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Downstate supports skillful gameplay and the side that has less poeple to prevent snowball


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@Anput.4620 said:

@"Jayden Reese.9542" said:Well don't heal the rev to full and that ranger is terrible except for timely kb's and you tanky af. I think that rando drake mob att you turned the tide. I guess you are skilled tho only possible answer cause I bet necro downstate never won any fight for you. Anyone can find random situations to fit their narrative like your mount crusade that lasted for months

Nope, necro downstate hasn't won me any fight 1v1.

Can you give me ANY situation where downstate benefits the outnumbered party more than the outnumber when played correctly? As you are saying i am talking anecdotes. How did downstate benefit me as much as it did them here?

If they are both terrible then why do i deserve to lose due to a crutch mechanic lol. Numbers>Skill in this game.

Mounts also still affect in-combat balance in negative ways,
always benefiting the outnumber ofcoarse

I roam solo a lot in WvW and I tend toward side-node duelist type roles in PvP. So, I'm totally on board with your dislike of downstate mechanics. They are mostly useless to me and quite advantageous to my enemies, who frequently outnumber me!

Having said that, you did ask the question: "Can you give me ANY situation where downstate benefits the outnumbered party..."

Watch videos of skilled, coordinated roamers. They will communicate in voice chat when they're going down and coordinate a response (CC, revival skills, etc.). Just as greater numbers are an advantage, so too is greater skill. This is obviously not applicable in 1vx, but for everything else there is definitely a way for a smaller force to capitalize on downstate mechanics to overcome a greater force.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:Hold on a second.. serious question here: You don’t play the mode.

Can't be that serious. You don't know what I do. On the other hand for someone who eagerly attacks me for no reason, you sure do have the same ideas about the OP's position as I do. I suppose if you consider yourself an expert in the topic compared to someone that you believe doesn't play the mode, the bar you set isn't actually that high to know what you are talking about for WvW. I will consider that an endorsement.

It's weird you are so threatened by what I have to say, considering you think so little of my opinion. You should get over your obsession of me.

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@God.2708 said:

@Cyninja.2954 said:I'm sorry, all I see is a bad player trying to finish off his target by by pure tunnel vision.

The only reason that fight went as long as it did, was you were up against two very inexperienced players. This has nothing to do with downstate. Had those players been semi competent, you would have been dead after your first few mistake dodges, or lack of even dodging, build mistakes and skill wastes.

If you want to know why you were lacking downstate pressure: you decided to run a 4 signet build where none of your utility skills or elite, or weapon skills, were any good at pressuring a single target. You entire build is setup to out sustain a single opponent, maybe 2, at the cost of pressure. Exactly what happened in that fight. The ONLY reason you got the revenant down was due to him being a bad revenant. This is not a downstate issue but rather a lack of build understanding issue paired with fighting 1v2 against weak opponents.

If the opponents are so weak then why don't they deserve to lose?

Also what's wrong with the build? It's a very good build, normally i take spectral armor over locust signet though but i was testing that. You still haven't really given justification for downstate or how its fair, i am not asking why i couldn't deal with downstate, i'm asking by what logic, do i, as the outnumbered have to deal with that? Why is this still in the game as is?

My burst damage comes from lifeblast with fear+dread, i tried to apply CC and cleave but i got interrupted multiple times on things like fear.

By the simple logic, that you build has nothing to deal with the downstate mechanic. You opted to go more tanky and have more sustain, which gave you a direct advantage in the match-up and actually allowed you to get downstate's. It's similar to players complaining about conditions, but not taking any condition cleanse or protection against conditions.

Your build has no downstate pressure, meaning the moment opponents get the chance to utilize that mechanic, your build falls apart. At the same time you made serious mistakes in skill use and adjusting for your builds lack of downstate pressure, which could have been made up with multiple skills in your build, but you opted to simply stay in shroud and burst the downstate player with your mediocre damage.

@God.2708 said:

@"Ubi.4136" said:Downstate is an ok idea for pve, mostly to replace actual healing and the lack of a real trinity. It has no reason to be in wvw. The video is a perfect example of that. What I see more and more nowadays is a player downed at under 25% of their downed health. Someone goes to res them and I interrupt them, the downed player immediately stands up anyway (with no one else around). Mount stomping sort of helps when you are outskilling a blob, but in most situations, it is a crutch for the populated side. Skill should beat numbers, and I wish anet would realize that and remove downed from wvw.

