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Stealth should keep/put players into Combat


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@Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

@Sobx.1758 said:Walk
us throught your logic here and tell everyone how you came up with that conclusion. Seems like just another empty, made up claim.

Because in eso , if you get attacked > you get destealthIf you get Dot > you get destealthIf you Dot and then try to stealth > you get revealedIf you attack once and miss > you get destealthIf you ''courch'' stealth , you move slowly

Is "miguelsil" your second account? Also your answer doesn't answer the question or supports what he said, all you did was describe a mechanic in a single different game. Which wasn't the point at all.

miguelsi said , that eso dont have such toxix mechanicYou said : ''Walk
us throught your logic here and tell everyone how you came up with that conclusion''You try to change the subject , and i like it :P( i have a second account , but i am still thinking or not to boycot future games . It will effect other games and the bold oceanologist be sad , like the old kitten)

If we want to be accurate, he never singled out ESO, he was talking about "other games". Even then after someone limited it to few specific games, eso was never singled out. Except for the people that want to keep pushing their point based solely on eso stealth mechanic instead of earlier stated "other balanced games", so they keep spamming about eso 24/7 regardless of what the context or earlier answer was.

I'm not changing the subject at all though? I think you just lost some context on the way here :p

Which other games , should we talk for their stealth mechanic ?

Literally any other game with stealth mechanic would be my guess? Or -even better- gw2 instead of trying to claim that it should copy others and that "X game's mechanic is better because I said so"?

All the games , have either stealth that break on damage or getting hit , or reduced movement speed .

No they don't, that's just false.

Even in BR it has high cd , but their attacks/spells you have to manully aim , and not Tab and hit an enemy

I can't decide if it's false or not, because it's unclear what you think "high cd" is :p

Tell me the game , which has a more noobie approch than GW2

Is your knowledge about games with stealth limited to 2 titles? In that case, I'm not sure how can you make any claims involving "every game" or similar. I'm not doing the legwork for your lack of knowledge -you can literally easly google it.

Lets anaylyze your arguments

Sooo when you said "All the games , have either stealth that break on damage or getting hit , or reduced movement speed ." you literally meant that? And you're ready to analize my arguments, which literally takes one game without your described mechanics? The moment I list any, you'd say it doesn't count or that it's not what you've meant. :D

Who has more toxic design ?

What is "more toxic design"? Even now there are popular games with same/similar stealth designs. "More toxic" seems to be purely subjective, so not sure what you mean by that. Also you didn't answer.

Theres a reason , all games put a drawback on stealth .

Again, that's just wrong, but I highly doubt linking you to game/s that prove you wrong would change anything about your stance :sleeping:

Just tell me a game , to compare .... to have a conversation .... about if GW2 stealth is toxic or not

Seriously, if you think you know what you're talking about and honestly claim all games put a drawback on stealth then I'm not sure there's much room for a conversation here. :D

Otherwise we will go in circles :P

Circles are fun, but for a short time :(

That's not a "drawback on stealth" and by that logic you can find at least a few revealing mechanics in gw2 o/

In case you use LoL stealth .

In case I use LoL stealth, it's still not a "drawback on stealth" and gw2 still has reveal mechanics. :D

You can put them in chockepoints , 3.000 yeards away from you , or put them near your feet for a persistence detection (regadles of how many stealth you do) :P

You can do the same in gw2, not sure what your point here is? Also it STILL doesn't change the fact that a ward is a reveal mechanic (that's also present in gw2) and NOT a "drawback on stealth", which you claimed is in every game. Do you understand it and willingly ignore that fact for the sake of -unsurprisingly- not admitting you were wrong, or do you have some troubles with understanding that? :D

So having a constant(24/7) aoe reveal ward , that allows you to see invisible enemies from a longer vicinityWhere GW2 only a half amount of classes have it , and the vicinity is a lot smaller and only half the duration ?Its the same ?

Reveal doesn't need to be class specific, so yes, you pretty much have the same thing in gw2.

''. Do you understand it and willingly ignore that fact for the sake of -unsurprisingly- not admitting you were wrong, or do you have some troubles with understanding that? :D ''

Sooo... yes? No? Still ignoring the fact that you were talking about "drawbacks on stealth", but now you're talking about reveal and treat it as if it's the same? Even forgetting that gw2 also has reveal mechanics but you're not using them?

So increase all classes then to have reveal , in their kit more easilySo before a stealth character can jump to me from 1200-900 range , i can see him from 2000 yards away

Why? Reveal already isn't class-related. Packing everyone with reveal skills, which seems to be what you want would literally make no sense. And "more easly"? As if actually pressing buttons isn't easy enough?Also if you want to stick to that comparison, the ward is 1-per-person, takes up your item slot, is clearly visible to the opponents and equally easly destroyable. And I'm not sure what your made up ingame yards have to do with anything here. :D

If we are going to follow the model of mobas , then creates gear that scale up with timeYou need to be alive for 15 min (just like collecting 4+ gears in mobs) to 1-shot an enemy from stealth and if die you broke the gear , starting from 0

That's... not how it works in mobas though, so weak comparison. And stop squirming about other things in 'different games' when you start realising you're wrong.

Sooo still ignoring the fact that you were talking about "drawbacks on stealth", but now you're talking about reveal and treat it as if it's the same? Even forgetting that gw2 also has reveal mechanics but you're not using them?

1)You are saying that GW2 has the same reveal like LoLAnd then you change your opinion that it shouldnt be so avialable + permanant effectYou need to hit the wards with 4 attacks , otherwise the enemy can see in still see you in LoL , before you can jump to him

What I said was
: you're not talking about "stealth drawback" (like you constantly did before, go reread your own posts), you're talking about reveal. Reveal is already also in gw2.At which point, exactly did I change my opinion here, lmao.

