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Will new elite specs be released?

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:

@"Frostchant.1523" said:After weeks of being hyped and teased, I expected an answer to my single and simple question:
Will new elite specs be released?
All I wanted is to hear, if I should give up all hope for new elite specs, or not.Just it. That's just it.I don't want to hear "maybe". I don't want to hear "when it's released™". I don't even need to hear the exact date.Jus straight answer: "Yes, we're gonna release new elite specs in the nearest future." or "No, we are not planning to add new elite specs in the game."I thought that "
expansion without expansion
" as for LWS content will answer my question, but it didn't.If anyone has some pieces of information about that to share, that will keep me hoping for new elite specs, please share.

As for the announcement itself - I felt betrayed. This stuff could be wrapped in a blog post, and it wasn't event-making worthy.

I am going to keep saying this. But LW5 is likely the Lead Up for the 3rd Expansion. It likely will be teased at the end of LW5 like Hot was for LW2. Then and only then will we get Elite Specs which is Expansion selling content.LW5 is just normal content that gives story on why we going to the 3rd expansion area. They did this in Vanilla leading into Hot zones.

You can keep saying that but you are setting yourself up for the same disappointment many experienced from today's announcement.

There is no "likely". If they start working on an xpac we will find out from media leaks before any official statement. Until then it would be prudent to only expect what we currently have. Which is good ol' LS rebranded as "Saga".

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@"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:I don't really get why people want new elite specializations while current ones are still unbalanced and spamfest is still present since HoT release.As far as I remember some time ago they clearly stated LS4 will go straight into LS5, so I don't really understand why people got so hyped for e-speces.In 2020/2021 you should expect next x-pack and elite specializations.The "expansion without expansion" could also mean new masteries or other shiny things like bounties or new mechanics or whatever.I wasn't expecting a thing from this presentation tbh, I don't really see why people got so overhyped.

The "expansion without expansion" could also mean new masteries or other shiny things like bounties or new mechanics or whatever.All of this we got in previous season without them callling it a season with expasion like features.

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@Frostchant.1523 said:

@Frostchant.1523 said:@Illconceived Was Na.9781Gonna be honest, that I didn't believe event this big will be about LWS only. I hoped for something more.

But then isn't this entirely on you?

Try telling that to a large chunk of people, who feel the same. Good luck.

Any volume of people feeling a similar way doesn't lend any validity to the argument though. It just means lots of people read way too much into a marketing ploy and that you weren't the only one.

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@AlexxxDelta.1806 said:

@"Frostchant.1523" said:After weeks of being hyped and teased, I expected an answer to my single and simple question:
Will new elite specs be released?
All I wanted is to hear, if I should give up all hope for new elite specs, or not.Just it. That's just it.I don't want to hear "maybe". I don't want to hear "when it's released™". I don't even need to hear the exact date.Jus straight answer: "Yes, we're gonna release new elite specs in the nearest future." or "No, we are not planning to add new elite specs in the game."I thought that "
expansion without expansion
" as for LWS content will answer my question, but it didn't.If anyone has some pieces of information about that to share, that will keep me hoping for new elite specs, please share.

As for the announcement itself - I felt betrayed. This stuff could be wrapped in a blog post, and it wasn't event-making worthy.

I am going to keep saying this. But LW5 is likely the Lead Up for the 3rd Expansion. It likely will be teased at the end of LW5 like Hot was for LW2. Then and only then will we get Elite Specs which is Expansion selling content.LW5 is just normal content that gives story on why we going to the 3rd expansion area. They did this in Vanilla leading into Hot zones.

You can keep saying that but you are setting yourself up for the same disappointment many experienced from today's announcement.

There is no "likely". If they start working on an xpac we will find out from media leaks before any official statement. Until then it would be prudent to only expect what we currently have. Which is good ol' LS rebranded as "Saga".

No we won't. Nobody knew about HoT back in Vanilla until the last minute of the LW story. Yeah I don't agree with them doing that, but we all acting like Anet hasn't been doing this same "We don't talk about future stuff we working on until it's done" narrative for each and every expansion now.

