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Ty for killing wvw more...


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@nthmetal.9652 said:I actually doubt that +100 to one stat and +70 to another will make that much of a difference. Usually these changes will add up to a single or double-digt difference in damage, probably the same for healing power. Boon or condi duration or such will be even less affected. The effect is way more important, but you can typically get those effects anyway with 30-minute buff food. Stealing life on crits, 20% condi duration removed, 10% outgoing healing+; it's all there already.

The new food buffs actually add a new way to interact with the game; it's ascended food, so you can't just buy it, you have to make it yourself or rely on a friend to supply it. It adds a new meaningful way to use the chef discipline. I think it's good that it's there, even though (for me) it's a few too many loops to jump through.

You're missing the first property of the ascended ingredient. Peppercorn will, for example, give you 10% damage reduction. So you do more damage (as with the standard food) but you will ALSO take less damage from them - which is the new aspect. So it's abit more XP, WXP and Karma, some MF - none of this matters. But adding damage reduction on top of a damage buff does. I like it - it's making me a fortune, selling Peppercorn. :)

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@bluberblasen.9684 said:With this new buff foods.Why?Why are you doing this?Why are you bringing that over powered buff food to wvw?Roaming is already dead.. But fighting in enemy area without those op food vs op food users is unwinnable.....Thats all....

Well, the supply is a bit limited by the number of gardening plots but you get 1h duration. If you concentrate on one ingredient, you will get 4h worth of buff per day. Getting the four seeds does not take long and the ascended food is actually cheap ingredient wise. For the +power/ferocity with 10% damage reduction you only need the special red meat (takes killing a few creatures) + one jug of water (cheapo) + a few herb ingredients. The upfront cost of completing the achievement is high, the food is cheap, though, as long as you don't try to produce more than you can grow. But since you can get more than one result from harvesting, you get at LEAST 4h worth of buff for a bargain cost AND your fellow players get it as well.

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@Acheron.4731 said:

@Infusion.7149 said:WvW is by far the least profitable game mode basically.

Supporting data please?

every person that has ever played the game

Depends - actual money is meh-ish. But on an active server you get reward tracks done quickly and a mystic clover is roundish 6 gold. Which is a lot, given that you get two per track (7 for the one-time ones). If you're not into building a legendary, though ....

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@Tinnel.4369 said:

@Infusion.7149 said:WvW is by far the least profitable game mode basically.

Supporting data please?

every person that has ever played the game

That's not data. There's two claims there, only one of which I'm inclined to believe. WvW'rs still spend $.

Commanders often get donations from the zerg to afford the food, siege and suchlike. And many WvWers have a PvE routine to make some money. Like a short round of Palawadan, a meta in Thunderhead Peaks, etc. The rewards in WvW are roundabout. Little money, poor drops (especially if you play a support class, compared to a damage class) - but I always like the clover from the reward tracks for the legendaries as it saves on mystic coins. In addition WvW ascended armor is quite a lot cheaper than their PvE equivalent.

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@Infusion.7149 said:The whole ascended food concept is flawed and full of busywork. It's mostly a reason to sell the garden plot in the gem store and to drain the low end foods below level 80 via food salvage (composter).They could have also made raid DPS easier with them by having the third food bonus active in PvE only (similar to mob slaying food) but instead they decided to add a WvW bonus. WvW is by far the least profitable game mode basically. There's food with life steal + power and ferocity as well as options containing outgoing healing / damage reduction so I don't understand the need to tack on more stats.

It would have been far better to have exotic to ascended trinket upgrading or non-cosmetic legendary trinket crafting with jeweler 500.

Yeah, this is not content in the slightest. This is just to placate players until, I guess the 30th, when the announcement regarding the future of this game is about. And yeah, ascended food is just another cost to wvw players, not to mention more powercreep. The only saving grace is that they're feasts.

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Not game breaking but definitely a significant boost if an entire guild wants to use it. I knew it would have its issues no matter how Anet wanted to spin it. I knew it would be power creep since exotic to ascended/legendary is always a boost. I don't know if adding all the extra food per raid will be enough to warrant the stat boost. A lot of people like different foods to cater to their needs on specific builds instead of just a purely best offensive or defensive option.

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@Tinnel.4369 said:

@Infusion.7149 said:WvW is by far the least profitable game mode basically.

Supporting data please?

every person that has ever played the game

That's not data. There's two claims there, only one of which I'm inclined to believe. WvW'rs still spend $.

