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Fear spam core necro is broken AF


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Staff 5 easy to notice, fear ring easy to counter play and ds 3 u just dodge offer u see their stab appear. So fear chain easy to counter. So easy to counter first fear for fear burst. And if u don’t dodge first u only need one stub brake to undo it or some case weapon swap.its not op it’s impactful.

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@Gamble.4580 said:Staff 5 easy to notice, fear ring easy to counter play and ds 3 u just dodge offer u see their stab appear. So fear chain easy to counter. So easy to counter first fear for fear burst. And if u don’t dodge first u only need one stub brake to undo it or some case weapon swap.its not op it’s impactful.

staff 5 is not easy to notice, in fact it just instantly fears you after the cast is finished.And if memory serves me right fear from shround is insta cast.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Gamble.4580 said:Staff 5 easy to notice, fear ring easy to counter play and ds 3 u just dodge offer u see their stab appear. So fear chain easy to counter. So easy to counter first fear for fear burst. And if u don’t dodge first u only need one stub brake to undo it or some case weapon swap.its not op it’s impactful.

staff 5 is not easy to notice, in fact it just instantly fears you after the cast is finished.And if memory serves me right fear from shround is insta cast.

Ah yeah its first still once in ds should instant start to kite away. And staff 5 is placement so most placed badly or pre and if placed on they will use moment switch into staff. So I think the outplay window needs to be smaller ifto be classed as op. As I said it’s not op it’s just impactful:)But on a side note if u looking at it of being op because it’s range and also toe toe cc chains then I would only nurf ring and that’s it’s range not anything else locking it into a more toe to toe cc chain so it’s at par with wars and others

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Fear mark is the only mark that involves waving the staff around, otherwise you'll just see the necro waving their hand. Watch for the swift jerk movement.

Fear from shroud is instant cast, and needs to be - otherwise the necro has absolutely nothing in shroud to relieve pressure. Reaper shroud has armor to give a ton of stab, scourge can use f-skills while CC'd (which includes the fear, which is extremely vital to its defense). Core necro's shroud fear is the weakest out of 'em all and perfectly fine.

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@"Curennos.9307" said:https://gyazo.com/82343623405e4045c5f3be2d1526bcfb

Fear mark is the only mark that involves waving the staff around, otherwise you'll just see the necro waving their hand. Watch for the swift jerk movement.

Fear from shroud is instant cast, and needs to be - otherwise the necro has absolutely nothing in shroud to relieve pressure. Reaper shroud has armor to give a ton of stab, scourge can use f-skills while CC'd (which includes the fear, which is extremely vital to its defense). Core necro's shroud fear is the weakest out of 'em all and perfectly fine.

It's not perfectly fine though. Insta-cast CC skills are simply not ok ever. If core necro needs something else to "relieve pressure" then by all means we can try giving them something new. People seem to always think that just because someone has a problem with how one skill works he wants that skill nerfed or removed completely with nothing to replace it.

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@Ovark.2514 said:

@"Curennos.9307" said:

Fear mark is the only mark that involves waving the staff around, otherwise you'll just see the necro waving their hand. Watch for the swift jerk movement.

Fear from shroud is instant cast, and needs to be - otherwise the necro has absolutely nothing in shroud to relieve pressure. Reaper shroud has armor to give a ton of stab, scourge can use f-skills while CC'd (which includes the fear, which is extremely vital to its defense). Core necro's shroud fear is the weakest out of 'em all and perfectly fine.

It's not perfectly fine though. Insta-cast CC skills are simply not ok ever. If core necro needs something else to "relieve pressure" then by all means we can try giving them something new. People seem to always think that just because someone has a problem with how one skill works he wants that skill nerfed or removed completely with nothing to replace it.

Might've been better to add what you would give them in exchange to the OP. Have I missed a post somewhere?

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Oh no. The class with the worst active defenses and the least access to Stability has high potential for Fear application. What ever shall we do.

Necro's defense is offense. It means if a Necro wants to survive it has to abuse it's strength of zone control by forcing people to over commit to fighting them and by using Fears both to interrupt enemies and to give the Necro time to reposition defensively if need be.

