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Dismounting skill too strong !


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@SoV.5139 said:

@Sleepwalker.1398 said:Oh my....First time i heard of someone running back to zerg and get ganked.Who are these trolls?

Pretty easy to spot. Glass burst build + full escape kit + only fight selectively those their build hard counters.

If you really want to know who they are, make a thread suggesting to not reveal class + elite spec details on target, and they will come right out of the woodwork to shout that suggestion down dozens at a time.

To be fair, that is a really bad suggestion. And no, I'm not a ganker.

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@SoV.5139 said:

@Sleepwalker.1398 said:Oh my....First time i heard of someone running back to zerg and get ganked.Who are these trolls?

Pretty easy to spot. Glass burst build + full escape kit + only fight selectively those their build hard counters.

If you really want to know who they are, make a thread suggesting to not reveal class + elite spec details on target, and they will come right out of the woodwork to shout that suggestion down dozens at a time.

While we're at it, lets also not reveal enemy's health bar, buff bar, stop showing damage dealt, crits, conditions and don't forget about removing skill animations/particles (including projectiles, obviously). Lets cut as much information as we can from pvp and then we can uncover all those dirty roamers picking their targets when they disagree! :+1:

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Charr car needs buffs. You need to defend a camp and wait 13 minutes just to get one of those, the warclaw is free, always available once you've unlocked it and everyone gets one. The charr car is limited edition cheese and should not be slower than a mount.

~ Kovu

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@Kovu.7560 said:Charr car needs buffs. You need to defend a camp and wait 13 minutes just to get one of those, the warclaw is free, always available once you've unlocked it and everyone gets one. The charr car is limited edition cheese and should not be slower than a mount.

~ Kovu

What if we, and bear with me here, we allowed mounted players to have cannons that could damage walls and players?

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@YTKafka.4681 said:

@Kovu.7560 said:Charr car needs buffs. You need to defend a camp and wait 13 minutes just to get one of those, the warclaw is free, always available once you've unlocked it and everyone gets one. The charr car is limited edition cheese and should not be slower than a mount.

~ Kovu

What if we, and bear with me here, we allowed mounted players to have cannons that could damage walls and players?

keep up !its laserbeams from the eyes !

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@Optimator.3589 said:

@"Zikory.6871" said:Use your brand new, perfectly implemented, Build templates to change your build before trying to return to the tag.

Did Ruthless mandate that all KnT members have a "getting back to the zerg" build saved in their templates? :trollface:That's actually something I do too. I have a full soldier and a full berserker template for that purpose. Works pretty well - that 2 hours per week I run with the blob.

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@Justine.6351 said:The new dismount skill is just too strong and needs some kind of nerf. When I try to get back to the zerg half a dozen perma invis infinite dodge one shot trolls gank me off my mount.

Suggestion,Make mounts immune to Lance skill when in home territory. As compensation make it unblockable.

That is all. If you disagree you are wrong.

No, leave your comfort zone. You want to be safe? Stay at spawn, inside keep or make big enough and recognizable name that no1 will even think about attacking/dismounting you.Also, you have 3 dodges, lance can be evaded, make use of that.And lance should be unblockable no matter what. Out of 9 classes only 1 has passive access to aegis, shouldnt be like that in matter of dismounting.

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Mounts shouldn't have instant stomp ability or downed state should be removed entirely.Mounts should move at player+swiftness speed, they allow zergs to travel entirely too fast meaning sheer numbers always win as tricks/tactics of diverting/distracting them no longer works eg. hitting keeps on opposite sides of the map with 25 people each can be defended by one large zerg steam rolling both one after the other, while before mounts the 40-50 man zerg had to split or lose 1 objective.Mount's shouldn't be a band-aid for getting ganked, nothing wrong with perma stealth theif itself, but they can attack/re stealth in less time than dodging giving no time to target/attack for a reveal as there is no cooldown between leaving stealth/restealth "imagine Judges Intervention not having a cooldown, and being abused for burns when it's a gap closer", and rangers can 1 shot your mount hard enough you down, and die before hitting the ground, makes getting lanced a perk.

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@Justine.6351 said:The new dismount skill is just too strong and needs some kind of nerf. When I try to get back to the zerg half a dozen perma invis infinite dodge one shot trolls gank me off my mount.