Thats a different subject to gold income, I think that is what he means by least profitable.

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@bluberblasen.9684 said:With this new buff foods.Why?Why are you doing this?Why are you bringing that over powered buff food to wvw?Roaming is already dead.. But fighting in enemy area without those op food vs op food users is unwinnable.....Thats all....

@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:10% damage reduction100 power70 ferocity

I just laughed.gg anet you won, wvw is dead so you can stop beating it into the ground.

There was already food for 10% DR and 70 power. I’ve used it since it’s release.So I gain 30 power and 70 ferocity........ Wow, that just blows my mind with how much more ultra, super, powerful I will be. Now my target can just look at my food buff and fall over dead. I winz the wuvwuv!!!!1!!!111111


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@Lonewolf Kai.3682 said:

@bluberblasen.9684 said:With this new buff foods.Why?Why are you doing this?Why are you bringing that over powered buff food to wvw?Roaming is already dead.. But fighting in enemy area without those op food vs op food users is unwinnable.....Thats all....

@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:10% damage reduction100 power70 ferocity

I just laughed.gg anet you won, wvw is dead so you can stop beating it into the ground.

There was already food for 10% DR and 70 power. I’ve used it since it’s release.So I gain 30 power and 70 ferocity........ Wow, that just blows my mind with how much more ultra, super, powerful I will be. Now my target can just look at my food buff and fall over dead. I winz the wuvwuv!!!!1!!!111111


I am well aware of the numbers thanks. However minor the upgrade it is still power creep, which shows once again that anet does not consider the feedback from players when making updates.

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@nthmetal.9652 said:I actually doubt that +100 to one stat and +70 to another will make that much of a difference. Usually these changes will add up to a single or double-digt difference in damage, probably the same for healing power. Boon or condi duration or such will be even less affected. The effect is way more important, but you can typically get those effects anyway with 30-minute buff food. Stealing life on crits, 20% condi duration removed, 10% outgoing healing+; it's all there already.

The new food buffs actually add a new way to interact with the game; it's ascended food, so you can't just buy it, you have to make it yourself or rely on a friend to supply it. It adds a new meaningful way to use the chef discipline. I think it's good that it's there, even though (for me) it's a few too many loops to jump through.

I use -10% Damage, 70 Precision food right now.The new ascended food has -10% Damage, 100 Power, 70 Precision.

This stupid power creep food absolutely makes a difference, it's akin to over 3 stacks of might on me at all times

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This makes me want to play WvW and the game as a whole less...

It should either not work in WvW or be sellable on the TP.

Even if it could be bought/sold, it'd still be stupid, as it just imposes additional cost to be on an even footing with everyone else.

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@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

@bluberblasen.9684 said:With this new buff foods.Why?Why are you doing this?Why are you bringing that over powered buff food to wvw?Roaming is already dead.. But fighting in enemy area without those op food vs op food users is unwinnable.....Thats all....

@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:10% damage reduction100 power70 ferocity

I just laughed.gg anet you won, wvw is dead so you can stop beating it into the ground.

There was already food for 10% DR and 70 power. I’ve used it since it’s release.So I gain 30 power and 70 ferocity........ Wow, that just blows my mind with how much more ultra, super, powerful I will be. Now my target can just look at my food buff and fall over dead. I winz the wuvwuv!!!!1!!!111111


I am well aware of the numbers thanks. However minor the upgrade it is still power creep, which shows once again that anet does not consider the feedback from players when making updates.

Come again? Players have been asking for ascended cooking for quite some time now.

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@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

@bluberblasen.9684 said:With this new buff foods.Why?Why are you doing this?Why are you bringing that over powered buff food to wvw?Roaming is already dead.. But fighting in enemy area without those op food vs op food users is unwinnable.....Thats all....

@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:10% damage reduction100 power70 ferocity

I just laughed.gg anet you won, wvw is dead so you can stop beating it into the ground.

There was already food for 10% DR and 70 power. I’ve used it since it’s release.So I gain 30 power and 70 ferocity........ Wow, that just blows my mind with how much more ultra, super, powerful I will be. Now my target can just look at my food buff and fall over dead. I winz the wuvwuv!!!!1!!!111111


I am well aware of the numbers thanks. However minor the upgrade it is still power creep, which shows once again that anet does not consider the feedback from players when making updates.

Multiplied by 50 people too

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