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@Stephane Lo Presti.7258 said:We’ll be closing this thread on Wednesday August 7. We’ll then take a look at the pool of questions and determine what makes sense to integrate into our Special Live Event on August 30. Thank you for your feedback and we look forward to sharing this event with you!

Thanks to Q&A I'm really looking forward to this Special Live Event on August 30. Thanks for this initiative <3

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For season 5 onwards have the devs thought about adding a private test server type system using the PoF and HoT beta system to allow players the chance to test the content to avoid any possible update breaking bugs like the bug that released with Long Live the Lich?

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Is there any chance that Living World could incorporate WvW and PvP game modes into the story ?

Not necessarily having to be good/win at it. But enough to have people go test the waters so people get a taste of what is out there. I remember when there was a kite at the end of obsidian sanctum. I really enjoyed that event even though it was very hard for me at the time. Any chance we can have more things like this to blend the communities?

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I have two questions about the future of the world post-season 4:

  1. Shouldn't there have been more fallout in the world after the Commander and the Pact killed two Elder Dragons and then suddenly the commander changed his opinion on the Elder Dragon killing? Shouldn't at least the Norn and the Vigil have objected more? And why are not large groups of people questioning the fact that we gave Aurene a huge amount of magic, making her the most powerful Elder Dragon to date? Why would people in the world accept that she is benevolent? Most people don't know her. Do you not think that these questions should be explored in a real sense, through more than a throw-away line from Rytlock for example?

  2. Now that 3 Elder Dragons are dead, 2 are asleep and 1 does not affect the continent of Tyria directly, what are some of the challenges you face in writing the story going forward? To what extent do you think the game world of GW2 depend on the Elder Dragon threat? A lot of the status quo depends on the Elder Dragons being an active force. The forming of the Vigil, the forming of the Pact, the Human-Charr treaty, the withdrawel of the Tengu and so on. Shouldn't this status quo change now that the Elder Dragon threat is so much more distant?

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@"Diovid.9506" said:I have two questions about the future of the world post-season 4:

  1. Shouldn't there have been more fallout in the world after the Commander and the Pact killed two Elder Dragons and then suddenly the commander changed his opinion on the Elder Dragon killing? Shouldn't at least the Norn and the Vigil have objected more? And why are not large groups of people questioning the fact that we gave Aurene a huge amount of magic, making her the most powerful Elder Dragon to date? Why would people in the world accept that she is benevolent? Most people don't know her. Do you not think that these questions should be explored in a real sense, through more than a throw-away line from Rytlock for example?

  2. Now that 3 Elder Dragons are dead, 2 are asleep and 1 does not affect the continent of Tyria directly, what are some of the challenges you face in writing the story going forward? To what extent do you think the game world of GW2 depend on the Elder Dragon threat? A lot of the status quo depends on the Elder Dragons being an active force. The forming of the Vigil, the forming of the Pact, the Human-Charr treaty, the withdrawel of the Tengu and so on. Shouldn't this status quo change now that the Elder Dragon threat is so much more distant?

Glint's Legacy wasn't something built in one Story chapter - Decent, it was centuries of attemps, combining strengths, prophecies that had to be fulfilled.

If you pay attention to the story of Tyria more, Tyrian will be more happy than anxious because of Aurene becoming an Elder Dragon, for they have a peaceful and loving Vigil that cares about "All of them" and not one, but two special champions that have a very special bond with her and with Tyria - Caithe and the Commander.

If someone opposes that, then they are stupid.