Suggestion,Make mounts immune to Lance skill when in home territory. As compensation make it unblockable.

That is all. If you disagree you are wrong.

This is clearly a l2p issue, you need to learn to dodge in the mount.On the contrary I think lance is underperforming, it needs to be like a homing rocket and follow the target with a reach of 5000. It misses to many times when the enemy dodges the lance.

Also it needs to do the same damage to players as does to mounts. To a mount does up to 12k damage it needs to do the same to any player.

Thats all. If you disagree obviously your opinion doesn't count.

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Dismount skill just needs a more noticeable sound through the action so you might be able to pull off an evade, but for the most part, people need a consistent way to get you off that mount. If you're still intent on bailing once you're on your feet then review your build, it's your choice if you want to get away or not. Or, don't leave the blob and wait for them after you wp.

If I have perma stealth and infinite dodges, I'm not about to waste my time trying to dismount some one note wonder build when I could probably fund some legendary armor by solo wiping blobs all week.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@SoV.5139 said:

@Sleepwalker.1398 said:Oh my....First time i heard of someone running back to zerg and get ganked.Who are these trolls?

Pretty easy to spot. Glass burst build + full escape kit + only fight selectively those their build hard counters.

If you really want to know who they are, make a thread suggesting to not reveal class + elite spec details on target, and they will come right out of the woodwork to shout that suggestion down dozens at a time.

While we're at it, lets also not reveal enemy's health bar, buff bar, stop showing damage dealt, crits, conditions and don't forget about removing skill animations/particles (including projectiles, obviously). Lets cut as much information as we can from pvp and then we can uncover all those dirty roamers picking their targets when they disagree! :+1:

This non sequitur logic doesnt apply, counter, or even address the point made here. There are plenty of games where your class isnt revealed on target. Its a realistic PVP mode suggestion. You get to find out who the real good players are, vs whose just tabbing through until they get to the free bag class they hard counter.

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@SoV.5139 said:

@SoV.5139 said:

@"Sleepwalker.1398" said:Oh my....First time i heard of someone running back to zerg and get ganked.Who are these trolls?

Pretty easy to spot. Glass burst build + full escape kit + only fight selectively those their build hard counters.

If you really want to know who they are, make a thread suggesting to not reveal class + elite spec details on target, and they will come right out of the woodwork to shout that suggestion down dozens at a time.

While we're at it, lets also not reveal enemy's health bar, buff bar, stop showing damage dealt, crits, conditions and don't forget about removing skill animations/particles (including projectiles, obviously). Lets cut as much information as we can from pvp and then we can uncover all those dirty roamers picking their targets when they disagree! :+1:

This non sequitur logic doesnt apply, counter, or even address the point made here. There are plenty of games where your class isnt revealed on target. Its a realistic PVP mode suggestion. You get to find out who the real good players are, vs whose just tabbing through until they get to the free bag class they hard counter.

Nothing here is "non sequitur". There are also games that don't reveal your opponents hp and that doesn't make it a good/valid suggestion. Good luck cutting basic information in pvp/wvw and claiming it's for the better lmao.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@SoV.5139 said:

@SoV.5139 said:

@"Sleepwalker.1398" said:Oh my....First time i heard of someone running back to zerg and get ganked.Who are these trolls?

Pretty easy to spot. Glass burst build + full escape kit + only fight selectively those their build hard counters.

If you really want to know who they are, make a thread suggesting to not reveal class + elite spec details on target, and they will come right out of the woodwork to shout that suggestion down dozens at a time.

While we're at it, lets also not reveal enemy's health bar, buff bar, stop showing damage dealt, crits, conditions and don't forget about removing skill animations/particles (including projectiles, obviously). Lets cut as much information as we can from pvp and then we can uncover all those dirty roamers picking their targets when they disagree! :+1:

This non sequitur logic doesnt apply, counter, or even address the point made here. There are plenty of games where your class isnt revealed on target. Its a realistic PVP mode suggestion. You get to find out who the real good players are, vs whose just tabbing through until they get to the free bag class they hard counter.

Nothing here is "non sequitur". There are also games that don't reveal your opponents hp and that doesn't make it a good/valid suggestion. Good luck cutting basic information in pvp/wvw and claiming it's for the better lmao.

