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DE is not a healthy, nor fun playstyle to go agasint.


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This isnt about whether it is overtuned or not, but rather the playstyle you have to fight agaisnt. Pretty simple, not really fun to be bursted out of stealth, 1500 range, from high, unportable ground (not valid path MVP), and after finally reaching them somehow and or applying Revealed, they just roll away and take Revealed away (which is already pretty hard to come by), and repeat the whole thing. And all of this burst is done upfront, 17k shots (i have pictures to prove it) and of course initiated by unblockable CC.

Now, nobody finds dying fun, but at least give a fighting chance.

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Not saying I regularly run into them at low plat, but effective strategies require team coordination.

You need everyone to pay serious attention and be aware of the Deadeye at all times, marking for focus immediately and peeling with defense/offense + kiting LoS to prevent the DE getting the kill and the enemy team then capitalising on that and snowballing the map.

This calls for all 5 of your team reading team health and minimap at a level that players now at 1400-1500 level don’t have anymore. Not to mention general positioning and CD management. Thief-tracking (Mesmer less so now) is such an important skill but so easy to disregard or forget in the heat of things (so stay calm and detached).

! I mean, I know my stuff and I’m very much a hardstuck Gold player, but I climbed to +100 my previous rating mostly because the player quality is in decline (and me sticking to 1 build to improve execution % probably has a small part in there somewhere).

And to really stall it out means having people play Roamers at a level that matches the Deadeye so that the DE always has to worry about the person sitting on his donkey. Then match after match you have egotistical team-ragers that show you with every decision they make, the only thing big about them is their emotional sensitivity; with that you realise these decent Roamers don’t exist as much as you’d want them to.

High plat I really have no idea, and usually it’s a learning experience to lose against them or watch your high-power team carry and peel the whole game.

I’ve met your Tactics Warrior in some games before, as a Firebrand with or against you. Good games!

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@Fortus.6175 said:

@"Crab Fear.1624" said:Unblockable CC?

17k upfront damage?

In spvp from a DE.





I dont like to lie.

I'll concede that on Full glass (zerk scholars, crit strikes) and 20 vuln (even the odds, binding shadow) on you and popping assassin signet, yeah probably possible to get 17k from an initial hit.

But, none of the cc was unblockable.

I think that binding shadow should be unaffected by quickness.

Some classes are to hard to "chip away".

So, I can't agree that it's not healthy.

Some need to be deleted instantly, otherwise they 3 v 1 and make the game unfun too.

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1- u play staff tempest which is a counter to DE2- that's sirvivaldi (the legend) known for playing zerker amulet and one shoting people or being useless the 15 minutes of the match by being perma dead.

it's DE fun to play against? no, it's any POF spec fun to play against? no.remove zerker amulet.

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@Bazsi.2734 said:I missed these threads. People crying about any power thief builds usually means the game is nearing a balanced state.

i think its just to make people not look at how utterly overpowered warrior and holo are.personally i dislike many other builds waaay above de, but permastealth with reveal removal is kinda bad design isnt it?

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@Fortus.6175 said:Pretty simple, not really fun to be bursted out of stealth, 1500 range, from high, unportable ground (not valid path MVP), and after finally reaching them somehow and or applying Revealed, they just roll away and take Revealed away (which is already pretty hard to come by), and repeat the whole thing. And all of this burst is done upfront, 17k shots (i have pictures to prove it) and of course initiated by unblockable CC.

Now, nobody finds dying fun, but at least give a fighting chance.

I agree mate, it's pretty annoying to tank like 2-3 games which are really close then suddenly get put against some glass cannon rubbish and then tank yet another game.

We are getting one sided matches because of low population.

We are getting one sided matches because of glass cannon idiots in conjunction with the above.

We are getting one sided matches because certain builds are overtuned atm.

They could easily get rid of the glass cannon cheese rubbish by removing certain amulets like zerkers or even setting maximum stats on each amulet for each class. So say instead of theif getting full effects of a heavy condition amulet he gets slightly less instead. This is tweaking the class without touching the traits and skills which could cause further unbalance to other builds or create new op builds.

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@Fortus.6175 said:Pretty simple, not really fun to be bursted out of stealth, 1500 range, from high, unportable ground (not valid path MVP), and after finally reaching them somehow and or applying Revealed, they just roll away and take Revealed away (which is already pretty hard to come by), and repeat the whole thing. And all of this burst is done upfront, 17k shots (i have pictures to prove it) and of course initiated by unblockable CC.

Now, nobody finds dying fun, but at least give a fighting chance.

I'd rather fight DE all year long.....than any condi spec in this game, you can LoS - Reflect - Block....many things against DE

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The way stealth is designed poses a big problem in pvp. If I did game balance here is what I'd do:

Stealth reduces your damage output by a certain % for a few secs after coming out of stealth. The only exception would be thief skills and mesmer ambush skills that are suppose to work with stealth. This would make stealth a defensive and positioning mechanic instead of one being used to setup insta gib combos.

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@Fortus.6175 said:Now, nobody finds dying fun, but at least give a fighting chance.

