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More GW2 or GW3?

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Guild Wars 2 Reborn

“The Final Fantasy brand has been greatly damaged,” he admitted during a Tokyo press conference, adding, “We'll continue with our reform work, which basically amounts to fully redoing the game, and hope to revive the FFXIV that should have been released.”'

'Another important part of Yoshida's process was reaching out to the community. He said that for as much as we might not believe him, he and his team actually read the Final Fantasy 14 forums obsessively and actively discuss and implement fan feedback. In addition to internal updates, Yoshida began a regular livestream during the development of A Realm Reborn, which helped connect fans to the game and also fostered motivation for the team. Square Enix management thought it was risky to be so open about development to fans, but the players loved it so much that Yoshida and his crew are still doing livestreams now.'

'However, he said, as long as players are complaining, they still care. The trick is to learn to listen and adapt based off of those complaints. He also said it was important for creators to play their own games.'

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I'm pretty attached to the progress i've made in gw2, my characters, legendaries, and things i've collected, so I would hate to see it become meaningless when gw3 came out. So I'd like to see gw2 got for a few more years. But there is definitely a place for gw3 I think, the worry though would be transferring gw2 players and making sure it has a strong playerbase off the bat

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@leunamsil.6742 said:More GW2. Its way to soon to even start thinking of GW3. We still have 3 dragons alive that we need to deal with and find replacements for 2 of them. What i would like would be a engine update. I know its a lot of work but it could really revitalize the game and bring some new life into it. But i doupt it will happen.

Would really like to see GW2 end as we slay all the dragons and GW3 being our journey to restore balance (6 dragons). Make the world go from dragons bad to dragons CAN be good. Just a pipe dream tho

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Gw2 or gw3? Mm....what ever has more then one game mode for pvp is what i want....as it is right now gw2 only has one game mode after 7 years. To me thats a abandoned game mode by the development team. So i dont really care what they do as long as its pvp related. But that is just a dream i would like from anet....and what makes it a dream is there lack of results/development after 7 years.Gw1 had pretty much every lind of pvp mode u could think of.

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A good multicore optimized gw 3 would be my favorite. The current engine has its limitations since the first release of the game in 2012, its time for a upgrade. Also looking forward to a more might and magic historical gw, instead of too much tech, a prequel would be my favorite, with the guildwars of the humans (the orr, kryta, ascalon that is), the charr wars against humans etc. And playing an actual old school charr against the humans. Don't think this will happen regretably, because of the all player races must be friends filosophy of arenanet. If they did, it would be a 'guildwars' again, which i also miss in pvp modes.

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This is a complex question. I'm a greedy gal, so I want GW2 expanded on as well as a new PC MMO from Arena net. The issue is that if Anet was to release a new MMO it would likely be fore mobile. Which I'm not at all in favor of. A port of GW1 to mobile would be fine, imo, but a brand new title on mobile isn't what I'd like. China is quickly becoming the center of the world for gaming and Mobile is extremely popular there so companies are looking to cash in on that market over a western market. Which kinda leaves us in the dust. Either we adapt and join the direction that these companies are going in or move away from modern gaming. And honestly, for myself, moving away from modern gaming sounds more appealing than cramping my hands trying to play on a phone with a small screen. I'm not getting younger and my eyes are not getting stronger. I can't be staring at a screen 24/7. Especially one so close to my eyes. I'm already noticing my vision is getting worse. I'm not even that old!

Lets make a Hypothetical. Lets say Arena Net doesn't ever move into the Mobile market and instead decides to dedicate themselves to a PC MMOs for the west for the remainder of time. What would I like in this Hypothetical? I'd Absolutely like them to make a brand new MMO with new mechanics and even a new world. Tyria as a world is fairly corrupted in its story and the PC is actually far far too powerful in my opinion. The meaning of life and death in GW2 is all but gone with both the POF and current story. Tension for the situation has died down for me personally since I don't have the illusion of any sort of risk. I can't reconcile with the idea that my character could stay dead. It just doesn't really make sense that this could happen. I have a lot of issues with the current GW2 story and it looks very much like they've written themselves into a corner.