Scourge has been gutted and Reaper is extremely easy to punish. Core Necro is more tanky but easier to lock down than Reaper. If you nerf Fear access the last barrier of defense Necro has is Shroud, and everyone knows how poorly that works. May as well remove Necro's ability to use weapon skills.

I don't like to be the "wah, wah, my class it weak" person, so I'm not opposed to having things adjusted in a legitimate way. But "Fear spam" can only be achieved with more than a few prerequisites. Unlike the vast majority of other CC's and high damage skills in this game that have little/no set up or requirements to reach their full potential.

Shroud skill #3 is literally the only valid complaint and I don't think it should be changed unless Necro is given stronger defenses elsewhere. I agree that instant CC's aren't good design, but given Fear is a condition that can be cleansed, transferred, blocked, dodged, or negated with Invulnerability, Stability or Resistance, I think there's plenty of counterplay even if it's instant.

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@Curennos.9307 said:

Fear mark is the only mark that involves waving the staff around, otherwise you'll just see the necro waving their hand. Watch for the swift jerk movement.

Fear from shroud is instant cast, and needs to be - otherwise the necro has absolutely nothing in shroud to relieve pressure. Reaper shroud has armor to give a ton of stab, scourge can use f-skills while CC'd (which includes the fear, which is extremely vital to its defense). Core necro's shroud fear is the weakest out of 'em all and perfectly fine.

It's not perfectly fine though. Insta-cast CC skills are simply not ok ever. If core necro needs something else to "relieve pressure" then by all means we can try giving them something new. People seem to always think that just because someone has a problem with how one skill works he wants that skill nerfed or removed completely with nothing to replace it.

Might've been better to add what you would give them in exchange to the OP. Have I missed a post somewhere?

No. Off the top of my head... if Doom gets a 1/2 - 3/4 sec activation + a tell of some kind maybe give the necro a stack of stab for 5 sec and recover 15% life force or something so that it can actually channel skill #4. . . idk.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@"Leonidrex.5649" said:staff 5 is not easy to notice, in fact it just instantly fears you
after the cast is finished.

LOL8/8 meme

?I play core necro, legit every single animation is the same.Staff 2 staff 3 staff 4 staff 5. they are all the same.Corrupt boon too. All 3/4s cast time.They dont have to nerf the class to fix issues, change how staff 5 animation looks like and you done, and dark glowing to the staff or something and you are.

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Doom is instant cast, if that is easy to dodge you must be some sort of superhuman.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spectral_Ring is 1/4s cast time, you not gonna dodged that pal, expecially since all necro animations are the same.Staff 5 has reasonable cast time but then again its same animation as all other marks.

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Man is necro allowed to have any defense, please? other classes get to have invulns teleports infinite stealth retal prot tons of quickness etc and one of our few effective core tools and people want it deleted, and we are already food for most classes.

Chill got nerfed already pretty hard and so did fear, what are we supposed to do to defend ourselves? call for help? and if so why do other classes get free pass? i don't see anyone deleting all teleports off revenant or deleting defenses on guardian warrior and soulbeast.

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@Axl.8924 said:Man is necro allowed to have any defense, please? other classes get to have invulns teleports infinite stealth retal prot tons of quickness etc and one of our few effective core tools and people want it deleted, and we are already food for most classes.

Chill got nerfed already pretty hard and so did fear, what are we supposed to do to defend ourselves? call for help? and if so why do other classes get free pass? i don't see anyone deleting all teleports off revenant or deleting defenses on guardian warrior and soulbeast.

people are blowing all this out of proportion, but necro could use different animation on its powers.staff 2 3 and 4 are exactly the same.corrupt boon is the same but with slight glow thats unnoticable during fight, and staff 5 seems to same animation during jump. nothing to look out for.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@"Axl.8924" said:Man is necro allowed to have any defense, please? other classes get to have invulns teleports infinite stealth retal prot tons of quickness etc and one of our few effective core tools and people want it deleted, and we are already food for most classes.

Chill got nerfed already pretty hard and so did fear, what are we supposed to do to defend ourselves? call for help? and if so why do other classes get free pass? i don't see anyone deleting all teleports off revenant or deleting defenses on guardian warrior and soulbeast.

people are blowing all this out of proportion, but necro could use different animation on its powers.staff 2 3 and 4 are exactly the same.corrupt boon is the same but with slight glow that's unnoticeable during the fight, and staff 5 seems like its the same animation during the jump. nothing to look out for.