2) For some reason you forgot what you typedYou dont want wards like LoL

No, as stated above, I didn't forget what I wrote. But you clearly forgot what you kept writing before you changed your "point" to a reveal mechanic. :)

So you dont want GW2 to be like LoL (constant waards)But you are saying to other ppl that they should compare GW2 to LoL

First of all, you're the one that brought up LoL, just saying lmao.

(7 years of Thief cercullar thinking)

?Sooo still ignoring the fact that you were talking about "drawbacks on stealth", but now you're talking about reveal and treat it as if it's the same? Even forgetting that gw2 also has reveal mechanics but you're not using them?

Stealth reveal = stealth drawback

That's not what you were writing before.And even if -as I said- your sudden "that's not what I've meant!" approach, reveal mechanics are still available in gw2.

Stealth have a weakness , when going in an area that doesnt allow it to work , because of a WardWhich is sneaking up on ppl from stealth , to suprice themDrawbackWeakness

You have reveal mechanics in gw2 as well.

Also still go reread your previous posts lmao.

I didnt change my mindI said in various games there are drawbacksLoL wards doesnt allow to stealth in a areaSimpleEasy to use , persistant , aoe , denie a mechanic

This is what you've said:

@Killthehealersffs.8940 said:All the games , have either stealth that break on damage or getting hit , or reduced movement speed .Even in BR it has high cd , but their attacks/spells you have to manully aim , and not Tab and hit an enemy


@Killthehealersffs.8940 said:Theres a reason , all games put a drawback on stealth .

Even listing the "drawbacks on stealth" which you clearly meant by something directly hindering a player while using stealth. That's what your "drawback on stealth" meant, but suddenly you flpped on reveal mechanic which, again, exist in gw2.

As I said before: "And you're ready to analize my arguments, which literally takes one game without your described mechanics? The moment I list any, you'd say it doesn't count or that it's not what you've meant."

You said that we should watch on mobas , rather than other silly MMOs

Never said that, no need to lie by twisting my words. :)

In mmos it breaks on getting attacked , or dot , or move slowly

gw2 is an mmo, it doesn't break on getting attacked, so nah.

in LoL the suprice factor doesnt work

Doesn't work and yet... it actually does, what are you even talking about?

If GW2 should aspire to look after no-MMo but Mobas , then LoL Ward it is

Still not a drawback on stealth, but instead a reveal mechanic with similar available in gw2.

...and so the circle continues :sleeping:

  • Confused 1
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@Sobx.1758 said:

@Sobx.1758 said:Walk
us throught your logic here and tell everyone how you came up with that conclusion. Seems like just another empty, made up claim.

Because in eso , if you get attacked > you get destealthIf you get Dot > you get destealthIf you Dot and then try to stealth > you get revealedIf you attack once and miss > you get destealthIf you ''courch'' stealth , you move slowly

Is "miguelsil" your second account? Also your answer doesn't answer the question or supports what he said, all you did was describe a mechanic in a single different game. Which wasn't the point at all.

miguelsi said , that eso dont have such toxix mechanicYou said : ''Walk
us throught your logic here and tell everyone how you came up with that conclusion''You try to change the subject , and i like it :P( i have a second account , but i am still thinking or not to boycot future games . It will effect other games and the bold oceanologist be sad , like the old kitten)

If we want to be accurate, he never singled out ESO, he was talking about "other games". Even then after someone limited it to few specific games, eso was never singled out. Except for the people that want to keep pushing their point based solely on eso stealth mechanic instead of earlier stated "other balanced games", so they keep spamming about eso 24/7 regardless of what the context or earlier answer was.

I'm not changing the subject at all though? I think you just lost some context on the way here :p

Which other games , should we talk for their stealth mechanic ?

Literally any other game with stealth mechanic would be my guess? Or -even better- gw2 instead of trying to claim that it should copy others and that "X game's mechanic is better because I said so"?

All the games , have either stealth that break on damage or getting hit , or reduced movement speed .

No they don't, that's just false.

Even in BR it has high cd , but their attacks/spells you have to manully aim , and not Tab and hit an enemy

I can't decide if it's false or not, because it's unclear what you think "high cd" is :p

Tell me the game , which has a more noobie approch than GW2

Is your knowledge about games with stealth limited to 2 titles? In that case, I'm not sure how can you make any claims involving "every game" or similar. I'm not doing the legwork for your lack of knowledge -you can literally easly google it.

Lets anaylyze your arguments

Sooo when you said "All the games , have either stealth that break on damage or getting hit , or reduced movement speed ." you literally meant that? And you're ready to analize my arguments, which literally takes one game without your described mechanics? The moment I list any, you'd say it doesn't count or that it's not what you've meant. :D

Who has more toxic design ?

What is "more toxic design"? Even now there are popular games with same/similar stealth designs. "More toxic" seems to be purely subjective, so not sure what you mean by that. Also you didn't answer.

Theres a reason , all games put a drawback on stealth .

Again, that's just wrong, but I highly doubt linking you to game/s that prove you wrong would change anything about your stance :sleeping:

Just tell me a game , to compare .... to have a conversation .... about if GW2 stealth is toxic or not

Seriously, if you think you know what you're talking about and honestly claim all games put a drawback on stealth then I'm not sure there's much room for a conversation here. :D

Otherwise we will go in circles :P

Circles are fun, but for a short time :(

That's not a "drawback on stealth" and by that logic you can find at least a few revealing mechanics in gw2 o/

In case you use LoL stealth .

In case I use LoL stealth, it's still not a "drawback on stealth" and gw2 still has reveal mechanics. :D

You can put them in chockepoints , 3.000 yeards away from you , or put them near your feet for a persistence detection (regadles of how many stealth you do) :P

You can do the same in gw2, not sure what your point here is? Also it STILL doesn't change the fact that a ward is a reveal mechanic (that's also present in gw2) and NOT a "drawback on stealth", which you claimed is in every game. Do you understand it and willingly ignore that fact for the sake of -unsurprisingly- not admitting you were wrong, or do you have some troubles with understanding that? :D

So having a constant(24/7) aoe reveal ward , that allows you to see invisible enemies from a longer vicinityWhere GW2 only a half amount of classes have it , and the vicinity is a lot smaller and only half the duration ?Its the same ?

