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Upcoming Warrior changes.


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We like how the gameplay changes in the last balance update have turned out for berserker, but we've also heard your feedback and recognize that the damage has been lower than expected for the amount of investment involved. In this update, we're tuning up some berserker skills and traits to give these builds a little more power and longer windows to stay in berserk mode. The Bloody Roar trait changing its stacking method will result in a net increase in damage, so we are also lowering its values in competitive modes, since berserker burst in those modes is already difficult to deal with. Similarly we are also making adjustments to Rampage to rein in some of its excess power in PvP.

Wild Blow: Increased berserk extension from 3 seconds to 4 seconds.Shattering Blow: Increase berserk extension from 2 seconds to 3 seconds.Mariner's Shot: This skill now scales damage dynamically based on distance rather than using distance thresholds.Headbutt: This skill now removes all stacks of stability when casting and does 50% more damage if stability was removed.Fear Me: The duration of fear applied by this skill now scales dynamically based on distance.Rampage: Changed recharge to 120 seconds in all game modes. This skill no longer grants bonus toughness. Damage reduction has been increased from 25% to 50%. Damage reduction is now calculated multiplicatively instead of additively.Last Blaze: Burning duration has been increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds.Sight beyond Sight: Increased duration of reveal applied by this skill from 3 seconds to 5 seconds.Bloody Roar: This trait now stacks damage multiplicatively instead of additively. Reduced damage bonus from 20% to 15% in PvP and WvW.King of Fires: Detonating a fire aura now deals damage in addition to burning.

My reaction: More dmg? Nice.

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Not sure where you are getting more damage from? the only skill that got a damage buff was Headbutt,King of fires has damage attached at an unknown value, my money is on a value around 400 damage. However, when and where are you going to take those skills?

Change to rampage was a long time coming, nice to see its a 50% damage reduction.. however.. retarded condi damage munches right through this.

Sight Beyond Sight is a total waste of time in its current state, that change will not save the skill, its still in trash teir of skills as it has no real role to play that is usable. Has the very same issues with Fear me. Wasted skill sthat need a total work over.

Headbutt: this to me feels more like a babification of another warrior skill, justifying the spamming of the skill and not tactically using it.

Personally, what I would have liked to have seen, would have been a total rework on the old warrior weapons that have very little play or use. Maybe even a touch up on attack animations to keep the game feeling new and refreshing.

Overall impression of the pre patch changes, this isnt going to effect the current build setup of PvP play. Aye sure you may have the odd condi warrior in PvP but the meta isnt going to change as a result of this patch. Shame really, i look forward to balance patches but this ones going to be stupidly dissapointing.

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@"Smoosh.2718" said:Not sure where you are getting more damage from? the only skill that got a damage buff was Headbutt,King of fires has damage attached at an unknown value, my money is on a value around 400 damage. However, when and where are you going to take those skills?

Change to rampage was a long time coming, nice to see its a 50% damage reduction.. however.. kitten condi damage munches right through this.

Sight Beyond Sight is a total waste of time in its current state, that change will not save the skill, its still in trash teir of skills as it has no real role to play that is usable. Has the very same issues with Fear me. Wasted skill sthat need a total work over.

Headbutt: this to me feels more like a babification of another warrior skill, justifying the spamming of the skill and not tactically using it.

Personally, what I would have liked to have seen, would have been a total rework on the old warrior weapons that have very little play or use. Maybe even a touch up on attack animations to keep the game feeling new and refreshing.

Overall impression of the pre patch changes, this isnt going to effect the current build setup of PvP play. Aye sure you may have the odd condi warrior in PvP but the meta isnt going to change as a result of this patch. Shame really, i look forward to balance patches but this ones going to be stupidly dissapointing.

"The Bloody Roar trait changing its stacking method will result in a net increase in damage.""Bloody Roar: This trait now stacks damage multiplicatively instead of additively. Reduced damage bonus from 20% to 15% in PvP and WvW."

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@RikGant.3405 said:These changes are underwhelming.