If they want to add animations well whatever but they must not nerf fear because of it being one of our last resort offensive-defensive abilities.

If a necromancer gets focused no matter if its reaper in shroud or core, we are too easy to kill as it is.If you play SPVP and nobody is babysitting you, you are a free kill.

Rangers have the ability to disengage multiple times so does thief and tools are fairly power crept to the point where necromancers "underperform"

This is something a person who plays a class truly understands, such as a person who plays casually a mesmer won't fully understand the implications of changes to the class the way a person who plays it a lot will.

And who's to say that its a true problem and not merely a setback? If you nerf necro too much, it will be even weaker and set for more complaints until its deleted.

What is to stop people from complaining about reaper shroud damage then or the ability to pull you to them? oh they can pull you use grasping darkness to chill? damage?

Where does it end? when necros no longer are viable and just stand there and get hit? when shroud hits do 1k dmg with shroud?

We see tons of kitten nerf threads but how many are actually warranted?

I saw one post thread in the rangers section of a ranger player asking for nerf to soulbeast, so at least he understands what the mechanics are and understands how strong it is, and even though he got trashed for complaining, at least there were a few who agreed with him.

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@Ovark.2514 said:in-depth analysis, ok: So Doom is instant-cast 1200 range skill that fears up to 3 seconds when built around it.

The necro is in shroud on a condi amulet at range. So besides the cc he can't do anything.While the opponent's feared you have all the time in the world to place a spectral wall that the opponent has to walk through twice for 4 more seconds of fear,Now he leaves shroud to cast the ring offensively. Which weapon does he use?

so while he's doing that you can drop a Staff 5 for 2 more seconds,Okay, he is on staff, which means he can't do any damage to you besides the cc.

and if taking lich you can get 4 more seconds (though it's too long a CD so no one takes it).

Okay okay he might even pick a useless elite skill on his condi build.

So that's 9sec of unbroken CC that can be applied all while you freecast other damaging attacks NOT TO MENTION that if I WAS taking and stab it could easily be corrupted to fear me more. And I'm not a streamer so I don't record on the regular.No, he can't attack you. He can't do shit to harm you while doing that combo. That's by the way why it's balanced. He can't cc and damage you at the same time. Two of them could work together and cc and damage you. But that'y exactly what team play is about. It's the same like one dps/burst build and one healer or two thieves: one of them is attacking the other one is sneaking around you and engaging after you burned your cooldowns to force the first one to disengage.

You are not meant to win a 1v2. If you are two players too, then there are plenty of strategies to deal with two core necros.

Side Note: On a lot of encounters the first fear will already fail due to autostunbreak traits - resulting in the whole combo not working anymore. The combo does also not work anymore if you just stunbreak the first fear manually. All he can do then is place the wall around you and bomb you with staff which deals laughable damage. With two dodges and two stunbreaks / no-cast-time-condi-cleanses you can kite that build endlessly.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:staff 5 is not easy to notice, in fact it just instantly fears you
after the cast is finished.

LOL8/8 meme

Its the only staff animation where the necromancer points the staff at the marks location instead of waving their hand.This is true for both male and female animations as well as all races in the game. The fear mark also i think is the only one that has a bit of a smoky visual effect coming from the green marking on the ground.

Every single other mark will always result in the wave of the necromancers off hand while the fear mark specifically points the thes staff at the target location of of the mark. (or always forward in the event you place the mark behind you while running away)

Oddly enough Its easier to notice than alot of other staff profession skills that often inflict some kind of cc.Rev staff 5 is kind of just instant you just kind of have to have a gut feeling on when they are going to try and use or combo the skill and 90% of the time you can guess correctly.Mesmer staff 5 is just extremely hard to see when its cast considering its cast time is only 1/4th of a second you will almost never being able to actively react to it being dropped directly on you luckily the cc it applies is not very strong.

So in all honestly from the common staff skills in the game that do inflict cc Reaper's Mark is one of the easiest to visually see from a technical standpoint.