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@Arden.7480 said:

@"Diovid.9506" said:I have two questions about the future of the world post-season 4:
  1. Shouldn't there have been more fallout in the world after the Commander and the Pact killed two Elder Dragons and then suddenly the commander changed his opinion on the Elder Dragon killing? Shouldn't at least the Norn and the Vigil have objected more? And why are not large groups of people questioning the fact that we gave Aurene a huge amount of magic, making her the most powerful Elder Dragon to date? Why would people in the world accept that she is benevolent? Most people don't know her. Do you not think that these questions should be explored in a real sense, through more than a throw-away line from Rytlock for example?
  2. Now that 3 Elder Dragons are dead, 2 are asleep and 1 does not affect the continent of Tyria directly, what are some of the challenges you face in writing the story going forward? To what extent do you think the game world of GW2 depend on the Elder Dragon threat? A lot of the status quo depends on the Elder Dragons being an active force. The forming of the Vigil, the forming of the Pact, the Human-Charr treaty, the withdrawel of the Tengu and so on. Shouldn't this status quo change now that the Elder Dragon threat is so much more distant?

Glint's Legacy wasn't something built in one Story chapter - Decent, it was centuries of attemps, combining strengths, prophecies that had to be fulfilled.

If you pay attention to the story of Tyria more, Tyrian will be more happy than anxious because of Aurene becoming an Elder Dragon, for they have a peaceful and loving Vigil that cares about "All of them" and not one, but two special champions that have a very special bond with her and with Tyria - Caithe and the Commander.

If someone opposes that, then they are stupid.

I just want to see the world (rather than individuals or small groups) react to the major story events that take place, the world should evolve based on those events since it is a 'living world' after all.

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@Mahl Arannis.3814 said:I'm really excited to attend this. Had to use a Vacation Day but also decided to pick up a Friday-Only Ticket to my first-ever PAX as well!I'm curious about what the new Living Season will look like. Loved Season 4 and am hoping 5 will live up to the prior Season.

Cheers, all!

i hope it will be worth your efforts :)

Have a nice PAX too :)

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1: Is it possible to safe blish or is he gone and lost forever :'( ?2: Will we find out more about Steve/ bubbels/ the DSD?3: Will your the race of your character effect the new LW story? And which playable race will be in the spotlight the most this LW?4: Which characters will be part of the cast/recurring npcs this LW?5: Will there be more quaggans and choya ^^?

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Being that the announcement is on August 30th. Exactly the 2 month mark for WvW server relinks. What is going on with Alliances, and should we expect them soon? A lot of guilds are leaving the game because of lack of communication and frustration from the devs not giving us reassurance about our game mode being worked on.

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@Arden.7480 said:

@"Diovid.9506" said:I have two questions about the future of the world post-season 4:
  1. Shouldn't there have been more fallout in the world after the Commander and the Pact killed two Elder Dragons and then suddenly the commander changed his opinion on the Elder Dragon killing? Shouldn't at least the Norn and the Vigil have objected more? And why are not large groups of people questioning the fact that we gave Aurene a huge amount of magic, making her the most powerful Elder Dragon to date? Why would people in the world accept that she is benevolent? Most people don't know her. Do you not think that these questions should be explored in a real sense, through more than a throw-away line from Rytlock for example?
  2. Now that 3 Elder Dragons are dead, 2 are asleep and 1 does not affect the continent of Tyria directly, what are some of the challenges you face in writing the story going forward? To what extent do you think the game world of GW2 depend on the Elder Dragon threat? A lot of the status quo depends on the Elder Dragons being an active force. The forming of the Vigil, the forming of the Pact, the Human-Charr treaty, the withdrawel of the Tengu and so on. Shouldn't this status quo change now that the Elder Dragon threat is so much more distant?

Glint's Legacy wasn't something built in one Story chapter - Decent, it was centuries of attemps, combining strengths, prophecies that had to be fulfilled.

If you pay attention to the story of Tyria more, Tyrian will be more happy than anxious because of Aurene becoming an Elder Dragon, for they have a peaceful and loving Vigil that cares about "All of them" and not one, but two special champions that have a very special bond with her and with Tyria - Caithe and the Commander.

If someone opposes that, then they are stupid.

Only because you approach the situation from a position of seeing it happen. Most Tyrians will have no idea what is going on, who Aurene is or why an adolescent dragon suddenly has powers beyond comprehension and is out there in the wild somewhere.