This, was reading changes of the other classes, telling myself not to get hyped before i read warri changes and was not mistaken. Changes to warri are boring and wont change anything about the playstyle in pvp/wvw. The fact that they only touched berserk (and rampage, which had it coming for some time) and none of the useless weaponskills or other specs is just sad.

Berserk changes themself are not big enough to justify taking it

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Head Butt stability removal change (assuming it is self stability and not enemy stability) is pretty bad. It helps with Outrage combo but there will be no way now to avoid self stun without stunbreaks... and removing all stability stacks that could be handy few seconds later for idk what... my god...It reduces the options in PvE.

Bloody Roar change is nice, although it is a fix since all damage modifiers are multiplicative.

We shall see after testing, but for a 3-months balance patch, it feels quite underwhelming. Small steps that take too long :(

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All I want are changes to weapon skills. Complete rework of offhand sword and mainhand sword needs identity - they say they want it as the hybrid weapon, but it is only hybrid by using burst skill in berserker, even that is minor...2nd and 3rd skills do damage, but 2nd is very clunky to use in close range, and 3rd one does noticeable damage only when enemy is <50% HP, autoattack chain is very bad, burst is l-o-l.

Yeah I know, I am selfish, I want to play sword and board, I got both of those legendaries, and I freaking love that RPG-style.

I loved playing crippling slash warrior in GW1, so, if they want to give warrior condition damage based weapon, make a sword like that. Axe is already a DPS weapon.While you are at reworking classes, you could also start by making warriors more interesting, ya know, like a master tactician, example:

F1, if the mainhand sword is used, could do:

  • 4-8-12 stacks of bleed for 4 seconds and cripple for 4 seconds as a cover condition if used after Savage Leap,
  • 3-5-7 stacks of burning for 3 seconds after autoattack,
  • taunt for 0.5-1-1.5 seconds and weakness for 3-4-5 seconds if used after Final Thrust

Rework dashing abilities like Savage leap to scale duration of animation based on the distance of the target, remove cripple from it. Lower the base damage if you want too, I don't care, I just don't want such a long animation in close range.

Offhand sword:

Impale - throw you sword and daze enemy for 1 second. Make it combo finisher physical projectile. Reduce cooldown to 8 seconds.

Riposte - block the next attack, remove damage and bleed infliction, remove that 2nd damaging part altogether - it is clunky, remove the longlasting blocking part if attacked by the ranged attack (so, only block 1 attack, like aegis). Reduce cooldown to 8 seconds. If blocked, gain retaliation for 1.5 seconds.

I don't know, just do something interesting already.

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@Mikali.9651 said:All I want are changes to weapon skills. Complete rework of offhand sword and mainhand sword needs identity - they say they want it as the hybrid weapon, but it is only hybrid by using burst skill in berserker, even that is minor...2nd and 3rd skills do damage, but 2nd is very clunky to use in close range, and 3rd one does noticeable damage only when enemy is <50% HP, autoattack chain is very bad, burst is l-o-l.

Yeah I know, I am selfish, I want to play sword and board, I got both of those legendaries, and I freaking love that RPG-style.

I loved playing crippling slash warrior in GW1

I am really with you on this one. This is my long time dream to be able to play a warrior sword and board in GW2 but I just can't with how main hand sword and Arms trait line works right now. I am not shamed to say that one of the reason to buy GW1 (yeah, I'm not an old timer, I played GW1 after GW2) was to play that kind of warrior and it worked in that game.

Skill 2 could use a better animation, skill 3 could have a little bit more attack speed, the bleed is a bit underwhelming too, tough I kinda like the idea to bleed foes with sword, but this is just really underpowered, even with high condition dammage. Also, I am not a fan of glass canon warrior builds, hence the & board. (I do play glass canon sometimes on other classes).

But back to the topic, very very disapointed with the changes. Why does this take so much time to rework like what, 2 or 3 things per class?

Edit: Forgot about sword f1 skill.... Rework that garbage please! This skill is more dangerous for yourself than it is for the ennemies!