The response to disallow a whole bunch of other stuff was absolutely a non sequitur, as the logic doesnt apply that disallowing one bit of information automagically equates to denying all other information all the way down to graphic representations.

Many suggestions made on this forum are couched in terms of encouraging player skill, but we see how that is often a lie when people cling to things which limit the amount of player skill actually needed. One way to encourage player skill is to be able to last in fights where players arent guaranteed to know their build hard counters the builds they fight.

What games with PVP modes dont allow you to see the opponents HP? Please cite a few. Show us some forum posts where people are demanding to see the class/build.

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@SoV.5139 said:

@SoV.5139 said:

@SoV.5139 said:

@"Sleepwalker.1398" said:Oh my....First time i heard of someone running back to zerg and get ganked.Who are these trolls?

Pretty easy to spot. Glass burst build + full escape kit + only fight selectively those their build hard counters.

If you really want to know who they are, make a thread suggesting to not reveal class + elite spec details on target, and they will come right out of the woodwork to shout that suggestion down dozens at a time.

While we're at it, lets also not reveal enemy's health bar, buff bar, stop showing damage dealt, crits, conditions and don't forget about removing skill animations/particles (including projectiles, obviously). Lets cut as much information as we can from pvp and then we can uncover all those dirty roamers picking their targets when they disagree! :+1:

This non sequitur logic doesnt apply, counter, or even address the point made here. There are plenty of games where your class isnt revealed on target. Its a realistic PVP mode suggestion. You get to find out who the real good players are, vs whose just tabbing through until they get to the free bag class they hard counter.

Nothing here is "non sequitur". There are also games that don't reveal your opponents hp and that doesn't make it a good/valid suggestion. Good luck cutting basic information in pvp/wvw and claiming it's for the better lmao.

The response to disallow a whole bunch of other stuff was absolutely a non sequitur, as the logic doesnt apply that disallowing one bit of information automagically equates to denying all other information all the way down to graphic representations.

No, it wasn't, expanding on your terrible idea by no means is "non sequitur". Denying information is denying information, there's absolutely no reason to take away class info at this point, it's simply a stupid proposal, no matter how cheeky your comment was intended to be.

What games with PVP modes dont allow you to see the opponents HP? Please cite a few.

lmao, go do your research, buddy.

Show us some forum posts where people are demanding to see the class/build.

??What was that about response being non sequitur?

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@SoV.5139 said:

@SoV.5139 said:

@SoV.5139 said:

@"Sleepwalker.1398" said:Oh my....First time i heard of someone running back to zerg and get ganked.Who are these trolls?

Pretty easy to spot. Glass burst build + full escape kit + only fight selectively those their build hard counters.

If you really want to know who they are, make a thread suggesting to not reveal class + elite spec details on target, and they will come right out of the woodwork to shout that suggestion down dozens at a time.

While we're at it, lets also not reveal enemy's health bar, buff bar, stop showing damage dealt, crits, conditions and don't forget about removing skill animations/particles (including projectiles, obviously). Lets cut as much information as we can from pvp and then we can uncover all those dirty roamers picking their targets when they disagree! :+1:

This non sequitur logic doesnt apply, counter, or even address the point made here. There are plenty of games where your class isnt revealed on target. Its a realistic PVP mode suggestion. You get to find out who the real good players are, vs whose just tabbing through until they get to the free bag class they hard counter.

Nothing here is "non sequitur". There are also games that don't reveal your opponents hp and that doesn't make it a good/valid suggestion. Good luck cutting basic information in pvp/wvw and claiming it's for the better lmao.

The response to disallow a whole bunch of other stuff was absolutely a non sequitur, as the logic doesnt apply that disallowing one bit of information automagically equates to denying all other information all the way down to graphic representations.

No, it wasn't, expanding on your terrible idea by no means is "non sequitur". Denying information is denying information, there's absolutely no reason to take away class info at this point, it's simply a stupid proposal, no matter how cheeky your comment was intended to be.

What games with PVP modes dont allow you to see the opponents HP? Please cite a few.

lmao, go do your research, buddy.

Show us some forum posts where people are demanding to see the class/build.

??What was that about response being non sequitur?

Its obvious youre not aware of the meaning of the word. So I'll use examples.

Your claim of removing projectile graphic representation is a non sequitur when drawing that conclusion from disallowing knowledge of class targeted (which in no way shape or form is expanding my suggestion - its actually a strawman argument - where you construct a much weaker version of the position due to the fact that you are unable to address the ACTUAL position).

