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With the major patch coming up, can Anet FINALLY update Hundred Blades please?


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@"Master Ketsu.4569" said:Why on earth should they rework one of the least monkey skills in the game?

People have such weird ideas on what constitutes "skilled" play in this game. The fact that it's so slow you can't fully use it and can leave yourself really vulnerable if you use it at stupid times doesn't make it some kind of genius-level play when you CC -> hundred blades and actually land a couple of swipes.

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@"Master Ketsu.4569" said:Why on earth should they rework one of the least monkey skills in the game?

People have such weird ideas on what constitutes "skilled" play in this game. The fact that it's so slow you can't fully use it and can leave yourself really vulnerable if you use it at stupid times doesn't make it some kind of genius-level play when you CC -> hundred blades and actually land a couple of swipes.

I think he probably is just referring to the process of baiting out opponents stun breaks, counting dodges, and ripping stab with dagger in order to set up a big Hundred Blades. Sure, the actual process of pressing Hundred Blades after landing a good CC isn't particularly hard, but can't that be said for any skill? I think he does have a point that Hundred Blades is pretty unique in that the skill can be worthless or very strong depending on the ability of the player to create a situation where skill can pay off. Most skills in the game don't have that huge variability in their usefulness based on player skill.

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@Girth.9731 said:

@"Master Ketsu.4569" said:Why on earth should they rework one of the least monkey skills in the game?

People have such weird ideas on what constitutes "skilled" play in this game. The fact that it's so slow you can't fully use it and can leave yourself really vulnerable if you use it at stupid times doesn't make it some kind of genius-level play when you CC -> hundred blades and actually land a couple of swipes.

I think he probably is just referring to the process of baiting out opponents stun breaks, counting dodges, and ripping stab with dagger in order to set up a big Hundred Blades. Sure, the actual process of pressing Hundred Blades after landing a good CC isn't particularly hard, but can't that be said for any skill? I think he does have a point that Hundred Blades is pretty unique in that the skill can be worthless or very strong depending on the ability of the player to create a situation where skill can pay off. Most skills in the game don't have that huge variability in their usefulness based on player skill.

Yes, that's true. It's going to be one of the most difficult to set up since it roots you, where other similar effects are either ranged or simply require the target to stand in them for the duration for maximum effect. I also hadn't considered how hundred blades works in terms of canceling. I am assuming you can cancel the cast and aren't forced to stand there eating damage if something goes wrong? If not, that would complicate matters further.

I retract my earlier statement. I may not particularly enjoy the feel of hundred blades, but that doesn't necessarily make it an easy skill to use.

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@"Master Ketsu.4569" said:Why on earth should they rework one of the least monkey skills in the game?

People have such weird ideas on what constitutes "skilled" play in this game. The fact that it's so slow you can't fully use it and can leave yourself really vulnerable if you use it at stupid times doesn't make it some kind of genius-level play when you CC -> hundred blades and actually land a couple of swipes.

@Girth.9731 said:I think he probably is just referring to the process of baiting out opponents stun breaks, counting dodges, and ripping stab with dagger in order to set up a big Hundred Blades. Sure, the actual process of pressing Hundred Blades after landing a good CC isn't particularly hard, but can't that be said for any skill? I think he does have a point that Hundred Blades is pretty unique in that the skill can be worthless or very strong depending on the ability of the player to create a situation where skill can pay off. Most skills in the game don't have that huge variability in their usefulness based on player skill.

Part of the reason people consider war simultaneously op braindead and immensely skillful by nature.

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I have no trouble getting value out of it myself. I can’t really think of a change for it that would be warranted. I wouldn’t mind for it to be replaced with another skill though. No idea what that skill would be. Maybe a single heavy overhead swing that does 1 sec knockdown. Honestly though, HB is just fine. There are worse problems on warrior

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@Zexanima.7851 said:I have no trouble getting value out of it myself. I can’t really think of a change for it that would be warranted. I wouldn’t mind for it to be replaced with another skill though. No idea what that skill would be. Maybe a single heavy overhead swing that does 1 sec knockdown. Honestly though, HB is just fine. There are worse problems on warrior