Maybe if you can't finish a player you are not as skilled as you think you are?

I love this reasoning that the outnumbered player who downs someone from the larger group is the "unskilled" one. No, it's one player vs 2+, with how mechanics work in this game, the 2+ should always win, however they were not very good and went down, the only skill they showed was pressing F to get another chance to win, and then another, and another.

Not saying the OP played perfectly, however the expatiation in defense of downed state is that the outnumbered player should play the perfect build with perfect rotations and ALWAYS have a CC or stab available. However there is no expectation of the side who already has a numbers advantage and some how removing downstate is unfair to them? Why? Because downstate is removed from everyone, not just the group with greater numbers, but the out numbered players as well. So if it doesn't favor the larger group, why is removing it such a bad thing? The reason is it's a crutch for players who run in teams or groups, those who have no idea of how to stay alive and allows them to get away with spam game play, just like the ranger in the video above.

The example is that downstate did nothing for him, however it won the other two the fight, as it gave them 3 chances, that is what the video shows. Can you still win the fights? Yes, you can, however you not only have to out play the other team but you also have to counter a mechanic that favors that larger side.

I will say it again, downstate in PvE is fine, if not expected, downstate in sPvP is also fine, as it's a forced even number fight, however in WvW that is almost never the case. People still claim that downstate does not favor the larger group, expect they forget we have had no downstate events, and it showed without question that it does, in large ways favor the larger group. It was so refreshing the last event, because 8 people pushing into 15+ people was actually a thing again. It was amazing to solo run into 5 people and watch them in the first 5 seconds blow ALL of their CDs on me and picking them off one at a time as they had no idea what to do after spamming everything on their bar, because why bother being good, if that one player downs one of your group, you just spam "F".

If you actually are good, why are you going down when you outnumber the other player 2 to 1? Not only did he out play the rev, but he outplayed him while being Pew Pewed by a ranger, that ranger was just spamming skills, I mean he was really just face rolling, how many times in the fight did they use #5 on LB and then swap weapons before it even cast? Solo 1vs1, both rev and ranger would have lost, and even together, without downstate, they would have lost, the ONLY thing that won them that fight was downstate saving the rev 3 times. How many chances do yall think the side with the number advantage should get to try again?

Leave downstate and just remove the ability to spam "F" while in combat, that will fix 90% of the issues.

Thank you so much for this comment, i really, really don't get how what you laid out is hard to understand for so many poeple.

@Cyninja.2954 said:So what you are saying is, the inherent numbers advantage which should guarantee the outnumbered sides win, should be dropped in favor of which side gets the jump or has the better engage? So, when will you decide to re-balance the entire game around that new approach then? Because currently, that puts certain classes at severe advantages.

The inherent numbers advantage isn't downstate,
it is having more poeple
. There is zero justification here still from your side, downstate isn't integral at all to combat, it is simply a crutch, in other games poeple die when they are killed and they are fine.

You literally left out half the things from my response to TinkTinkPOOF.9201 which address where and how downstate affects builds.

@Anput.4620 said:What did i do wrong here though? I tried both cc and cleave, what else could i have done? Necromancer stab? Once again, the main point is why i even have to go through this terrible mechanic when they already have 2 poeple, where is the balancing factor/justification here?

Change your build? That ever come to mind? Your build is designed with heavy enemy condi pressure (aka opponents pressure, not yours) and self sustain in mind (that's literally what all your signets are for), against 2 power builds. Your build alone was already a disadvantage against those 2. But hey, let's pretend that was not the case. You got LUCKY, just not lucky enough. That's all.

What you did wrong? Not understand what your build is good at and what not.

The only problem here is the knee-jerk reaction to call for re-balance of the game, when the main issue you blame for your loss is not even the core issue to blame.

You are talking over the point, why do we have a mechanic that the outnumber can utilise better? That's the topic here, i don't see any reason why we need that in the game.