A fresh start for a story would be welcome. I was never a fan of the Dragons and found them to be too impersonal for my tastes. The Gods of GW1 were far more my style as they had personality, even if they were detached from the reality of the game. They were given lore that suggested behavior that could suggest that their favor could be gained through your actions. "The gods favor you today." or "You've evoked the wrath of the gods" was more meaningful. You could be subject to their will. I personally feel that God like enemies with personality is more impact than thoughtless forces of nature which Anet moved away from as the story progressed. But even as they did the dragon's motives never evolved past "Consume". If we have God like beings with personality it makes a rare enemy who can't be understood or reasoned with more impact because it doesn't follow the norm of that world.

Another aspect of a new MMO I'd like to see is Wanderlust. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild did scratch some of that itch as does Skyrim when you play with survival mods and fast travel disabled. The challenge and reward of traversing the environment is something I've always wanted from an MMO. Pick a direction and just go, my discoveries not dictated by a quest marker or a story path. Truly moving in my own direction. This is something no MMO has succeeded in. I don't think all of them have to either. But its a flavor i've been longing for for so long. The world should be difficult and cruel. Traveling off the beaten path should be hard.

I also don't feel the leveling system is honestly meaningful. Leveling feels extremely meaningless and acts as a gatekeeper to the "Real" content. Which is a flaw I see with MMOs, even as someone who loves RPGs. I feel leveling should be removed, if not entirely its importance should be greatly reduced to only proficiencies. I'd much rather see character growth through Discovery and exploration. It would be more interesting for me if my character leaned a spell from a lost tomb or through combining existing skills. Same with crafting. Experimentation with your skills to unlock new skills or train with others. Players should want to explore and discover rather than grind.

I'd like to see real Racial differences between them in the game. Not just cosmetic. I honestly hate that all the races are exactly the same mechanically. This drives me nuts. And its not like there isn't a mechanical solution to this sort of problem. A solution I thought of was given each race a natural bonus that doesn't stack with items that would give the same bonus. Lets use Largos as an example. If we had this new hypothetical game where you can play a Largos one of their Unique abilities might be to breath under water. Useful. But then another player, like a human, might have a bonus to Stamina or something similar. So there might be 2-3 trinket slots that rather than just giving stat bonuses also could give unique abilities such as breathing under water or fire resistance. So The Stamina bonus of the Human will not stack with a Trinket of Stamina for example, this item would be superfluous with the human, but useful for the Largos. While the Largos wouldn't get double Breathing under water while the Human could use a trinket like that. This helps to keep the bonuses that races get balanced with this new trinket system.

There are a lot of mechanics I'd like to see return. Location based armor, energy, corpses, elemental damage. I'd like these to return and improved on. I'd like to see attacks matter, such as Blunt attacks being more effective against skeletons and plate armor as well as smashing objects. Ice, Lightning and fire interacting with wet environments differently. Weather and it influencing the area with things like mud, flooding, drought, causing specific creatures to hide while others to come out. Day and night being radically different, like almost impossible to see at night unlike the barely noticeable night we have in GW2. Food should be used to maintain your character while traveling. Hot and cold should influence your character's Stamina. I would love those survival elements. And I'd love to see the effectiveness of spells change based on environment. An elementalist who isn't just "Oh I cast an icicle in the desert" no, let them use the environment to their advantage. Using fire and earth to boil the sand into glass. And wind to blind foes in a sandstorm. Make it so the Necromancer can use their gathered minions to sacrifice them to build a bridge across a gorge. Add survival skills like climbing and scavenging and hunting. I want to immersed into the experience. I want my energy to matter, I want time to matter. I want the environment to matter.

I should honestly stop ranting because the likelihood of us getting an MMO even remotely like this is slim to none...

So i'll end with, I just hope GW2 expands enough that I can keep playing the game without eventually getting burnt out for good.

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@lokh.2695 said:I wouldn't start a new MMO. GW2 was my first attempt at the genre and I doubt that I will ever sink that much time in another game.Ever wondered why there isn't a WoW2 or a FF15MMO?