Yeah, I can get value out of it too because the skill is actually pretty well balanced, especially if you throw it out often even to just get a few hits. In particular I like to use it after a FC rather than going straight into an Arcing Slice, I find Warriors who really know how to use Hundred Blades can milk every bit of damage out of the greatsword. I think my only wish is that the skill would be reduced to something like a 2.5s cast time with the damage adjusted accordingly, and this would be more for QOL than a balance change IMO. I mean even with a 3s knockdown, one of the longest available CCs in the game, it is still very unlikely you will land all 9 hits. Hell, they could reduce the damage on the final strike to 0 or multiply it by 10 and it literally wouldn't make much of a difference from a PvP perspective because it lands only once in a blue moon (on an opponent who isn't downed). I think this signifies that the skill needs to be looked at. Say they reduced the cast time to 2.5s or even just 3s and reduced the damage by about 70% or 85%, respectively. I believe this would create a more satisfying skill to use, as the last few hits could feasibly be landed on a CC'd opponent. As it stands now, it is an extremely rare occurrence.

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Being able to reliably land a skill that consistently hits for 20k+ with a full channel? No thank you.

Did you not just read the part in that post where they also said to reduce the damage accordingly to the reduction of the channel time?

So it wouldn't do as much damage, by reducing the amount of time so more of the hits occur in a reasonable time frame they are willing to lose damage in return.

So you either didn't read the whole post before shutting the idea down because you have your own ridiculous bias, or you are intentionally ignoring the statement out of bias?

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@hellsqueen.3045 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Being able to reliably land a skill that consistently hits for 20k+ with a full channel? No thank you.

Did you not just read the part in that post where they also said to
reduce the damage accordingly
to the reduction of the channel time?

So it wouldn't do as much damage, by reducing the amount of time so more of the hits occur in a reasonable time frame they are willing to lose damage in return.

So you either didn't read the whole post before shutting the idea down because you have your own ridiculous bias, or you are intentionally ignoring the statement out of bias?

Yes, finally someone who understands. I am not asking for a straight buff to the skill. By reducing the cast time AND damage, the DPS can be roughly maintained at the level it currently is. I just feel it is more than optimistic to believe that all 9 hits of a stationary, melee, 3.5s channel time skill will all connect with an opponent. Maybe back in 2012 but certainly not in 2020. The skill is fairly well balanced as is, I just think the skill would feel much better at a 2.5s cast time with reduced overall damage, that way we could actually land those last few hits on a CC'd opponent. It would be more of a QOL change.

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@hellsqueen.3045 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Being able to reliably land a skill that consistently hits for 20k+ with a full channel? No thank you.

Did you not just read the part in that post where they also said to
reduce the damage accordingly
to the reduction of the channel time?

So it wouldn't do as much damage, by reducing the amount of time so more of the hits occur in a reasonable time frame they are willing to lose damage in return.

So you either didn't read the whole post before shutting the idea down because you have your own ridiculous bias, or you are intentionally ignoring the statement out of bias?

So you are arguing for a faster channel that does less damage, which results in roughly the same amount of damage landing as before... whats the point in changing the skill then?

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@Bazsi.2734 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Being able to reliably land a skill that consistently hits for 20k+ with a full channel? No thank you.

Did you not just read the part in that post where they also said to
reduce the damage accordingly
to the reduction of the channel time?

So it wouldn't do as much damage, by reducing the amount of time so more of the hits occur in a reasonable time frame they are willing to lose damage in return.

So you either didn't read the whole post before shutting the idea down because you have your own ridiculous bias, or you are intentionally ignoring the statement out of bias?

So you are arguing for a faster channel that does less damage, which results in roughly the same amount of damage landing as before... whats the point in changing the skill then?

Because it would feel better to use.

It's not just about the actual balance of the skill (which is very important), but also how good it feels on the player end to use it.If being stuck in one spot for such a long time in attempt to use the whole duration of the skill only to never see value on the tail end of it, it's a waste time.Reduce the channel, reduce the damage and you can go back to the flow of the fight sooner, which will feel better.

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@hellsqueen.3045 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Being able to reliably land a skill that consistently hits for 20k+ with a full channel? No thank you.

Did you not just read the part in that post where they also said to
reduce the damage accordingly
to the reduction of the channel time?

So it wouldn't do as much damage, by reducing the amount of time so more of the hits occur in a reasonable time frame they are willing to lose damage in return.

So you either didn't read the whole post before shutting the idea down because you have your own ridiculous bias, or you are intentionally ignoring the statement out of bias?

So you are arguing for a faster channel that does less damage, which results in roughly the same amount of damage landing as before... whats the point in changing the skill then?