To most Tyrians, they've grown up with the perception that Dragons are wild, unpredictable and highly dangerous. It would be far more realistic for them to be concerned.

For those in the know, we now understand such excess magic corrupts as we saw in LS3ep1 and now with the dire and silly Kralk dialogue in the ls4 finale. That pretty much sets us up for a potential problem with our new Super Dragon

Dragon Bash and other festivals will spread the word that people should be optimistic, but it would be incredibly foolish to believe popular opinion wont be splintering off now. If anything, the unity of the past few years as we united against a common evil, could now fracture. We could have factions against the idea of a new Dragon wielding so much power or religions taking up with renewed zeal and fanaticism against anyone speaking against her. People might fear Aurene could take on more and more power and decide to reshape the World in a way she thinks is better.

It wont be a plot point sadly but that could really be interesting so see various factions and orders splinter off. Might actually make the farcical and terrible Aurene plotline actually redeemable at last

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For Arenanet guy:I think you guys should work on repeatable content. You added mounts and once you did, game sped up so everyone hit max mastery level and other things. Many of us completed the game and we did everything...even all fractals, raids, wvw, jumping puzzles, collections, mounts, pvp with endless amount of hours. It is not enough. Game is getting boring. You guys destroyed gold farming maps that were really worth like Domain of Istan. You have problems with gold market because you allow players to change golds for gems. Just unable that option and rise gold values up by making more maps like old istan was. We need every second map you make to be possible gold farming map or some resource farming with very good meta events and sub events like istan had before you nerfed it and destroyed. You have to change your direction of developing your game, you are loosing so many players right now. Your game is the best game but you need to go on. This is not the end, wake up and never give up Arenanet!

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@Svez Poizon XD.5268 said:For Arenanet guy:I think you guys should work on repeatable content. You added mounts and once you did, game sped up so everyone hit max mastery level and other things. Many of us completed the game and we did everything...even all fractals, raids, wvw, jumping puzzles, collections, mounts, pvp with endless amount of hours. It is not enough. Game is getting boring. You guys destroyed gold farming maps that were really worth like Domain of Istan. You have problems with gold market because you allow players to change golds for gems. Just unable that option and rise gold values up by making more maps like old istan was. We need every second map you make to be possible gold farming map or some resource farming with very good meta events and sub events like istan had before you nerfed it and destroyed. You have to change your direction of developing your game, you are loosing so many players right now. Your game is the best game but you need to go on. This is not the end, wake up and never give up Arenanet!

I think you're misunderstanding how the gold to gems transaction works. If their was going less gold into the economy then you could get more gems for less gold. It doesn't change the situation.

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We know NCSoft has always recognised that arenanet and GW franchise is focussing on a different pool of customers that require a different approach best left to Arenabet. Still they recently interfered as they didn't agree with the course (and likely with good reasons). Besides the practical content I would like to see and hear how this has changed the company and the philosophy. The manifesto was the base of the original game. Is there a new one and can it be shared?

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@Lurana.7506 said:

@"AgentMoore.9453" said:I really,
love the Guild Wars 2 Living World graphic used in this thread.

I find the newsletter's image even better:


So much for "no elder dragons", I guess. ;) Or this could be a general reference to crossing the ocean to Cantha - who knows?

I don't know but I do see kind of a face here. But I'm not sure if this is water or a snowy landscape.

that face could be bubbles, and we could be headed for a deep-sea/ocean adventure.

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If tech stuff will be addressed can someone please say something about support on the mac? The client does not work with the prerelease version of this year's OS update and nobody is communicating if this is on the docket to be fixed or not (it is being discussed among users on the mac thread since no anet person is there). A lot of resources went into fixing most of your mac code recently so it is perplexing that the client would be abandoned because of a relatively small problem. This fall people WILL start updating their OS and buying machines with it preinstalled and all of them will wind up submitting support tickets if you do not say anything. This would be a PR disaster as your own site lists it as supported.

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