Can you give me ANY reason they should have an extra advantage for being 2 over me being 1 besides being 2 in itself balancing-wise?

The point is you know downstate is in this game. You know downing someone is not killing them yet you chose to not account for that in your build in an open world map where anyone can show up. Rare are uninterrupted even skilled 1 v 1s and that's what you seem built for. You got a long uninterrupted 1 v 2. This thread wouldn't exist is someone on a warclaw showed up and killed the down but because 2 ave players beat you downstate is a problem. A skilled player accounts for downstate. A skilled player adjusted to mounts. A skilled player functions well in every situation zerg small scale 1v1 1vx w/e. You said you got wrecked by 2 of the same class later on which means that fight lasted so long because they were of a low skill level. That is another wildcard. In no downstate week all you skilled groups roll out in 8 man with 2 ele scrapper fb scourge and 3 revs or some kitten talking how skilled they are when you roll 15 but it's always 15 pugs it's not like you rolled 15 PB or HoB. Just like 15 PB or Hob won't roll 30 Flux but they sure as hell will roll pugs. Random guilds chosen. Learn adjust play better build better stop complaining about stuff that's here to stay and the game is built around.

why is downstate still in the game when its this garbage of a mechanic
, youre skimming over the point.

I didn't create the game. It is there because anet wants it there. The game is built around it. Why can't I have 30 skills on my bar like ff14. Why can't I have 60 like wow. Why can't healers heal or tankers tank and keep aggro or why is stealth not half speed like most games. Why does mez exist. Why can't i use mounts and pets with stat boosts in pvp like garbo Bless let you. Why did rift steal wow's everything. idk man. It's a mechanic in the game. FF14 just as dumb pvp you need like 8 dps to focus down a healer. Eso was aoe spam fest group worst then wvw. The answer to your question is every game is different and has diff aspects that's it

Because it is a flawed mechanic, Anet being bad at balancing isn't an excuse for the bad balancing itself.

In any other PvP game these kinds of BS things just aren't there.

People have iterated multiple times: downstate is not imbalanced, you are bad. Go sit in the corner and think about what you have done.

If downstate is not inbalanced then why can't anyone give me a situation where it benefits the smaller group?

I see zero argument and only insults.

@Obtena.7952 said:

@Cyninja.2954 said:I'm sorry, all I see is a bad player trying to finish off his target by by pure tunnel vision.

The only reason that fight went as long as it did, was you were up against two very inexperienced players. This has nothing to do with downstate. Had those players been semi competent, you would have been dead after your first few mistake dodges, or lack of even dodging, build mistakes and skill wastes.

If you want to know why you were lacking downstate pressure: you decided to run a 4 signet build where none of your utility skills or elite, or weapon skills, were any good at pressuring a single target. You entire build is setup to out sustain a single opponent, maybe 2, at the cost of pressure. Exactly what happened in that fight. The ONLY reason you got the revenant down was due to him being a bad revenant. This is not a downstate issue but rather a lack of build understanding issue paired with fighting 1v2 against weak opponents.

I love when players try to link inability to a game problem. So satisfying.

@Cyninja.2954 said:I'm sorry, all I see is a bad player trying to finish off his target by by pure tunnel vision.

The only reason that fight went as long as it did, was you were up against two very inexperienced players. This has nothing to do with downstate. Had those players been semi competent, you would have been dead after your first few mistake dodges, or lack of even dodging, build mistakes and skill wastes.

If you want to know why you were lacking downstate pressure: you decided to run a 4 signet build where none of your utility skills or elite, or weapon skills, were any good at pressuring a single target. You entire build is setup to out sustain a single opponent, maybe 2, at the cost of pressure. Exactly what happened in that fight. The ONLY reason you got the revenant down was due to him being a bad revenant. This is not a downstate issue but rather a lack of build understanding issue paired with fighting 1v2 against weak opponents.

If the opponents are so weak then why don't they deserve to lose?

Also what's wrong with the build? It's a very good build, normally i take spectral armor over locust signet though but i was testing that. You still haven't really given justification for downstate or how its fair, i am not asking why i couldn't deal with downstate, i'm asking by what logic, do i, as the outnumbered have to deal with that? Why is this still in the game as is?

