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Aurora + Vision + Coalescence: One More Stack on the Same Aura

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We can see Coalescence crafted then demonstrated here, both alone and with the other trinkets: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/437561307?t=08h31m50s

Honestly I don't think anything could've been more disappointing. People complain about or praise legendaries when they come out all the time, and every one has people that have really enjoyed it. These trinkets are different in that they can't appeal to different people. They have exactly the same effects, and just build on the same aura as you get more of them. Every other legendary in the game is fiercely unique. Whether people like it or not, it's different. There's no options here. There's just these bubbles that you can slightly change the color and texture of with more trinkets. Even if we're going to have this aura with all of them combined, they could at least have different parts of its effects with each individual piece (i.e. the black orb with Coalescence, the original aura with Aurora, and some purple bubbles with Vision). Legendaries are legendary because there's nothing else like them. These feel like we should be getting the three existing trinkets then the next ring and throw all of them into the mystic forge to create the actual legendary; they're not legendary in their own right.

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@"Aaron Forestman.4758" said:We can see Coalescence crafted then demonstrated here, both alone and with the other trinkets: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/437561307?t=08h31m50s

Honestly I don't think anything could've been more disappointing. People complain about or praise legendaries when they come out all the time, and every one has people that have really enjoyed it. These trinkets are different in that they can't appeal to different people. They have exactly the same effects, and just build on the same aura as you get more of them. Every other legendary in the game is fiercely unique. Whether people like it or not, it's different. There's no options here. There's just these bubbles that you can slightly change the color and texture of with more trinkets. Even if we're going to have this aura with all of them combined, they could at least have different parts of its effects with each individual piece (i.e. the black orb with Coalescence, the original aura with Aurora, and some purple bubbles with Vision). Legendaries are legendary because there's nothing else like them. These feel like we should be getting the three existing trinkets then the next ring and throw all of them into the mystic forge to create the actual legendary; they're not legendary in their own right.

I agree with ya.

Not trying to be a downer about this subject, but the visual effects don't seem impressive. Either individually or combined, it's not really interesting or inspiring to see. Can't beat the stat functions, but the effects don't seem very imaginative or have any interesting ties to the gw2 fantasy world.

Edit- The combined effects are overly distracting visually, and do not compliment or enhance anything about our characters. Completely distracts from the character in an odd and off-putting way. The effects are overdone and out of place, and makes the entire character look the same. Can't even shut off the effects yet and that stinks for anyone who wants to run this stat swapping gear.

And I don't want to be disrespectful, but I do have to say these trinkets give me the same feeling I had after seeing the medium legendary "ball gown" appearance... Very bothersome that I spent all that time getting and waiting for these items.

Edit 2- And after 2 years of waiting my first thought when watching was “What is that supposed to be?”... Not “Wow! This is really cool on the character and worth the 24 month waiting period!”

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My bigger issue is the fact that if I want the complete look, it's now a multi-game mode progression system. I'd have to apparently do raids to get the final product. I can understand that they want a reason to drive raiders with legendary gear, but this ring has taken a couple years now, and it locks non-raiders out of it. Seems like they could have found a different theme or for the raid legendaries.

I mean, it's not that big of a deal, but I do wish that they had a unique effect or better combined effect outside of the in combat swirly stuff for those of us that will probably never raid to work towards the end result.

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@Blocki.4931 said:Would you rather they all have unique effects that stack and cause more of a mess? This is the only way they could have done it.

They could have their unique effects and the same combination effects like now.Anet just dont want make unique effects for Vision and Coalescence.Disappointing.

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@Dami.5046 said:Be thankful you can do raids to get the ring in the first place. There is no room in my heart to go into any elitist dungeon for the effect I witnessed yesterday. To be fair wasn't overly keen , so a good thing but still.

There are so many casual groups and training runs that people have all the time. As long as you read up and come prepared (a good build and proper gear) you can hop in for even a single boss and leave when you want. You don't have to commit to every boss every week. You can do it at your own pace. I think people overstate the difficulty/elitism that goes on.