AKA: That word. It does not mean, what you think it means. /princess bride.gif

My challenge for you to cite games you claimed show no HP bar is not a non sequitur. Its a "citation required" situation. You made the claim. Show us.

You want to claim "terrible suggestion" - but cannot explain why its terrible = no ammunition in the argument. In other news, I can (and have) fully explained how my suggestion leads to skillful play. If you dont like it, its time to post something with substance and some specificity as to the reason(s) why.

I think you need to take your own advice as to doing the research. Im betting Ive worked on more games which refute your claim than you can even cite which support it.

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@SoV.5139 said:

@SoV.5139 said:

@SoV.5139 said:

@SoV.5139 said:

@"Sleepwalker.1398" said:Oh my....First time i heard of someone running back to zerg and get ganked.Who are these trolls?

Pretty easy to spot. Glass burst build + full escape kit + only fight selectively those their build hard counters.

If you really want to know who they are, make a thread suggesting to not reveal class + elite spec details on target, and they will come right out of the woodwork to shout that suggestion down dozens at a time.

While we're at it, lets also not reveal enemy's health bar, buff bar, stop showing damage dealt, crits, conditions and don't forget about removing skill animations/particles (including projectiles, obviously). Lets cut as much information as we can from pvp and then we can uncover all those dirty roamers picking their targets when they disagree! :+1:

This non sequitur logic doesnt apply, counter, or even address the point made here. There are plenty of games where your class isnt revealed on target. Its a realistic PVP mode suggestion. You get to find out who the real good players are, vs whose just tabbing through until they get to the free bag class they hard counter.

Nothing here is "non sequitur". There are also games that don't reveal your opponents hp and that doesn't make it a good/valid suggestion. Good luck cutting basic information in pvp/wvw and claiming it's for the better lmao.

The response to disallow a whole bunch of other stuff was absolutely a non sequitur, as the logic doesnt apply that disallowing one bit of information automagically equates to denying all other information all the way down to graphic representations.

No, it wasn't, expanding on your terrible idea by no means is "non sequitur". Denying information is denying information, there's absolutely no reason to take away class info at this point, it's simply a stupid proposal, no matter how cheeky your comment was intended to be.

What games with PVP modes dont allow you to see the opponents HP? Please cite a few.

lmao, go do your research, buddy.

Show us some forum posts where people are demanding to see the class/build.

??What was that about response being non sequitur?

Its obvious youre not aware of the meaning of the word. So I'll use examples.

It's obvious I do know its meaning, but nice try at being patronizing. :+1:

Your claim of removing projectile graphic representation is a non sequitur when drawing that conclusion from disallowing knowledge of class targeted (which in no way shape or form is expanding my suggestion - its actually a strawman argument - where you construct a much weaker version of the position due to the fact that you are unable to address the ACTUAL position).

It is expanding on what you proposed, so -again- in no way it's non sequitur. No matter how many times you'll insist on that. You're the one that's stuck on "projectile graphic representation" part, which very obviously -at least apparently for everyone except you- was never the main point lmao.I also DID address the ACTUAL "position", what are you talking about right now?

AKA: That word. It does not mean, what you think it means. /princess bride.gif

Again, straight up wrong, but bonus points for meme I guess.

My challenge for you to cite games you claimed show no HP bar is not a non sequitur. Its a "citation required" situation. You made the claim. Show us.

I'm literally quoting what I'm responding to..."Show us some forum posts where people are demanding to see the class/build."Again, what are you even talking about? In what way that's relevant to what I said?

You want to claim "terrible suggestion" - but cannot explain why its terrible = no ammunition in the argument. In other news, I can (and have) fully explained how my suggestion leads to skillful play. If you dont like it, its time to post something with substance and some specificity as to the reason(s) why.

I did explain why it's terrible, just because the explanation is short doesn't make it any less of an explanation. Try rereading.

I think you need to take your own advice as to doing the research. Im betting Ive worked on more games which refute your claim than you can even cite which support it.

I don't need to "do the research" when I know about the existance of pvp games/mmorpg without hp bars visible. Nobody cares what you worked on, when you clearly don't know enough about it anyways lmao. It was also never about making some kind of "who can name more?!" contest (which is also why I won't name crap for you, as all you'll do is look for reasons why "that doesn't count" like you do right now anyways :lol: ), how is this relevant at all in this thread?