My burst damage comes from lifeblast with fear+dread, i tried to apply CC and cleave but i got interrupted multiple times on things like fear.

By the simple logic, that you build has nothing to deal with the downstate mechanic. You opted to go more tanky and have more sustain, which gave you a direct advantage in the match-up and actually allowed you to get downstate's. It's similar to players complaining about conditions, but not taking any condition cleanse or protection against conditions.

Your build has no downstate pressure, meaning the moment opponents get the chance to utilize that mechanic, your build falls apart. At the same time you made serious mistakes in skill use and adjusting for your builds lack of downstate pressure, which could have been made up with multiple skills in your build, but you opted to simply stay in shroud and burst the downstate player with your mediocre damage.

@God.2708 said:

@"Ubi.4136" said:Downstate is an ok idea for pve, mostly to replace actual healing and the lack of a real trinity. It has no reason to be in wvw. The video is a perfect example of that. What I see more and more nowadays is a player downed at under 25% of their downed health. Someone goes to res them and I interrupt them, the downed player immediately stands up anyway (with no one else around). Mount stomping sort of helps when you are outskilling a blob, but in most situations, it is a crutch for the populated side. Skill should beat numbers, and I wish anet would realize that and remove downed from wvw.

Maybe if you can't finish a player you are not as skilled as you think you are?

I love this reasoning that the outnumbered player who downs someone from the larger group is the "unskilled" one. No, it's one player vs 2+, with how mechanics work in this game, the 2+ should always win, however they were not very good and went down, the only skill they showed was pressing F to get another chance to win, and then another, and another.

Not saying the OP played perfectly, however the expatiation in defense of downed state is that the outnumbered player should play the perfect build with perfect rotations and ALWAYS have a CC or stab available. However there is no expectation of the side who already has a numbers advantage and some how removing downstate is unfair to them? Why? Because downstate is removed from everyone, not just the group with greater numbers, but the out numbered players as well. So if it doesn't favor the larger group, why is removing it such a bad thing? The reason is it's a crutch for players who run in teams or groups, those who have no idea of how to stay alive and allows them to get away with spam game play, just like the ranger in the video above.

The example is that downstate did nothing for him, however it won the other two the fight, as it gave them 3 chances, that is what the video shows. Can you still win the fights? Yes, you can, however you not only have to out play the other team but you also have to counter a mechanic that favors that larger side.

I will say it again, downstate in PvE is fine, if not expected, downstate in sPvP is also fine, as it's a forced even number fight, however in WvW that is almost never the case. People still claim that downstate does not favor the larger group, expect they forget we have had no downstate events, and it showed without question that it does, in large ways favor the larger group. It was so refreshing the last event, because 8 people pushing into 15+ people was actually a thing again. It was amazing to solo run into 5 people and watch them in the first 5 seconds blow ALL of their CDs on me and picking them off one at a time as they had no idea what to do after spamming everything on their bar, because why bother being good, if that one player downs one of your group, you just spam "F".

If you actually are good, why are you going down when you outnumber the other player 2 to 1? Not only did he out play the rev, but he outplayed him while being Pew Pewed by a ranger, that ranger was just spamming skills, I mean he was really just face rolling, how many times in the fight did they use #5 on LB and then swap weapons before it even cast? Solo 1vs1, both rev and ranger would have lost, and even together, without downstate, they would have lost, the ONLY thing that won them that fight was downstate saving the rev 3 times. How many chances do yall think the side with the number advantage should get to try again?

Leave downstate and just remove the ability to spam "F" while in combat, that will fix 90% of the issues.

Thank you so much for this comment, i really, really don't get how what you laid out is hard to understand for so many poeple.

@Cyninja.2954 said:So what you are saying is, the inherent numbers advantage which should guarantee the outnumbered sides win, should be dropped in favor of which side gets the jump or has the better engage? So, when will you decide to re-balance the entire game around that new approach then? Because currently, that puts certain classes at severe advantages.

The inherent numbers advantage isn't downstate,
it is having more poeple
. There is zero justification here still from your side, downstate isn't integral at all to combat, it is simply a crutch, in other games poeple die when they are killed and they are fine.

You literally left out half the things from my response to TinkTinkPOOF.9201 which address where and how downstate affects builds.