FF14 is the 2nd (or 3rd if you wanna count them nuking the game from existence and redoing the entirety of it). FF11 was an mmo as well.

Also gw2 > gw3 for now. The mmo market is so overcrowded these days. If anything I doubt i'll be picking up a new MMO anytime soon.

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@zealex.9410 said:

@maddoctor.2738 said:I want GW2.5, that is the game we have now with all the content, but with a more modern game engine.

Pretty sure thats like making a new game effort wise. Tho anything that will give us a better engine that better fits new hardware and new tools for the to use to enhance combat and gameplay.

Nope. A game engine does not equal a full game, and when I say modern game engine it's more about the rendering engine which usually is a completely separate part of a video game. The assets, models, textures, music, text, quests ui and even the game code (logic/events) can be the same as they are now, provided the new engine has backwards compatibility. There are loads of games out there that support multiple rendering engines, you see a checkbox called DirectX12 for example, that will change the renderer to the DX12 version instead of DX11.

It's a not an easy task to make a new modern rendering engine, at all, but it's something that must be created by a completely separate team, which, if such team exists, shouldn't affect the rest of the game at all. Now if this team doesn't exist they'd need to hire more people which can certainly cause trouble elsewhere.

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There's sooo much to do in this game. Trading it in for GW3 would be like trading a lifetime's collection of Lego blocks for a shiny new computer toy that only has one way to play with it.

I still remember back when I was playing the Sims how I hated that each time they came up with a new series the new features would maybe keep you interested for a couple of days but in the end you'd just miss the diversity of activities available in the previous incarnation (and its countless expansions).

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Remind yourself how limited in terms of things to do Guild Wars 2 was upon its release. Now take into account that making games is now at least twice as expensive, it is also more time consuming and take into account how long it takes ANet to release one map or raid wing and ask yourself would still like to have Guild Wars 3?

Almost every big MMORPG title released after 2010 had a failed start and after month or two most players were gone. It often took them a whole revision or few expansions to make it really good. I don’t think ANet has now this many resources and time to burn on a new project, while their main game is bigger than ever.

If anything this game needs - it’s a rework to Core Tyria zones and a rework of Dungeons and maybe PvP/WvW modes.

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100% absolutely more GW2.

I definitely would never play GW3 simply because I've already put too much time and money into GW2 so I'd rather stick with GW2 or quit MMOs than playing GW3.I am 99,999% sure there won't be any groundbreaking new feature or technology either, that would set GW3 enough apart from GW2 that it is worth it.

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More Gw2, because GW3 it will kill Gw2 and a lot of people will be sad cause of their progress. Think about the new players that try the game there is so much content to do.What i would like to see in GW2.

  1. Rework core tyria maps graphic wise make the more beautiful and more tight in case of buildings etc i feel that the scale of some things and buildings on old maps dont give the immersion of a living world
  2. Rework events specially in Core maps , maybe reduce some and make bigger more epic events in the maps.
  3. reduce hearts may people hate them instead link map progression on events.
  4. Rework starting areas and create tutorials and training events for new players.
  5. Balance pvp :) and Wvw maybe have a core profession only map for free accounts.
  6. New wvw maps they kinda grew old. Add a reason to hold a keep or a tower and give specific rewards for it or Server Bonuses
  7. I dont mind not having a new map each LS release i would be happy if the episode takes place in an already existing map but i would like the map to be updated graphic wise , event, new vendros buildings, and we dont need so many mobs around a few and more challenging would be better in my opinion
  8. Rework Guildhall use for gvg's,events etc.
  9. Player housing would be nise and there would be a lot of gemstore opportunities there $$$$$
  10. New races
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@"Burnfall.9573" said:Guild Wars 2 Reborn

“The Final Fantasy brand has been greatly damaged,” he admitted during a Tokyo press conference, adding, “We'll continue with our reform work, which basically amounts to fully redoing the game, and hope to revive the FFXIV that should have been released.”'

