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How do you feel about this balance patch? 9/26/19


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@MrPhantasia.5924 said:

@"Dave.6819" said:
  1. Condi thief, daredevil in particular, heavily nerfed. Staff vault spam as well for that matter.

Daredevil is already dead anyway why people would want that? Only S/D Core thief is left for us. Might as well nerf that too so we can stick to Shortbow'ing #5 around the map since it's our "role" and we aren't allowed to actually fight people.

It's called thief, not stabmaster. Want to be a master of stabbing play a stabmaster. Thieves take what don't belong to them. Maybe you should open a

Well if we are onto the subject of names and meanings then Thief should be renamed to Infiltrator #5. Or "The Decapper". lol. What a joke. Totally missed my point but okey let's focus of names nicknames and meanings. On that note.. daredevil should be able to 1v1 perfectly fine. Sounds like a duelist to me. In reality... it's Deaddevil. And still ppl want to nerf Vault. Alrighty then. On a serious note.. every class should be able to 1v1. And it's not for us to figure it out even tho we provide lots of feedback. It's anets job to provide players with balanced gameplay between classes. It's quite clear now. Whole community hates thieves so bad that anet actually managed to put us down for good. I guess they really listen sometimes. I feel the same thing is coming towards mesmers. IP nerf was quite shocking for chronos. Atleast 5 players that i know quitted the game cuz of that change.

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@Stallic.2397 said:

@bravan.3876 said:Since when do they post upcoming balance changes only in Professions thread? I never watch there and completely missed them until now :hushed:

Lol, for the last 2-3 balance patches.

Seems i missed that the last posts on PvP forum were only reposts by player then, just not with such big delay. Good to know though

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Honestly, all patches lately have been great but I don't think that leaves much hope, community is so pessimistic about pretty much any slight change regardless of what it is and nobody ever really wish to adapt / evolve over new approaches because of this MMO mentality where "meta" means everything to them and if it's too much effort, it'll all be whining over again on something that worked so well for them which now requires more of their skill to work.

Ever since I stopped looking at this game like an MMO, I had much of an easier time playing whatever I felt innovative with, throwing myself into the meta pit along those theory crafted builds have been a bunch of fun and long time coming, having success going around with stuff people never have seen go wild, more often than not asking me for said builds.

Small rant, but I am looking forward that patch like every other than came beforehand. Whether or not something is good on paper I'd rather make the final conclusion in real time instead of throwing a fit over my lost habits.

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@"Shao.7236" said:Honestly, all patches lately have been great but I don't think that leaves much hope, community is so pessimistic about pretty much any slight change regardless of what it is and nobody ever really wish to adapt / evolve over new approaches because of this MMO mentality where "meta" means everything to them and if it's too much effort, it'll all be whining over again on something that worked so well for them which now requires more of their skill to work.

Ever since I stopped looking at this game like an MMO, I had much of an easier time playing whatever I felt innovative with, throwing myself into the meta pit along those theory crafted builds have been a bunch of fun and long time coming, having success going around with stuff people never have seen go wild, more often than not asking me for said builds.

Small rant, but I am looking forward that patch like every other than came beforehand. Whether or not something is good on paper I'd rather make the final conclusion in real time instead of throwing a fit over my lost habits.

I'd just like a baseline where every spec is moderately viable and the overperforming ones get brought back in line with the rest. Establish unique rolls per spec like giving scrap it's own roll as a support instead of a lacking holo. Discourage builds that are passive and have little counterplay.

But I feel like these patches are one step forward two steps back.

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@Tycura.1982 said:

@"Shao.7236" said:Honestly, all patches lately have been great but I don't think that leaves much hope, community is so pessimistic about pretty much any slight change regardless of what it is and nobody ever really wish to adapt / evolve over new approaches because of this MMO mentality where "meta" means everything to them and if it's too much effort, it'll all be whining over again on something that worked so well for them which now requires more of their skill to work.

Ever since I stopped looking at this game like an MMO, I had much of an easier time playing whatever I felt innovative with, throwing myself into the meta pit along those theory crafted builds have been a bunch of fun and long time coming, having success going around with stuff people never have seen go wild, more often than not asking me for said builds.

