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Where Did Aurene Go? [shpoilersh]


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In the end Aurene goes somewhere, looks like she is going West, because the sun is setting.I don't know how it works on Tyria and what's the actual points of East, West, South and North, or is it like North from Dragonfall there is Orr?
Because if she went straight to West, then it means she is somewhere in the middle of the ocean, but we could see a land she was flying to.

A question I only have is how the directions work on Tyria. :D

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@"Clyan.1593" said:she flew to cantha. doesnt matter from which direction, because if you keep going, you eventually end up in cantha.i have no evidence to show, but that's what it must be: cantha.

Like the npc we saw during "The Crystal Dragon" instance, I'll quote the description of the effect that Anet put there:

"So much anticipation that disappointment is inevitable."

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I think she may communicate through Caithe or send us visions but not actually be directly involved, aside from maybe one interaction with her where we see her new form or something. But I scoured Melandru’s area for a place that matched the cutscene and nothing did. I would assume they want her direction to be open as it seems like it was purely an area in the cutscene and not somewhere in game.

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@Konig Des Todes.2086 said:It likely doesn't matter. The end of PoF implied Kralk flew east, yet he ended up going south then west. She'll end up going wherever ArenaNet decides she went next time we meet.

She likely left to ensure her transformation doesn't affect anything though, and will return once she believes there's no danger.

I see, seems legit.

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@"cptaylor.2670" said:I think she may communicate through Caithe or send us visions but not actually be directly involved, aside from maybe one interaction with her where we see her new form or something. But I scoured Melandru’s area for a place that matched the cutscene and nothing did. I would assume they want her direction to be open as it seems like it was purely an area in the cutscene and not somewhere in game.

I also think she will step down, and she will focus on giving her scions, while the commander will deal with those who will want to prevent it or we will, under Aurene's guidance, try to repair the Mists.

Gwen in Dragonfall has some really good dialogues, in one of them she actually says that when Aurene died, everyone was shocked in the Mists, but Glint was very calm. She knew Aurene had to die and will return.

So I think some part of Season 5 will be about teaming up with Glint and cleaning the mess in the Mists.

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@"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:It likely doesn't matter. The end of PoF implied Kralk flew east, yet he ended up going south then west. She'll end up going wherever ArenaNet decides she went next time we meet.

She likely left to ensure her transformation doesn't affect anything though, and will return once she believes there's no danger.

East.. ? I'm not sure how you get that from the ending, when it cuts off from Amnoon. The only indication is the "crystal ball" architecture, which would be Vabbi and Jahai, which is south or west, not east.

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@Hannelore.8153 said:

@"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:It likely doesn't matter. The end of PoF implied Kralk flew east, yet he ended up going south then west. She'll end up going wherever ArenaNet decides she went next time we meet.

She likely left to ensure her transformation doesn't affect anything though, and will return once she believes there's no danger.

East.. ? I'm not sure how you get that from the ending, when it cuts off from Amnoon. The only indication is the "crystal ball" architecture, which would be Vabbi and Jahai, which is south or west, not east.

At the very end of the cinematic, Kralkatorrik moves towards the sun on the horizon line. Which means the sun is either rising (east) or setting (west). The rest of the cinematic shows nighttime, implying a rising sun - thus Kralk heading east.

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@"Rockin Twilight Sparkle.2615" said:

@Konig Des Todes.2086 said:How can a mere mortal
affect what is quite literally the creation of existence?

How can a 'mere mortal' possibly kill a god?How can a 'mere mortal' possibly kill fundamental aspects of nature?

They can’t and they didn’t.

Balthazar was not a God anymore and we beat him with aid from his sword and even Kralkatorrik

The fundamental aspects of nature is not what the Dragons were although it is partly the games fault in the beginning which put forward that perception which has since altered as we came to realise more what they are. Regardless of semantics, we beat them when they were little more than powerful yet weak physical shells of what they were and with an army.

The Mists are far far beyond either of those two examples.

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@"Rockin Twilight Sparkle.2615" said:

@Konig Des Todes.2086 said:How can a mere mortal
affect what is quite literally the creation of existence?

How can a 'mere mortal' possibly kill a god?How can a 'mere mortal' possibly kill fundamental aspects of nature?

They didn't. On both accounts.

Balthazar was no longer a god, and even then we defeated him using protection from Aurene, attacks by Kralkatorrik, and while wielding Balthazar's own sword.

Zhaitan, Mordremoth, and Kralkatorrik - who aren't really fundamental aspects of nature - were killed not by a mere mortal, but by armies that exploited their weak points.

Even then, gods and elder dragons may be cosmic on scale, but they're still bound to material planes of existence (especially the latter). The Mists is the origin of all things. It's like a perpetual big bang combined with space and the afterlife. And it's far easier to destroy chunks of land within the Mists than it is to restore them. Easier to consume souls than to rip them out of the cosmic primordial soup.

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He was 'stripped of his power' and yet still seemed to have it. Call it a facsimilie of it or whatever, I still think its a little significant that 'a mortal with a flaming sword killed him' (or possibly not with said flaming sword!) means more than you're letting on.

Also, Abaddon was killed by mortals

As for dragons, 'fundamental part of nature's workings' is literally from the wiki and is spelled out in the story. Were you paying attention? Exploiting a weakness or not, they bleed; we kill them

I'm just saying 'we're only mortal' is a pretty awful argument for why we can't do something in a fantasy setting like this one.