Reveal doesn't need to be class specific, so yes, you pretty much have the same thing in gw2.

''. Do you understand it and willingly ignore that fact for the sake of -unsurprisingly- not admitting you were wrong, or do you have some troubles with understanding that? :D ''

Sooo... yes? No? Still ignoring the fact that you were talking about "drawbacks on stealth", but now you're talking about reveal and treat it as if it's the same? Even forgetting that gw2 also has reveal mechanics but you're not using them?

So increase all classes then to have reveal , in their kit more easilySo before a stealth character can jump to me from 1200-900 range , i can see him from 2000 yards away

Why? Reveal already isn't class-related. Packing everyone with reveal skills, which seems to be what you want would literally make no sense. And "more easly"? As if actually pressing buttons isn't easy enough?Also if you want to stick to that comparison, the ward is 1-per-person, takes up your item slot, is clearly visible to the opponents and equally easly destroyable. And I'm not sure what your made up ingame yards have to do with anything here. :D

If we are going to follow the model of mobas , then creates gear that scale up with timeYou need to be alive for 15 min (just like collecting 4+ gears in mobs) to 1-shot an enemy from stealth and if die you broke the gear , starting from 0

That's... not how it works in mobas though, so weak comparison. And stop squirming about other things in 'different games' when you start realising you're wrong.

Sooo still ignoring the fact that you were talking about "drawbacks on stealth", but now you're talking about reveal and treat it as if it's the same? Even forgetting that gw2 also has reveal mechanics but you're not using them?

1)You are saying that GW2 has the same reveal like LoLAnd then you change your opinion that it shouldnt be so avialable + permanant effectYou need to hit the wards with 4 attacks , otherwise the enemy can see in still see you in LoL , before you can jump to him

What I said was
: you're not talking about "stealth drawback" (like you constantly did before, go reread your own posts), you're talking about reveal. Reveal is already also in gw2.At which point, exactly did I change my opinion here, lmao.

2) For some reason you forgot what you typedYou dont want wards like LoL

No, as stated above, I didn't forget what I wrote. But you clearly forgot what you kept writing before you changed your "point" to a reveal mechanic. :)

So you dont want GW2 to be like LoL (constant waards)But you are saying to other ppl that they should compare GW2 to LoL

First of all, you're the one that brought up LoL, just saying lmao.

(7 years of Thief cercullar thinking)

?Sooo still ignoring the fact that you were talking about "drawbacks on stealth", but now you're talking about reveal and treat it as if it's the same? Even forgetting that gw2 also has reveal mechanics but you're not using them?

Stealth reveal = stealth drawback

That's not what you were writing before.And even if -as I said- your sudden "that's not what I've meant!" approach, reveal mechanics are still available in gw2.

Stealth have a weakness , when going in an area that doesnt allow it to work , because of a WardWhich is sneaking up on ppl from stealth , to suprice themDrawbackWeakness

You have reveal mechanics in gw2 as well.

Also still go reread your previous posts lmao.

I didnt change my mindI said in various games there are drawbacksLoL wards doesnt allow to stealth in a areaSimpleEasy to use , persistant , aoe , denie a mechanic

This is what you've said:

@Killthehealersffs.8940 said:All the games , have either stealth that break on damage or getting hit , or reduced movement speed .Even in BR it has high cd , but their attacks/spells you have to manully aim , and not Tab and hit an enemy


@Killthehealersffs.8940 said:Theres a reason , all games put a drawback on stealth .

Even listing the "drawbacks on stealth" which you clearly meant by something directly hindering a player while using stealth. That's what your "drawback on stealth" meant, but suddenly you flpped on reveal mechanic which, again, exist in gw2.

As I said before: "And you're ready to analize my arguments, which literally takes one game without your described mechanics? The moment I list any, you'd say it doesn't count or that it's not what you've meant."

You said that we should watch on mobas , rather than other silly MMOs

Never said that, no need to lie by twisting my words. :)

In mmos it breaks on getting attacked , or dot , or move slowly

gw2 is an mmo, it doesn't break on getting attacked, so nah.

in LoL the suprice factor doesnt work

Doesn't work and yet... it actually does, what are you even talking about?

If GW2 should aspire to look after no-MMo but Mobas , then LoL Ward it is

Still not a drawback on stealth, but instead a reveal mechanic with similar available in gw2.

...and so the circle continues :sleeping:

And instill in what i said :All games have created anti-stealth drawcbacksLoL , does offer a Ward , that the player who stealths wont go fully invisibly ....Cannot suprise-stealth an enemy player .You can see their figures bright as day , like other normal charactersThey cannot sneak on youNada stealthCaput stealth

You said to the other player , thatGW2 must follow the mobas and not MMOS

...and so the circle continues :sleeping:

(god dammin i love DPS player , their pattern is so easy :PNext turn you will try to befriend me and blame the company for creating these mechanics :P)

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@Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

@Sobx.1758 said:Walk
us throught your logic here and tell everyone how you came up with that conclusion. Seems like just another empty, made up claim.

Because in eso , if you get attacked > you get destealthIf you get Dot > you get destealthIf you Dot and then try to stealth > you get revealedIf you attack once and miss > you get destealthIf you ''courch'' stealth , you move slowly

Is "miguelsil" your second account? Also your answer doesn't answer the question or supports what he said, all you did was describe a mechanic in a single different game. Which wasn't the point at all.

miguelsi said , that eso dont have such toxix mechanicYou said : ''Walk
us throught your logic here and tell everyone how you came up with that conclusion''You try to change the subject , and i like it :P( i have a second account , but i am still thinking or not to boycot future games . It will effect other games and the bold oceanologist be sad , like the old kitten)

If we want to be accurate, he never singled out ESO, he was talking about "other games". Even then after someone limited it to few specific games, eso was never singled out. Except for the people that want to keep pushing their point based solely on eso stealth mechanic instead of earlier stated "other balanced games", so they keep spamming about eso 24/7 regardless of what the context or earlier answer was.