Because it would feel better to use.

It's not just about the actual balance of the skill (which is very important), but also how good it feels on the player end to use it.If being stuck in one spot for such a long time in attempt to use the whole duration of the skill only to never see value on the tail end of it, it's a waste time.Reduce the channel, reduce the damage and you can go back to the flow of the fight sooner, which will feel better.

You know you can stow your weapon any milisecond right? You aren't stuck in one spot for a long time unless you decide to. Also there are many ways to realise it's value: you cleave downed, you burst a locked down target in PvP, you play PvE... also it's a form of area denial, everyone scatters away from your 25K damage channel."It would feel better to use" is not a reason enough to allocate coding and testing time for something that otherwise works and is balanced.

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@hellsqueen.3045 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Being able to reliably land a skill that consistently hits for 20k+ with a full channel? No thank you.

Did you not just read the part in that post where they also said to
reduce the damage accordingly
to the reduction of the channel time?

So it wouldn't do as much damage, by reducing the amount of time so more of the hits occur in a reasonable time frame they are willing to lose damage in return.

So you either didn't read the whole post before shutting the idea down because you have your own ridiculous bias, or you are intentionally ignoring the statement out of bias?

So you are arguing for a faster channel that does less damage, which results in roughly the same amount of damage landing as before... whats the point in changing the skill then?

Because it would feel better to use.

It's not just about the actual balance of the skill (which is very important), but also how good it feels on the player end to use it.If being stuck in one spot for such a long time in attempt to use the whole duration of the skill only to never see value on the tail end of it, it's a waste time.Reduce the channel, reduce the damage and you can go back to the flow of the fight sooner, which will feel better.

So basically, nerf the skill cap? Why? If there's something about warrior that does have skill display, it's optimizing your damage rotations. Calling having options (even if rare, but still having it) a waste of time seems like the opinion of a someone who just wants to mash their keys to gain most out of it.

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@NorthernRedStar.3054 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Being able to reliably land a skill that consistently hits for 20k+ with a full channel? No thank you.

Did you not just read the part in that post where they also said to
reduce the damage accordingly
to the reduction of the channel time?

So it wouldn't do as much damage, by reducing the amount of time so more of the hits occur in a reasonable time frame they are willing to lose damage in return.

So you either didn't read the whole post before shutting the idea down because you have your own ridiculous bias, or you are intentionally ignoring the statement out of bias?

So you are arguing for a faster channel that does less damage, which results in roughly the same amount of damage landing as before... whats the point in changing the skill then?

Because it would feel better to use.

It's not just about the actual balance of the skill (which is very important), but also how good it feels on the player end to use it.If being stuck in one spot for such a long time in attempt to use the whole duration of the skill only to never see value on the tail end of it, it's a waste time.Reduce the channel, reduce the damage and you can go back to the flow of the fight sooner, which will feel better.

So basically, nerf the skill cap? Why? If there's something about warrior that
does have
skill display, it's optimizing your damage rotations. Calling having options (even if rare, but still having it) a waste of time seems like the opinion of a someone who just wants to mash their keys to gain most out of it.

wow, some one who agrees that faster the skill casts, lesser skill involved.rare to see in an era where people just spam insta casts and say it's skillful

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@NorthernRedStar.3054 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Being able to reliably land a skill that consistently hits for 20k+ with a full channel? No thank you.

Did you not just read the part in that post where they also said to
reduce the damage accordingly
to the reduction of the channel time?

So it wouldn't do as much damage, by reducing the amount of time so more of the hits occur in a reasonable time frame they are willing to lose damage in return.

So you either didn't read the whole post before shutting the idea down because you have your own ridiculous bias, or you are intentionally ignoring the statement out of bias?

So you are arguing for a faster channel that does less damage, which results in roughly the same amount of damage landing as before... whats the point in changing the skill then?

Because it would feel better to use.

It's not just about the actual balance of the skill (which is very important), but also how good it feels on the player end to use it.If being stuck in one spot for such a long time in attempt to use the whole duration of the skill only to never see value on the tail end of it, it's a waste time.Reduce the channel, reduce the damage and you can go back to the flow of the fight sooner, which will feel better.

So basically, nerf the skill cap? Why? If there's something about warrior that
does have
skill display, it's optimizing your damage rotations. Calling having options (even if rare, but still having it) a waste of time seems like the opinion of a someone who just wants to mash their keys to gain most out of it.