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@"Rockin Twilight Sparkle.2615" said:He was 'stripped of his power' and yet still seemed to have it. Call it a facsimilie of it or whatever, I still think its a little significant that 'a mortal with a flaming sword killed him' (or possibly not with said flaming sword!) means more than you're letting on.

Also, Abaddon was killed by mortals

As for dragons, 'fundamental part of nature's workings' is literally from the wiki and is spelled out in the story. Were you paying attention? Exploiting a weakness or not, they bleed; we kill them

I'm just saying 'we're only mortal' is a pretty awful argument for why we can't do something in a fantasy setting like this one.

While that's true it's also a bit disingenuous to call the PC a mere mortal. It's apparent we're mortal+ at this point. At least on par with a demi-god. When we do finally kick the bucket...

! We also have a promising career as a Reaper waiting for us thanks to a certain follower of Grenth.

As far as going into The Mists to fix the mess Kralkatorrik made there, we might. We do have a precedent set with the Riftstalker events. It's silly trying to predict where the story will go at this point. Anet likes messing with us.

! And I love them for it, they generally do a good job at keeping things interesting. B)

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@ThatOddOne.4387 said:I think fixing the Mists will be something that the Mists does by itself. Maybe with a bit of help from the Gods but who knows.

Yeah, I agree with this. I think we're going to get an entirely new antagonist and they said it probably won't be a world ending one, so I don't think we'll do much with the Mists situation in Season 5.

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@"Rockin Twilight Sparkle.2615" said:He was 'stripped of his power' and yet still seemed to have it. Call it a facsimilie of it or whatever, I still think its a little significant that 'a mortal with a flaming sword killed him' (or possibly not with said flaming sword!) means more than you're letting on.He was stripped of his divinity and god magic. The entire plot of Season 3 and PoF is of him trying to regain his strength through absorbing magic from the Bloodstone and Elder Dragons.

The Commander even outright states, before The Sacrifice, that they had fought Balthazar and he "wasn't that strong" (referring to the events of Flashpoint, before Balthazar absorbed magic from Primordus and Jormag), only get get their ass whooped by Balthazar due to the powerboost.

Also, Abaddon was killed by mortalsAbaddon was held down by chains made by a god. ANd his power was sealed by the eight gates (Gate of Torment, Gate of Secrets, Gate of Pain, Gate of Madness, Gate of Anguish, Gate of Fear, Gate of Nightfallen Lands, and Abaddon's Gate), o9nly three of which were unlocked by Varesh's three rituals. Abaddon was basically at 3/8th and killed by an elite squad (of 9 or 26 depending on whether or not "all henchmen and heroes" available were present for the battle or not canonically) that were blessed by the other five gods.

@"Rockin Twilight Sparkle.2615" said:As for dragons, 'fundamental part of nature's workings' is literally from the wiki and is spelled out in the story. Were you paying attention? Exploiting a weakness or not, they bleed; we kill themThe wiki is fan wording, and oft caused from interpretation; they are "fundamental parts of nature's working" solely in the sense that they're connected to The All and the existence of Elder Dragons. But they themselves are far from beings beyond the reach of mortals, and never were beyond such.

I'm just saying 'we're only mortal' is a pretty awful argument for why we can't do something in a fantasy setting like this one.There's still a pretty damn huge difference between slaying former gods with the help of an Elder Dragon and god-powered sword, killing a partially sealed god with blessing of five other gods, or slaying an Elder Dragon with a massive army, and that of repairing the very fabric of reality.

The GW franchise has a long standing theme of mortals messing with things beyond their comprehension - such as The Mists - even in a benevolent fashion will only screw things up worse. The best thing the Commander can do is not touch the Mists at all. If anyone's capable of repairing the Mists, it'd be the gods who left, or Aurene, and not the Commander channeling Aurene's power.

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Personally I think that season 5 will deal more with political fallout and tying up loose ends now that there's no immediate dragon threat around. Good chance it will start with some kind of celebration then either somebody crashes it or a messenger arrives with news about some upheaval we need to deal with. That's just speculation though.

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Was thinking earlier, but even if Aurene doesn't have an incredible amount of involvement and pulls a Captain Marvel and we never get to see her in her new form in game, it would be nice to see the effects of her new power in the episode.

I.e. Her rebranding previously branded beings and cleansing areas. Would be nice to see Zhaitan's layer added as a map, but cleansed by Aurene, since redoing Vanilla maps may be out of the question.

Was also thinking, with all of these branded Forgotten around, now that Aurene can rebrand them, can she give them back their free will and mentality? Or are they just permanently brain dead after Kralk? Would be interesting to communicate with some friendly Forgotten, especially given the circumstances of this season and the potential they could have in upcoming dragon problems.

We may have known the ritual in Arah, but with some newly freed Forgotten could we potentially have the ability to just cleanse a future elder dragon champion and have them as a replacement? Especially for Jormag and Primordus. I still would like to see Kunavang to replace Steve!

We also have the upcoming raid, that's conveniently located near the Hidden City or is the Hidden City, where Shiny used to be, right? Wonder if that could be a tie in or teaser to the next season similar to how the White Mantle were in HoT.

And if Aurene really did fly west, perhaps she's checking on our other friendly dragon on her way over.

Also, with the addition of the new raid and the potential to see Shiny, I could see it as a perfect opportunity to add a Skyscale skin based off of Shiny.

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