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(Suggestion) Rename "Qadim's Lamp" to "Qadim's Mighty Teapot"

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In their games, ArenaNet has honored a number of fans in the past, generously in GW1 and sparingly in GW2. I think this weekend's special event shows it's time for one more contributor to be recognized. As Deroir (

) was honored with the NPC who sells Fractal Augmentations, I think it's fitting that Mighty Teapot joins those ranks, as publisher of guides of his own, as well as this week's phenomenally popular
(17k peak viewership).

Given Teapot's interest in raids, I think it makes sense to name (or rename) something raid-related. And, given the end of this weekend's contest, what would make more sense thanQadim's Lamp(which figures heavily in the Mythright Gambit raid wing)

Let's keep the thread focused on the suggestion. There are already plenty of threads that discuss the pros|cons of raids, ANet's marketing (or lack thereof), and so on.

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I never paid attention to anything Teapot did but people can't deny that he was a big name in the community. I think it would be good for Anet to continue the tradition of having something in-game to honor those who have uplifted the community in some way.

Another thing could be a teapot guild decoration made with the Condensed Ley-Line Essences from The Key of Ahdashim raid.

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why an item or friendly NPC? why not a raid boss?

make an Ultra CM mode, which has a secret boss call "The Al'MightyTeapot", make it as impossibly difficult as possible, and in order to beat him, players need to figure out a single niche mechanic that repeats 10 times during the entire fight

players need to time their execution perfectly every time or it's a raid wipe, or a raid member will be stripped naked of their armor til they beat him or give up

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@kasoki.5180 said:

@xenon.3264 said:Again ... Who? He has 200 400 viewer at most . He is no oneRelax no one care . The super event granted only 10k viewers and only cause you spammed . It's less than 1% of the playerbase.

Dulfy was dulfy. He is none

Correction, he is no one to you.Don't make statements for the rest of playerbase

He is one to 400 to 500 ppl which is his standard viewers. None to most of the community. Raiders are few but loud like all the toxic elitist. Tx God this is not a demagogy

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He was the greatest GW2 streamer we have and has done more for raids in the game than any other, so I'd say yeah, it's a good idea to give him some nod in a future raid release.

For anyone who doesn't know who he was or what he did or whatever, please remember that it's fine to not know or care but not knowing something isn't really all that noteworthy and is nothing to celebrate.

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:Given Teapot's interest in raids, I think it makes sense to name (or rename) something raid-related. And, given the end of this weekend's contest, what would make more sense thanQadim's Lamp(which figures heavily in the Mythright Gambit raid wing)

Sure, so long as it uses this model: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utah_teapot

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@Pifil.5193 said:He was the greatest GW2 streamer we have and has done more for raids in the game than any other, so I'd say yeah, it's a good idea to give him some nod in a future raid release.

For anyone who doesn't know who he was or what he did or whatever, please remember that it's fine to not know or care but not knowing something isn't really all that noteworthy and is nothing to celebrate.

We know now who he was. How could you avoid all the noise you did? But still we do not care. If this was the best raiding community can do then it is time for gw2 to stop with raids and move on.

If 17k is all the raiding community then it is less than 1% of the playerbase so we all hope they will stop with raid redesign them as dungeon 5 players and we can move on.

U are so loud here and in lfg and on Reddit but you are a minority of the playerbase . A small me minority and game was better before raid much less toxic

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@xenon.3264 said:

@Pifil.5193 said:He was the greatest GW2 streamer we have and has done more for raids in the game than any other, so I'd say yeah, it's a good idea to give him some nod in a future raid release.

For anyone who doesn't know who he was or what he did or whatever, please remember that it's fine to not know or care but
knowing something isn't really all that noteworthy and is nothing to celebrate.

We know now who he was. How could you avoid all the noise you did? But still we do not care. If this was the best raiding community can do then it is time for gw2 to stop with raids and move on.

