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Option: Disable / Enable Mount Skins of other players.


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As Ultramex pointed out above, setting character quality to lowest will remove a lot of flair. Also setting character limit to lowest will simply not render most toons & mounts. IMO, a better option would be to dynamically scale those two values based on frame rate. Lately I've been forced to use the lowest character count because large scale battles in WvW or most World Bosses hits my frame rate pretty bad, but I have no problems rendering 10 char instances in max quality.

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@"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:This is pointless. Having gem store items visible is part of their monetization scheme.

Wrong. Today, we can already hide, among other things:

  • Outifts
  • Armor skins from the Gem Store
  • Character customization options exclusive to the Gem Store (hair styles, skin colors, face styles, etc)
  • Dyes exclusive to the Gem Store
  • Emotes exclusive to the Gem Store
  • Mount skins

And so on and so on. As mentioned above, setting Player Model Quality to lowest (more details here) doesn't reduce texture quality (which is a different setting entirely), so no "potato graphics"; it simply replaces character models by something far more immersive.

@Tyncale.1629 said:No. I want everyone to see my cool Dreadnought raptor.

Heh, I'll never see it.

@SEED.9051 said:Deal with it. It's part of playing with other players in an MMO.

Nope, not in this MMO it isn't, see above ;)

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@SEED.9051 said:

Wrong.The settings you play on make everyone look like clay...aka
POOR people
peasant settings lol

As already said...

@"Erasculio.2914" said:And so on and so on. As mentioned above, setting Player Model Quality to lowest (more details here) doesn't reduce texture quality (which is a different setting entirely), so no "potato graphics"; it simply replaces character models by something far more immersive.

So yeah, my game actually looks better than yours ;)

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If other players spending rl money on flashy mount skins allows me to continue playing for free, I'm all for it. If any portion of that money would be lost by the addition of a setting to ignore those flashy mount skins -- or anything else -- I'm against it. Besides which, as others have said we already have tools for this, use those . . .

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nope. skin, infusion, legendary these all for show off. why people buying a porsche, ferrari ,for speed? NO. most of them is for telling people how rich they are. some theory. those effect is telling people how rich they are or how many time they spent on game. if they comes up with switch on/off effect button. i believe lots of people will quite because of it.

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@"SEED.9051" said:

setting Player Model Quality to lowestSo yeah, my game actually looks better than yours ;)

"I play on lowest settings; so my game looks better than yours :#"So you think high texture quality is the lowest setting? Have you ever seen the options menu, or did you just play the game without bothering with any setting at all?

That would explain a lot, actually.

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@"Nate.8146" said:As Ultramex pointed out above, setting character quality to lowest will remove a lot of flair. Also setting character limit to lowest will simply not render most toons & mounts. IMO, a better option would be to dynamically scale those two values based on frame rate. Lately I've been forced to use the lowest character count because large scale battles in WvW or most World Bosses hits my frame rate pretty bad, but I have no problems rendering 10 char instances in max quality.

I would definitely use an "adaptative" setting for those two parameters.

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