@Anput.4620 said:What did i do wrong here though? I tried both cc and cleave, what else could i have done? Necromancer stab? Once again, the main point is why i even have to go through this terrible mechanic when they already have 2 poeple, where is the balancing factor/justification here?

Change your build? That ever come to mind? Your build is designed with heavy enemy condi pressure (aka opponents pressure, not yours) and self sustain in mind (that's literally what all your signets are for), against 2 power builds. Your build alone was already a disadvantage against those 2. But hey, let's pretend that was not the case. You got LUCKY, just not lucky enough. That's all.

What you did wrong? Not understand what your build is good at and what not.

The only problem here is the knee-jerk reaction to call for re-balance of the game, when the main issue you blame for your loss is not even the core issue to blame.

You are talking over the point, why do we have a mechanic that the outnumber can utilise better? That's the topic here, i don't see any reason why we need that in the game.

Can you give me ANY reason they should have an extra advantage for being 2 over me being 1 besides being 2 in itself balancing-wise?

The point is you know downstate is in this game. You know downing someone is not killing them yet you chose to not account for that in your build in an open world map where anyone can show up. Rare are uninterrupted even skilled 1 v 1s and that's what you seem built for. You got a long uninterrupted 1 v 2. This thread wouldn't exist is someone on a warclaw showed up and killed the down but because 2 ave players beat you downstate is a problem. A skilled player accounts for downstate. A skilled player adjusted to mounts. A skilled player functions well in every situation zerg small scale 1v1 1vx w/e. You said you got wrecked by 2 of the same class later on which means that fight lasted so long because they were of a low skill level. That is another wildcard. In no downstate week all you skilled groups roll out in 8 man with 2 ele scrapper fb scourge and 3 revs or some kitten talking how skilled they are when you roll 15 but it's always 15 pugs it's not like you rolled 15 PB or HoB. Just like 15 PB or Hob won't roll 30 Flux but they sure as hell will roll pugs. Random guilds chosen. Learn adjust play better build better stop complaining about stuff that's here to stay and the game is built around.

why is downstate still in the game when its this garbage of a mechanic
, youre skimming over the point.

Simple ... because there isn't a reason to take it out better than the one that put it in there. Whether you think it's flawed or not is irrelevant. Funny enough, you think it's flawed because you couldn't beat 2 opponents yourself. That in itself is nonsensical. If anything, that demonstrates a reason FOR downstate, because it should be hard as F*** to kill two players, EVEN if they are bad. You seem to have this problem ... your view of WvW is that it's some sort of arena where you get 'fights' to prove your abilities as a PVPer ... nope, that's not what WvW is about ... and THAT is why downstate is appropriate in WvW and that is why so many of you threads on the topic don't make any sense.

Again, if downstate is fine then why can't anyone give me a situation where it benefits the smaller group?

If WvW is a big ktrain to you then the mode might aswell be dead.

@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@Jayden Reese.9542 said:Well don't heal the rev to full and that ranger is terrible except for timely kb's and you tanky af. I think that rando drake mob att you turned the tide. I guess you are skilled tho only possible answer cause I bet necro downstate never won any fight for you. Anyone can find random situations to fit their narrative like your mount crusade that lasted for months

Nope, necro downstate hasn't won me any fight 1v1.

Can you give me ANY situation where downstate benefits the outnumbered party more than the outnumber when played correctly? As you are saying i am talking anecdotes. How did downstate benefit me as much as it did them here?

If they are both terrible then why do i deserve to lose due to a crutch mechanic lol. Numbers>Skill in this game.

Mounts also still affect in-combat balance in negative ways,
always benefiting the outnumber ofcoarse

I roam solo a lot in WvW and I tend toward side-node duelist type roles in PvP. So, I'm totally on board with your dislike of downstate mechanics. They are mostly useless to me and quite advantageous to my enemies, who frequently outnumber me!

Having said that, you did ask the question: "Can you give me ANY situation where downstate benefits the outnumbered party..."

Watch videos of skilled, coordinated roamers. They will communicate in voice chat when they're going down and coordinate a response (CC, revival skills, etc.). Just as greater numbers are an advantage, so too is greater skill. This is obviously not applicable in 1vx, but for everything else there is definitely a way for a smaller force to capitalize on downstate mechanics to overcome a greater force.