I'm not changing the subject at all though? I think you just lost some context on the way here :p

Which other games , should we talk for their stealth mechanic ?

Literally any other game with stealth mechanic would be my guess? Or -even better- gw2 instead of trying to claim that it should copy others and that "X game's mechanic is better because I said so"?

All the games , have either stealth that break on damage or getting hit , or reduced movement speed .

No they don't, that's just false.

Even in BR it has high cd , but their attacks/spells you have to manully aim , and not Tab and hit an enemy

I can't decide if it's false or not, because it's unclear what you think "high cd" is :p

Tell me the game , which has a more noobie approch than GW2

Is your knowledge about games with stealth limited to 2 titles? In that case, I'm not sure how can you make any claims involving "every game" or similar. I'm not doing the legwork for your lack of knowledge -you can literally easly google it.

Lets anaylyze your arguments

Sooo when you said "All the games , have either stealth that break on damage or getting hit , or reduced movement speed ." you literally meant that? And you're ready to analize my arguments, which literally takes one game without your described mechanics? The moment I list any, you'd say it doesn't count or that it's not what you've meant. :D

Who has more toxic design ?

What is "more toxic design"? Even now there are popular games with same/similar stealth designs. "More toxic" seems to be purely subjective, so not sure what you mean by that. Also you didn't answer.

Theres a reason , all games put a drawback on stealth .

Again, that's just wrong, but I highly doubt linking you to game/s that prove you wrong would change anything about your stance :sleeping:

Just tell me a game , to compare .... to have a conversation .... about if GW2 stealth is toxic or not

Seriously, if you think you know what you're talking about and honestly claim all games put a drawback on stealth then I'm not sure there's much room for a conversation here. :D

Otherwise we will go in circles :P

Circles are fun, but for a short time :(

That's not a "drawback on stealth" and by that logic you can find at least a few revealing mechanics in gw2 o/

In case you use LoL stealth .

In case I use LoL stealth, it's still not a "drawback on stealth" and gw2 still has reveal mechanics. :D

You can put them in chockepoints , 3.000 yeards away from you , or put them near your feet for a persistence detection (regadles of how many stealth you do) :P

You can do the same in gw2, not sure what your point here is? Also it STILL doesn't change the fact that a ward is a reveal mechanic (that's also present in gw2) and NOT a "drawback on stealth", which you claimed is in every game. Do you understand it and willingly ignore that fact for the sake of -unsurprisingly- not admitting you were wrong, or do you have some troubles with understanding that? :D

So having a constant(24/7) aoe reveal ward , that allows you to see invisible enemies from a longer vicinityWhere GW2 only a half amount of classes have it , and the vicinity is a lot smaller and only half the duration ?Its the same ?

Reveal doesn't need to be class specific, so yes, you pretty much have the same thing in gw2.

''. Do you understand it and willingly ignore that fact for the sake of -unsurprisingly- not admitting you were wrong, or do you have some troubles with understanding that? :D ''

Sooo... yes? No? Still ignoring the fact that you were talking about "drawbacks on stealth", but now you're talking about reveal and treat it as if it's the same? Even forgetting that gw2 also has reveal mechanics but you're not using them?

So increase all classes then to have reveal , in their kit more easilySo before a stealth character can jump to me from 1200-900 range , i can see him from 2000 yards away

Why? Reveal already isn't class-related. Packing everyone with reveal skills, which seems to be what you want would literally make no sense. And "more easly"? As if actually pressing buttons isn't easy enough?Also if you want to stick to that comparison, the ward is 1-per-person, takes up your item slot, is clearly visible to the opponents and equally easly destroyable. And I'm not sure what your made up ingame yards have to do with anything here. :D

If we are going to follow the model of mobas , then creates gear that scale up with timeYou need to be alive for 15 min (just like collecting 4+ gears in mobs) to 1-shot an enemy from stealth and if die you broke the gear , starting from 0

That's... not how it works in mobas though, so weak comparison. And stop squirming about other things in 'different games' when you start realising you're wrong.

Sooo still ignoring the fact that you were talking about "drawbacks on stealth", but now you're talking about reveal and treat it as if it's the same? Even forgetting that gw2 also has reveal mechanics but you're not using them?

1)You are saying that GW2 has the same reveal like LoLAnd then you change your opinion that it shouldnt be so avialable + permanant effectYou need to hit the wards with 4 attacks , otherwise the enemy can see in still see you in LoL , before you can jump to him

What I said was
: you're not talking about "stealth drawback" (like you constantly did before, go reread your own posts), you're talking about reveal. Reveal is already also in gw2.At which point, exactly did I change my opinion here, lmao.

2) For some reason you forgot what you typedYou dont want wards like LoL

No, as stated above, I didn't forget what I wrote. But you clearly forgot what you kept writing before you changed your "point" to a reveal mechanic. :)

So you dont want GW2 to be like LoL (constant waards)But you are saying to other ppl that they should compare GW2 to LoL

First of all, you're the one that brought up LoL, just saying lmao.

(7 years of Thief cercullar thinking)

?Sooo still ignoring the fact that you were talking about "drawbacks on stealth", but now you're talking about reveal and treat it as if it's the same? Even forgetting that gw2 also has reveal mechanics but you're not using them?

Stealth reveal = stealth drawback

That's not what you were writing before.And even if -as I said- your sudden "that's not what I've meant!" approach, reveal mechanics are still available in gw2.

Stealth have a weakness , when going in an area that doesnt allow it to work , because of a WardWhich is sneaking up on ppl from stealth , to suprice themDrawbackWeakness

You have reveal mechanics in gw2 as well.

Also still go reread your previous posts lmao.