'Another important part of Yoshida's process was reaching out to the community. He said that for as much as we might not believe him, he and his team actually read the Final Fantasy 14 forums obsessively and actively discuss and implement fan feedback. In addition to internal updates, Yoshida began a regular livestream during the development of A Realm Reborn, which helped connect fans to the game and also fostered motivation for the team. Square Enix management thought it was risky to be so open about development to fans, but the players loved it so much that Yoshida and his crew are still doing livestreams now.'

'However, he said, as long as players are complaining, they still care. The trick is to learn to listen and adapt based off of those complaints. He also said it was important for creators to play their own games.'

Interestingly enough (and relevant to the suggestions of doing GW3 as a way of revitalizing the game) practically everyone (Square-Enix included) agree that Yoshida pulled out a true, genuine miracle. Something that in reality noone should be expected to be able to repeat. Something, by the way, that would have been impossible without the dev-community interactions that were (and still are) on a level that is far beyond what Anet is capable of.

GW2 is still not in such a bad situation as FFXIV 1.0 was then, so it doesn't require such drastic solutions. It could use improvement, of course, in many areas, but none of those necessitate making a new game (which the "A Realm Reborn" in reality was, even if it wasn't called that).

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@zealex.9410 said:Gw3, i think a clean drawing board will do more than anet trying to fix the current and systemic issues that gw2 struggles with.

Tho i think its abit early atm, id personally look for gw3 in like 2 or 3 years and have it be available for the next gen consoles as well.

I agree, this game is old and rusty, you cant fix the problems inherent in it. Plus its horribly optimized, a fresh engine and layout the game would be dynamic. Or how about letting gw2 hang around like gw1 does, and starting a 3rd game thats up to date and runs smooth using modern architecture. That way the people that play because they are sentimental about their accounts can still play GW2, the rest looking for a fresh start and a better engine can play the next game.

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@Zuldari.3940 said:

@"zealex.9410" said:Gw3, i think a clean drawing board will do more than anet trying to fix the current and systemic issues that gw2 struggles with.

Tho i think its abit early atm, id personally look for gw3 in like 2 or 3 years and have it be available for the next gen consoles as well.

I agree, this game is old and rusty, you cant fix the problems inherent in it. Plus its horribly optimized, a fresh engine and layout the game would be dynamic. Or how about letting gw2 hang around like gw1 does, and starting a 3rd game thats up to date and runs smooth using modern architecture. That way the people that play because they are sentimental about their accounts can still play GW2, the rest looking for a fresh start and a better engine can play the next game.

The only "issue" i see with gw2 sticking around (not that i mind it staying, ill prob farm the shit out of it if they announce a hom for it) is that its much more of an mmo than gw1 and would require rather big changes to metas as well as the introduction of heroes to be 100% functional.

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@Annan.8751 said:

@Dami.5046 said:cantha. You forgot cantha.and fishingand player housingand underwater stuffs

Fishing and player housing remind me of that other MMORPG. I'll pass on that.

yes it was sarcasm. I do like the fact in one game like that you can craft anywhere you like. On top of a mountain in shiverpeaks? yes plaseHowever the Cantha bit wasn't. well it was considering I'm more likely to cursing the fact the housing arrived first.

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Hi, (I'm using translator)Reading all and each of the comments, I realized that the solution is not gw3 this would be a serious mistake!The solution would be in this order:1-Graphic motor change and optimizationReason: people want it! It would also attract new players. (5 friends left the game also due to optimization problems !!)1.5- add more weeds so that it does not look like a flat land....2-plus pvp content(There are 2 types of endgame:Pve and Pvp and pvp at this time need more modes)3- more marine content (Fishing, boats, etc.)4-More playable races Ex: Tengu5- More characters Ej: a character that uses black magic (not necromancer).6- Option to change what is shown on the screen UIEx: Hide damage number, change interface size to taste.

If someone has more ideas, all are welcome.This was a compilation of all post and comments of the forum including some idea of ​​mine.The important thing about all this, is not to let the post die. The change does not come alone, the change comes if we all agree and we ask for it!

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