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Season 5 portal tome?


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@"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:In addition, they should create some sort of 'Binder' to load all the tomes in.

And after that, we'll need a shelf on which to store the binder that the tomes that contain the scrolls are kept in.

This whole thing is starting to remind me of a really old David Letterman sketch about a "burner cover caddy organizer curtain splatter screen partition winch lifter".


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I'll settle for a normal tome now, instead of a contraption to house all scrolls...

we have scrolls for the cities (all of them IIRC, so black citadel, The Grove, LA , etc. )we have scrolls for the crafting areas, the mad realm, the place where we picked up the griffon, home portal stone and a few more...Then we have not yet began considering the LS scrolls... you'd get a drop down list bigger then your screen.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I also hope for more tomes for our multiple portal items, and to be able to combine them.

  1. VIP Pass Tome (including Lily of the Elon)
  2. City Portal Tome (combining the six city portal scrolls from MF recipes that require Halloween stuff)
  3. Season 3 Portal Tome
  4. Season 4 Portal Tome
  5. Season 5 Portal Tome

Combined into one tome to rule them all.

Even if it's just a new tome , and we need to re-purchase the Season 3 and Season 4 portal scrolls to put them in manually, I'd accept that to save up space.

@"cptaylor.2670" said:Did you forget?

Maybe there's one back in Grothmar. I haven't played in awhile but I know there wasn't one at the episode release. Unless I'm overlooking something.

Most likely they don't want to add it in yet.

They added the Season 3 Tome with Episode 6, most likely since it wasnt' considered until asked for.

With Season 4, however, they added the tome with Episode 1. And in between Episodes 1 and 2, That_Shaman made a twitter post with the tome's icon and the caption "Something, something, seven." Indicating - spoiling - that there would be seven entries into the tome.

My guess is that ArenaNet doesn't want this to happen again either because a) they want to keep how long Season 5 aka Icebrood Saga will last a secret or b) they're still not sure how long it'll be and are literally winging it.

In the case of the former, they'll avoid adding a tome until either the penultimate or the last episode. In the case of the latter, they'll add it when they know how long the season will be (e.g., 4th to last) or later.

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When Living World 3 introduced the Tome as "Living World Portal Tome" we were hopeful that it was going let us just keep adding portal scrolls to it. When they changed the name when Living World 4 came out, we knew that the team couldn't be bothered to implement that convenience. Having an interactive with multiple pages is harder work than simply cluttering up the game with redundant items.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Even with Portal Tomes, portal devices are getting out of hand. I (for example) currently have, that I reasonably regularly use:

  1. Season 3 Portal Tome,
  2. Season 4 Portal Tome ,
  3. Grothmar Valley Portal Scroll,
  4. Bjora Marches Portal Scroll,
  5. Spearmarshal's Plea,
  6. Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey,
  7. Teleport to Friend (1 stack) and
  8. Recharging Teleport to Friend

And, as we all know, that's by no means the end of the list - it's simply the ones that I use. All in no less than 8 of my precious Shared Inventory slots - because I play quite a lot of characters in PvE, and that's the only place it makes any sense for me to put them.

OK - I can be reasonably confidently we'll see a Season 5 Portal Tome at some point (frankly, I'm surprised it hasn't already been made available) - but things are getting silly, and a new, general solution is needed. Any thought/ideas/rumours/announcements I've missed?

Edit: I'd missed the Portal Scroll thread.

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@Vlad Morbius.1759 said:

@ParadoX.3124 said:No, can we have a single book for every portal to every season ?We have too much junk into our inventory and some qol changes would be appreciated

This a thousand times this, a large binder holding all the books in one slot. I'm tired of using up so many shared inventory slots on these, thanks.

Not just scrolls; scrolls are simply one apsect of a bigger problem. Equivalent function is delivered by a number of other objects as well (such as, but not limited to, e.g.): Recharging Teleport to Friend; Spearmarshal's Plea; Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey (and several equivalents); Home Portal Stone. And like you, those I have sit in my shared inventory slots because that's where they're needed, and I begrudge the fact. We need a solution that doesn't actively penalise us for playing the game.

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@Orion Templar.4589 said:Same here - looking for a season portal tome (including prologue), or better yet a multi-season portal tome.

I would love to see a good long-term solution. Even if you buy every slot possible it is a finite number. Hopefully the game will keep going for a long time yet and presumably there are other things to store in your shared slots. The tomes are just not a good solution, for example, they open behind other windows.

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