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@SoV.5139 said:

@SoV.5139 said:

@SoV.5139 said:

@SoV.5139 said:

@"Sleepwalker.1398" said:Oh my....First time i heard of someone running back to zerg and get ganked.Who are these trolls?

Pretty easy to spot. Glass burst build + full escape kit + only fight selectively those their build hard counters.

If you really want to know who they are, make a thread suggesting to not reveal class + elite spec details on target, and they will come right out of the woodwork to shout that suggestion down dozens at a time.

While we're at it, lets also not reveal enemy's health bar, buff bar, stop showing damage dealt, crits, conditions and don't forget about removing skill animations/particles (including projectiles, obviously). Lets cut as much information as we can from pvp and then we can uncover all those dirty roamers picking their targets when they disagree! :+1:

This non sequitur logic doesnt apply, counter, or even address the point made here. There are plenty of games where your class isnt revealed on target. Its a realistic PVP mode suggestion. You get to find out who the real good players are, vs whose just tabbing through until they get to the free bag class they hard counter.

Nothing here is "non sequitur". There are also games that don't reveal your opponents hp and that doesn't make it a good/valid suggestion. Good luck cutting basic information in pvp/wvw and claiming it's for the better lmao.

The response to disallow a whole bunch of other stuff was absolutely a non sequitur, as the logic doesnt apply that disallowing one bit of information automagically equates to denying all other information all the way down to graphic representations.

No, it wasn't, expanding on your terrible idea by no means is "non sequitur". Denying information is denying information, there's absolutely no reason to take away class info at this point, it's simply a stupid proposal, no matter how cheeky your comment was intended to be.

What games with PVP modes dont allow you to see the opponents HP? Please cite a few.

lmao, go do your research, buddy.

Show us some forum posts where people are demanding to see the class/build.

??What was that about response being non sequitur?

Its obvious youre not aware of the meaning of the word. So I'll use examples.

It's obvious I do know its meaning, but nice try at being patronizing. :+1:

Your claim of removing projectile graphic representation is a non sequitur when drawing that conclusion from disallowing knowledge of class targeted (which in no way shape or form is expanding my suggestion - its actually a strawman argument - where you construct a much weaker version of the position due to the fact that you are unable to address the ACTUAL position).

It is expanding on what you proposed, so -again- in no way it's non sequitur. No matter how many times you'll insist on that. You're the one that's stuck on "projectile graphic representation" part, which very obviously -at least apparently for everyone except you- was never the main point lmao.I also DID address the ACTUAL "position", what are you talking about right now?

AKA: That word. It does not mean, what you think it means. /princess bride.gif

Again, straight up wrong, but bonus points for meme I guess.

My challenge for you to cite games you claimed show no HP bar is not a non sequitur. Its a "citation required" situation. You made the claim. Show us.

I'm literally quoting what I'm responding to..."Show us some forum posts where people are demanding to see the class/build."Again, what are you even talking about? In what way that's relevant to what I said?

You want to claim "terrible suggestion" - but cannot explain why its terrible = no ammunition in the argument. In other news, I can (and have) fully explained how my suggestion leads to skillful play. If you dont like it, its time to post something with substance and some specificity as to the reason(s) why.

I did explain why it's terrible, just because the explanation is short doesn't make it any less of an explanation. Try rereading.

I think you need to take your own advice as to doing the research. Im betting Ive worked on more games which refute your claim than you can even cite which support it.

I don't need to "do the research" when I know about the existance of pvp games/mmorpg without hp bars visible. Nobody cares what you worked on, when you clearly don't know enough about it anyways lmao. It was also never about making some kind of "who can name more?!" contest (which is also why I won't name kitten for you, as all you'll do is look for reasons why "that doesn't count" like you do right now anyways :lol: ), how is this relevant
at all
in this thread?

Precisely and exactly zero answers to any of my questions and zero evidence that my suggestion was bad. Says Im wrong, wont explain why = Im absolutely correct.

I explained why it was needed. Specifically.

You claim to know the existence, but wont name them = you dont know. You wouldnt be typing out these hilariously long replies with zero games named if you did.

Id love to continue the discussion, but the ball is in your court here.

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