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@ZDragon.3046 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:staff 5 is not easy to notice, in fact it just instantly fears you
after the cast is finished.

LOL8/8 meme

Its the only staff animation where the necromancer points the staff at the marks location instead of waving their hand.This is true for both male and female animations as well as all races in the game. The fear mark also i think is the only one that has a bit of a smoky visual effect coming from the green marking on the ground.

Every single other mark will always result in the wave of the necromancers off hand while the fear mark specifically points the thes staff at the target location of of the mark. (or always forward in the event you place the mark behind you while running away)

Oddly enough Its easier to notice than alot of other staff profession skills that often inflict some kind of cc.Rev staff 5 is kind of just instant you just kind of have to have a gut feeling on when they are going to try and use or combo the skill and 90% of the time you can guess correctly.Mesmer staff 5 is just extremely hard to see when its cast considering its cast time is only 1/4th of a second you will almost never being able to actively react to it being dropped directly on you luckily the cc it applies is not very strong.

So in all honestly from the common staff skills in the game that do inflict cc Reaper's Mark is one of the easiest to visually see from a technical standpoint.

Nah, staff 5 is slightly different. it starts with same hand animation but ends with staff swing. Realistically you wont dodge it.Problem is that all the fears necro has dont really have tells.shround is instant, ring is 1/4s cast time, staff 5 does have cast time but you wont reactively dodge it realistically

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:staff 5 is not easy to notice, in fact it just instantly fears you
after the cast is finished.

LOL8/8 meme

Its the only staff animation where the necromancer points the staff at the marks location instead of waving their hand.This is true for both male and female animations as well as all races in the game. The fear mark also i think is the only one that has a bit of a smoky visual effect coming from the green marking on the ground.

Every single other mark will always result in the wave of the necromancers off hand while the fear mark specifically points the thes staff at the target location of of the mark. (or always forward in the event you place the mark behind you while running away)

Oddly enough Its easier to notice than alot of other staff profession skills that often inflict some kind of cc.Rev staff 5 is kind of just instant you just kind of have to have a gut feeling on when they are going to try and use or combo the skill and 90% of the time you can guess correctly.Mesmer staff 5 is just extremely hard to see when its cast considering its cast time is only 1/4th of a second you will almost never being able to actively react to it being dropped directly on you luckily the cc it applies is not very strong.

So in all honestly from the common staff skills in the game that do inflict cc Reaper's Mark is one of the easiest to visually see from a technical standpoint.

Nah, staff 5 is slightly different. it starts with same hand animation but ends with staff swing. Realistically you wont dodge it.Truth be told i think you should be watching more closely at the staff instead of the hand but i dont think the animations are the same at all. The cast time is 3/4 of a second which is doable in being able to dodge it probably not every time but it certainly wont be a promised hit every time for someone who is looking for it.

Problem is that all the fears necro has dont really have tells.shround is instant, ring is 1/4s cast time, staff 5 does have cast time but you wont reactively dodge it realisticallyI dont agree with thisCore shroud, Kind of has a tell the fact that you entered shroud is no doubt that the fear might come but ill give you this one for really not having a tell as the cast time on doom is instant. That said its single target, 1 use, and the only cc skill in the shroud kit.Reaper, Has a tell as infusing terror procs before the fear can be usedScourge, shade skills all have tells now.Reapers mark has the odd staff animation and the visual effect on the mark itselfSpectral ring.... is well the ring itself is the tell.

Im sorry if you think the ring is not a tell but if you are in the middle of it or outside it you wont be feared. Only if you cross its edge in some way. Even if it had a tell that would make it worse when its placed on you as you would try to dodge due to seeing the tell (the ring cannot be dodged though without stability) which would result in likely dodging into its edge and getting feared while wasting an evade.

Ideally most fears are fine and if fears were effects that could not be removed by condition cleanse i might agree with you that they could use more tell but so long as they have 2x the counters of standard cc's i think they are possibly even a bit weak for what they are right now. In truth 9s fear chains are not realistic unless the target is giving themselves pulsing stab and the necro lands all converts and blows a ton of resources. Or unless 1 person is fighting 2 necromancers but then again fighting 2 any class at the same time will make anything those 2 do far stronger than a single person doing it. If 2 tempest come out of nowhere and double lighting overload and aura spam you to death does it mean that overloads auras are spam-able and should be nerfed no... not really.

even getting 4 seconds of fear as i said earlier is not all that uncommon to what other professions can do with hard stuns most stuns, knock downs, etc can keep a person inactive for 2 seconds using 2 of them back to back can keep a person locked down for 4 seconds when timed properly i dont see the issue for something that has 2x as many counters as those other options.