It's not a nerf to the skill cap, it's a skill that is clunky to get full value out of when very few skills in the game punish with lack of movement like that one does.

It's melee. It gives nothing more than damage. And with the way the game has transformed over the years, it hasn't translated into the gameplay well with it's current channel time.

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@hellsqueen.3045 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Being able to reliably land a skill that consistently hits for 20k+ with a full channel? No thank you.

Did you not just read the part in that post where they also said to
reduce the damage accordingly
to the reduction of the channel time?

So it wouldn't do as much damage, by reducing the amount of time so more of the hits occur in a reasonable time frame they are willing to lose damage in return.

So you either didn't read the whole post before shutting the idea down because you have your own ridiculous bias, or you are intentionally ignoring the statement out of bias?

So you are arguing for a faster channel that does less damage, which results in roughly the same amount of damage landing as before... whats the point in changing the skill then?

Because it would feel better to use.

It's not just about the actual balance of the skill (which is very important), but also how good it feels on the player end to use it.If being stuck in one spot for such a long time in attempt to use the whole duration of the skill only to never see value on the tail end of it, it's a waste time.Reduce the channel, reduce the damage and you can go back to the flow of the fight sooner, which will feel better.

So basically, nerf the skill cap? Why? If there's something about warrior that
does have
skill display, it's optimizing your damage rotations. Calling having options (even if rare, but still having it) a waste of time seems like the opinion of a someone who just wants to mash their keys to gain most out of it.

It's not a nerf to the skill cap, it's a skill that is clunky to get full value out of when very few skills in the game punish with lack of movement like that one does.

It's melee. It gives nothing more than damage. And with the way the game has transformed over the years, it hasn't translated into the gameplay well with it's current channel time.

It can be cancelled into literally almost anything. How's that clunky? If anything, it's a very well-designed skill.

"It gives nothing more than damage." - That's a very shallow PoV. I don't see you complaining about Meteor Shower, btw.

EDIT: It is strictly your vision of what you want it to be. But overall speaking (and maybe some old-school ethic of mine along it), it's an ideal skill, for a purely damage-oriented one.

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@"lighter.2708" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Being able to reliably land a skill that consistently hits for 20k+ with a full channel? No thank you.

Did you not just read the part in that post where they also said to
reduce the damage accordingly
to the reduction of the channel time?

So it wouldn't do as much damage, by reducing the amount of time so more of the hits occur in a reasonable time frame they are willing to lose damage in return.

So you either didn't read the whole post before shutting the idea down because you have your own ridiculous bias, or you are intentionally ignoring the statement out of bias?

So you are arguing for a faster channel that does less damage, which results in roughly the same amount of damage landing as before... whats the point in changing the skill then?

Because it would feel better to use.

It's not just about the actual balance of the skill (which is very important), but also how good it feels on the player end to use it.If being stuck in one spot for such a long time in attempt to use the whole duration of the skill only to never see value on the tail end of it, it's a waste time.Reduce the channel, reduce the damage and you can go back to the flow of the fight sooner, which will feel better.

So basically, nerf the skill cap? Why? If there's something about warrior that
does have
skill display, it's optimizing your damage rotations. Calling having options (even if rare, but still having it) a waste of time seems like the opinion of a someone who just wants to mash their keys to gain most out of it.

wow, some one who agrees that faster the skill casts, lesser skill involved.rare to see in an era where people just spam insta casts and say it's skillful

I think u both are confusing skills being designed to promote skillful play with being being poorly designed and clunky to use with in a game meant to have a fast playstyle. Skill needs to have shorter cast time which doesn't make it less skillful as it would still be a longer skill than a single strike skill. You would still only use it after hard cc or to cleave.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@"lighter.2708" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Being able to reliably land a skill that consistently hits for 20k+ with a full channel? No thank you.

Did you not just read the part in that post where they also said to
reduce the damage accordingly
to the reduction of the channel time?

So it wouldn't do as much damage, by reducing the amount of time so more of the hits occur in a reasonable time frame they are willing to lose damage in return.

So you either didn't read the whole post before shutting the idea down because you have your own ridiculous bias, or you are intentionally ignoring the statement out of bias?

So you are arguing for a faster channel that does less damage, which results in roughly the same amount of damage landing as before... whats the point in changing the skill then?

Because it would feel better to use.