Every expansion had some kind of lead in LW story before it came out. In Vanilla we have the Silverwaste and Maguuma Wastes all hinted at in LW2 with the reveal of Hot at the end, which we got the first expansion right there. And remember back then Anet was extremely secretive about the Expansion, because up until then all we knew was from early statements from Anet near vanilla release, that they wasn't going to be doing expansions. So we knew nothing about the expansion until LW2 ended.

Same thing is likely happening here. They hinting that Jormag is the main villain and the new LW5 will take us closer to where the expansion will take place. Just like Lw2 did.

Again not saying right or wrong, but this not new to Anet's behavior on doing things here.

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@psizone.8437 said:

@TrollingDemigod.3041 said:I don't really get why people want new elite specializations while current ones are still unbalanced and spamfest is still present since HoT release.

I've given up hoping they'll balance the specs.

At this point I'd rather just have fun with new specs than care about the possible chaos they'd bring.

There is never Ever ever going to be Class Balance in a class based pvp system unless you make all classes vaguely different from each other and mostly similar( FPS games like CoD and BF do this). You can't do this in a MMO with radically different classes. It's impossible. This what Blizzard had to go through and pretty much had to gut the unique aspect of classes in WoW later on which most people seem to not like now days there. I don't want that lesson repeated in any MMO game. Classes are unique and that's what make them fun to play. If balance means getting rid of that, well they can keep balance.

We want new Elite Specs because they give us brand new ways to play our classes (well non Revenant classes that is??). It gives us new builds and weapon combos to play with rather than the same old we been using for the last few years.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:

@"Frostchant.1523" said:After weeks of being hyped and teased, I expected an answer to my single and simple question:
Will new elite specs be released?
All I wanted is to hear, if I should give up all hope for new elite specs, or not.Just it. That's just it.I don't want to hear "maybe". I don't want to hear "when it's released™". I don't even need to hear the exact date.Jus straight answer: "Yes, we're gonna release new elite specs in the nearest future." or "No, we are not planning to add new elite specs in the game."I thought that "
expansion without expansion
" as for LWS content will answer my question, but it didn't.If anyone has some pieces of information about that to share, that will keep me hoping for new elite specs, please share.

As for the announcement itself - I felt betrayed. This stuff could be wrapped in a blog post, and it wasn't event-making worthy.

I am going to keep saying this. But LW5 is likely the Lead Up for the 3rd Expansion. It likely will be teased at the end of LW5 like Hot was for LW2. Then and only then will we get Elite Specs which is Expansion selling content.LW5 is just normal content that gives story on why we going to the 3rd expansion area. They did this in Vanilla leading into Hot zones.

You can keep saying that but you are setting yourself up for the same disappointment many experienced from today's announcement.

There is no "likely". If they start working on an xpac we will find out from media leaks before any official statement. Until then it would be prudent to only expect what we currently have. Which is good ol' LS rebranded as "Saga".

No we won't. Nobody knew about HoT back in Vanilla until the last minute of the LW story. Yeah I don't agree with them doing that, but we all acting like Anet hasn't been doing this same "We don't talk about future stuff we working on until it's done" narrative for each and every expansion now.

Every expansion had some kind of lead in LW story before it came out. In Vanilla we have the Silverwaste and Maguuma Wastes all hinted at in LW2 with the reveal of Hot at the end, which we got the first expansion right there. And remember back then Anet was extremely secretive about the Expansion, because up until then all we knew was from early statements from Anet near vanilla release, that they wasn't going to be doing expansions. So we knew nothing about the expansion until LW2 ended.

Same thing is likely happening here. They hinting that Jormag is the main villain and the new LW5 will take us closer to where the expansion will take place. Just like Lw2 did.

Again not saying right or wrong, but this not new to Anet's behavior on doing things here.

I do remember expansion rumors midway through LS2. And HoT wasn't planned from launch, they just changed their direction after LS1.

I get why people want xpacs, I'm one of them. But we have to understand that it's very possible this game won't have any more. This notion that there has to be an xpac in the works no matter what, is false. As a MMO ages, the finance people are all about cutting costs and finding ways to make the most money with little investment. If those finance people deem a proper expansion too costly and too risky, then an expansion won't be made. After all box sales were never their main money maker, cash store is and that's not going anywhere.

