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If Anet reaches $100,000 in donations, they will reveal early teaser and release day of episode 1.

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@Jojo.6140 said:So according to the UI its at 101,172 USD now. Where is the teaser? :open_mouth:

It's currently 5am in Seattle, where Anet are based. They probably don't even know they've reached the goal (unless it happened over 5 hours ago?) and won't for a few hours at least.

It's also Saturday so (unless they expected to hit the goal this weekend and planned ahead) the announcement might involve some people making a special trip to the office or logging in from home, either of which might mean it's later than their usual 9am PST/4pm UTC announcement time.

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@Linken.6345 said:The live twitch stream says its 50455.04 so only half way there.

Maybe the Twitch counter is only showing money raised directly through Twitch? Or it's only counting the money players donated and not the $25,000 of match-funding from Anet? Anet clearly think they've raised over $75,000 because they've given out all the karma rewards and the cat tonic to players who purchased donation items in the gem store.

It's annoying that the Extra Life website isn't working for me. I don't entirely trust the in-game counter after the problems earlier, but I'm not sure how the Twitch one works because I never use Twitch. The Extra Life site's own counter seems like the one most likely to show the overall total from all sources, but it's not loading. :(

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@Linken.6345 said:The live twitch stream says its 50455.04 so only half way there.

Maybe the Twitch counter is only showing money raised directly through Twitch? Or it's only counting the money players donated and not the $25,000 of match-funding from Anet? Anet clearly think they've raised over $75,000 because they've given out all the karma rewards and the cat tonic to players who purchased donation items in the gem store.

It's annoying that the Extra Life website isn't working for me. I don't entirely trust the in-game counter after the problems earlier, but I'm not sure how the Twitch one works because I never use Twitch. The Extra Life site's own counter seems like the one most likely to show the overall total from all sources, but it's not loading. :(

According to Twitch chat, it's been down for over an hour; perhaps due to increased traffic.

It's sad, because one cannot donate.

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@Game of Bones.8975 said:Early could mean anything from the next day to the day before it was intended to be released.And it's only two pieces of information: the date of release and a title.Nothing that really impacts gameplay until the actual release anyway.

Well, it depends really when is the date and is title suggestive. I care for date the most, what if they postpone it to 2020?!? Also, maybe they decide to tease us more, who knows..

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@voidek.5738 said:

could mean anything from the next day to the day before it was intended to be released.And it's only two pieces of information: the date of release and a title.Nothing that really impacts gameplay until the actual release anyway.

Well, it depends really
is the date and is title suggestive. I care for date the most, what if they postpone it to 2020?!? Also, maybe they decide to tease us more, who knows..

Yeah, I think the date will be the most important bit of info for most people since there's been a lot of speculation about that. Mainly whether we'll get the next episode in November or have to wait until January (or even later), since we can be reasonably sure it won't be December as that would clash with Wintersday. The title could be interesting too if it gives us a hint about what will happen, but it's at least as likely to be something dramatic sounding but largely irrelevant, or something which only makes sense after you've played it.

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