It's not just about the actual balance of the skill (which is very important), but also how good it feels on the player end to use it.If being stuck in one spot for such a long time in attempt to use the whole duration of the skill only to never see value on the tail end of it, it's a waste time.Reduce the channel, reduce the damage and you can go back to the flow of the fight sooner, which will feel better.

So basically, nerf the skill cap? Why? If there's something about warrior that
does have
skill display, it's optimizing your damage rotations. Calling having options (even if rare, but still having it) a waste of time seems like the opinion of a someone who just wants to mash their keys to gain most out of it.

wow, some one who agrees that faster the skill casts, lesser skill involved.rare to see in an era where people just spam insta casts and say it's skillful

I think u both are confusing skills being designed to promote skillful play with being being poorly designed and clunky to use with in a game meant to have a fast playstyle.

Is it poorly designed, though? Consider warrior's whole kit and traits alongside it, for a second. The whole contains a number of ways to 1) CC your opponent, 2) Take advantage of that by turning it into A) lockdown, or B) burst.

Hundred Blades fits into that design slot like bread 'n butter. Not to mention, well, quickness via sigils (I can't recall the traits warrior has, if any).

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@NorthernRedStar.3054 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Being able to reliably land a skill that consistently hits for 20k+ with a full channel? No thank you.

Did you not just read the part in that post where they also said to
reduce the damage accordingly
to the reduction of the channel time?

So it wouldn't do as much damage, by reducing the amount of time so more of the hits occur in a reasonable time frame they are willing to lose damage in return.

So you either didn't read the whole post before shutting the idea down because you have your own ridiculous bias, or you are intentionally ignoring the statement out of bias?

So you are arguing for a faster channel that does less damage, which results in roughly the same amount of damage landing as before... whats the point in changing the skill then?

Because it would feel better to use.

It's not just about the actual balance of the skill (which is very important), but also how good it feels on the player end to use it.If being stuck in one spot for such a long time in attempt to use the whole duration of the skill only to never see value on the tail end of it, it's a waste time.Reduce the channel, reduce the damage and you can go back to the flow of the fight sooner, which will feel better.

So basically, nerf the skill cap? Why? If there's something about warrior that
does have
skill display, it's optimizing your damage rotations. Calling having options (even if rare, but still having it) a waste of time seems like the opinion of a someone who just wants to mash their keys to gain most out of it.

It's not a nerf to the skill cap, it's a skill that is clunky to get full value out of when very few skills in the game punish with lack of movement like that one does.

It's melee. It gives nothing more than damage. And with the way the game has transformed over the years, it hasn't translated into the gameplay well with it's current channel time.

It can be cancelled into literally almost anything. How's that clunky? If anything, it's a very well-designed skill.

"It gives nothing more than damage." - That's a very shallow PoV. I don't see you complaining about Meteor Shower, btw.

EDIT: It is strictly your vision of what you
it to be. But overall speaking (and maybe some old-school ethic of mine along it), it's an ideal skill, for a purely damage-oriented one.

I don't complain about Meteor Shower because you have the ability to be ranged.But also, I don't often see many staff user elementalists in PvP?

Personally even in PvE I don't particularly enjoy using Meteor Shower though because this game feels so movement oriented, that skills that keep you still tend to feel bad.

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@NorthernRedStar.3054 said:

@"lighter.2708" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Being able to reliably land a skill that consistently hits for 20k+ with a full channel? No thank you.

Did you not just read the part in that post where they also said to
reduce the damage accordingly
to the reduction of the channel time?

So it wouldn't do as much damage, by reducing the amount of time so more of the hits occur in a reasonable time frame they are willing to lose damage in return.

So you either didn't read the whole post before shutting the idea down because you have your own ridiculous bias, or you are intentionally ignoring the statement out of bias?

So you are arguing for a faster channel that does less damage, which results in roughly the same amount of damage landing as before... whats the point in changing the skill then?

Because it would feel better to use.

It's not just about the actual balance of the skill (which is very important), but also how good it feels on the player end to use it.If being stuck in one spot for such a long time in attempt to use the whole duration of the skill only to never see value on the tail end of it, it's a waste time.Reduce the channel, reduce the damage and you can go back to the flow of the fight sooner, which will feel better.