Yes, there are elitists and yes there are toxic people but often those are the worst groups to be in and you wouldn't want to be there anyways - they tend to fail a lot. But these people exist in every game mode and in fact every game... /shrug

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@Nemo.8759 said:

@Blocki.4931 said:Would you rather they all have unique effects that stack and cause more of a mess? This is the only way they could have done it.

They could have their unique effects and the same combination effects like now.Anet just dont want make unique effects for Vision and Coalescence.Disappointing.

Because they know that people want to stack them instead of using one for their visual effect only. Imagine they made a cool effect but because you are the intended audience of players that get everything you won't ever get to see that.

What's cool is that we get to see the thing evolve and I want to find out what it turns into in a couple of years with a full set of trinkets. Wouldn't be too late to add special effects to other trinkets either, in ways that would also add to each other like different glows.

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@Roquen.5406 said:

@Dami.5046 said:Be thankful you can do raids to get the ring in the first place. There is no room in my heart to go into any elitist dungeon for the effect I witnessed yesterday. To be fair wasn't overly keen , so a good thing but still.

There are so many casual groups and training runs that people have all the time. As long as you read up and come prepared (a good build and proper gear) you can hop in for even a single boss and leave when you want. You don't have to commit to every boss every week. You can do it at your own pace. I think people overstate the difficulty/elitism that goes on.

Yes, there are elitists and yes there are toxic people but often those are the worst groups to be in and you wouldn't want to be there anyways - they tend to fail a lot. But these people exist in every game mode and in fact every game... /shrug

Thanks but it's till not my cup of tea - and I don't have the hours to put in to git gud. I can survive farming bitter frost a bit longer :P

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@Dami.5046 said:

@Dami.5046 said:Be thankful you can do raids to get the ring in the first place. There is no room in my heart to go into any elitist dungeon for the effect I witnessed yesterday. To be fair wasn't overly keen , so a good thing but still.

There are so many casual groups and training runs that people have all the time. As long as you read up and come prepared (a good build and proper gear) you can hop in for even a single boss and leave when you want. You don't have to commit to every boss every week. You can do it at your own pace. I think people overstate the difficulty/elitism that goes on.

Yes, there are elitists and yes there are toxic people but often those are the worst groups to be in and you wouldn't want to be there anyways - they tend to fail a lot. But these people exist in every game mode and in fact every game... /shrug

Thanks but it's till not my cup of tea - and I don't have the
to put in to git gud. I can survive farming bitter frost a bit longer :P

No worries, just thought I'd share. If you are ever willing to try there are many groups out there that will help you learn. And you don't always need to commit hours, I've seen people hop in for 30 min to an hour or even just a single boss. The benchmarks people post are often not great because they show best dps in a vacuum. While pugging and even with your own groups - you have to adapt a lot. As long as you can pull your own weight, you'll be fine. Either way best of luck to you and enjoy!

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@Roquen.5406 said:

@Dami.5046 said:Be thankful you can do raids to get the ring in the first place. There is no room in my heart to go into any elitist dungeon for the effect I witnessed yesterday. To be fair wasn't overly keen , so a good thing but still.

There are so many casual groups and training runs that people have all the time. As long as you read up and come prepared (a good build and proper gear) you can hop in for even a single boss and leave when you want. You don't have to commit to every boss every week. You can do it at your own pace. I think people overstate the difficulty/elitism that goes on.

Yes, there are elitists and yes there are toxic people but often those are the worst groups to be in and you wouldn't want to be there anyways - they tend to fail a lot. But these people exist in every game mode and in fact every game... /shrug

Thanks but it's till not my cup of tea - and I don't have the
to put in to git gud. I can survive farming bitter frost a bit longer :P

No worries, just thought I'd share. If you are ever willing to try there are many groups out there that will help you learn. And you don't always need to commit hours, I've seen people hop in for 30 min to an hour or even just a single boss. The benchmarks people post are often not great because they show best dps in a vacuum. While pugging and even with your own groups - you have to adapt a lot. As long as you can pull your own weight, you'll be fine. Either way best of luck to you and enjoy!