I didnt change my mindI said in various games there are drawbacksLoL wards doesnt allow to stealth in a areaSimpleEasy to use , persistant , aoe , denie a mechanic

This is what you've said:

@Killthehealersffs.8940 said:All the games , have either stealth that break on damage or getting hit , or reduced movement speed .Even in BR it has high cd , but their attacks/spells you have to manully aim , and not Tab and hit an enemy


@Killthehealersffs.8940 said:Theres a reason , all games put a drawback on stealth .

Even listing the "drawbacks on stealth" which you clearly meant by something directly hindering a player while using stealth. That's what your "drawback on stealth" meant, but suddenly you flpped on reveal mechanic which, again, exist in gw2.

As I said before: "And you're ready to analize my arguments, which literally takes one game without your described mechanics? The moment I list any, you'd say it doesn't count or that it's not what you've meant."

You said that we should watch on mobas , rather than other silly MMOs

Never said that, no need to lie by twisting my words. :)

In mmos it breaks on getting attacked , or dot , or move slowly

gw2 is an mmo, it doesn't break on getting attacked, so nah.

in LoL the suprice factor doesnt work

Doesn't work and yet... it actually does, what are you even talking about?

If GW2 should aspire to look after no-MMo but Mobas , then LoL Ward it is

Still not a drawback on stealth, but instead a reveal mechanic with similar available in gw2.

...and so the circle continues :sleeping:

And instill in what i said :All games have created anti-stealth drawcbacks

Again, that's not what you were talking about, you were talking about direct drawbacks on stealth usage, you changed your direction now, because you realised you're wrong. I quoted what you said before -go reread your own posts in order.

LoL , does offer a Ward , that the player who stealths wont go fully invisibly ....

For a price of item slot, which is a significant power loss.Also similar mechanics are available in gw2.

You said to the other player , thatGW2 must follow the mobas and not MMOS

Nope, you actually need to stop lying. Go reread the thread.

...and so the circle continues :sleeping:

Yes, but it might stop if you weren't lying about what you (or I) said."But a mmo sites without conflicts , is so dull :P"I assume that's the reason you keep doing it. :D

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@Sobx.1758 said:Walk
us throught your logic here and tell everyone how you came up with that conclusion. Seems like just another empty, made up claim.

Because in eso , if you get attacked > you get destealthIf you get Dot > you get destealthIf you Dot and then try to stealth > you get revealedIf you attack once and miss > you get destealthIf you ''courch'' stealth , you move slowly

Is "miguelsil" your second account? Also your answer doesn't answer the question or supports what he said, all you did was describe a mechanic in a single different game. Which wasn't the point at all.

miguelsi said , that eso dont have such toxix mechanicYou said : ''Walk
us throught your logic here and tell everyone how you came up with that conclusion''You try to change the subject , and i like it :P( i have a second account , but i am still thinking or not to boycot future games . It will effect other games and the bold oceanologist be sad , like the old kitten)

If we want to be accurate, he never singled out ESO, he was talking about "other games". Even then after someone limited it to few specific games, eso was never singled out. Except for the people that want to keep pushing their point based solely on eso stealth mechanic instead of earlier stated "other balanced games", so they keep spamming about eso 24/7 regardless of what the context or earlier answer was.

I'm not changing the subject at all though? I think you just lost some context on the way here :p

Which other games , should we talk for their stealth mechanic ?

Literally any other game with stealth mechanic would be my guess? Or -even better- gw2 instead of trying to claim that it should copy others and that "X game's mechanic is better because I said so"?

All the games , have either stealth that break on damage or getting hit , or reduced movement speed .

No they don't, that's just false.

Even in BR it has high cd , but their attacks/spells you have to manully aim , and not Tab and hit an enemy

I can't decide if it's false or not, because it's unclear what you think "high cd" is :p

Tell me the game , which has a more noobie approch than GW2

Is your knowledge about games with stealth limited to 2 titles? In that case, I'm not sure how can you make any claims involving "every game" or similar. I'm not doing the legwork for your lack of knowledge -you can literally easly google it.

Lets anaylyze your arguments

Sooo when you said "All the games , have either stealth that break on damage or getting hit , or reduced movement speed ." you literally meant that? And you're ready to analize my arguments, which literally takes one game without your described mechanics? The moment I list any, you'd say it doesn't count or that it's not what you've meant. :D

Who has more toxic design ?

What is "more toxic design"? Even now there are popular games with same/similar stealth designs. "More toxic" seems to be purely subjective, so not sure what you mean by that. Also you didn't answer.

Theres a reason , all games put a drawback on stealth .

Again, that's just wrong, but I highly doubt linking you to game/s that prove you wrong would change anything about your stance :sleeping:

Just tell me a game , to compare .... to have a conversation .... about if GW2 stealth is toxic or not

Seriously, if you think you know what you're talking about and honestly claim all games put a drawback on stealth then I'm not sure there's much room for a conversation here. :D

Otherwise we will go in circles :P

Circles are fun, but for a short time :(

That's not a "drawback on stealth" and by that logic you can find at least a few revealing mechanics in gw2 o/

In case you use LoL stealth .

In case I use LoL stealth, it's still not a "drawback on stealth" and gw2 still has reveal mechanics. :D

You can put them in chockepoints , 3.000 yeards away from you , or put them near your feet for a persistence detection (regadles of how many stealth you do) :P

You can do the same in gw2, not sure what your point here is? Also it STILL doesn't change the fact that a ward is a reveal mechanic (that's also present in gw2) and NOT a "drawback on stealth", which you claimed is in every game. Do you understand it and willingly ignore that fact for the sake of -unsurprisingly- not admitting you were wrong, or do you have some troubles with understanding that? :D

So having a constant(24/7) aoe reveal ward , that allows you to see invisible enemies from a longer vicinityWhere GW2 only a half amount of classes have it , and the vicinity is a lot smaller and only half the duration ?Its the same ?

Reveal doesn't need to be class specific, so yes, you pretty much have the same thing in gw2.