So basically, nerf the skill cap? Why? If there's something about warrior that
does have
skill display, it's optimizing your damage rotations. Calling having options (even if rare, but still having it) a waste of time seems like the opinion of a someone who just wants to mash their keys to gain most out of it.

wow, some one who agrees that faster the skill casts, lesser skill involved.rare to see in an era where people just spam insta casts and say it's skillful

I think u both are confusing skills being designed to promote skillful play with being being poorly designed and clunky to use with in a game meant to have a fast playstyle.

Is it poorly designed, though? Consider warrior's whole kit and traits alongside it, for a second. The whole contains a number of ways to 1) CC your opponent, 2) Take advantage of that by turning it into A) lockdown, or B) burst.

Hundred Blades fits into that design slot like bread 'n butter. Not to mention, well, quickness via sigils (I can't recall the traits warrior has, if any).

Sry but I'll never agree that a skill being designed to realistically never complete it's full damage chain unless the opponent is downed or cc chained AND doesnt have a stunbreak as good design. That is far to limiting and niche for a low cd standard weapon skill. Its cast time should be lowered or the amount of strikes decreased and dps of strikes increased to match the dps of the current full chain.I can definitely see why non warrior players would disagree as it's awesome not having to worry about being hit by one of warrior gs skills unless urvnockdown or in downstate as u kno its ineffective otherwise and makes the skill use very predictable and easy to escape from even after a hard cc via stun break.I love how the community of this game tries so hard to bring up thier own classes all while doing their best to bring down other classed or keep underpowered skills or obviously clunky skill just that lol.Outside of downed cleave or after a hard cc where opponent used ALL their stunbreaks where is 100 blades useful? If stunbreaks and stability didnt exist than yeah it would be skillful as is cuz it require a set up before hand but with those to boons it becomes only useful vs bad players or players that have used there stability and or stunbreak skills making its cast time to finish its chain clunky in any other situation,unless of course a players afk and standing there while it completes.Think about warrior gs skills for a second. Gs2 long cast time,unable to get all strikes off unless target is hard cc'd or downed. Gs3 unless target is against a wall or structure AGAIN ur not hitting all 3 spinning strikes and ur lucky to connect two of the three. Gs4 a blade throw that's so telegraphed and easy to dodge that its 50/50 gonna miss. And gs5 a highly telegraphed gap closer with a super slow strike at the end again easily dodgeable. If gs didn't provide the mobility it does it would never be picked.

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@NorthernRedStar.3054 said:

@"lighter.2708" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Being able to reliably land a skill that consistently hits for 20k+ with a full channel? No thank you.

Did you not just read the part in that post where they also said to
reduce the damage accordingly
to the reduction of the channel time?

So it wouldn't do as much damage, by reducing the amount of time so more of the hits occur in a reasonable time frame they are willing to lose damage in return.

So you either didn't read the whole post before shutting the idea down because you have your own ridiculous bias, or you are intentionally ignoring the statement out of bias?

So you are arguing for a faster channel that does less damage, which results in roughly the same amount of damage landing as before... whats the point in changing the skill then?

Because it would feel better to use.

It's not just about the actual balance of the skill (which is very important), but also how good it feels on the player end to use it.If being stuck in one spot for such a long time in attempt to use the whole duration of the skill only to never see value on the tail end of it, it's a waste time.Reduce the channel, reduce the damage and you can go back to the flow of the fight sooner, which will feel better.

So basically, nerf the skill cap? Why? If there's something about warrior that
does have
skill display, it's optimizing your damage rotations. Calling having options (even if rare, but still having it) a waste of time seems like the opinion of a someone who just wants to mash their keys to gain most out of it.

wow, some one who agrees that faster the skill casts, lesser skill involved.rare to see in an era where people just spam insta casts and say it's skillful

I think u both are confusing skills being designed to promote skillful play with being being poorly designed and clunky to use with in a game meant to have a fast playstyle.

Is it poorly designed, though? Consider warrior's whole kit and traits alongside it, for a second. The whole contains a number of ways to 1) CC your opponent, 2) Take advantage of that by turning it into A) lockdown, or B) burst.

Hundred Blades fits into that design slot like bread 'n butter. Not to mention, well, quickness via sigils (I can't recall the traits warrior has, if any).

there are lots of young players who don't remember bulls charge frenzy 100b

can't blame em for thinking 100b looks bad amidst two expansions of powercreep. but it's not badly designed, people are just too used to overloaded badly designed skills that when they see a situational skill that synergizes with the kit- they think it's bad because you can't just spam it whenever. so they want to just make it arc divider lol

imagine having to set up a damage skill XD

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