Except that you talk about skill here, not inherent advantages based on mechanics. The larger force can utilise the downstate even more than the smaller force, balancing is done when assuming equal skill. The more skilled player should win, that's just basic PvP.

You are basically saying "just be better" but that doesn't change the fact of inherent advantage assuming equal skill.

@ArchonWing.9480 said:Meh, it really has nothing to do with skill and lol @ people calling OP bad.

it's just that it makes no sense to balance for these scenarios. In the grand scheme of wvw, small scale fights just aren't what we should be balancing, esp lopsided ones.

My point is that even in large scale fights downstate inherently benefits the larger group.

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@"Anput.4620" said:Except that you talk about skill here, not inherent advantages based on mechanics. The larger force can utilise the downstate even more than the smaller force, balancing is done when assuming equal skill. The more skilled player should win, that's just basic PvP.

You are basically saying "just be better" but that doesn't change the fact of inherent advantage assuming equal skill.

Yes, that's right. If you want to win against superior numbers then you must be better than your opponents. That is true whether downstate exists or not. Numbers are an advantage any way you slice it.

You asked for ANY scenario where downstate favors the outnumbered party. Well, there you go. If you are better than they are and have at least one friend present, then you have a chance to capitalize on downstate mechanics to win a fight that you otherwise would have lost without downstate mechanics.

Anyway, you obviously have no interest in even considering anything anyone else has to say. So, good luck with those demands. You sound like you really believe in this cause.

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@Anput.4620 said:

@ArchonWing.9480 said:Meh, it really has nothing to do with skill and lol @ people calling OP bad.

it's just that it makes no sense to balance for these scenarios. In the grand scheme of wvw, small scale fights just aren't what we should be balancing, esp lopsided ones.

My point is that even in large scale fights downstate inherently benefits the larger group.

My point is that there's no point in balancing inherently imbalanced scenarios.

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@Jeran.6850 said:

isnt the more important question why Arenat allows certain builds to be so strong to even trying to engage 1v3 or even 1v5, still expecting to win.

Its not about certain builds being so strong (although there definitely are some outliers). Back in vanilla gw2, it wasn't uncommon for me to take on groups of 5 or 6 and kill every single one of them alone. It wasn't because of an op build, it was due to the massive skill disparity between players (which was way larger near launch then it currently is). Another part of why it was so much easier to 1vx back then is that it was a lot harder to output large amounts of damage. Elite specs have began catering to average scrubs. Condi mirage (probably the worst offender), soulbeast, spellbreaker, holosmith, ect. Everything does so much fucking damage and almost every spec allows you to simultaneously attack and defend. Its very rare for anything beyond a 1v3 to happen these days since WvW is filled with so many salty veterans who are far better players than they were at launch along with the aforementioned power creep.

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@"Anput.4620" said:

I also, think that pressing F should just "outskill" anyone without stability and a billion defenses because you should lose a fight even if you "kill" them 3 times.

A+ Design choices game of the year.

I downed them 1 time before the recording started btw, 3 times total, there is literally no way downstate ever not benefits the group with more poeple and it has no place in any competitive mode in it's current iteration period. With the new balance patch we really need to rework downstate as finishing poeple with cleave will be even harder then. You can't possibly seriously defend crutch mechanics like these.

that was entertaining and well played on all opponents alike. To be honest, as much i've been against downstate....i've now reconsider it as being a fair system. It is not fair to the opponent attempting to finish the kill but it is fair in giving the other opponent a fair chance to fight back,

Afterall, that is what healthy competition is; giving other opponent(s) a fair chance to fight back.

Not giving opponent(s) a Toxic design mechanic, skills that will guarantee a secure kill no matter what; like Toxic Bad Design Thief Profession, Toxic Stealth mechanic for all professions, Toxic +1 shooting skills

Alhought the Ranger Profession player was heavily focused on making the kill, there were no evidence of downstate being Toxic in the video so in conclusion; i give downsate a +1

Downstate is not Toxic after all

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@Jables.4659 said:

isnt the more important question why Arenat allows certain builds to be so strong to even trying to engage 1v3 or even 1v5, still expecting to win.

