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Aurora impossible to do now


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Jade Core was hard to get even when season 3 released over a year ago. It is impossible to do now since after the release of season 4 maps, bloodstone fen is close to empty with only a handful of players. I have tagged up and LFG'ed but each time, we do not have enough people to take down the champion jade construct. I guess Aurora is like a raid in OW now since I have to recruit enough people willing to fight for me on something they don't need?

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@Randulf.7614 said:It’s not impossible, but the change to daily’s has emptied the ls3 maps. You will need to try on the day bloodstone fens daily is up and you shouldn’t t have an issue (I did it just before winters day )

Thank you for the helpful post. I will wait till the daily, hope it doesnt take the entire duration of wintersday. But the point is items gated behind dead events just makes the game seem more dead. Just like lfg. I hardly see any activity.

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@Randulf.7614 said:I’m ok with the gating, but I think they need to be more flexible in reviewing scaling of older events rather leaving them to dry up as the World expands

Just waited a full hour for jade to spawn and it failed again because not enough people. I specced myself to be able to tank and hold the champ long enough for a small number of people to turn up. I mean you can suggest dailies as a possible solution but how often is this rotation and even if there were a daily, what makes you think people would be willing to help out with such a difficult event? Even after Jade dies, I read elsewhere it is a rng drop. Actually I know of other players who left the game because of items locked behind dead events but I post about this and they just left. lol. I suppose the solution now is to do season 4 trinket since it is alive. Why not delete aurora then? why make people go through such an intense collection only to be stopped by a stupid dead event.

you can suggest the most remote solution, i.e. wait a year to save up enough money from dailies to buy a legendary, yea that is possible. Everything is possible right lol. I voted your comment as helpful btw, so please don't think I am dismissing your solution. I just don't think waiting for dailies then waiting for jade to be up and hoping that people who turned up for dailies will also do jade and that the core will drop on that day of the daily is a solution.

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I agree with you, but it is the only immediate solution. They increased the rewards for LS dailies but made each map rotate in once every 6 days. That gives you prob only 1 day a week to do it. The general feeling is on daily map days, that map ispopulated. Having done Jade recently ish, I am inclined to agree.

Is a change coming? Almost certainly not or at least not in the near future. This is realistically your best shot in getting it done even though it isn’t ideal

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@Randulf.7614 said:I agree with you, but it is the only immediate solution. They increased the rewards for LS dailies but made each map rotate in once every 6 days. That gives you prob only 1 day a week to do it. The general feeling is on daily map days, that map ispopulated. Having done Jade recently ish, I am inclined to agree.

Is a change coming? Almost certainly not or at least not in the near future. This is realistically your best shot in getting it done even though it isn’t ideal

Update: Just got Jade Core, did it with 3 very competent passer-bys, what a godsend! I won't change my opinion about items being locked behind events which nobody does.

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I'd wait for the map to be daily to say "nobody does" the events there. I haven't been there since that change, but it's full of people when it's daily then it's working as intended. The diminishing players is a reason why they did that daily change in the first place, to lure people to specific maps instead of spreading the players around on all of them at once. If I'm not mistaken Bloodstone Fen will become daily map tomorrow

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Man, people these days give up on things real easily don't they?

Though I do understand and sympathize with the feeling of that particular goal being "too far out of reach", and that nothing else in the game can progress you toward that goal... despite all evidence to the contrary.

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@Randulf.7614 said:I agree with you, but it is the only immediate solution. They increased the rewards for LS dailies but made each map rotate in once every 6 days. That gives you prob only 1 day a week to do it. The general feeling is on daily map days, that map ispopulated. Having done Jade recently ish, I am inclined to agree.

Is a change coming? Almost certainly not or at least not in the near future. This is realistically your best shot in getting it done even though it isn’t ideal

The changes messed up Thunder Peaks too!