You actually have it, but going against full power DE is going to be dependent on your build.As Guard/Engi/War and sometimes Reaper, they're not too difficult to deal with. The problem comes when they decide to chip you down with immobilize. That tactic is highly effective vs many classes.The person you're fighting however, is known to just focus on damage, so dodging and predicting his DJ should be relatively simple. He's not hard to kill; but he is good at providing damage support to his team sometimes.

What I'm saying is, try not to depend on just your ability to 1v1 every build/class.Rely on your team and contribute where else you can.

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@Tashigi.3159 said:The problem comes when they decide to chip you down with immobilize. That tactic is highly effective vs many classes.

Just this^

Also, there's a time when a DE is vulnerable, it's when he tries to decap. When fighting a DE over a node, neutralizing the DE is the first priority. Never stand on the node where you're the most vulnerable, unless you just go for a quick decap and have some blocks/reflects/dodges/evades available. Never try to fullcap while it's still up. If it's safe, let it bleed.

I agree this is not healthy though, but sometimes it can be fun, more like a mix of hide&seek and whack-a-mole game.

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The game design and it's balance are what is not healthy.

What has 8 years of guild wars 2 taught us?

Unhealthy design and its balance is the foundation of guild wars2.

Seriously, don't you see any similarities of 8 years complaints?

Too much powercreep, too much conditioncreep, too much access too stealth, too much 1 shotting, too much evasions, too much doing too many skills at the same time, too much pulls, too much get out of jailcards mechanics, too much bad designs, too much of the same thing over and over again...

What results has come out from to address them?

Absolutely None!!

What results has come from our 8 years of repeated complaints to Anet to address them?


Absolutely None again

In conclusion, it's all waste of our time because at the end of the day, we the community voice will never be heard.

Unhealthiness is the way to go and we don't matter and thats that!!

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@Burnfall.9573 said:The game design and it's balance are what is not healthy.

What has 8 years of guild wars 2 taught us?

Unhealthy design and its balance is the foundation of guild wars2.

Seriously, don't you see any similarities of 8 years complaints?

Too much powercreep, too much conditioncreep, too much access too stealth, too much 1 shotting, too much evasions, too much doing too many skills at the same time, too much pulls, too much get out of jailcards mechanics, too much bad designs, too much of the same thing over and over again...

What results has come out from to address them?

Absolutely None!!

What results has come from our 8 years of repeated complaints to Anet to address them?


Absolutely None again

In conclusion, it's all waste of our time because at the end of the day, we the community voice will never be heard.

Unhealthiness is the way to go and we don't matter and thats that!!

sadly i agree.. :/

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The only issues with the class are as follows.Silent Scope; This trait should never had made it past the drawing board.Shadow Meld(?); Reveal is the counter to stealth. We do not need a counter to the counter.25 might; being able to stack 25 might and hit people for 5k an auto at 1500 range. Finishing people with a 17k DJ isn't acceptable.

They nerfed both rev and core guard burst. Kinda nerfed soulbeast too. Somehow, something with perma stealth and higher burst from halfway across the map with zero risk doesn't.

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@Fortus.6175 said:This isnt about whether it is overtuned or not, but rather the playstyle you have to fight agaisnt. Pretty simple, not really fun to be bursted out of stealth, 1500 range, from high, unportable ground (not valid path MVP), and after finally reaching them somehow and or applying Revealed, they just roll away and take Revealed away (which is already pretty hard to come by), and repeat the whole thing. And all of this burst is done upfront, 17k shots (i have pictures to prove it) and of course initiated by unblockable CC.

Now, nobody finds dying fun, but at least give a fighting chance.

but condi mirage, condi scourge, power guardian, and bunker thief are 10x more annoying than a DE that can be oneshot pretty easily.

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@Fortus.6175 said:Pretty simple, not really fun to be bursted out of stealth, 1500 range, from high, unportable ground (not valid path MVP), and after finally reaching them somehow and or applying Revealed, they just roll away and take Revealed away (which is already pretty hard to come by), and repeat the whole thing. And all of this burst is done upfront, 17k shots (i have pictures to prove it) and of course initiated by unblockable CC.

Now, nobody finds dying fun, but at least give a fighting chance.

I'd rather fight DE all year long.....than any condi spec in this game, you can LoS - Reflect - Block....many things against DE

That's the thing, though. Not every class has access to blocks, reflects and invulnerability . And not every map offers sufficient cower for being able to defend against a +1 from a DE. It wouldn't be as bad if it weren't for the ability to root+poison you with Deadeye's Mark. For a spec as maneuverable as DE (due to stealth and Rifle 4), they shouldn't have access to such easy utility-setup.

DE would need a complete overhaul, but I think all devs will take away from this is to never hypothesize around a viable, ranged thief build ever again.

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De are annoying as fuck but they aren't op, they can only quick kill people with low defense, they die in 2 hits to any class even "tankers" because they dont have any defense at all, so all you have to do is jump on them, if you are marked run near some wall so they miss all the shoots, now i cant say the same to condi/powers thiefs/dd they have dmg and defense(evasion) at same time

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