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@Mikali.9651 said:All I want are changes to weapon skills. Complete rework of offhand sword and mainhand sword needs identity - they say they want it as the hybrid weapon, but it is only hybrid by using burst skill in berserker, even that is minor...2nd and 3rd skills do damage, but 2nd is very clunky to use in close range, and 3rd one does noticeable damage only when enemy is <50% HP, autoattack chain is very bad, burst is l-o-l.

Yeah I know, I am selfish, I want to play sword and board, I got both of those legendaries, and I freaking love that RPG-style.

I loved playing crippling slash warrior in GW1, so, if they want to give warrior condition damage based weapon, make a sword like that. Axe is already a DPS weapon.While you are at reworking classes, you could also start by making warriors more interesting, ya know, like a master tactician, example:

F1, if the mainhand sword is used, could do:

  • 4-8-12 stacks of bleed for 4 seconds and cripple for 4 seconds as a cover condition if used after Savage Leap,
  • 3-5-7 stacks of burning for 3 seconds after autoattack,
  • taunt for 0.5-1-1.5 seconds and weakness for 3-4-5 seconds if used after Final Thrust

Rework dashing abilities like Savage leap to scale duration of animation based on the distance of the target, remove cripple from it. Lower the base damage if you want too, I don't care, I just don't want such a long animation in close range.

Offhand sword:

Impale - throw you sword and daze enemy for 1 second. Make it combo finisher physical projectile. Reduce cooldown to 8 seconds.

Riposte - block the next attack, remove damage and bleed infliction, remove that 2nd damaging part altogether - it is clunky, remove the longlasting blocking part if attacked by the ranged attack (so, only block 1 attack, like aegis). Reduce cooldown to 8 seconds. If blocked, gain retaliation for 1.5 seconds.

I don't know, just do something interesting already.

I would not like sword skill 2 & 3 change. 2 is great for kiting with ok damage. Sword 3 is one of those situational use skills which I feel this game could need more of to make skillspamming even less effective.

I do agree sword AA chain and burst need a change.

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The worst part of it is.. the changes they do to the underused skills didn't even make them more useful or appealing to use in any way shape or form.. simply wasted time and effort.. I'd rather see no changes at all than this posturing, at least it'd be more honest.

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I like the Head Butt change. Outrage didn't exist in open world and those two skills are OBVIOUSLY made to synergize. Outside influence shouldn't completely negate synergy between skills. Warrior on its own has on demand stability and that part of the spec was designed around exactly that.

Overall very good changes. I will switch back to Berserker again once this goes live. Don't underestimate how valuable a few seconds more on the duration will be.

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That listening part is bullshit. Everyone is annoyed by the feast or famine aspect of the speck. Everyone had great suggestions how to change it for the better and what did they do they increased the rage skill duration on dumb skills that no one uses, they are just bad and they become worse cause they don't help outside berserk mode. They made it so you are pigeon held into rage skills to use your special properly, which other class needs all their elite utilities to function, not only warrior has pick carefully what crappy utility to get since it hasn't much space to work with but now they are making them mandatory even to work.

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  • Increased 2 miserable seconds to berserker if you use Wild Blow and Shattering Blow. You need 2 utility skills and each one gives one extra second LMFAO.
  • Mariner's Shot: really? a buff on an underwater weapon?
  • Headbutt: If this skill removes all stacks of stability on the warrior, then you just destroyed a perfectly fine balance skill.
  • Fear Me: This skill needs a reduce cooldown from 60 sec to 30 sec. Not an increase of fear me, when will you guys understand this.
  • Last Blaze: Burning duration has been increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds. LMAO OK.
  • Sight beyond Sight: Increased duration of reveal applied by this skill from 3 seconds to 5 seconds. (OK, still not good enough to take over other utilities, NEXT.)
  • Bloody Roar: This trait now stacks damage multiplicatively instead of additively. Reduced damage bonus from 20% to 15% in PvP and WvW.(wait a minute, Arcdivider was nerfed by 25% on last patch and now you make this trait a 15% damage instead of 20%.)
  • King of Fires: Detonating a fire aura now deals damage in addition to burning. NEXT....