If 17k is all the raiding community then it is less than 1% of the playerbase so we all hope they will stop with raid redesign them as dungeon 5 players and we can move on.

U are so loud here and in lfg and on Reddit but you are a minority of the playerbase . A small me minority and game was better before raid much less toxic

Soo, if the friday stream will have only 30k viewers, should we just drop the development of GW2, since thats less than 2% of the total population ? No point in making content for non-existing community, right ?

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@xenon.3264 said:

@Pifil.5193 said:He was the greatest GW2 streamer we have and has done more for raids in the game than any other, so I'd say yeah, it's a good idea to give him some nod in a future raid release.

For anyone who doesn't know who he was or what he did or whatever, please remember that it's fine to not know or care but
knowing something isn't really all that noteworthy and is nothing to celebrate.

We know now who he was. How could you avoid all the noise you did? But still we do not care. If this was the best raiding community can do then it is time for gw2 to stop with raids and move on.

If 17k is all the raiding community then it is less than 1% of the playerbase so we all hope they will stop with raid redesign them as dungeon 5 players and we can move on.

U are so loud here and in lfg and on Reddit but you are a minority of the playerbase . A small me minority and game was better before raid much less toxic

I like it how you are accusing others of toxicity but somehow you make one of the most toxic posts.

There is nothing more toxic than speaking for others, especially if you also advocate for entire game mode to be deleted

@xenon.3264 said:

@xenon.3264 said:Again ... Who? He has 200 400 viewer at most . He is no oneRelax no one care . The super event granted only 10k viewers and only cause you spammed . It's less than 1% of the playerbase.

Dulfy was dulfy. He is none

Correction, he is no one to you.Don't make statements for the rest of playerbase

He is one to 400 to 500 ppl which is his standard viewers. None to most of the community. Raiders are few but loud like all the toxic elitist. Tx God this is not a demagogy

And yet, it was most of the Twitch community. he was top GW2 twitch streamer. Its' not the minority of the community. Its the only GW2 community that exists on Twitch.

Nobody ever will be representative of majority of community. So evaluating what is and isn't, what should or shouldn't be, on how "representative" something is of "majority" of community is faulty logic. PoF release had around 55k viewers on twitch. Thats hardly a majority of community. By your own logic PoF isn't relevant for the game or game's community

Nothing in life is ever representative or made up of majority of entire community and simply shouting "majority" or "minority" isn't argument for anything by itself.

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@xenon.3264 said:

@"Pifil.5193" said:He was the greatest GW2 streamer we have and has done more for raids in the game than any other, so I'd say yeah, it's a good idea to give him some nod in a future raid release.

For anyone who doesn't know who he was or what he did or whatever, please remember that it's fine to not know or care but
knowing something isn't really all that noteworthy and is nothing to celebrate.

We know now who he was. How could you avoid all the noise you did? But still we do not care. If this was the best raiding community can do then it is time for gw2 to stop with raids and move on.

If 17k is all the raiding community then it is less than 1% of the playerbase so we all hope they will stop with raid redesign them as dungeon 5 players and we can move on.

U are so loud here and in lfg and on Reddit but you are a minority of the playerbase . A small me minority and game was better before raid much less toxic

I'm not a raider and I have not promoted this event here, in game, in LFG or on Reddit so you're wrong there.

You also say "we know" and "we do not care" and "we all hope" who is "we"? How do you claim to know what anyone else wants? What's your source?

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We like you. Generic for the most part of the community> @Pifil.5193 said:

@Pifil.5193 said:He was the greatest GW2 streamer we have and has done more for raids in the game than any other, so I'd say yeah, it's a good idea to give him some nod in a future raid release.

For anyone who doesn't know who he was or what he did or whatever, please remember that it's fine to not know or care but
knowing something isn't really all that noteworthy and is nothing to celebrate.

