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3 months without balance


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Its been a solid 3 months since the last BP? I know i dont do my job very effectively/efficiently but i dont work for a multimillion dollar company. How about some pvp delevopment this side of the decade.

The way pvp is handled in gw2 compaired to gw1, i dout gw3 will have any pvp at all. If there really will be a gw3 i dout ill purchase it based of of gw2 pvp handling/development.

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:Its been a solid 3 months since the last BP? I know i dont do my job very effectively/efficiently but i dont work for a multimillion dollar company. How about some pvp delevopment this side of the decade.

The way pvp is handled in gw2 compaired to gw1, i dout gw3 will have any pvp at all. If there really will be a gw3 i dout ill purchase it based of of gw2 pvp handling/development.


I also doubt I will purchase Gw3 for the same reasons

(8 Years with mishandling/development is inexcusable)

Toxicity at this level is absolutely inexcusable

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@Lala.8752 said:wow seriously ?

@Eddbopkins.2630 said:Its been a solid 3 months since the last BP? I know i dont do my job very effectively/efficiently but i dont work for a multimillion dollar company. How about some pvp delevopment this side of the decade.

The way pvp is handled in gw2 compaired to gw1, i dout gw3 will have any pvp at all. If there really will be a gw3 i dout ill purchase it based of of gw2 pvp handling/development.

it has been like this for a long time, it used to be 1 or 2 balance patches per year.

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Last balance update was April 23. We're still a full 2 weeks away from it being 3 months. Of course, it FEELS longer than that because the game remains so awesomely unbalanced. Which was exacerbated by the Core Swap Campaign... Who doesn't love immortal Holosmiths that can spam back-to-back prime light beams!? weeeeeeeee!

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Does someone even cares anymore... I somehow never gave up, as a gw1 Veteran, as a Beta gw2 boi, after so many years full of hope that something may change in pvp to make it more fun more awsm, I gave up. Maybe it is because Im a teef Main, no Im not saying it is unplayable, but it just does not Make fun anymore because of All this lazy stupid mechanics to nerf teef... not only in pvp ... overall. However lets play without any hope left until something comes new across.

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I am disappointed as well. Especially that the last patch, 4/23/19, was underwhelming, both in quality and quantity. Ya, we did get some limited minor changes (and only sPvP), but that is no where close to being enough. And ya, balance, particularity when it comes to build diversity, is close to non-existent.

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Actually I feel like no balance patch isn't that bad... After all without balance patch you don't have things like the "rune rework" destroying balance or the necromancer's off hand skills being trashed with a life siphon nerf bat. Never forget that it could be worse.

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@"Dadnir.5038" said:Actually I feel like no balance patch isn't that bad... After all without balance patch you don't have things like the "rune rework" destroying balance or the necromancer's off hand skills being trashed with a life siphon nerf bat. Never forget that it could be worse.

Teef: at least we can play 2 Builds in ranked S/D - D/P

Anet: Here u have "SWIPE"

Teef: at least we can play 1 build in rank S/D

Anet: lets see, patch is incomming

Teef: oh no please stop it ...

True could be worse...

Sindrener: just play DE it is better anyway plebs... "and then I Farm u with S/D"

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@"Dadnir.5038" said:Actually I feel like no balance patch isn't that bad... After all without balance patch you don't have things like the "rune rework" destroying balance or the necromancer's off hand skills being trashed with a life siphon nerf bat. Never forget that it could be worse.That's what I was thinking too today...

At least no opportunity to make things worse.

I think they are killing soul eater next patch because someone mentioned he noticed 2 reapers every match that can kill a target at 300 range.

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:

@"mortrialus.3062" said:If it didn't happen today it's happening
for sure.

I bet u 50g no balance patch next week. Balance patch not content update. But balance patch.

Next Tuesday the 16th is the end of Dragon Bash. There will be a patch that (more than likely) will include this quarter's balance update. Streamers that have regular contact with the devs have suggested its going to be substantial in size. Hopefully that's true...

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I want to post this here. Square Enix new expansion has borrowed the idea of using npc hero's like Guild Wars. Guild Wars; not Guild Wars 2 in their game and players all alike are thrilled by it. Guild Wars is getting more recognition in the mmo industry and continue being a positive healthy competitive game and i am very excited about it.

(Many are trying out the game with excitement and are spreading the news to others)

Praise Guild Wars for having a healthy positive competitive influence in the mmo industry and i hope it spreads everywhere.

The Legend Never DiesBRAVO GUILD WARS

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@"Burnfall.9573" said:I want to post this here. Square Enix new expansion has borrowed the idea of using npc hero's like Guild Wars. Guild Wars; not Guild Wars 2 in their game and players all alike are thrilled by it. Guild Wars is getting more recognition in the mmo industry and continue being a positive healthy competitive game and i am very excited about it.

(Many are trying out the game with excitement and are spreading the news to others)

Praise Guild Wars for having a healthy positive competitive influence in the mmo industry and i hope it spreads everywhere.

The Legend Never DiesBRAVO GUILD WARS

If they were working on Guild Wars 1 for mobile, and they sneakily finish it anyways, I will buy it even at OG price per xpansion.

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@Raiden The Beast.3016 said:

@"Dadnir.5038" said:Actually I feel like no balance patch isn't that bad... After all without balance patch you don't have things like the "rune rework" destroying balance or the necromancer's off hand skills being trashed with a life siphon nerf bat. Never forget that it could be worse.

Teef: at least we can play 2 Builds in ranked S/D - D/P

Anet: Here u have "SWIPE"

Teef: at least we can play 1 build in rank S/D

Anet: lets see, patch is incomming

Teef: oh no please stop it ...

True could be worse...

Sindrener: just play DE it is better anyway plebs... "and then I Farm u with S/D"Sindrener played DE himself on the stream. Faeleth never stoped to play DE. Top2 EU is DE (now, and he was falling back and forth in positions)... Sure DE is cant be played in ranked /sThe last season reaper player finished as top3 with 800 games nonstop playing, not just sitting it out as many does.Even core guardian CAN be played in ranked as last season top14 is a core guard main, point is... what cant be played in ranked ?

@mortrialus.3062 said:I bet u 50g no balance patch next week. Balance patch not content update. But balance patch.I can't even understand what you're saying. No balance. But then balance not content.He meant : he bet 50g next patch is not going to be a PvP balance patch, but content update like some PvE fixed, some PvE additions, gemstore stuff. Not real PvP focused balance patch. 20g for translation

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