''. Do you understand it and willingly ignore that fact for the sake of -unsurprisingly- not admitting you were wrong, or do you have some troubles with understanding that? :D ''

Sooo... yes? No? Still ignoring the fact that you were talking about "drawbacks on stealth", but now you're talking about reveal and treat it as if it's the same? Even forgetting that gw2 also has reveal mechanics but you're not using them?

So increase all classes then to have reveal , in their kit more easilySo before a stealth character can jump to me from 1200-900 range , i can see him from 2000 yards away

Why? Reveal already isn't class-related. Packing everyone with reveal skills, which seems to be what you want would literally make no sense. And "more easly"? As if actually pressing buttons isn't easy enough?Also if you want to stick to that comparison, the ward is 1-per-person, takes up your item slot, is clearly visible to the opponents and equally easly destroyable. And I'm not sure what your made up ingame yards have to do with anything here. :D

If we are going to follow the model of mobas , then creates gear that scale up with timeYou need to be alive for 15 min (just like collecting 4+ gears in mobs) to 1-shot an enemy from stealth and if die you broke the gear , starting from 0

That's... not how it works in mobas though, so weak comparison. And stop squirming about other things in 'different games' when you start realising you're wrong.

Sooo still ignoring the fact that you were talking about "drawbacks on stealth", but now you're talking about reveal and treat it as if it's the same? Even forgetting that gw2 also has reveal mechanics but you're not using them?

1)You are saying that GW2 has the same reveal like LoLAnd then you change your opinion that it shouldnt be so avialable + permanant effectYou need to hit the wards with 4 attacks , otherwise the enemy can see in still see you in LoL , before you can jump to him

What I said was
: you're not talking about "stealth drawback" (like you constantly did before, go reread your own posts), you're talking about reveal. Reveal is already also in gw2.At which point, exactly did I change my opinion here, lmao.

2) For some reason you forgot what you typedYou dont want wards like LoL

No, as stated above, I didn't forget what I wrote. But you clearly forgot what you kept writing before you changed your "point" to a reveal mechanic. :)

So you dont want GW2 to be like LoL (constant waards)But you are saying to other ppl that they should compare GW2 to LoL

First of all, you're the one that brought up LoL, just saying lmao.

(7 years of Thief cercullar thinking)

?Sooo still ignoring the fact that you were talking about "drawbacks on stealth", but now you're talking about reveal and treat it as if it's the same? Even forgetting that gw2 also has reveal mechanics but you're not using them?

Stealth reveal = stealth drawback

That's not what you were writing before.And even if -as I said- your sudden "that's not what I've meant!" approach, reveal mechanics are still available in gw2.

Stealth have a weakness , when going in an area that doesnt allow it to work , because of a WardWhich is sneaking up on ppl from stealth , to suprice themDrawbackWeakness

You have reveal mechanics in gw2 as well.

Also still go reread your previous posts lmao.

I didnt change my mindI said in various games there are drawbacksLoL wards doesnt allow to stealth in a areaSimpleEasy to use , persistant , aoe , denie a mechanic

This is what you've said:

@Killthehealersffs.8940 said:All the games , have either stealth that break on damage or getting hit , or reduced movement speed .Even in BR it has high cd , but their attacks/spells you have to manully aim , and not Tab and hit an enemy


@Killthehealersffs.8940 said:Theres a reason , all games put a drawback on stealth .

Even listing the "drawbacks on stealth" which you clearly meant by something directly hindering a player while using stealth. That's what your "drawback on stealth" meant, but suddenly you flpped on reveal mechanic which, again, exist in gw2.

As I said before: "And you're ready to analize my arguments, which literally takes one game without your described mechanics? The moment I list any, you'd say it doesn't count or that it's not what you've meant."

You said that we should watch on mobas , rather than other silly MMOs

Never said that, no need to lie by twisting my words. :)

In mmos it breaks on getting attacked , or dot , or move slowly

gw2 is an mmo, it doesn't break on getting attacked, so nah.

in LoL the suprice factor doesnt work

Doesn't work and yet... it actually does, what are you even talking about?

If GW2 should aspire to look after no-MMo but Mobas , then LoL Ward it is

Still not a drawback on stealth, but instead a reveal mechanic with similar available in gw2.

...and so the circle continues :sleeping:

And instill in what i said :All games have created anti-stealth drawcbacks

Again, that's not what you were talking about, you were talking about direct drawbacks on stealth usage, you changed your direction now, because you realised you're wrong. I quoted what you said before -go reread your own posts in order.

LoL , does offer a Ward , that the player who stealths wont go fully invisibly ....

For a price of item slot, which is a significant power loss.Also similar mechanics are available in gw2.

You said to the other player , thatGW2 must follow the mobas and not MMOS

Nope, you actually need to stop lying. Go reread the thread.

...and so the circle continues :sleeping:

Yes, but it might stop if you weren't lying about what you (or I) said."But a mmo sites without conflicts , is so dull :P"I assume that's the reason you keep doing it. :D

Yes i kinda enjoy it :PBetter than watching anime or old splatter

130 gold its not a hyge investment , if it doesnt allow the enemy to rack up kills and gear up faster .The first 14 min in LoL is the slow-paced strategic part , that you must prevent the enemy from gearing up faster than you .

I read my response and we first talked about BR + MMos ... we didnt started on LoL :PAgain you cannot sneak upon on ppl in LoL .... drawback

...and so the circle continues :sleeping:

Edit: ahhh its 75 gold for 2 minSorry , mostly i am wating for the 23th min of the game for the smacktalk , didnt see the price on the shop

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The actual cost of control ward isn't solely the gold cost, it's also not the thing that you give part of that gold to your opponents if reveal is the only thing you're using it on. It's also an item slot, which is why I said it's a high potential power loss. I literally said it's for a "price of item slot ", not sure why you're asnwering with gold cost to that lmao.