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@ZDragon.3046 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:staff 5 is not easy to notice, in fact it just instantly fears you
after the cast is finished.

LOL8/8 meme

Its the only staff animation where the necromancer points the staff at the marks location instead of waving their hand.This is true for both male and female animations as well as all races in the game. The fear mark also i think is the only one that has a bit of a smoky visual effect coming from the green marking on the ground.

Every single other mark will always result in the wave of the necromancers off hand while the fear mark specifically points the thes staff at the target location of of the mark. (or always forward in the event you place the mark behind you while running away)

Oddly enough Its easier to notice than alot of other staff profession skills that often inflict some kind of cc.Rev staff 5 is kind of just instant you just kind of have to have a gut feeling on when they are going to try and use or combo the skill and 90% of the time you can guess correctly.Mesmer staff 5 is just extremely hard to see when its cast considering its cast time is only 1/4th of a second you will almost never being able to actively react to it being dropped directly on you luckily the cc it applies is not very strong.

So in all honestly from the common staff skills in the game that do inflict cc Reaper's Mark is one of the easiest to visually see from a technical standpoint.

Nah, staff 5 is slightly different. it starts with same hand animation but ends with staff swing. Realistically you wont dodge it.Truth be told i think you should be watching more closely at the staff instead of the hand but i dont think the animations are the same at all. The cast time is 3/4 of a second which is doable in being able to dodge it probably not every time but it certainly wont be a promised hit every time for someone who is looking for it.

Problem is that all the fears necro has dont really have tells.shround is instant, ring is 1/4s cast time, staff 5 does have cast time but you wont reactively dodge it realisticallyI dont agree with thisCore shroud, Kind of has a tell the fact that you entered shroud is no doubt that the fear might come but ill give you this one for really not having a tell as the cast time on doom is instant. That said its single target, 1 use, and the only cc skill in the shroud kit.Reaper, Has a tell as infusing terror procs before the fear can be usedScourge, shade skills all have tells now.Reapers mark has the odd staff animation and the visual effect on the mark itselfSpectral ring.... is well the ring itself is the tell.

Im sorry if you think the ring is not a tell but if you are in the middle of it or outside it you wont be feared. Only if you cross its edge in some way. Even if it had a tell that would make it worse when its placed on you as you would try to dodge due to seeing the tell (the ring cannot be dodged though without stability) which would result in likely dodging into its edge and getting feared while wasting an evade.

Ideally most fears are fine and if fears were effects that could not be removed by condition cleanse i might agree with you that they could use more tell but so long as they have 2x the counters of standard cc's i think they are possibly even a bit weak for what they are right now. In truth 9s fear chains are not realistic unless the target is giving themselves pulsing stab and the necro lands all converts and blows a ton of resources. Or unless 1 person is fighting 2 necromancers but then again fighting 2 any class at the same time will make anything those 2 do far stronger than a single person doing it. If 2 tempest come out of nowhere and double lighting overload and aura spam you to death does it mean that overloads auras are spam-able and should be nerfed no... not really.

even getting 4 seconds of fear as i said earlier is not all that uncommon to what other professions can do with hard stuns most stuns, knock downs, etc can keep a person inactive for 2 seconds using 2 of them back to back can keep a person locked down for 4 seconds when timed properly i dont see the issue for something that has 2x as many counters as those other options.

meh im not mad at necro tbh, if anything i would change about it is give HEAVY tell on staff 5 ( i would give same treatment on all skills, for example big demon apearing above caster when used )im not running into fear ring, what happens is that fear ring is cast under you so nothing you can do about it but cleanse.Oh and change some of the corrupts, 10s cripple is just too much

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:staff 5 is not easy to notice, in fact it just instantly fears you
after the cast is finished.