I thank you for your time. :)

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I used to raid, but for a variety of reasons I no longer do so. If I just needed a single w5/w7 clear to finish the collections that would be OK since I could pay for a clear . However, the fact that you need 150 LD for the gift of compassion would mean many weeks of full clears, and this is not practical for non-raiders.

I am disappointed that I will be unable to unlock the full effects of the legendary trinket collection. I am not a casual player, but my main game mode is WvW. I can only hope Anet will add a method of acquiring trinkets in WvW/PvP/Open world that will allow non-raiders a method to complete the full legendary trinket collection. Either that or give us a means of turning off the aura from aurora/vision. I would rather be able to turn off the effects than be stuck at some half-finished stage of the final version.

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after 2 years waiting, raiding dilligently all in hope for something fancy and all i get aurora 2.0 same effect nothing special. i am sure upraor would be out of this world if 2nd generation greatsword after waiting 3 years intead of exordium they give you sunrise/twilight and said be happy or shut up.... this sucks..... every legendary is different, it cost same amount materials ( gifts/MC/ gems etc). this is very dissapointing. it just make me sad. say whaty you want But i am just sad..

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@Dami.5046 said:

@Dami.5046 said:Be thankful you can do raids to get the ring in the first place. There is no room in my heart to go into any elitist dungeon for the effect I witnessed yesterday. To be fair wasn't overly keen , so a good thing but still.

There are so many casual groups and training runs that people have all the time. As long as you read up and come prepared (a good build and proper gear) you can hop in for even a single boss and leave when you want. You don't have to commit to every boss every week. You can do it at your own pace. I think people overstate the difficulty/elitism that goes on.

Yes, there are elitists and yes there are toxic people but often those are the worst groups to be in and you wouldn't want to be there anyways - they tend to fail a lot. But these people exist in every game mode and in fact every game... /shrug

Thanks but it's till not my cup of tea - and I don't have the
to put in to git gud. I can survive farming bitter frost a bit longer :P

I am curious what do you actualy do in this game if farming berries for 30mins for you is already hardcore

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So if I'm getting this right, if you wear Coalescence on its own, it ALSO just has the base Aurora effect? That... does seem very unimaginative. Each of the Legendary trinkets is supposed to represent something different (Aurora - Awareness/Curiosity, Vision - Purpose/Determination, Coalescence - Rage/Hatred), so having each individual trinket manifest the same visual effect just feels like a big letdown. I'd have preferred it if each one has its own unique appearance, that when combined with the others create their own unique effects. Perhaps the final look could be the same as what it is now, but the intervening stages just feel like a disappointment.

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@ariel.5038 said:I used to raid, but for a variety of reasons I no longer do so. If I just needed a single w5/w7 clear to finish the collections that would be OK since I could pay for a clear . However, the fact that you need 150 LD for the gift of compassion would mean many weeks of full clears, and this is not practical for non-raiders.

I am disappointed that I will be unable to unlock the full effects of the legendary trinket collection. I am not a casual player, but my main game mode is WvW. I can only hope Anet will add a method of acquiring trinkets in WvW/PvP/Open world that will allow non-raiders a method to complete the full legendary trinket collection. Either that or give us a means of turning off the aura from aurora/vision. I would rather be able to turn off the effects than be stuck at some half-finished stage of the final version.

Unfortunately, similar to leg armour you do need to grind a bit for the item. Imo 150 ld isnt much. I hardly do w6 as i stop raiding since i cleared the wing and completed all achievements. I tried and couldnt bring myself back to raid again after a nice break from raid and breath better air without raids.Tbh with the aura, i prefer aurora.. the third one looks silly dark blob floating..... ???

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