Anyways, you keep making claims, get proven you were wrong and then you flip what you said into something else in order to not admit you were wrong.You did that with your "stealth drawbacks" argument, which was false.Now you're doing it with your claim about me "saying thatGW2 must follow the mobas and not MMOS", but when called out on your lie (because that's not even near to what I said in this thread or anywhere else), you try to move the goalposts by saying that "we first talked about BR + MMos ... we didnt started on LoL :P ". You're the one that brought up LoL btw. And it doesn't matter what we started with or ended on, the fact is I never said something you claim I did -you lied again and now you're dropping it only to twist your own words after twisting mine didn't work. :sleeping:

You pretend you want to talk, but you just want to drag it by lying over and over again, sooo bye :mrgreen:

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Healing pots + free Sentry totemor Healing potions + Stealth wardor Healing Bottle with 3x uses for lesser regen hp/mana + xxxx

You dont loose too much item slots there as a SupportYou are just a glorified babysiter for your DPS friendJust drag>drop>delete>if you dont like an item>start anew

1x 75 gold item , can disable 50% of a character kitIts not a drawback then ?My mistake thenSorry

edit: What if we bring Orb Stealth Detection from WoW arenas then ?(after 2 min a orb will show up , that allows you to detect stealth players from afar , 2000 yards)

What If there was an Orb in the WvWvW base that allows you see invisble enemies till you die .But you had to wait 6 min in your base , to get itBut limiting the amount of ppl going in the fields , then Roamers will be a vital part in the WvWvWv scene

Edit 2: Or a gear rune set , that when Lanced rather than getting dissmounted , you moount loose 40% hp (try to hit him with normal attacks to dissmount him) , but you get less rewards from WvWvWAnd if you get hit by Lance , you next 4:30 min rewards will be reduced by 75% , But if kill him you will get all participation-bar back .That will leed more ppl avoiding mounts and instead using stealth character > going into stealth to their friendly zerg < or fighting the one that dared to lower their rewardsIf enery1 has stealth > then stealth is not OP

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@"ugrakarma.9416" said:replace initiative mechanic with a "stealth bar" like neverwinter,. the thief can use stealth only when stealth bar is filled.


Initiative is the main reason to play thief, stealth is used because it's there. All that really needs to happen is to limit Stealth Attacks to within 2-4 seconds of stealth while being disabled beyond that and having to be revealed to make a fresh stack again. But go ahead and nerf stealth all you want, initiative is not going to change.

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@kash.9213 said:

@"ugrakarma.9416" said:replace initiative mechanic with a "stealth bar" like neverwinter,. the thief can use stealth only when stealth bar is filled.

Initiative is the main reason to play thief, stealth is used because it's there. All that really needs to happen is to limit Stealth Attacks to within 2-4 seconds of stealth while being disabled beyond that and having to be revealed to make a fresh stack again. But go ahead and nerf stealth all you want, initiative is not going to change.

True. I'd say it shouldn't be below a single stealth application though, so probably 3 seconds.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@"ugrakarma.9416" said:replace initiative mechanic with a "stealth bar" like neverwinter,. the thief can use stealth only when stealth bar is filled.

Initiative is the main reason to play thief, stealth is used because it's there. All that really needs to happen is to limit Stealth Attacks to within 2-4 seconds of stealth while being disabled beyond that and having to be revealed to make a fresh stack again. But go ahead and nerf stealth all you want, initiative is not going to change.

True. I'd say it shouldn't be below a single stealth application though, so probably 3 seconds.

The being revealed part was dumb of me, just need to make a fresh stack or something. Whatever changes people want to make, complete overhauls or convoluted tweaks to existing systems can bring us into a long grim stretch of wvw.

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i dont really understand this permanent whining about stealth or thiefs..

thief is nerfed as fuck.i mean take ur self back to Pre HoT. was thief highest burst class probably yes cus of backstabs.

now take ur self to PoF.every1 running around with random popping invuls or aegis or shit ton of HP etctop of all that any given class can now burst like a idiot and most likely out sustain cheapass thief burst which havent been increased in dmg for long time while all other classes seem to get more and more boosted dmg wise.

thief guys isnt your problem neither is stealth. u people just dont know how to deal with a thief or a mesmer or w/e goes into stealth the only advice i can give is play thief / mesmer w/e u cant deal with learn the class and ull be able to atleast predict a little.

i think the people who cant handle thief blame it on stealth while probably in reality its the mobility a thief has while being in stealth he can reposition it self quite fast which is where people problem sits at not the fact that thief can hide.

i mean i play thief and u can remove stealth for all i care i barely use it, but when i see dmg out put from other classes today (after i didnt play for a while) im actually wondering why should i play thief.. i can deal same dmg as thief on a FB or i could play a Ele and heal my self constantly to full while dealing more then half the dmg i do when i burst on thief.

i wish i could sustain like other classes and have invuls and just storm into a group and constantly heal my self to full while slowly eating the enemies.i mean comon people all classes have something retarded its not a reason to cry.

on topic:as for stealth putting people into "combat speed" maybe for other classes who naturally have no acces to stealth but it shouldnt punish thiefs and mesmers and ranger and engies 2 out of the 4 are glass cannons and often their only way to play deffensive so why punish them for it?but like i said for all i care remove stealth from gaming i dont really use it on thief anyway but i dont see why people always hate on stealth.

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@Svarty.8019 said:

@Sobx.1758 said:Ooooor they just disagree with you, but then you couldn't make remarks at them for not implementing changes YOU want.

That's an easy comment to make when you're the favoured one. Let's not forget that the game is in such an amazing state because they listened to one set of people - oh hang on...

Who's the faovoured one? Thief? You make that claim that based on what exactly?And sure, the comment was easy to make, but not because someone's favoured here, but because what I said was true (and pretty obvious) and you know that.They listened to what "Set of people" exactly?

They have consistently exclusively listened and developed their game around the desired and expressions of
, more specifically the Thief. It's been nerfed ONE TIME in the history of GW2.