LOL8/8 meme

Its the only staff animation where the necromancer points the staff at the marks location instead of waving their hand.This is true for both male and female animations as well as all races in the game. The fear mark also i think is the only one that has a bit of a smoky visual effect coming from the green marking on the ground.

Every single other mark will always result in the wave of the necromancers off hand while the fear mark specifically points the thes staff at the target location of of the mark. (or always forward in the event you place the mark behind you while running away)

Oddly enough Its easier to notice than alot of other staff profession skills that often inflict some kind of cc.Rev staff 5 is kind of just instant you just kind of have to have a gut feeling on when they are going to try and use or combo the skill and 90% of the time you can guess correctly.Mesmer staff 5 is just extremely hard to see when its cast considering its cast time is only 1/4th of a second you will almost never being able to actively react to it being dropped directly on you luckily the cc it applies is not very strong.

So in all honestly from the common staff skills in the game that do inflict cc Reaper's Mark is one of the easiest to visually see from a technical standpoint.

Nah, staff 5 is slightly different. it starts with same hand animation but ends with staff swing. Realistically you wont dodge it.Truth be told i think you should be watching more closely at the staff instead of the hand but i dont think the animations are the same at all. The cast time is 3/4 of a second which is doable in being able to dodge it probably not every time but it certainly wont be a promised hit every time for someone who is looking for it.

Problem is that all the fears necro has dont really have tells.shround is instant, ring is 1/4s cast time, staff 5 does have cast time but you wont reactively dodge it realisticallyI dont agree with thisCore shroud, Kind of has a tell the fact that you entered shroud is no doubt that the fear might come but ill give you this one for really not having a tell as the cast time on doom is instant. That said its single target, 1 use, and the only cc skill in the shroud kit.Reaper, Has a tell as infusing terror procs before the fear can be usedScourge, shade skills all have tells now.Reapers mark has the odd staff animation and the visual effect on the mark itselfSpectral ring.... is well the ring itself is the tell.

Im sorry if you think the ring is not a tell but if you are in the middle of it or outside it you wont be feared. Only if you cross its edge in some way. Even if it had a tell that would make it worse when its placed on you as you would try to dodge due to seeing the tell (the ring cannot be dodged though without stability) which would result in likely dodging into its edge and getting feared while wasting an evade.

Ideally most fears are fine and if fears were effects that could not be removed by condition cleanse i might agree with you that they could use more tell but so long as they have 2x the counters of standard cc's i think they are possibly even a bit weak for what they are right now. In truth 9s fear chains are not realistic unless the target is giving themselves pulsing stab and the necro lands all converts and blows a ton of resources. Or unless 1 person is fighting 2 necromancers but then again fighting 2 any class at the same time will make anything those 2 do far stronger than a single person doing it. If 2 tempest come out of nowhere and double lighting overload and aura spam you to death does it mean that overloads auras are spam-able and should be nerfed no... not really.

even getting 4 seconds of fear as i said earlier is not all that uncommon to what other professions can do with hard stuns most stuns, knock downs, etc can keep a person inactive for 2 seconds using 2 of them back to back can keep a person locked down for 4 seconds when timed properly i dont see the issue for something that has 2x as many counters as those other options.

meh im not mad at necro tbh, if anything i would change about it is give HEAVY tell on staff 5 ( i would give same treatment on all skills, for example big demon apearing above caster when used )I mean if staff 5 needs that heavy of a tell then we need to reevaluate a lot of cc skills in general which would need even heavier tells which at that point is just making a lot of visual noise. There are sadly much bigger offenders of cc with even less tell than Reaper's Mark in the game that can be just as if not more effective than Reaper's Mark.im not running into fear ring, what happens is that fear ring is cast under you so nothing you can do about it but cleanse.I mean technically speaking you could put on stability and just run through the ring especially if you use a skill that only gives you 1 stack as the stack would be removed before it has a real chance to be converted converted Spell breakers do this all the time with Full counter.Oh and change some of the corrupts, 10s cripple is just too muchIts probably like this because necro itself lacks movement so it tosses out heavier amounts of cripple than other professions than normal. Cripple use to be much more effective than it is right now. IF the game ever reverted that change i would agree durations need to be reduced but as it is right now prob leave it alone.
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