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Getting aurora is not impossible. I just finished it myself not long ago. Sure it takes some time to get some of the achievements, but not impossible. That’s misleading as most got done with no problems at all. It is a good idea to rotate the maps with the dailies though. It’s a lot of achievements to get done

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@"maddoctor.2738" said:I'd wait for the map to be daily to say "nobody does" the events there. I haven't been there since that change, but it's full of people when it's daily then it's working as intended. The diminishing players is a reason why they did that daily change in the first place, to lure people to specific maps instead of spreading the players around on all of them at once. If I'm not mistaken Bloodstone Fen will become daily map tomorrow

=) =) =) !!! How I like this kind of sophistry ! If we "translate" your first statement: "I'd wait for the map to be daily to say "nobody does" the events there", the logical conclusion is the optimal way of playing this game is (according to ANet) to not play LS3 and LS4 maps more often than ONCE every 6 days. And only ONE map. Thanks for this clarification! I wrongly thought that a map is designed to be played daily - because to create an empty map requires as much raw effort as a successful map. Only the creativity effort is different.

Note: No more than ONCE every 6 days means: Zero OR One time. You can see here than even ZERO times per week is considered an optimal way of playing a map.

Your second statement is even more clarifying: "The diminishing players is a reason why they did that daily change in the first place ......". In translation: We still have players in the LS 3/LS4 maps. Not to many, but some stubborn are still there. Why they are still there? Few are forced to be there - because of the story. No threat from this side, in the moment the story is completed they will not step in that map anymore. But some are there for the local currency - bloodstone crystals is the hardest useful currency to acquire. Well, to solve this inconvenient, the quantity of currency has been reduced - by cutting the daily reward. Once every 6 days the daily reward is greater than in an usual day, but overall, less than 6 x old daily. In this way we will have fewer players in Bloodstone Fen (for ex.) on a daily basis - the currency farmers + story completers. Once every 6 days we will have an extra few - the unfortunate players needing certain achievements.

As a conclusion, and taking Bloodstone Fen as an example, with this with move, ANet made the life harder for the currency farmers and for achievement completer in one shot.

Diminishing any kind of reward in any low frequented map is a ..... questionable decision. I cannot see this as a way to resurrect the map. In the best case scenario you will have the same (low) number of players. A solution may be the reuse of the maps - new LS episodes sending us in the already existing maps. Anyhow, imagination is needed. Because skill to create a map exists. ANet needs to ask from the devs a playable map.

So, OP, by having your item you can consider yourself lucky. Who knows how the things will be in the next months? The great Murphy sayd: "Be happy today. Tommorow will be worse."

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@"Cristalyan.5728" said:As a conclusion, and taking Bloodstone Fen as an example, with this with move, ANet made the life harder for the currency farmers and for achievement completer in one shot.

Actually they made the life easier for achievement completers as now, when the map is daily, they can complete all their achievements. Previously they had to pray to the six gods that some other soul would be on the map on the same day/hour as them. Now there will be players, so the life of achievement hunters is easier, with the exception of the "I want it now" achievement hunters. For currency farmers, it's also easier now, as you get way more currency every day, with minimal amount of time, with the exception of those that want only one specific currency, but anyone else will have a much easier time getting their currency now. In short, the "I want it now" mentality and those focused farmers will have a harder time, all other players will have it easier.

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@Hashberry.4510 said:I find myself visiting the old maps more with this change.

I do sympathise with the OP, as my experience is the opposite to your own - I find off-daily maps significantly worse off pre-change. I can only get stuff done on a map once a week, so I find myself no longer playing a map on consecutive days if I want to do group stuff

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The most reliable solution would have been to gather a couple of friends. The more annoying part of this item is that the cooldown for the event is fairly long(90 minutes?) and there is no way to know how long you'll have to wait around for it which makes it harder to organize people(even if it is just a tiny group asking people to sit around waiting for 90 minutes is a bit much). There is also the horrible RNG factor or general bugginess which is actually impossible to distinguish in this game. Asking people for help is one thing but asking them to wait around for 90minutes multiple times quickly becomes very unappealing unless you happen to be a very selfish person.

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