The Thief is so OP that players are boycotting PvP because of all the 5-Thief teams.

nerf one time? in history? man i wish i could actually find a buff one time in time i played gw2 constantly for thief..its like hey guys we removed stealth but we increased ur dmgor hey guys we removed backstab but instead of that u do 50% more dmg when u hit some1 out of stealth.

thief always get nerfed and boosted at same time to point its not changing a jackshit for em.why thief is OP in PvP? cus of the evade frames on pistol whip? big deal? being able to actually play pistol whip correct is another thing there not many thiefs who can actually play pistol whip correct.just spamming pistol whip isnt that effective maybe vs bunch of newbies yes but when ur facing people who actually know ur class good luck it might work first few times untill they start to counter ur crap or out play it.

i mean do people even stow their weapon if pistol whip isnt hitting or repositioning em self? if not ur just facing one of the many retarded thiefs that dont know what they are doing but just spamming pistol whip.

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@"Ubi.4136" said:It's been commented on endlessly. Yes, stealth needs a rework. There are several things though that would need to happen.

  1. Stealth needs to be permanent, turn it on and you are stealthed until in combat. It should not require casting over and over to maintain.
  2. Combat prevents stealth, deadeye would still need a get out of combat elite, not sure if 1 or 2 charges works.
  3. Stealth needs to reduce movement speed, so that you can never move full speed while stealthed, with traits, etc, maybe 80% movespeed....this does not apply just to thief, but stealth in general, every class should move slower stealthed, you are, after all, trying to be stealthy.
  4. Stealthed players are visible if standing right on top of you, meaning you still have a fraction of a second to respond before backstabbed.

Other things that would have to happen:

  1. Every weapon skill from every class now requires a target to cast. Utility skills could still be cast without a target, but weapon skills from EVERY class would require a target to use. No free casting aoe spam everywhere to find stealthed players, weapon skills should require a target. It also means they can't be used to run away from fights too.

With those set, now they need to rework all the traits and skills for thieves to adjust to stealth being a permanent thing till in combat, and all the other supporting traits need a new purpose. Traits from other classes need to be fixed now as well with regards to stealth.

That's why this isn't ever going to happen.

So staff AOE skills need a target? No peppering the tops of walls with Marks from Necros? No barrage from Rangers? No storms from Eles? That would, I think, significantly and negatively affect the game.

I agree with all the rest though.

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@misterman.1530 said:

@"Ubi.4136" said:It's been commented on endlessly. Yes, stealth needs a rework. There are several things though that would need to happen.
  1. Stealth needs to be permanent, turn it on and you are stealthed until in combat. It should not require casting over and over to maintain.
  2. Combat prevents stealth, deadeye would still need a get out of combat elite, not sure if 1 or 2 charges works.
  3. Stealth needs to reduce movement speed, so that you can never move full speed while stealthed, with traits, etc, maybe 80% movespeed....this does not apply just to thief, but stealth in general, every class should move slower stealthed, you are, after all, trying to be stealthy.
  4. Stealthed players are visible if standing right on top of you, meaning you still have a fraction of a second to respond before backstabbed.

Other things that would have to happen:
  1. Every weapon skill from every class now requires a target to cast. Utility skills could still be cast without a target, but weapon skills from EVERY class would require a target to use. No free casting aoe spam everywhere to find stealthed players, weapon skills should require a target. It also means they can't be used to run away from fights too.

With those set, now they need to rework all the traits and skills for thieves to adjust to stealth being a permanent thing till in combat, and all the other supporting traits need a new purpose. Traits from other classes need to be fixed now as well with regards to stealth.

That's why this isn't ever going to happen.

So staff AOE skills need a target? No peppering the tops of walls with Marks from Necros? No barrage from Rangers? No storms from Eles? That would, I think, significantly and negatively affect the game.

I agree with all the rest though.

I don't think it negatively affects the game. One of the other problems wvw has is walls. Attackers can farm you on them, defenders can die on them, not much else can happen (this assumes equal skill and game mode knowledge by both sides). This thread was about stealth so that's all I included, but I have (several times in the past) included other suggestions for wvw.

To help understand why making all weapon skills require a target wouldn't hinder wvw:

  1. Remove all siege from wvw, except rams and oil, limit rams to 3 on a gate (if placed outside oil damage range, they can't hit the gate), if you want to take something, you have to walk to it and take it, no longer hiding in fully fortified smc with trebs and waiting to treb it down
  2. Only siege damage contests a structure, this would actually allow attackers to kill gate guards and build rams before the timer starts
  3. Making all weapon skills require a target would make the walls an even fight (no siege on walls, only oil), meaning each side needs to target an enemy AND time their attacks to hit them, instead of the attacker spamming the wall with marks, etc, and the defender having 0 chance to hit ground defenders. With weapon skills requiring a target, both sides would often get a no line of sight to target error, but it evens the playing field, for both sides, and for stealthers. Defenders can't hide inside with tons of siege and repel the attack, attackers can't just treb it down, or aoe the walls and defenders down from the almost certain safety of ground outside. People would actually have to fight other people to take and defend stuff.
  4. Remove downstate. Numbers may be the determining factor for every fight, but if a skilled small group can slowly thin out a blob, they should be able to, instead of .1 sec resses being the only reason the blob wins.

Just more food for thought, Anet.

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Stealth should absolutely have had a hefty penalty from the getgo, be it impaired movement, increased damage taken, inability to heal or any combination of either. It still strikes me as ludicrous that as a Holosmith I can stealth up and Rocket Boots in someone's face basically unnoticed and then deliver a devastating attack. Or do the opposite and fully resustain at a safe distance. And that's not even talking about the professions that have better access to stealth, greater burst potential and even higher mobility.

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I don't know how to fix stealth. I do know it is the reason I stopped playing WvW. Either run with the zerg or get killed by an enemy I never saw and had no time to counter if I decided to roam on my own. Learn to play is one thing but you can't learn to play when you're taken down in 2 seconds or less when an enemy literally appears while unloading on you. It's a game mode for elites only now in my opinion.

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