Its not about certain builds being so strong (although there definitely are some outliers). Back in vanilla gw2, it wasn't uncommon for me to take on groups of 5 or 6 and kill every single one of them alone. It wasn't because of an op build, it was due to the massive skill disparity between players (which was way larger near launch then it currently is). Another part of why it was so much easier to 1vx back then is that it was a lot harder to output large amounts of damage. Elite specs have began catering to average scrubs. Condi mirage (probably the worst offender), soulbeast, spellbreaker, holosmith, ect. Everything does so much kitten damage and almost every spec allows you to simultaneously attack and defend. Its very rare for anything beyond a 1v3 to happen these days since WvW is filled with so many salty veterans who are far better players than they were at launch along with the aforementioned power creep.

This is truth. I was able to 1vX on an uplevel thief because people were also uplevels, undergeared, or just plain clueless. But the power creep has made it so that even the worst players will perform at a certain minimum threshold.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@Strider Pj.2193 said:Hold on a second.. serious question here: You don’t play the mode.

Can't be that serious. You don't know what I do.

Would you like me to find the ‘you people’ quote again?

Find what you want ... that doesn't change what I said here in this thread; even your own reply to the OP shows you agree with me. Must be hard to have someone you believe has no understanding of the mode to know as much as an expert like yourself.

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@Anput.4620 said:Again, if downstate is fine then why can't anyone give me a situation where it benefits the smaller group?

Hold on ... even if it's not fine, that's not a reason to remove it. It's got nothing to do with someone satisfying your requirements for scenarios. I mean, I think it's pretty clear that even if there isn't a benefit to smaller groups ... that doesn't mean it should be removed. That doesn't even make sense. Your approach is that you think you are right because no one can come up with a reason why your specific request is wrong? That's some kind of special right there.

What I said was there isn't a reason you have presented to remove downstate that isn't better than the reason that put it in the game; and that reason is because Anet wants it (and personally, I can see why it's there in WvW/PvP and so to have other people in this thread that you continue to ignore with you nonsense request to prove some scenario wrong). That should give you NO reason to conclude I think it's fine, so you aren't asking me relevant questions in the first place.

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@Anput.4620 said:My point is that even in large scale fights downstate inherently benefits the larger group.

Downstate doesn't benefit the larger group. Last night I was fighting a larger group and the fact there were more of them to downstate then finish meant my allies got to rally 2 or even 3 times instead of just once.

There. I have countered your empty hollow anecdotal evidence with my own. Case Closed. Pack it up.

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@"Anput.4620" said:Except that you talk about skill here, not inherent advantages based on mechanics. The larger force can utilise the downstate even more than the smaller force, balancing is done when assuming equal skill. The more skilled player should win, that's just basic PvP.

You are basically saying "just be better" but that doesn't change the fact of inherent advantage assuming equal skill.

Yes, that's right. If you want to win against superior numbers then you must be better than your opponents. That is true whether downstate exists or not. Numbers are an advantage any way you slice it.

You asked for ANY scenario where downstate favors the outnumbered party. Well, there you go. If you are better than they are and have at least one friend present, then you have a chance to capitalize on downstate mechanics to win a fight that you otherwise would have lost without downstate mechanics.

Anyway, you obviously have no interest in even considering anything anyone else has to say. So, good luck with those demands. You sound like you really believe in this cause.

Except that they can utilise downstate even more in said scenario. Downstate still inherently benefits the larger group, no matter how skilled the smaller group is the larger group has the inherent advantage, skill has nothing to do with the situation but with the players. I am talking from a balancing-viewpoint, all you say is "just be better than them", balancing is done given equal skill. What helped you wasn't downstate, but your skill, we are talking about downstate as a mechanic given equal skill.

If a newbie plays against a grandmaster in chess but the newbie gets 2 queens, then the newbie has the advantage and the game isn't balanced as it isn't about pure skill anymore, i don't see how it is ever fair, if the group wins because they are better then they should have won anyways no matter what. "If you are outskilling them so much that the bullshit doesn't matter then it doesn't matter, doesn't change the fact its bullshit buuuuuuuuut"

Condi mesmer is also bad when a freshly boosted player without gear plays it so that must mean it is balanced.