Small rant, but I am looking forward that patch like every other than came beforehand. Whether or not something is good on paper I'd rather make the final conclusion in real time instead of throwing a fit over my lost habits.

I'd just like a baseline where every spec is moderately viable and the overperforming ones get brought back in line with the rest. Establish unique rolls per spec like giving scrap it's own roll as a support instead of a lacking holo. Discourage builds that are passive and have little counterplay.

But I feel like these patches are one step forward two steps back.

I want that too but really, it's always gonna come down to certain traits if it's not just anymore simplified which I'd rather skip on. I'm convinced there is a way to make at least one build out of any profession that can be viable for any required role given the skill ceiling will vary greatly, it's gonna be down to the actual facts than personal preferences. I have some friends who can't let go of their preferences which I tell them they can't just go off what they want if they can't assume what they'll be facing then say that this skill or profession is unfair because I only have this and that.

Like the biggest example I could give is Berserker players using Headbutt only offensively when it's a damn stunbreak elite with super low cooldown, it's sad how a lot of skills have great utility but never used to it's full potential.

You did play one hell of a fun build last 1v1 tournament and it was quite a close call for something you probably never had before, but given enough practice could be viable in it's own right.

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I’m feeling generally positive.

Warrior changes may be overtuned for 25% damage bonus on opening strike. But exciting.

Scourge changes mainly mean that Scourge is down a shade if they want to project ranged pressure. Depending on how you play this won’t matter. The trait changes may be meh although a bonus of 600 toughness and 300 power is a pretty nice stat bonus in PvP if you can max out carapace stacks.

Reducing Holo’s range to 300 radius is much better for competitive play and makes it easier to judge when you have kited out of range of the knockdown. Best change for the patch.

Some good quality of life thief changes. SA siphon traits were very weak and now are probably just slightly weak. Leeching Venoms are now actually going to be easier to stack without as much stealth uptime. Depending on implementation, the Improv changes may be a net positive for reliability overall.

I like the direction of the Mesmer changes but will have to see how that plays out.

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@"Dave.6819" said:

  1. Condi thief, daredevil in particular, heavily nerfed. Staff vault spam as well for that matter.

Daredevil is already dead anyway why people would want that? Only S/D Core thief is left for us. Might as well nerf that too so we can stick to Shortbow'ing #5 around the map since it's our "role" and we aren't allowed to actually fight people.

if you cant fight people as a condi thief and win the majority of your fights. you might need to think about changing your build or looking at changing classes. condi thief literally shines at 1v1 and team fights.

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@rowdy.5107 said:

@"Dave.6819" said:
  1. Condi thief, daredevil in particular, heavily nerfed. Staff vault spam as well for that matter.

Daredevil is already dead anyway why people would want that? Only S/D Core thief is left for us. Might as well nerf that too so we can stick to Shortbow'ing #5 around the map since it's our "role" and we aren't allowed to actually fight people.

if you cant fight people as a condi thief and win the majority of your fights. you might need to think about changing your build or looking at changing classes. condi thief literally shines at 1v1 and team fights.

Nah. I never played nor will i ever will play a condi thief. Was talkin bout power thief/drd.

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@Dave.6819 said:

  1. Condi thief, daredevil in particular, heavily nerfed. Staff vault spam as well for that matter.

Daredevil is already dead anyway why people would want that? Only S/D Core thief is left for us. Might as well nerf that too so we can stick to Shortbow'ing #5 around the map since it's our "role" and we aren't allowed to actually fight people.

if you cant fight people as a condi thief and win the majority of your fights. you might need to think about changing your build or looking at changing classes. condi thief literally shines at 1v1 and team fights.

Nah. I never played nor will i ever will play a condi thief. Was talkin bout power thief/drd.


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@MrPhantasia.5924 said:

@"Dave.6819" said:
  1. Condi thief, daredevil in particular, heavily nerfed. Staff vault spam as well for that matter.

Daredevil is already dead anyway why people would want that? Only S/D Core thief is left for us. Might as well nerf that too so we can stick to Shortbow'ing #5 around the map since it's our "role" and we aren't allowed to actually fight people.

