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I found a portal but...

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GW2 wiki to the rescuehttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lionshead_OutcropsRead the notes

North of the Lionshead Outcrops is a portal leading to the north. It is inaccessible, blocked off by the valley and broken bridge.It is possible to glide across the broken bridge to the other side, however an invisible wall prevents further exploration. If the invisible wall is bypassed through glitching, the portal on the other side is revealed to be a placeholder and is inactive. The road behind the portal leads to another invisible wall at the edge of the map.

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Sorry to say it doesn't lead anywhere...yet.

This portal has been in the game since release and doesn't actually work. It is possible to get to it, but you can't go through it, it's just the portal image with no actual portal. It's one of several possible map exists which aren't currently used.

My theory is that when the game was being designed the map artists had to start working before the layout of Tyria was finalised, so they built entrance/exit points into the maps and then waited to see which ones actually needed to be connected to another map, but left the rest in (or some of them anyway) to make it easier to add additional maps later on. Other examples include the Desert Gate near Ebonhawke, the gate by Judgement Rock in Mount Maelstrom and the path west of Karinn's Passage in Sparkfly Fen.

Incidentally Brisban Wildlands used to have two of these, but the other one - at the back of Fort Vandal - became the entrance to The Silverwastes.

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@"EmmetOtter.8542" said:GW2 wiki to the rescuehttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lionshead_OutcropsRead the notes

North of the Lionshead Outcrops is a portal leading to the north. It is inaccessible, blocked off by the valley and broken bridge.It is possible to glide across the broken bridge to the other side, however an invisible wall prevents further exploration. If the invisible wall is bypassed through glitching, the portal on the other side is revealed to be a placeholder and is inactive. The road behind the portal leads to another invisible wall at the edge of the map.

Thank you! :)

Then I guess it's a portal for future use leading to a new map or maby they planned something for it but in the last minute they scrapped the idea but left the portal behind... ^^

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@EmmetOtter.8542 said:There are a few zones with portals. Mount Maelstrom has a bunch that all go to a hidden area with a jumping puzzle.

Always go through new portals

Good advice. :)

Whenever I see a portal in-game and I don't know where it leads I always ask myself: is it worth the risk of ending up dead/way out of my way to find out where this leads? And considering the worst that can happen in either case is I'll need to use a waypoint to get back my answer is almost always yes. (And that goes for player's portals as well as game mechanics ones.)

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@PhObLife.8370 said:

@"EmmetOtter.8542" said:GW2 wiki to the rescue
Read the notes

North of the Lionshead Outcrops is a portal leading to the north. It is inaccessible, blocked off by the valley and broken bridge.It is possible to glide across the broken bridge to the other side, however an invisible wall prevents further exploration. If the invisible wall is bypassed through glitching, the portal on the other side is revealed to be a placeholder and is inactive. The road behind the portal leads to another invisible wall at the edge of the map.

Thank you! :)

Then I guess it's a portal for future use leading to a new map or maby they planned something for it but in the last minuter they scrapped the idea but left the portal behind... ^^

If memory serves, it is one of a few abandoned portals that were to potentially lead into something that was either cut or seeded for a future that never came

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Yeah you have that one in brisban, south east of mount maelstrom even harathi hinterlands, I really hope those are here for future maps and not well, another unfinished content like polymock which have 2 asuran gates by the way. I now have zero expectations and just wait to see how start ls5. Even the gate from field of ruin to crystal desert is still unused after 6 years whereas it could have been added with pof. Sad times really. Very sad. Mayyybe living season maps, hopes and dreams....

Edit: I'm happy with any new map, it's just that seeing useless portals is kinda odd.

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@"hugo.4705" said:Yeah you have that one in brisban, south east of mount maelstrom even harathi hinterlands, I really hope those are here for future maps and not well, another unfinished content like polymock which have 2 asuran gates by the way. I now have zero expectations and just wait to see how start ls5. Even the gate from field of ruin to crystal desert is still unused after 6 years whereas it could have been added with pof. Sad times really. Very sad. Mayyybe living season maps, hopes and dreams....

I don't see why it's such a problem, it's not like they don't add new maps, they just add them in areas they apparently weren't expecting when the game was first created.

And given how far there is between Ebonhawke and the far end of that path in Desert Highlands I'd rather wait until they're willing to add the maps in between than just teleport us from one end to the other and eliminate the possibility of getting to see the bit in the middle.

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@EmmetOtter.8542 said:There are a few zones with portals. Mount Maelstrom has a bunch that all go to a hidden area with a jumping puzzle.

Always go through new portals

Good advice. :)

Whenever I see a portal in-game and I don't know where it leads I always ask myself: is it worth the risk of
ending up dead
/way out of my way to find out where this leads? And considering the worst that can happen in either case is I'll need to use a waypoint to get back my answer is almost always yes. (And that goes for player's portals as well as game mechanics ones.)

I like to venture into the unknown (only in game, lol) and I am always glad to find new portals or hidden caves/area : D

The only portals I came across that lead to a big herd of mobs over the other side, and eventually my death, are those in HoT maps. Yet to come across one in Tyria or PoF maps.

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