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Storyline Disconnects - [Merged]

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22 hours ago, sirbruce.5426 said:

Receiving this message right after defeating Almorra at the end of Darkrime Delves mission. It get's through the end cinematic and instead of continuing on in disconnects back to character selection with this error. Have tried multiple times and it does it ever single time.  

The message states "The game client lost its connection to the server. Please wait a few minutes before restarting the client and trying again. 

I had the same issue with the cutscene at the end of S4E5 after defeating the final boss.  It went on for months like that and I ended up taking a break from the game.  When I came back later it appeared to have gone away, but it came back for the return event.  I'm not sure why, but when I played as a tagalong to help a friend with the same instance I didn't have the problem and was able to get credit for completing the event for myself as well.

It's frustrating that these kinds of major bugs preventing progress are so common and seem to have no resolution.

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On 12/26/2021 at 11:37 PM, Tuna Bandit.3786 said:

Another story instance that is bugged

The Departing

I always disconnect at the EXACT same point. After I am done fighting, talk to Joko, decline his offer but say I do need his army... RIGHT before the portal back. I disconnect.

Welcome to the party! Same here, across all characters. :classic_rolleyes:

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The Departing is a long and tedious mission including two boss fights and a whole lot of talking/walking around. Every time I get to the end, I tell Joko that I do not need him, and the server crashes, sending me back to the character select screen. Latest forum on this issue seems to be from 2018, and it has not been fixed. I did complete it on one character after about 6 tries, but am now struggling yet again on a second character. I have good internet connection and am working on low graphics. This is a ridiculous issue. Either add a checkpoint after dyeing to Balthazar or fix the servers to run this mission. This is easily the biggest quit moment I have seen in this game since this mission is easily one of more boring missions and crashing is so consistent. Please ArenaNet, do not ignore old patches! New players won't want to get to End of Dragons if the earlier sections are broken. 


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That is the problem...should not need tips or work arounds for the game to function. Makes the game feel broken and cheap...Guess I just feel like it is worth yelling about so one day ArenaNet may actually listen and fix the small problems that make a great game occasionally unbearable. 

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22 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Really? After 4 years? 

Tried VPN? Tried continuously moving character/spamming skill? Tried changing Streaming Option? Tried minimizing cutscene?

There's a plethora of tips within the thread that some have found garners success. 


(There's also a Dev post or two, albeit some time ago.)


Good luck.

so new players should crash several times, if they're so unlucky, than after repeated tries they finally start browsing for answers.
They end up here and sift through all the pages.
Than they might find some workarounds that might work for them.
Or they might not work...
And you consider this is just fine as a design, and needs no further work done?

You give us this 'really?' treatment...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been sifting through this entire forum thread for weeks and trying every "fix" that has been posted. It is just unbelievable that the developers have not properly addressed this over the years. Myself and many others quit playing this game often because of ridiculous errors like this. This is your story line for the game... people should be able to experience it without issues that are out of their control.

Twice tonight I have tried to complete "Hearts and Minds", the finale to Heart of Thorns, and after the second boss fight, each time, I have been disconnected and have to start over from the beginning. Incredibly frustrating. I was so excited to finish this chapter and then jump into EoD tonight, but now I've decided to just log off due to frustration.. I guess I'll try to play the broken instanced game again another day.... please fix this kitten

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Is something going to finally be done about this? It's been years!


GW2 is the only game I have any connection issues with (1tb connection over cable), doing the new expac and getting disconnected after long boss fights over and over again is extremely frustrating. 

Edited by Yamiro.6970
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I played empty and completed it. Unfortunatly I got disconnected during the last cutscene.

Upon returning, I noticed I have to do the boss fight part again... 

Of all story disconnects I experience, 90% are during cutscenes. 

Can you please consider putting the save points right before the cutscenes?

So in this case: Boss fight - won - save point - start cutscene?

That would prevent a lot of frustration.

Edited by Tuna Bandit.3786
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I got disconnected too, it was very frustrating.


I don't understand how hard it is to have checkpoints? Especially since ALL of the disconnects happen exactly the same way - you have a fight and then a cutscene then bam you get kicked out to the menu...

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I'm "trying" to start EoD I wake up on the beach the guy comes over to me rubs his chin then disconnected!!!! Luckily the save point is half way through the fleet fight and I don't have to do the walk at the start every time.


But yeah this is very disappointing I've come across this a few times where I have to do the same instance 3/4 times and some of them have been loooong which have made me quit the game for a bit. 

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I thought they finally fixed this problem with EoD after a flawless story run with my first character. Started the story on my second character and got disconnected twice after the unskippable cutscene in the first story mission (where you wash up on the beach). How is this STILL an issue after all these years? None of the so-called solutions that people keep bringing up actually work and Anet, to my knowledge, hasn't communicated about this issue in years.

Doing the HoT and PoF stories with constant disconnects was bad enough, but now we apparently have to slog through the story 9 times to get certain achievements... At least there's a checkpoint system in place now, making it less frustrating than it was in the earlier expansions, but it is still a huge issue.

Please Anet, fix this problem or at the very least acknowledge that you're still aware that the problem exists.

Edited by Finse.8526
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12 hours ago, Valdor.8142 said:

I'm "trying" to start EoD I wake up on the beach the guy comes over to me rubs his chin then disconnected!!!! Luckily the save point is half way through the fleet fight and I don't have to do the walk at the start every time.


But yeah this is very disappointing I've come across this a few times where I have to do the same instance 3/4 times and some of them have been loooong which have made me quit the game for a bit. 

I have this issue aswell. Just bought EOD and happily started to play however. Don't know what to do... 😞

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I'm probably going to curse my self now but I've been playing a live youtube channel in the background and everything has run fine for me today had multiple cutscenes with no issues. I can just imagine the rage at having to re do every instance multiple times 😞

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I've just had the same thing so I rerun the chapter and bang server disconnects.  You come out of the last cut-scene and there is a film reel over your head and you know it's going to happen again. 😞

Edit: I skipped the cut scene and it worked

Edited by UltraZippy.2890
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Just loses connection after you defeat Ryland for the final time after the dragon's are defeated and you find Braham. After defeating Ryland the dialogue starts and just gets interrupted throwing me out saying "lost connection". Did the mission twice and the same thing happened twice. Can't be arsed to do it a third time now since it'll just happen again.


Go fix this stuff so I can have a proper gaming experience please..... Let me know when it's done so I can finish the mission anytime soon? Ty.

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I've been trying to complete the final Season 2 quest with one of my characters and it appears to be bugged.  I get as far as the point where I transform into Caithe and the game loses its connection to the server (Code =7:11:3:202:101).  This isn't an isolated occurrence, has happened four times now even after restarting the client.

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