Oh wait, there is no next. These "balance" patch notes are a joke. I was expecting more; like usual, I am disappointed.

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@"Hitman.5829" said:

  • Increased 2 miserable seconds to berserker if you use Wild Blow and Shattering Blow. You need 2 utility skills and each one gives one extra second LMFAO.

I know you're a warrior god, but I can't count the times where a single extra second would have been amazing for the feel of the spec. Most likely working out tno be two additional seconds per skill because y'know cooldowns.

  • Mariner's Shot: really? a buff on an underwater weapon?Whatever.

  • Headbutt: If this skill removes all stacks of stability on the warrior, then you just destroyed a perfectly fine balance skill.How so? 50% more damage is pretty good. Stab is irrelevant in most situations anyway. In WvW you wouldn't run this in larger scale where you need stab, then again it's a stunbreak on its own too so it's not bad even then. The two people who run Berserker will enjoy this.

  • Fear Me: This skill needs a reduce cooldown from 60 sec to 30 sec. Not an increase of fear me, when will you guys understand this.Don't disagree. Would probably make it worthwhile.

  • Last Blaze: Burning duration has been increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds. LMAO OK.More burn ticks= more damage FYI. Double that because condi builds will have condi duration.

  • Sight beyond Sight: Increased duration of reveal applied by this skill from 3 seconds to 5 seconds. (OK, still not good enough to take over other utilities, NEXT.)I used this skill maybe twice and it was useful finding that one thief, 3 seconds definitely felt short. This will not make anybody take it, but swapping to it might just feel right to the user then.

  • Bloody Roar: This trait now stacks damage multiplicatively instead of additively. Reduced damage bonus from 20% to 15% in PvP and WvW.(wait a minute, Arcdivider was nerfed by 25% on last patch and now you make this trait a 15% damage instead of 20%.)You quote and comment on it, but you didn't even read it... It is a damage gain compared to before, but a flat 20% damage increase would be nuts. 15 is plenty.

  • King of Fires: Detonating a fire aura now deals damage in addition to burning. NEXT....

This one is pretty exciting. Flat damage should have been on there from the start.

Oh wait, there is no next. These "balance" patch notes are a joke. I was expecting more; like usual, I am disappointed.

I think your expectations are somewhere in the clouds. Sure, I'd love more changes to the spec I play, but we can't have them all and honestly we don't need many changes at all.

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I just don't understand why they made Berserker so technical, it should have been off cooldown hit the button do damage simple, crazy , hulk smash. Now you sit and wait for the berserker mode to come and then use the utilities, adding 2 seconds doesn't help you need 5 to get one more burst and these utilities have cast time of a second.Now you spend a lot of time over capped or under capped on adrenaline with utilities that don't help outside the mode and have to be picked to get the value out of the elite which other class needs all their utilities to be functional.The idea they put is good, it works but it is still half baked, it needs more work. Love the gs and axe but the rest of the weapons need some love too.If i remember correctly berserkers in history were guys that munched on shrooms and got into a state of frenzy, where they have no fear, don't feel pain and the only way they had to deal with them was to kill them.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:^^ Berserker gives more advantages than being able to burst, so the duration increase isn't about how many bursts you can fit into a rotation.

See, that wasn't so hard to understand that. Better late than never I guess :D

That was never in question for me so ... #trollfail?

?After calling the berserker design "deficient" because it loses burst skills out of berk mode, you finally understand that berserker spec brings more to the table. Not to forget about you trying to play it off as if your thread somehow made these changes, while nothing you wanted happened. Suddenly after the minor number changes you seem to be all happy, guess that ""fixed the design"". But it didn't change the design at all, so it seems like you finally understood what it's about which wasn't hard in the first place. If someone's "failtrolling" here, it's not me. :)

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