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Fixed an issue that allowed ascended herb nodes to be gathered by players who were not instance owne


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@eris.9654 said:

@DeathIsVirtue.4105 said:Okay, fine, change it to be personal use only in your home instance.

However, I think adding these nodes for daily collection in guild halls would be a nice addition. 1 node per cultivated item type that can be collected once a day and doesn't need to be replanted. I'm sure the grind to acquire them would be high, but it would be a good convenience to work towards.

Great idea. I was thinking that a GH node would be fantastic. RNG strike 1-3 times daily like the other nodes for Varietal Seeds or a chance for a cultivated seed. The way the mining nodes can give ores or Crystals or Obsidian Shards.

Honestly I am, I was going to say stunned, but that isn't the right word and I don't want to be a jerk or come off as someone that will always agree with the decisions that are made by the developers so I will say speechless. Why would anyone think that the intention of Ascended Cooking was to make FEASTS that last for 5 minutes for anyone to eat cost less then what food used to cost to craft. The old feasts cost 10 of the food the feast is. Old best in slot power raid food was 1g each and lasted for 1 hour and cost about 80s to craft if you had the recipe. Ascended feasts were 80s-1.5g to craft while this was bugged. The bug lasted for a week and everyone just assumes that it was normal? I don't understand honestly. All other ascended items have a significant time-gate or cost associated with them and are account-bound in most cases, why wouldn't this as well.

Simple. Because that's how previous gardening worked. They had plenty of time to tell us this was unintentional before doing a knee jerk (bored line unethical) reaction. If they would of communicated this on day one...day 2...day 3... I wouldn't have bought the garden plots and wouldn't feel bait and switched.

They had plenty of time to communicate this.

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:Like you don't know why. Legit dudes inviting randos all day gathering his 12 and sending him 3. Legit players finding a garden buddy to gather from each other and never replant. I'm sure anet wanted these to have some value not be 25 silver 1 week later. It's a tough balance. Do you want them dirt cheap or too expensive which this will def bump the cultivated up I'm sure.

The prices of these things are going to be down to pennies within a month anyway, because everyone and their dog will be farming them. This change is more of an annoyance than anything.

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This has probably been brought up already but the one fix they really need now is to make sure that the seeds aren't consumed until they are planted. I double clicked one when I wasn't even in my home instance not realizing what it was or did, and it just wound up being a loss. Feels unintentional.

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@"cptaylor.2670" said:This has probably been brought up already but the one fix they really need now is to make sure that the seeds aren't consumed until they are planted. I double clicked one when I wasn't even in my home instance not realizing what it was or did, and it just wound up being a loss. Feels unintentional.This definitely is needed, as well as a safeguard from ripping out recently planted ascended herbs unintentionally (while trying to plant more in the mount of dirt right next to them).

As for the fix, I do find it unfortunate, but I can understand why they did it. Players were planting one set of ascended seeds, then just harvesting them indefinitely without replanting. If that isn't an exploit then I don't know what is.

Will I miss sharing my garden plots with friends? I sure will. But it was too good to be true, and it's just fair for all that everyone has to replant their own herbs, instead of those with a partner (or worse a second account they could work with) getting ascended herbs for free while the less fortunate/well connected had to gather or buy new seeds each day.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Blocki.4931 said:This fix just increased the value of your seeds. Tripled even.

, @"daggerdale.9043", it wasn't a mere "working together", it was "working together to abuse an exploit." This fix isn't something you should be taking personal.

why is it a exploit when you did the same like with EVERY other node? even the garden notes are shareable if you seed not ascended stuff.

in "oure" garden we shared the worked between the people and everyone did what he can do best. the one with $ bought extra gardens, the one with time farmed seeds and the one with gold got the food for the composter.

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@Mazreal Blackknight.1564 said:This was not an exploit it was something allowed for as long as Garden plots were first sold. My friends could come and harvest my two plots for extra primer flowers and that was fine. They could come and harvest for the food we used in our gameplay. How is this with ascended seeds any different than before?

It is different, because it was never intended for ascended food to become super cheap to acquire. Therefore, it was unintended for people to be able to circumvent the daily planting by harvesting from other people's garden plots (and several per day, too).

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"Mazreal Blackknight.1564" said:This was not an exploit it was something allowed for as long as Garden plots were first sold. My friends could come and harvest my two plots for extra primer flowers and that was fine. They could come and harvest for the food we used in our gameplay. How is this with ascended seeds any different than before?

It is different, because it was never intended for ascended food to become super cheap to acquire. Therefore, it
unintended for people to be able to circumvent the daily planting by harvesting from other people's garden plots (and several per day, too).

you couldnt farm several times. if you got a plant from spot 1 it was locked for youre acount that day. and compared to other food it isnt super cheap. you start with 20 meals you need to decraft, than you need the seed, than you to cook it again with other stuff which isnt for free.but the biggest problem is the real money paywall you have now. you are bound to 4h of buffs a day if you dont spend $. and when you dont have time to make youre garden every day you can forget ascended cooking.

and i bet you will see soon that people will be kicked out of raids when they dont have the time to farm theyr pepper/mint at home.

dont get me wrong, i dont say you should have ascended food for 1 cooper. but locking it behind a paywall is BAD. cooking was all the time just a mess. and this "fix" made it worse.

