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Call to Anguish.

Vasdamas Anklast.1607

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Some time has passed since they changed Unyielding Anguish (TOOK IT AWAY) to Call to Anguish (USELESS RIP OFF) so players had some time to play around with it. Does anyone like it more than old UA? Personally I found more use for UA than for CtA, especially for condition mesmer encounters (CURSE THE FIENDS AND THEIR CHILDREN TOO). It was a good way to punish revive bots, while access to runes of tormenting on wvw provided extra sustain. Not to mention it has less mobility now due to to 5 seconds CD.

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I still use it because I roam with Shiro/Mallyx pretty religiously, but I still feel disappointed by the change. I feel forced into Rapid Flow now due to the CtA and IO changes; the nerf to mobility hurts. Does it have some uses? Sure, every once in a while I will make good use of it, but it still lacks impact for its energy cost. Like even after a successful CC with it, I often wonder if it was even worth it because it feels like the 35 energy could have been much more impactful if used in other ways. I dunno, I am still unhappy with the change. I never felt like I desperately needed a CC when in Mallyx.

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I still use it Mallyx with Jalis and the pool is cool. The only thing is the weird Energy Cost that bothers me. It seems as if ANet wants every legend to have a skill that costs 35 energy and has 5s CD.Overall I like the 20+Torment burst with EtD+CtA but I think Devs have to figure out what they want Revenant to be. High Energy costs + CDs don't go on pair.

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It's honestly trash. They could remove the cooldown and the skill would go back to being a helpful mobility tool and that's it. Too high of an energy cost and the pull isn't big enough; needs to be 360 preferably and have some stability on cast, or an evade. Seriously, it's one of the weakest pulls in the game, if not the weakest. Even Scorpion Wire might be better than it which is saying something. Most other pulls are from range or have a large radius on them which make them so much safer than CtA. The fact that with CtA you have to leap to your target and pull from 240 radius leaves you so incredibly vulnerable it's insane. I mean, UA left you vulnerable too, but at least it left a 4s Chill field + Torment and could be spammed to get away from/after people.

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We asked for extra weapon to fix one-trick pony revenant, we get trident (because underwater combat is so important. Must the reason we still run into underwater immortal rangers once in a while). People asked to make demon stance more viable and we get Call to Anguish with Embrace the Darkness changes that we neither needed or liked at all.

But yeah I get it, they had to somehow push Dark Aura mechanics into Demon stance kit no matter the cost.

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CtA might be a decent skill provided the cost wasn't garbage.

35 Energy for a weak leap and some CC?And no conditions other than Chill?Hell no, no thanks, seeya next christmas.

Important QoL would be either to :

  • Give it the old UA Torment field, which will justify the added +5 energy cost compared to before due to the nice CC which makes targets stay in the field.
  • Decrease Energy cost to 15 Energy and make it apply Slow as well as Chill.
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