It's called thief, not stabmaster. Want to be a master of stabbing play a stabmaster. Thieves take what don't belong to them. Maybe you should open a

What an absurd justification. We should just delete all thief skills other than steal and mobility/stealth skills then? How ridiculous. The literal name of a class isn't the eternal arbiter of all a class is allowed to do, especially when there's years of precedent that says otherwise.

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:There may be enough reworks and changes that the next balance patch 6 month from now is acceptable time frame???I mean there's alot if changed imo. They put some work into this balance/rework patch. I'm very excited to play these changes. And scourge seems it will be something very different yet very similar to it old self. Warrior getting a new support roll in the meta maybe? That be great to see possibly? If ele changes work out because of the other changes that be great to. Seeing ele as a threat in PvP would excited me aloot.Looks like the devs want to change things and that is a good thing imo.

They also said this is only the highlighted stuff, and that there is a lot more we aren't being allowed to see right now.

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  • Most of the changes involve traits

Traits aren't gameplay. If you want to make a game more engaging, you don't focus on changing passive elements to a game that already has active gameplay elements like activated abilities and movement skills. When most of the changes listed within a GW2 balance patch are trait changes, you are basically going to see zero changes to visible playstyles, but people will randomly die faster to the same exact gameplay that has been exhibited beforehand. It's going to lead to nothing but spontaneous laughter, mockery and frustration.

  • A lot of other changes involve arbitrary number increases or decreases

Zero baseline change to gameplay.

  • Orb of Wrath

Because the instanced PvE enemies with 1 gorillion HP were complaining that they were getting destroyed by an autoattack faster than players in PvP??

  • Ranger sword

You reduced a weapon's overall free-aim mobility and traded it off for potentially more stationary evasion. STUPID. You then tied that increased stationary dodging to a leap attack successfully striking in a game bloated and plagued with passive blocks, evasion and attack-inhibiting effect spam like aegis and blind. S T U P I D. I don't even play ranger.

  • Death Magic changes

Nothing can "revolve around" an effect which is almost entirely passive. In fact, if a player does not take that re-worked Deadly Strength trait, Death's Carapace is entirely a passive trait that cannot be actively utilized in any way whatsoever. It's just a stat bonus. Your cornerstone mechanic is literally on the level of putting something in an armor slot. That said, you've now potentially made Reaper the better Scourge (since they both have the same flow-chart play-style of "jump into enemy -> spam everything" and the Death Magic changes mostly just benefit Reaper due to bonus toughness and power).

  • Tactics changes

1:1 same as above except instead of gear stats, I guess somebody thought that Warrior needed another Healing Signet because why not. Berserkers dealing 30k damage to Scourges and Weavers with a single button is going to be hilarious, though.

  • Revenant

This class is literally just Thief with cooldowns, but now it's also Scourge with evade spam: a design which can only be found deep within the smoothest of brains.

  • Every other change

Basically net neutral or a small nuisance to anyone attempting to enjoy a video game that was conceived as a format for players to best each other with timing and positioning. This entire patch is Mueller Report tier. -4/10; you've wasted everyone's time.

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@Swagg.9236 said:

  • Tactics changes

1:1 same as above except instead of gear stats, I guess somebody thought that Warrior needed another Healing Signet because why not. Berserkers dealing 30k damage to Scourges and Weavers with a single button is going to be hilarious, though.

Just when weavers were getting settled into part of the meta, Anet introduces Warriors Cunning, which will literally obliterate them.

/Sigh, it was good while it lasted

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@"Shao.7236" said:Honestly, all patches lately have been great but I don't think that leaves much hope, community is so pessimistic about pretty much any slight change regardless of what it is and nobody ever really wish to adapt / evolve over new approaches because of this MMO mentality where "meta" means everything to them and if it's too much effort, it'll all be whining over again on something that worked so well for them which now requires more of their skill to work.

Ever since I stopped looking at this game like an MMO, I had much of an easier time playing whatever I felt innovative with, throwing myself into the meta pit along those theory crafted builds have been a bunch of fun and long time coming, having success going around with stuff people never have seen go wild, more often than not asking me for said builds.

Small rant, but I am looking forward that patch like every other than came beforehand. Whether or not something is good on paper I'd rather make the final conclusion in real time instead of throwing a fit over my lost habits.