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@daggerdale.9043 said:

@Mazreal Blackknight.1564 said:This was not an exploit it was something allowed for as long as Garden plots were first sold. My friends could come and harvest my two plots for extra primer flowers and that was fine. They could come and harvest for the food we used in our gameplay. How is this with ascended seeds any different than before?

It is different, because it was never intended for ascended food to become super cheap to acquire. Therefore, it
unintended for people to be able to circumvent the daily planting by harvesting from other people's garden plots (and several per day, too).

you couldnt farm several times. if you got a plant from spot 1 it was locked for youre acount that day.That's not the point. The point is, as long as you gather in a friend (or alt account) instance, your own herbs would still be there the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that ... so you could harvest them indefinitely without the need to replant. Invite your own guild to harvest daily, and you will generate a near unlimited supply from only one set of seeds.
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@Rasimir.6239 said:

@Mazreal Blackknight.1564 said:This was not an exploit it was something allowed for as long as Garden plots were first sold. My friends could come and harvest my two plots for extra primer flowers and that was fine. They could come and harvest for the food we used in our gameplay. How is this with ascended seeds any different than before?

It is different, because it was never intended for ascended food to become super cheap to acquire. Therefore, it
unintended for people to be able to circumvent the daily planting by harvesting from other people's garden plots (and several per day, too).

you couldnt farm several times. if you got a plant from spot 1 it was locked for youre acount that day.That's not the point. The point is, as long as you gather in a friend (or alt account) instance, your own herbs would still be there the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that ... so you could harvest them indefinitely without the need to replant. Invite your own guild to harvest daily, and you will generate a near unlimited supply from only one set of seeds.

no i tested that. i planted herps, gatterd them at a friends home and than they where gone in my home.

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@daggerdale.9043 said:

@Mazreal Blackknight.1564 said:This was not an exploit it was something allowed for as long as Garden plots were first sold. My friends could come and harvest my two plots for extra primer flowers and that was fine. They could come and harvest for the food we used in our gameplay. How is this with ascended seeds any different than before?

It is different, because it was never intended for ascended food to become super cheap to acquire. Therefore, it
unintended for people to be able to circumvent the daily planting by harvesting from other people's garden plots (and several per day, too).

you couldnt farm several times. if you got a plant from spot 1 it was locked for youre acount that day.That's not the point. The point is, as long as you gather in a friend (or alt account) instance, your own herbs would still be there the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that ... so you could harvest them indefinitely without the need to replant. Invite your own guild to harvest daily, and you will generate a near unlimited supply from only one set of seeds.

no i tested that. i planted herps, gatterd them at a friends home and than they where gone in my home.Did you check back the next day, or right after harvesting?
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@Infusion.7149 said:There needs to be more influx of seeds or the cultivated price will continue to rise due to low supply (timegated to 4 cultivated per plot essentially).I suspect that's the idea. The higher the price, the more people will go out to target herb farming, bringing more seeds into the economy, which in turn will stabilize the price.

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@daggerdale.9043 said:

@Mazreal Blackknight.1564 said:This was not an exploit it was something allowed for as long as Garden plots were first sold. My friends could come and harvest my two plots for extra primer flowers and that was fine. They could come and harvest for the food we used in our gameplay. How is this with ascended seeds any different than before?

It is different, because it was never intended for ascended food to become super cheap to acquire. Therefore, it
unintended for people to be able to circumvent the daily planting by harvesting from other people's garden plots (and several per day, too).

you couldnt farm several times. if you got a plant from spot 1 it was locked for youre acount that day.That's not the point. The point is, as long as you gather in a friend (or alt account) instance, your own herbs would still be there the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that ... so you could harvest them indefinitely without the need to replant. Invite your own guild to harvest daily, and you will generate a near unlimited supply from only one set of seeds.

no i tested that. i planted herps, gatterd them at a friends home and than they where gone in my home.

That's different. It's not about your home instance, it's about your friend's where you were gathering from. He could just not gather his seeds and let the entire guild farm it. As long as he didn't gather them himself, he would never have to replant ever. Infinite uses from one seed.

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Well they had the nodes limited to 12 a day anyways, cuzz I had to go into my own instance for something after I farmed my partners instance in the same day, and the one plot I had was unable to be farmed, not that I was trying to farm them again, just noticed as I ran by the nodes that they weren't selectable or farmable.

So basically this change makes it so if you don't have all three plots then you won't net as much as someone who's spent money on the two extra plots, even thou I still need to farm/buy the rest of the mats for the asc level food anyways.

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While I find the change unfortunate, I think a lot of people are missing why this was done:

  • make garden plots more valuable (yes, this encourages gem store sales of the item)
  • ensure that people with multiple account don't gather off of 1 home instance

I know of people with 10+ account that would gather off of 1 home instance for a ton of profit per day (it was around 8 gold per account only from the 12 plots). Rest assured, with the current sale on PoF, I heard other players considering doing the same.

Obviously the idea is for ascended food to retain some value and pre change, the market was already getting flooded with ascended food materials.

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@daggerdale.9043 said:but i dont want gold. i want the teamwork with my beloved friends working on a homeinstance.gold dosnt buy you remembarable time. work with youre friends does.and this isnt economywars, its guildwars.

IF memorable time with your guildies is your main priority and the additional gold you got from this exploit doesnt matter to you or your guildies, you could do any other activity with them that doesnt give them lucrative rewards for pressing F.

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