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Thank you A-net

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I wanted to take a moment and actually thank A-net for this episode, It had a good strong narrative (Honestly shocked me, they went.... in places I didn't expect them to for once.) And the little tid bits of lore especially about asgeir is really appreciated. (The new helmet looks freaking beast, can't wait to sport it on my norn.) For once Im content 100% with a release, same as I was with grothmar and while I want an expansion with all of this in it at one time... If this is what we can expect than so be it. Id take quality over quantity and PoF and HoT were a mess when it came to agency and worthwhile rewards.(At least to me.) This is by far the best map outside of grothmar, and Im excited to see it grow in episode 2 and more over Im glad we are finally going to the dark narrative I've wanted of this game since its launch. You guys did it~ Im sold... Keep up the good work.

From A Non-disgruntled norn player (For once.)

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@wrathmagik.3518 said:I think its a great map. It's just to small. Me and GF ran around having a blast and about an hour and a half later we're like.. this is great! But this it? ...

It’s half episode. We won’t get the next half TIL ep2. This is sadly where we have dropped to now.

I don't like the whole Living world thing, It didn't work back in season one and two and it wont work now. Id rather them take the time to make a full fledged big expansion (Of wow's standard) and just pay the cost to get the content. But Since so many of the community are against it, and perhaps A-net figures they can make more selling the pieces individually (Build templates, Elite specs, perhaps even alliances) they figure this is a better business model for them.

But I will give them credit, this content is the most engaging and well crafted bit of story/open world content they've made in a while. Season 4 didn't hold me at all and I played it all the way through in one sitting having unlocked the episodes but never playing them. This one has me wanting more and makes me want to see and chew through more, Im even farming strikes (I've never really bothered with raiding after the HoT raids.)

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@Thornwolf.9721 said:

@wrathmagik.3518 said:I think its a great map. It's just to small. Me and GF ran around having a blast and about an hour and a half later we're like.. this is great! But this it? ...

It’s half episode. We won’t get the next half TIL ep2. This is sadly where we have dropped to now.

I don't like the whole Living world thing, It didn't work back in season one and two and it wont work now. Id rather them take the time to make a full fledged big expansion (Of wow's standard) and just pay the cost to get the content. But Since so many of the community are against it, and perhaps A-net figures they can make more selling the pieces individually (Build templates, Elite specs, perhaps even alliances) they figure this is a better business model for them.

But I will give them credit, this content is the most engaging and well crafted bit of story/open world content they've made in a while. Season 4 didn't hold me at all and I played it all the way through in one sitting having unlocked the episodes but never playing them. This one has me wanting more and makes me want to see and chew through more, Im even farming strikes (I've never really bothered with raiding after the HoT raids.)

I have never liked the LW thing either. S4 was a disjointed mess with an atrocious story that again threw away some amazing potential. PoF had its faults, but the maps were big, beautiful, relevant, rich in lore, rich in map stories, rich in events. Even Core Maps are better than many LW ones to me. Sometimes that richness returns (Sandswept and Jahai), but it seems more and more scarce and we get maps built without that organic feel they used to be so, so good at.

The problem with the the LW is partly the structure in having a new map each episode. I get this episode builds on it in ep2 like Sw did, but SW had a vastly stronger foundation. This has too many dead and meaningless areas. The main problem however is the consistency. Sometimes we get a stunning episode (opinions will vary, but I'll call out Bound with Blood, Sandswept, Draconis Mons and the story side of LS4Ep1) and then other times we get...Kourna, Thunderhead or (imo) this episode.

7 years on and it feels very much like they are still trying to find their feet consistently to me. Others however love it and will accept whatever is given no matter the quality. It is difficult for Anet therefore to know what their players want - especially when they are so far removed from the community at this point.

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@"Linken.6345" said:So the norn spirits being used by the commander is forgiven?

Im still not fond of it, I dislike the idea. Im still mad slightly~ BUT the lore about them and Asgeir and "Why" the norn have been unable to channel the spirits as they once had is interesting. I dislike that they are being a mastery~ I was hoping for more norn customization so I wouldn't say all is forgiven, more Im open minded to the future. Hopefully they don't make me change my mind.> @Randulf.7614 said:

@wrathmagik.3518 said:I think its a great map. It's just to small. Me and GF ran around having a blast and about an hour and a half later we're like.. this is great! But this it? ...

