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How much do you tip Mesmers for JP ports?


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@Spiral.3724 said:I read on the old forums that people tip 1 gold, but if you're only making 2 gold for doing the dailies, then you're giving half of it away.

I would never, in my wildest dreams, tip a Mesmer whose annoying portals (the sound alone, argh!) are ruining the fun of jumping puzzles and make people lazy. If I could tip them to vanish into thin air, now that would be worth 1g.

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I usually don't tip cause I never know how much would be appropriate. I've heard a bunch of people say 1 gold but that's like what? 9 cents?? Had an awesome commander for Chalice of Tears who took us to all the check points and all the collection/achievement items along the way... I was working on Aurora at the time so it was a huge help/time saver for me so I tipped him 10g. He freaked out like he'd just won the lottery and even helped me do the JP again a week later for the final Ember Bay collection.

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Nothing. If I don't ask you to make a portal then why should I pay? If you are making the portal out of the kindness of your heart then you shouldn't expect any tip and shouldn't be upset when you don't receive a tip and asking for a tip is wrong too. If you wanted money then you should have negotiated a price before making the portal.

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Tip what ever you want. I've been tipped as little as 10s and as much as 10g. Just make sure you're tipping the right mesmer. Sometimes one mesmer does the work and another mesmer takes thier portal up then dons the tag and gets the tips. Not all mesmers are rich enough to have the tag at first. Tip the mesmer that gave u the ride , not the other guy :D

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I port jumping puzzles all the time. There's really no standard amount to tip, and in fact when I offer ports on LFG or map chat I always offer it as free with no mention of tips. If someone decides they want to send me gold or silver or something after I've ported them, I'll accept the tip graciously and send them a thank you mail or whisper. But if they send nothing, that's perfectly fine too.

I'm also a little miffed at the mesmers who advertise JP portal services on LFG with a required price. I see it less and less but occasionally I'll see a listing along the lines of "portal to any JP - 2g minimum tip, pay before port" and in my opinion this gives us friendly mesmers a bad reputation. In those cases I'll almost always post my own LFG mimicking the phrasing of their listing but replacing their price with "FREE"

Some might not like that, but in my opinion it's unfair to require others to tip, especially for something as simple as a JP. Also, that's not a 'tip' anymore, by demanding it ahead of time, it's a 'price.'

But yeah tl;dr you shouldn't be required to tip for ports. If you feel the mesmer was kind or deserving enough or you just want to say thanks, tips are always appreciated. Even a few green salvage items are a valid tip, in my opinion. Or 69 copper. I see it as a way of simply saying thanks.

And if you're a mesmer, port JP's because you enjoy the jumping puzzles or helping others (or both). Not because you want to make money. You're gonna have a bad time, if you're after the latter. ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

For most JP's, nothing. Most JP's aren't that hard and I operate under the assumption that they're helping for the sake of helping and not for the chance of getting gold in return, since that's how I do it when I'm portalling.

If its a particularly difficult JP like, say, one of the LS3 map ones then I might tip a gold or two.

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As someone who's crap at JP's, I feel like I'm not anywhere good enough to port people aside from my friends who I do JPs with, but if people are using my ports, more power to them. I'd feel awkward if I got tips for that reason, but I don't think the sum I'd receive would justify returning it to the gifter either. On the other hand, I didn't realize tipping mesmers for ports were a thing. It's so commonplace, I usually don't even say thank you (apologies, it honestly seemed that insignificant in hindsight.) If I had to tip though, I'd say it depends on the JP. For the quickie run-to-the-top types that even players with lower end computers could do, I can't justify more than one gold max, but for obnoxiously platform-heavy JPs with unreasonable twists, turns, and puzzles (Portmatt's Lab anyone?), then several gold is more than earned.

Here's a story: I had the glorious honour of doing a really obnoxious JP with a friend once (I think it was the one behind Fort Trinity), when after making it to the top, a random user whispered my friend, asking him to help him to the top. Now, my friend doesn't take tips most of the time, and usually returns the gold, but he's incredibly obsessively in love with doing JPs and we had a good laugh over the guy's insistence, so he helped him to the top, where he suddenly mailed him five gold and then sent him a second letter not minutes later when he realized we were still there, asking him to help his alt to the top as well. My friend ended up making twenty gold, half of which he sent to me just cause he didn't want it (and simply because I dared him to take the offer.)

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Depends on the situation, but generally 50s to 1g.If I see a mesmer being friendly about porting people for a very long time, without advertising it with borderline spam and "Tips appreciated" I generally give a gold, especially if I'm in a hurry to get something done and the portal added major convenience.

If I see a mesmer making a business out of it and being obnoxious/pressuring people into using his portal and tipping, nothing.

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When it comes to tipping for a JP portal - and I always tip - I ask myself two questions: how long does it take them and how long would it have taken me? And then tip somewhere in that range. I mean if someone is going to save me the time and trouble (I am not very good at JPs and mostly find them frustrating) then I have no problems showing my appreciation in monetary form.

The only time I had a bad experience was a commander who adverted portals with tips appreciated and then after we'd gotten part way through CoT started telling the party that they really thought everyone should tip them 20g or the equivalent in ectos.

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Since I am doing this myself with my mesmer whenever I am doing a jumping puzzle (although not for long) and never expect anyone to tip me, I am not tipping anyone myself either. I think this is done by nice people who enjoy helping, and not by people who are doing it do gain anything. I also think some mesmers are doing it for way too long. A portal to the end of a jumping puzzle should not be something that is permanently available, and many people became just so lazy that they are never even doing JPs anymore although they would have the skill to do them. I will take one when it is there, but if there is none I will just do the puzzle and not spam map chat asking for a mesmer port repeatedly.

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For the very last step of Chalice of Tears, after the long glide, a mesmer ported me to the chest. It was unintended, I was tired of failing this place, and I really needed it to finaly unlock the Aurora collection. I tipped him 20 gold. It was just a couple of jumps away, but You know, this place :/

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I see people here saying they tip 2g or more which comes across to me as very... "odd".

A large part of the motivation to do daily quests is the free 2g. Why would you give that away just because there happened to be a portal under your feet when you turned up?

I rarely tip, but when I'm in a good mood (or it's a particularly nasty JP) I tip 1g, which is half your daily reward and more than fair. Consider they are probably going to get multiple tips, they could easily accrue a significant amount of gold from them collectively, it doesn't need to be all directly from you.

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