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@AlexxxDelta.1806 said:

@"Frostchant.1523" said:After weeks of being hyped and teased, I expected an answer to my single and simple question:
Will new elite specs be released?
All I wanted is to hear, if I should give up all hope for new elite specs, or not.Just it. That's just it.I don't want to hear "maybe". I don't want to hear "when it's released™". I don't even need to hear the exact date.Jus straight answer: "Yes, we're gonna release new elite specs in the nearest future." or "No, we are not planning to add new elite specs in the game."I thought that "
expansion without expansion
" as for LWS content will answer my question, but it didn't.If anyone has some pieces of information about that to share, that will keep me hoping for new elite specs, please share.

As for the announcement itself - I felt betrayed. This stuff could be wrapped in a blog post, and it wasn't event-making worthy.

I am going to keep saying this. But LW5 is likely the Lead Up for the 3rd Expansion. It likely will be teased at the end of LW5 like Hot was for LW2. Then and only then will we get Elite Specs which is Expansion selling content.LW5 is just normal content that gives story on why we going to the 3rd expansion area. They did this in Vanilla leading into Hot zones.

You can keep saying that but you are setting yourself up for the same disappointment many experienced from today's announcement.

There is no "likely". If they start working on an xpac we will find out from media leaks before any official statement. Until then it would be prudent to only expect what we currently have. Which is good ol' LS rebranded as "Saga".

No we won't. Nobody knew about HoT back in Vanilla until the last minute of the LW story. Yeah I don't agree with them doing that, but we all acting like Anet hasn't been doing this same "We don't talk about future stuff we working on until it's done" narrative for each and every expansion now.

Every expansion had some kind of lead in LW story before it came out. In Vanilla we have the Silverwaste and Maguuma Wastes all hinted at in LW2 with the reveal of Hot at the end, which we got the first expansion right there. And remember back then Anet was extremely secretive about the Expansion, because up until then all we knew was from early statements from Anet near vanilla release, that they wasn't going to be doing expansions. So we knew nothing about the expansion until LW2 ended.

Same thing is likely happening here. They hinting that Jormag is the main villain and the new LW5 will take us closer to where the expansion will take place. Just like Lw2 did.

Again not saying right or wrong, but this not new to Anet's behavior on doing things here.

I do remember expansion rumors midway through LS2. And HoT wasn't planned from launch, they just changed their direction after LS1.

I get why people want xpacs, I'm one of them. But we have to understand that it's very possible this game won't have any more. This notion that there has to be an xpac in the works no matter what, is false. As a MMO ages, the finance people are all about cutting costs and finding ways to make the most money with little investment. If those finance people deem a proper expansion too costly and too risky, then an expansion won't be made. After all box sales were never their main money maker, cash store is and that's not going anywhere.

That's not being realistic here. This game is F2P/B2PAnd Expansions been there main money maker going forward. No way they going to abandon that. NCsoft wouldn't even allow that. There is going to be a 3rd expansion. Anet's Burner account Reddit shills just been doing a piss poor job of doing strategic leaking of hype and information like other MMOs do. The silence method don't work. Prime example was Vanilla like I said earlier. Nobody had a clue about if the game would ever have expansions until LW2 revealed it, because up until then the only word we had on that subject was from early vanilla in which Anet said there won't be Expansions. We never got a verbal acknowledgement that they changed there view on that until LW2 revealed the expansion was in the works because of Anet's Silence Policy on future content back then.Keep in mind it was only until the recent mass layoffs did Anet sort of step outside that old policy. And that was fairly recent of an event.

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Will there be new specs and rebalances released? Definitive answer: No, until they are. Nothing exists in game development until codified, solidified, and revealed. That's doubly true with ArenaNet, who don't talk about upcoming projects until they're definitively happening and definitively know when/how it will be so.Minor editorial: That's part of the problem with certain developers and publishers, not to name any specific people (cough, Peter Molyneux and Richard Gariott, cough) or studios (cough, Gearbox and Bethesda, cough) who overhype projects and vastly underdeliver.

@"Knighthonor.4061" said:There is never Ever ever going to be Class Balance in a class based pvp system...