We know now who he was. How could you avoid all the noise you did? But still we do not care. If this was the best raiding community can do then it is time for gw2 to stop with raids and move on.

If 17k is all the raiding community then it is less than 1% of the playerbase so we all hope they will stop with raid redesign them as dungeon 5 players and we can move on.

U are so loud here and in lfg and on Reddit but you are a minority of the playerbase . A small me minority and game was better before raid much less toxic

I'm not a raider and I have not promoted this event here, in game, in LFG or on Reddit so you're wrong there.

You also say "we know" and "we do not care" and "we all hope" who is "we"? How do you claim to know what anyone else wants? What's your source?

"We" like" you" stands for most part of the community

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@kasoki.5180 said:

@Pifil.5193 said:He was the greatest GW2 streamer we have and has done more for raids in the game than any other, so I'd say yeah, it's a good idea to give him some nod in a future raid release.

For anyone who doesn't know who he was or what he did or whatever, please remember that it's fine to not know or care but
knowing something isn't really all that noteworthy and is nothing to celebrate.

We know now who he was. How could you avoid all the noise you did? But still we do not care. If this was the best raiding community can do then it is time for gw2 to stop with raids and move on.

If 17k is all the raiding community then it is less than 1% of the playerbase so we all hope they will stop with raid redesign them as dungeon 5 players and we can move on.

U are so loud here and in lfg and on Reddit but you are a minority of the playerbase . A small me minority and game was better before raid much less toxic

I like it how you are accusing others of toxicity but somehow you make one of the most toxic posts.

There is nothing more toxic than speaking for others, especially if you also advocate for entire game mode to be deleted

@xenon.3264 said:Again ... Who? He has 200 400 viewer at most . He is no oneRelax no one care . The super event granted only 10k viewers and only cause you spammed . It's less than 1% of the playerbase.

Dulfy was dulfy. He is none

Correction, he is no one to you.Don't make statements for the rest of playerbase

He is one to 400 to 500 ppl which is his standard viewers. None to most of the community. Raiders are few but loud like all the toxic elitist. Tx God this is not a demagogy

And yet, it was most of the Twitch community. he was top GW2 twitch streamer. Its' not the minority of the community. Its the only GW2 community that exists on Twitch.

Nobody ever will be representative of majority of community. So evaluating what is and isn't, what should or shouldn't be, on how "representative" something is of "majority" of community is faulty logic. PoF release had around 55k viewers on twitch. Thats hardly a majority of community. By your own logic PoF isn't relevant for the game or game's community

Nothing in life is ever representative or made up of majority of entire community and simply shouting "majority" or "minority" isn't argument for anything by itself.

It would be ok if there were a post , two, ten. But for a week here and on Reddit and even on lfg it was a spam of this eventAnd yet it's just only 17k. You are right we had 55k viewer so let's suppose it is the whole twitch gw2 community so 17k means it's anyway not even the whole twitch community .

He was a top streamer but he had only 500 viewers and still we read everywhere that since he left he game is death.

Is my post toxic?

I am just bored of wow classic aggressive marketing and stupid pessimistic posts .

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@kasoki.5180 said:There is nothing more toxic than speaking for others, especially if you also advocate for entire game mode to be deleted

Raid is content which cut out players. U can do fractal T1 and enjoy the same content of T4 and get same reward ( but the back) . U can do pvp and get all the reward even if in longer time..even a legendary armour, even if u suck

U can do wvw without joining the zerg and have fun decapping or taking camps or Ruins.

Raids are resources invested for a minority of the community which most can't enjoy ( ye can't . Take a look to all the post on how u can start raiding ever saw the same for any other content ?)

I just want it to be enjoyable for everyone. U wnat 10 men do it. But like in wow they had 40 25 and 10 it should be the same here. 10 and 5.

I just think raid was an error for what gw2 was at the beginning . We'll see what they say on this issue on the 30th .

I expect a lot. I hope gw2 won't move to a more hardcore stance

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