It’s half episode. We won’t get the next half TIL ep2. This is sadly where we have dropped to now.

I don't like the whole Living world thing, It didn't work back in season one and two and it wont work now. Id rather them take the time to make a full fledged big expansion (Of wow's standard) and just pay the cost to get the content. But Since so many of the community are against it, and perhaps A-net figures they can make more selling the pieces individually (Build templates, Elite specs, perhaps even alliances) they figure this is a better business model for them.

But I will give them credit, this content is the most engaging and well crafted bit of story/open world content they've made in a while. Season 4 didn't hold me at all and I played it all the way through in one sitting having unlocked the episodes but never playing them. This one has me wanting more and makes me want to see and chew through more, Im even farming strikes (I've never really bothered with raiding after the HoT raids.)

I have never liked the LW thing either. S4 was a disjointed mess with an atrocious story that again threw away some amazing potential. PoF had its faults, but the maps were big, beautiful, relevant, rich in lore, rich in map stories, rich in events. Even Core Maps are better than many LW ones to me. Sometimes that richness returns (Sandswept and Jahai), but it seems more and more scarce and we get maps built without that organic feel they used to be so, so good at.

The problem with the the LW is partly the structure in having a new map each episode. I get this episode builds on it in ep2 like Sw did, but SW had a vastly stronger foundation. This has too many dead and meaningless areas. The main problem however is the consistency. Sometimes we get a stunning episode (opinions will vary, but I'll call out Bound with Blood, Sandswept, Draconis Mons and the story side of LS4Ep1) and then other times we get...Kourna, Thunderhead or (imo) this episode.

7 years on and it feels very much like they are still trying to find their feet consistently to me. Others however love it and will accept whatever is given no matter the quality. It is difficult for Anet therefore to know what their players want - especially when they are so far removed from the community at this point.

Why would they willingly want to be apart of the community? I don't really see us being the nicest bunch... Especially to the developers.

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I don't agree at all.Story was solid and I appreciate the darker tone. The strike mission was great.But man that was short. Worryingly short.

I mean does anyone else remember a time when we got Siren's Landing, waited our usual release cycle, got a full expansion then after another full release cycle got a map and story that was much higher quality than this (Istan)?Now we have a 6 month spread in which we got a prologue on a map with no ambient threat other than scorpions hanging around chili nodes and a boss fight that was an open world veteran without so much as a breakbar.....waited a full release cycle and got... well... half a map and an hour worth of story.

We're being told we're getting expansion level features, but instead of elite specs and mounts we're getting ascended cooking.

This is not the time to be patting Anet on the back for "Job well done".

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@Thornwolf.9721 said:I don't like the whole Living world thing, It didn't work back in season one and two and it wont work now. Id rather them take the time to make a full fledged big expansion

I agree: a full fledged story of the high quality of this episode realized in a full expansion instead of a story chopped into bits and scattered over a LW season would be preferable. I hope they will go back to doing expansions after this.

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@Thornwolf.9721 said:I wanted to take a moment and actually thank A-net for this episode, It had a good strong narrative (Honestly shocked me, they went.... in places I didn't expect them to for once.) And the little tid bits of lore especially about asgeir is really appreciated. (The new helmet looks freaking beast, can't wait to sport it on my norn.) For once Im content 100% with a release, same as I was with grothmar and while I want an expansion with all of this in it at one time... If this is what we can expect than so be it. Id take quality over quantity and PoF and HoT were a mess when it came to agency and worthwhile rewards.(At least to me.) This is by far the best map outside of grothmar, and Im excited to see it grow in episode 2 and more over Im glad we are finally going to the dark narrative I've wanted of this game since its launch. You guys did it~ Im sold... Keep up the good work.

From A Non-disgruntled norn player (For once.)

There is a new Norn helmet? I missed it. Now I must have it!

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I'd honestly be satisfied with living world releases of this quality over expansions as long as we get actual expansion level content along with it. The most important of which are Elite Specializations. Living Story releases can keep me entertained for a few hours. I play through the episode, do the map completion, and do whatever is needed to get the new mounts, armor, and backpack skins. After that, its back to WvW/Spvp. Without new E-specs, living world adds nothing to the pvp game-modes. Its been years since PoF launched. Its time, we need new specs.

