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Spotting new thieves


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I can't talk trash, I've been downed by new thieves before, some people just know how to read up on something and take a build out for a spin. It will be telling though if they get shook after going too deep into their routine because they think they got you but they don't know you already started pacing your way out of that mess with the basics a few steady breaths ago. You might have seen me trying to pull off something dumb out there though and wondered what that new thief was thinking.

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I have multiple builds of thief and sometimes one has been parked a while. When I pull it out for a run I will oftimes look NEW simply because I have trained to press a given button on a build I have been playing which does the wrong thing on the version I am using...If I pull out p/d condition after a long rest as example it can take bit of playing before I start using sneak attack or shadowstrike as I should.

I am sure many facing me wonder "what did he do that for"

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A new thief doesn’t know how to apply pressure with their build. They either play too aggressively or not aggressively enough. So they either die quickly because they overstep their limits or die quickly because they leave themselves open to counter attack.

A experienced thief sets the pace of a fight much more than a new thief.

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1 if their DE and when u gap close while their in kneel(kneel lol) they just sit there as u destroy them as if their frozen in fear.

2 most common for me is when a thief tries to burst u but fails then disengages once I get a hit off but instead of thinking well that didnt work and going to do somthing useful like +1 or decap they instead follow me around outa spite I guess and repeatedly try to down me until I smack em down. Always think to myself what a waste of their teams time lol.

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@Klypto.1703 said:I figure most of these comments are made by one person in the middle of an omni blob of players spamming their 1 skill at a thief and then saying yeah we are totally better than that loser.

A good thief wouldn't be caught in a condi blob but ur right condi aoe spamming on the node is a braindead playstyle that the devs should have avoided adding to the game, especially the degree at which it is now. Nodes resemble wvw zerg fights these days, just constant condi aoe all over the nodes makes for fun matches.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Klypto.1703 said:I figure most of these comments are made by one person in the middle of an omni blob of players spamming their 1 skill at a thief and then saying yeah we are totally better than that loser.

A good thief wouldn't be caught in a condi blob but ur right condi aoe spamming on the node is a braindead playstyle that the devs should have avoided adding to the game, especially the degree at which it is now. Nodes resemble wvw zerg fights these days, just constant condi aoe all over the nodes makes for fun matches.

Condis being single target and necros spreading them with epidemic was at least a more interesting meta than AoE spam, despite its problems.

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@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:

@Klypto.1703 said:I figure most of these comments are made by one person in the middle of an omni blob of players spamming their 1 skill at a thief and then saying yeah we are totally better than that loser.

A good thief wouldn't be caught in a condi blob but ur right condi aoe spamming on the node is a braindead playstyle that the devs should have avoided adding to the game, especially the degree at which it is now. Nodes resemble wvw zerg fights these days, just constant condi aoe all over the nodes makes for fun matches.

Condis being single target and necros spreading them with epidemic was at least a more interesting meta than AoE spam, despite its problems.

Agreed cuz at least its something u can bait out or watch for before going into the fray. Now it's just continual spam of aoe circles and burns that have crazy burst like dots lol. U could fill ur whole utility with clears and still need more. It's gotten crazy.Players kno it to as I'm only mid gold but every match is burn guard/fb, scourge/necro, condi mirage and of course ballerina fire weavers lol. I kno its effective but isnt it boring just spamming condi's over and over?

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Klypto.1703 said:I figure most of these comments are made by one person in the middle of an omni blob of players spamming their 1 skill at a thief and then saying yeah we are totally better than that loser.

A good thief wouldn't be caught in a condi blob but ur right condi aoe spamming on the node is a braindead playstyle that the devs should have avoided adding to the game, especially the degree at which it is now. Nodes resemble wvw zerg fights these days, just constant condi aoe all over the nodes makes for fun matches.

Condis being single target and necros spreading them with epidemic was at least a more interesting meta than AoE spam, despite its problems.

Agreed cuz at least its something u can bait out or watch for before going into the fray. Now it's just continual spam of aoe circles and burns that have crazy burst like dots lol. U could fill ur whole utility with clears and still need more. It's gotten crazy.Players kno it to as I'm only mid gold but every match is burn guard/fb, scourge/necro, condi mirage and of course ballerina fire weavers lol. I kno its effective but isnt it boring just spamming condi's over and over?

The main reason epidemic was a bit silly is pretty much because of a lack of caps on conditions. I never quite understood burning having stacks tbh, surely you're either on fire or you're not? Fix that and you actually fix a lot of the overperforming condi builds around at the moment.

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Rotations are huge so many thief’s even in plat2 and heck I’ve even seen some much higher than that that just don’t understand how to think for themselves or even make decent rotations 100% of the time. Other than that which can be subtle in some ppl cases would obviously be mechanics and cd usage- it’s ez to just spam cds and run around with Shortbow+dash, but are u using these usefully or well- these can be obvious to anyone who has had perfect keybinds settings etc for a long time- for one you won’t ever see me backpedal because I fix my key binds forever ago to make sure that’s not an option

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