someone and all anyone can tell me is to shut up and adapt, play SLB or Thief one shots or play something else... Which is wrong on so many levels.

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@"danni.1824" said:Recently came back to the game a few months ago, was here when Warclaw was released and I've seen the state of the game grow to where we are now.

I like the Warclaw, I think it provides a different aspect to the game(WvW), but damaging a Warclaw to bring the player down can be tricky, especially when they jump 20ft in the air and zoom off into the distance.

I suggest the dev team work on a Dismounting Trap. Similar to the spikes found in the Desolation, without incurring damage to the player. I believe this can provide a semblance of balance, and I believe these Traps should have been released when the Warclaw was released.


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@sephiroth.4217 said:

@Widmo.3186 said:Welcome back, there are already like 10 or 20 threads complaining about mounts and containing ideas such as dismounting traps. Just look them upAnd also the dev has already said they are looking at that.

Personally I still think a trap is the worst possible way to handle dismounting. Its just as silly as telling people to use stealth traps to fight thieves. Yeah thats not how reality works.

At this point and with all the moaning, I'm wondering why we just dont allow cc period. Pull mounts, knockback mounts, stun mounts, cripple mounts, the works. Because why not? Its just a mount.

That was my original idea too that soft CC and hard CC work on the mount but everyone assumed it would be a break bar and to wait on dismount skills and traps instead...

I want Chill and Cripple to work, I want Updraft to actually do something.DD Tempest has literally no hope of dismounting someone and all anyone can tell me is to shut up and adapt, play SLB or Thief one shots or play something else... Which is wrong on so many levels.

Because they are not willing to animate mounts being CCed by all the various forms of CC? That's why people assumed a dismount breakbar.

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@Justine.6351 said:

@Widmo.3186 said:Welcome back, there are already like 10 or 20 threads complaining about mounts and containing ideas such as dismounting traps. Just look them upAnd also the dev has already said they are looking at that.

Personally I still think a trap is the worst possible way to handle dismounting. Its just as silly as telling people to use stealth traps to fight thieves. Yeah thats not how reality works.

At this point and with all the moaning, I'm wondering why we just dont allow cc period. Pull mounts, knockback mounts, stun mounts, cripple mounts, the works. Because why not? Its just a mount.

That was my original idea too that soft CC and hard CC work on the mount but everyone assumed it would be a break bar and to wait on dismount skills and traps instead...

I want Chill and Cripple to work, I want Updraft to actually do something.DD Tempest has literally no hope of dismounting someone and all anyone can tell me is to shut up and adapt, play SLB or Thief one shots or play something else... Which is wrong on so many levels.

Because they are not willing to animate mounts being CCed by all the various forms of CC? That's why people assumed a dismount breakbar.

What do you mean by all the animations?I cant imagine a chilled mounts animations being all that flashy (literally slower animations) and if someone was stunned off the mount one would assume the mount would dissappear under its current dismount animations leaving only the stunned player.

Theres probably a lot more work involved for dismounting skills and how it dismounts others than for CC to actually work.

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One should never rely solely on a trap because vigilant opponents will see you setting it and avoid it anyway. They've talked about a dismount skill, of which is far more reliable. Not saying we can't have both. I just feel like we've waited long enough for this to be implemented.

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@Svarty.8019 said:

@Svarty.8019 said:Ganker lobbyists always get their way. You’ll see.

please, dont say a thing about gankers because atm people who want fair 1v1s are in disadvantage

This trap won't improve that situation.

FAIR 1v1s aren't going to magically happen with the introduction of a trap designed specifically to pick off people who don't want to fight against gankers.

fair 1v1's barely existed anyway and you know that ;p

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