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@Brycar.2651 said:

@Thornwolf.9721 said:I wanted to take a moment and actually thank A-net for this episode, It had a good strong narrative (Honestly shocked me, they went.... in places I didn't expect them to for once.) And the little tid bits of lore especially about asgeir is really appreciated. (The new helmet looks freaking beast, can't wait to sport it on my norn.) For once Im content 100% with a release, same as I was with grothmar and while I want an expansion with all of this in it at one time... If this is what we can expect than so be it. Id take quality over quantity and PoF and HoT were a mess when it came to agency and worthwhile rewards.(At least to me.) This is by far the best map outside of grothmar, and Im excited to see it grow in episode 2 and more over Im glad we are finally going to the dark narrative I've wanted of this game since its launch. You guys did it~ Im sold... Keep up the good work.

From A Non-disgruntled norn player (For once.)

There is a new Norn helmet? I missed it. Now I must have it!

The dragonrender helm

@Vinceman.4572 said:

@Thornwolf.9721 said:Id take quality over quantity

Please tell me you are joking.Quality? Ha ha ha.Holy moly, if that release is quality I don't know. Maybe I'm out of touch but that wasn't quality content, sorry.

As I said Im not a fan of the living world system at all, in any way. But they handled a lot of norn lore in the side stuff and we even got to interact with raven a bit; Better than I thought they would do. I honestly thought it would gloss over that stuff and give us something tied to humans or some such thing again; Id prefer and expansion but its clear they are 100% against doing it at this point.

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@Jables.4659 said:I'd honestly be satisfied with living world releases of this quality over expansions as long as we get actual expansion level content along with it. The most important of which are Elite Specializations. Living Story releases can keep me entertained for a few hours. I play through the episode, do the map completion, and do whatever is needed to get the new mounts, armor, and backpack skins. After that, its back to WvW/Spvp. Without new E-specs, living world adds nothing to the pvp game-modes. Its been years since PoF launched. Its time, we need new specs.

Id love an Asgeri E-spec for rev... or a Nornbear one...

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@Vinceman.4572 said:

@Thornwolf.9721 said:Id take quality over quantity

Please tell me you are joking.Quality? Ha ha ha.Holy moly, if that release is quality I don't know. Maybe I'm out of touch but that wasn't quality content, sorry.

Quality? The thing they dropped around 2nd year of the game being released? The thing that keeps going down while people say its going up(tip it isnt....), we get less content and even less quality with each update yet people still defend it. I just hope we get next update in around 3 weeks time (around same what we had with silverwastes iirc) if it takes close to/more then 2 month? just gonna login to get them unlocked each time and finish this saga 1 day after release of its last episode (which should be possible with around 20 min story per episode)

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@Murtos.5342 said:

@Thornwolf.9721 said:Id take quality over quantity

Please tell me you are joking.Quality? Ha ha ha.Holy moly, if that release is quality I don't know. Maybe I'm out of touch but that wasn't quality content, sorry.

Quality? The thing they dropped around 2nd year of the game being released? The thing that keeps going down while people say its going up(tip it isnt....), we get less content and even less quality with each update yet people still defend it. I just hope we get next update in around 3 weeks time (around same what we had with silverwastes iirc) if it takes close to/more then 2 month? just gonna login to get them unlocked each time and finish this saga 1 day after release of its last episode (which should be possible with around 20 min story per episode)

Again Im speaking strictly on a Lore basis when it comes to the norn, which is all I care about at this point. (Why care about anything else anymore) the quality given in THE SIDE pieces was good. The story was short but I mean all of their stories are short, For a PvE map it was good and I enjoy it more than most of the others because its the type of locale I like in games. (Snow mountains, Forests, Jungles) I played less durring PoF and S4 because I despise deserts.