Small correction: There will never be perfect Class balance in a class-based PvP system (etc., etc.). As long as the different available classes and builds have equally available counters and/or counterplay, that system is considered "balanced".

Everything else in that post is fully correct.

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The game is very saturated with elite specs.... we had 9 professions, 3 possibles setups: a build centered on full Core or Hot or Pof specs , its means at minimum, 27 combinations to play, im not even take in consideration that core had 5 professions traitlines to play with combinations.

so in other words Launch more elite specs atm will do more harm than benefit to GW2, will drag the development team in a long time around pre-lauch and post-lauch balance.

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Some of us want to see evidence that the game will not just peter out with LW seasons. Fully enjoying an MMO requires a lot of attention; that will not be worth it if all we see is story. I don't think ANet owes us anything, but the angst is understandable; is it time to cut the emotional investment and move on?

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@"ugrakarma.9416" said:The game is very saturated with elite specs.... we had 9 professions, 3 possibles setups: a build centered on full Core or Hot or Pof specs , its means at minimum, 27 combinations to play, im not even take in consideration that core had 5 professions traitlines to play with combinations.

so in other words Launch more elite specs atm will do more harm than benefit to GW2, will drag the development team in a long time around pre-lauch and post-lauch balance.

Yeah, I think it's wise of Anet to reserve new e-specs for expansions or else they'll quickly find themselves in another GW1 situation with a gazillion skills and builds that are impossible to manage, yet alone to properly balance. Like, adding new play styles and skills is literally "been there, done that, wasn't a great idea" for them so I'm all for letting them take it slow with the next batch of specs.

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@"Frostchant.1523" said:After weeks of being hyped and teased, I expected an answer to my single and simple question:Will new elite specs be released?All I wanted is to hear, if I should give up all hope for new elite specs, or not.Just it. That's just it.I don't want to hear "maybe". I don't want to hear "when it's released™". I don't even need to hear the exact date.Jus straight answer: "Yes, we're gonna release new elite specs in the nearest future." or "No, we are not planning to add new elite specs in the game."I thought that "expansion without expansion" as for LWS content will answer my question, but it didn't.If anyone has some pieces of information about that to share, that will keep me hoping for new elite specs, please share.

As for the announcement itself - I felt betrayed. This stuff could be wrapped in a blog post, and it wasn't event-making worthy.

short answer no, long answer nope

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@ugrakarma.9416 said:The game is very saturated with elite specs.... we had 9 professions, 3 possibles setups: a build centered on full Core or Hot or Pof specs , its means at minimum, 27 combinations to play, im not even take in consideration that core had 5 professions traitlines to play with combinations.

so in other words Launch more elite specs atm will do more harm than benefit to GW2, will drag the development team in a long time around pre-lauch and post-lauch balance.

This is how the game will die. 'Its too complicated'. Meh.

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@Hashberry.4510 said:

@ugrakarma.9416 said:The game is very saturated with elite specs.... we had 9 professions, 3 possibles setups: a build centered on full
specs , its means at minimum, 27 combinations to play, im not even take in consideration that core had 5 professions traitlines to play with combinations.

so in other words Launch more elite specs atm will do more harm than benefit to GW2, will drag the development team in a long time around pre-lauch and post-lauch balance.

This is how the game will die. 'Its too complicated'. Meh.

more of the same make games die too,, i really wonder whats new specs will bring, a healing thief? guardian with rifle? atm new specs its just swapping mechanics.

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I saw the potential balance changes. I appreciate the fact that you stopped your celebrations for the "big presentation" to at least give us an idea of what to expect. They were nice but its not enough at this point. The games dying and no amount of white knighting from the fanboys is going to change that. You guys laid off a ton of people and cancelled the "extra projects" so its time to kick it into gear and get some shit done.

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@Ashen.2907 said:I would rather see significant work done on existing elite specs than new ones.

^This. Existing profs/skills/specs/e-specs need rework/balancing before even thinking about adding new ones. ANet can't handle balance as it is now, much less attempting to maintain balance after adding anything new. ANet as a whole, and in general, has a history of being bad at balancing their games. Their incompetence has carried over from GW to GW2.

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