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More GW2 or GW3?

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More GW2. Its way to soon to even start thinking of GW3. We still have 3 dragons alive that we need to deal with and find replacements for 2 of them. What i would like would be a engine update. I know its a lot of work but it could really revitalize the game and bring some new life into it. But i doupt it will happen.

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@leunamsil.6742 said:More GW2. Its way to soon to even start thinking of GW3. We still have 3 dragons alive that we need to deal with and find replacements for 2 of them. What i would like would be a engine update. I know its a lot of work but it could really revitalize the game and bring some new life into it. But i doupt it will happen.

new engine = new game.

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Was picturing another 2 expansions or so before 3 with continuing improvements in current game elements. It's a balance between game play/population/replayability/how well a game ages versus other games coming to market. Would wager a guess that expansions are less costly to produce than another full game and engine. While other games are in design you have time for expansions. When alternative games in the same market share are coming out its then a question of how many players might leave without new content so you have to judge, expansion or new model. I am sure they have plenty of analytics measuring impacts from other MMOs releasing expansions and how that impacted population. They probably have less information on new releases since its been a bit for another triple A release but no doubt have models for it. They are probably actively watching titles in development now and gauging game mechanics that are being introduced and potentially watching player feedback on other forums for those features. Now granted they may just target using expansion funding and try and do an expansion style release in a living world season as well to gauge how that would go and measure expansion dollars versus increased gem store sales, but if they go that route they need to put the marketing hats on an sell it to the player base as that's the intended plan else it will leave people's expectation as the normal for a living story and some others with why no expansion, even if they got one in the form of that bolster living story. Good gaming!

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Gw3, i think a clean drawing board will do more than anet trying to fix the current and systemic issues that gw2 struggles with.

Tho i think its abit early atm, id personally look for gw3 in like 2 or 3 years and have it be available for the next gen consoles as well.

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@Amaranthe.3578 said:

@leunamsil.6742 said:More GW2. Its way to soon to even start thinking of GW3. We still have 3 dragons alive that we need to deal with and find replacements for 2 of them. What i would like would be a engine update. I know its a lot of work but it could really revitalize the game and bring some new life into it. But i doupt it will happen.

new engine = new game.

no, it really isn't (and an engine update doesn't even mean a new engine)

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More GW2There is a lot of story still to tell and things to do.Also people would still find things to hate in a GW3, there is no way it could possibly be what everyone wants it to be... considering different people want different things and some of those things are conflicting.

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I'd prefer them to stick with GW2. I think the game still has a lot of potential both in terms of the story, lore and setting and the engine and game mechanics and I'd prefer to see them develop that rather than starting from scratch all over again. Like when GW2 was created a new game is unlikely to be simply an upgrade of what we've already got and more likely to be introducing new systems and ways of doing things, which creates new opportunities but also new problems. And of course some people won't like the new game's design and will feel let down by the change.

Also I'd prefer not to have to start over from scratch. I didn't mind it with GW1 because I reached the point where I felt like I was pretty close to 'finished' - having done everything I wanted to at least once - although part of the reason for that was development on that game had to end years before GW2 was released so there was plenty of time to catch up. I suspect the same would happen if they were to start working on a new game.

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I remember back in Wrath of the Lich King, many players speculated that WoW was nearing the end of its story and we might see a WoW 2 (similar to what EQ did). And here we are, a decade and 5 expansions later. Difference being of course, they updated their engine and technology, so the everything from models to performance is better in 2019 than it was in 2010.

I would prefer they just continue to build GW2. I'm not (yet) all that interested in new elites or professions, but would rather they refine the ones we have. I'm glad this game doesn't have a gear treadmill, and I have no problem with the fact that my characters are wearing the same gear for almost a year now. In fact, it allows me to craft different sets of gear (or focus on Legendary Armor) so I can play them in different roles.

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I would not even consider GW3 unless I got to basically transfer my GW2 stuff, which wouldn’t happen, so no.

Plus, I am sooo tired of all the Cantha cries, imagine if it was GW3 — would these same people be demanding we visit every region from both GW1 and GW2 all over again??? We’d never see anything new.

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@Amaranthe.3578 said:More GW2 or GW3?Which would you rather see?

That's unanswerable as phrased. What would we give up from GW2 (and for how long) to get this GW3? What features would GW3 have that would make it worth starting a new game?

If it worked out similar to how GW2 was released, here's what the choices look like:

  • GW2: LS episode every 2-4 months, new e-specs (or equivalent) every 18-24 months, new raid+fractal maybe 1-2x/year, etc OR
  • GW3 would mean no changes of note to GW2 for 3-4 years, maybe longer. GW3 would be set another 200 years into the future, with entirely new mechanics and a (seemingly) new game engine. Hardly anything except lore would carry over. (There would be still be a mesmer and 20% of people would claim it overpowered, 20% would claim it over-nerfed, and 20% would wonder why there's no ritualist still).

Given that likely scenario, I'd rather have GW2.

Generally, though, my answers to hypotheticals like that is:Whatever ANet think is best so that can generate enough money to keep making games that I like to play hour after hour.

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I genuinely believe GW3 would be a massive mistake.

I still believe in the massive potential GW2 has and if Anet can't realise the potential that GW2 clearly has, then there is no reason to believe GW3 would change that.If anything, like with the transition from GW1 to GW2, I see them stripping out even more complexity and with it the great potential of these games going into a potential GW3.

GW3 is going to be all about collections and pressing F at this point, unless Anet realises what a fantastic game they have created with GW2, at which point they might as well start to use it instead, with new expansions providing engaging Story content, more bold balance changes, Guild Systems, and maybe most importantly a focus on repeatable and engaging content, such as Raids, Fractals (CM's), WvW and sPvP, which have the ability to sustain a large continuous player base and even more critically, form communities which keep people engaged, rather than players just visiting as tourists for a short vacation with LW.

If Anet can't turn GW2 around or at least show that they have genuinely learned their lessons with the missteps they took with GW2 and the lack of faith in their own masterpiece, then I don't think GW3 is anything to look forward to.

People always throw around things like "a new engine" often without the slightest understanding of what that actually means, like it would magically fix all the issues they perceive (although it would of course fix some things).The biggest problem Anet has, in my opinion, is lack of direction. They don't know what they want the game to be, and they are too afraid to commit to it and what makes it great, such as the fantastic combat system, to a point where they seem almost too afraid to develop any content that actually makes proper use of it.

That does not bode well for designing such systems completely new from the ground up, and I see a GW3 developed right now as something that inherits most if not all of the issues GW2 has, but without the fantastic and bold foundations in place that make me love this game..

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