I don't like that there is living world, I want an expansion. Id love for WvW to get focus as that is where a lot of my heart is and its a shame they keep letting it just... not go anywhere. But at this point I've accepted this game will never change, and Im tired of constantly giving feedback to be met with shills and tired of trying to articulate what I dislike in hopes they will fix it. They wont. They never will. When Im bored or I don't have much I want or even feel the need to continue I'll move on because THAT is how they want it to be. We are not the targeted demographic the game is being made for~

This will only grow to be more apparent because Raids are probably dead, and fractals are probably dead and will be replaced by Strikes.

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@Thornwolf.9721 said:

@Jables.4659 said:I'd honestly be satisfied with living world releases of this quality over expansions as long as we get actual expansion level content along with it. The most important of which are Elite Specializations. Living Story releases can keep me entertained for a few hours. I play through the episode, do the map completion, and do whatever is needed to get the new mounts, armor, and backpack skins. After that, its back to WvW/Spvp. Without new E-specs, living world adds nothing to the pvp game-modes. Its been years since PoF launched. Its time, we need new specs.

Id love an Asgeri E-spec for rev... or a Nornbear one...

It's a shame they cannibalized the graphics for the Norn-based rev elite and used them for the warrior warhorn revamp instead, huh?these are the expansion level features

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@Thornwolf.9721 said:This is by far the best map outside of grothmar, and Im excited to see it grow in episode 2 and more over Im glad we are finally going to the dark narrative I've wanted of this game since its launch. You guys did it~ Im sold... Keep up the good work.

From A Non-disgruntled norn player (For once.)Agree. Thanks to A-Net, developers and all ppl for your work. I found this game very good. It's like an other place, beautiful place.

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I love this episode, the main problems I see people complain about have already been addressed by the devs earlier, either people didn't watch the dev analysis or just don't care, i'm not sure which. But the complaints about the map size are kind of silly since they said from the start their going to be expanding on the maps rather than introducing whole new ones and content will grow as the maps do. Also people complaining about the smaller scale of the saga episodes was addressed in that with the sagas the episodes would be smaller but would come a lot more frequently than before.

I honestly love this episode and hope they keep up this work. A lot of the complainers i'm starting to think complain just for the sake of complaining.

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@"Rubedo.8769" said:I love this episode, the main problems I see people complain about have already been addressed by the devs earlier, either people didn't watch the dev analysis or just don't care, i'm not sure which. But the complaints about the map size are kind of silly since they said from the start their going to be expanding on the maps rather than introducing whole new ones and content will grow as the maps do. Also people complaining about the smaller scale of the saga episodes was addressed in that with the sagas the episodes would be smaller but would come a lot more frequently than before.

If we start with the premise that we really got a half-sized release (I feel this is generous) and we will get an expansion to it of roughly the same size in two months that means 4 months for what we used to get in 3.This is not "silly". It's not subjective. It's based on developer information every bit as much as your pejoratives.I honestly love this episode and hope they keep up this work. A lot of the complainers i'm starting to think complain just for the sake of complaining.Or maybe.... just maybe... the negative feedback is warranted and comes from a rational well thought out place.Maybe a veteran who no-lifed this game during it's apex (the end of s3 through PoF to the start of season4) is perfectly reasonable when they say that there's been a general cutting back of what we have seen from this franchise during 2019.

Look at someone's post history before painting people as complainers. You may see that the dissat of many people comes from a pretty rational place.

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@"Thornwolf.9721" said:I wanted to take a moment and actually thank A-net for this episode, It had a good strong narrative (Honestly shocked me, they went.... in places I didn't expect them to for once.) And the little tid bits of lore especially about asgeir is really appreciated. (The new helmet looks freaking beast, can't wait to sport it on my norn.) For once Im content 100% with a release, same as I was with grothmar and while I want an expansion with all of this in it at one time... If this is what we can expect than so be it. Id take quality over quantity and PoF and HoT were a mess when it came to agency and worthwhile rewards.(At least to me.) This is by far the best map outside of grothmar, and Im excited to see it grow in episode 2 and more over Im glad we are finally going to the dark narrative I've wanted of this game since its launch. You guys did it~ Im sold... Keep up the good work.

From A Non-disgruntled norn player (For once.)

Definitely. That corpse puppeteering is impressive. It's scary enough to scare a necromancer to almost lose her mind.

However, I disagree when it comes to the "best map" since I believe that Dragonfall is the best map in terms of the number of activities and rewards.

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