"Honestly, all patches lately have been great"Right, removing chrono from the game while barely touching mirage? Buffing condition daredevil. Not nerfing holo at all. Rampage still insanely good. I would strongly disagree with that one.

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@azzardome.9184 said:

@"Shao.7236" said:Honestly, all patches lately have been great but I don't think that leaves much hope, community is so pessimistic about pretty much any slight change regardless of what it is and nobody ever really wish to adapt / evolve over new approaches because of this MMO mentality where "meta" means everything to them and if it's too much effort, it'll all be whining over again on something that worked so well for them which now requires more of their skill to work.

Ever since I stopped looking at this game like an MMO, I had much of an easier time playing whatever I felt innovative with, throwing myself into the meta pit along those theory crafted builds have been a bunch of fun and long time coming, having success going around with stuff people never have seen go wild, more often than not asking me for said builds.

Small rant, but I am looking forward that patch like every other than came beforehand. Whether or not something is good on paper I'd rather make the final conclusion in real time instead of throwing a fit over my lost habits.

"Honestly, all patches lately have been great"Right, removing chrono from the game while barely touching mirage? Buffing condition daredevil. Not nerfing holo at all. Rampage still insanely good. I would strongly disagree with that one.

The reason why I consider them great is because it still sets them apart instead of just being a straight upgrade, core mesmer is not bad. Besides I have seen some good chrono's in PvP conquest lately, least 5 that put up a good fight. This change of playstyle definitely killed a buncha builds for some but, this is in the intend of making things less homogenized as a whole, which is something the majority has been complaining a lot.

Personally I haven't got as much issue dealing with condition Daredevil as any Revenant/Core Engineer builds I played, so on that note I can't say it's exactly OP right now, maybe it's an ICD issue.

Rampage is definitely a big crutch... But it's also something that can be denied with a simple blind or block. I honestly think they should nerf the damage on it, it's just too high and I can agree on that.

Holosmith only has auto attack damage going for it right now, they are nerfing Corona Blast, it's just a progressive approach since but they should really address it and make it -40% across the board, not just the first hit.

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I guess I never fully expressed myself for this patch. I will only include stuff I care about/play.

EngineerHammer buffs: Good, a step in the right direction if they want to promote "bruiser" style.Forge nerfs: Corona nerf is bad, shockwave nerf is very good. Just nerf Heat Therapy.Purge gyro toolbelt change: Unnecessary, useless. Bring back old gyro.Elixir U bugfix: Finally.

MesmerMantra nerfs: Eh. Just rework mantras. They are either used in oneshot stuff or useless.Chaos Storm nerf: It should pulse more than 1 daze. Otherwise, less RNG is good.Chaotic Interruption nerf: The best mesmer line is getting killed, oh well.Chronomancer changes: Just bring baseline Illusionary Persona back, follow from there.

NecromancerDeath Magic rework: I guess something like that was needed, but isn't it too passive?Scourge changes: Bad. Really bad. Tweaking numbers and changing staff AoEs would be enough.

RangerLong Range Shot nerf: I don't get it. When was this a problem?Sword rework: RIP Muscle memory. Wouldn't working on Druid be better?Power Stab "bugfix": It's like slapping somebody to behave nicely, but accidentally killing them.

ThiefSwipe buff: No, don't change cooldown. Instead, increase the range to 900.Steal and Swipe bugfixes: Nice, thanks.Stolen Bundles: Thanks.

WarriorWarhorn buffs: Good idea, it was a dead weapon. Now on to Ranger torch and Mesmer focus.

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Really donno why the patch is causing such a big deal on the forums. Gw2 is literal garbage tier pvp. Its population is a skeleton crew. Games like wow and eso have worse combat mechanic but way higher population cuz of obvious reasons. The rank mode is a joke and 2 mins in u can tell whether ur teams doing the farm or the other is. Everyone runs builds that immobilize, stuns and bursts u in seconds that is if they don't force all ur CD's on ur skills for good measure. Most times in matches ur teamed with people literally leaving u in 4v1 situations cuz they die to those bursts in seconds. Seriously there can't be seriously this many people that take this game serious enough to act like nerfs or buffs to other classes are a life changer lol. Just wait see how the changes work out and adapt till the next time anet decides to play darts.

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