@Burnfall.9573 said:

@"Anput.4620" said:

I also, think that pressing F should just "outskill" anyone without stability and a billion defenses because you should lose a fight even if you "kill" them 3 times.

A+ Design choices game of the year.

I downed them 1 time before the recording started btw, 3 times total, there is literally no way downstate ever not benefits the group with more poeple and it has no place in any competitive mode in it's current iteration period. With the new balance patch we really need to rework downstate as finishing poeple with cleave will be even harder then. You can't possibly seriously defend crutch mechanics like these.

that was entertaining and well played on all opponents alike. To be honest, as much i've been against downstate....i've now reconsider it as being a fair system. It is not fair to the opponent attempting to finish the kill but it is fair in giving the other opponent a fair chance to fight back,

Afterall, that is what healthy competition is; giving other opponent(s) a fair chance to fight back.

Not giving opponent(s) a Toxic design mechanic, skills that will guarantee a secure kill no matter what; like Toxic Bad Design Thief Profession, Toxic Stealth mechanic for all professions, Toxic +1 shooting skills

Alhought the Ranger Profession player was heavily focused on making the kill, there were no evidence of downstate being Toxic in the video so in conclusion; i give downsate a +1

Downstate is not Toxic after all

The opponents have a chance to fight back, you know, in the actual fight, downstate is just a second chance that purely scales with numbers and rewards you for dying if you have numbers.

How can you not see that a mechanic that gives my opponents massive advantages while it gives me nothing in that situation is toxic af? It literally gives them an unfair chance to fight back, as it always benefits the larger group that already has inherent advantage.

@Obtena.7952 said:

@"Anput.4620" said:Again, if downstate is fine then why can't anyone give me a situation where it benefits the smaller group?

Hold on ... even if it's not fine, that's not a reason to remove it. It's got nothing to do with someone satisfying your requirements for scenarios. I mean, I think it's pretty clear that even if there isn't a benefit to smaller groups ... that doesn't mean it should be removed. That doesn't even make sense. Your approach is that you think you are right because no one can come up with a reason why your specific request is wrong? That's some kind of special right there.

What I said was there isn't a reason you have presented to remove downstate that isn't better than the reason that put it in the game; and that reason is because Anet wants it (and personally, I can see why it's there in WvW/PvP and so to have other people in this thread that you continue to ignore with you nonsense request to prove some scenario wrong). That should give you NO reason to conclude I think it's fine, so you aren't asking me relevant questions in the first place.

Ok, i am convinced you understand nothing about competitive balance, WvW will be the next esport and this game will have 20 million players i get it. You justify everything with "just because", give me any successful competitive PvP game which balances with the philosophy "just because", because those all die.

Do you genuinly think WvW is a good competitive mode as is?

@God.2708 said:

@"Anput.4620" said:My point is that even in large scale fights downstate inherently benefits the larger group.

Downstate doesn't benefit the larger group. Last night I was fighting a larger group and the fact there were more of them to downstate then finish meant my allies got to rally 2 or even 3 times instead of just once.

There. I have countered your empty hollow anecdotal evidence with my own. Case Closed. Pack it up.

If the larger group had equal skill as your smaller group they would have still won. Being massively better than your opponent doesn't make a mechanic more balanced, can you tell me how you downed way more of them than they downed yours when their group was bigger? If the answer is that your group was more skilled then your argument fails as balance is done given equal skill in competitive games.

I present situations given equal skill, how can you talk about anecdotes when you just give one? Like seriously, "downstate is good if you face rallybots" lmao.

Condi mesmer is also bad when a freshly boosted player without gear plays it so that must mean it is balanced.

Seriously, how come that everything thats common sense in any PvP game community is being heavilly rejected here? Why do i feel like its all the ktrainers?WvW feels like a playground, not a competitive mode, and some poeple heavilly defend it as they want it to be that. Many of the things defended by casuals would sound nonsensical to any PvP community of any popular competitive PvP game, but are praised here. I never have a hard timer argueing balance in games i play, most poeple are quite agreeable too normally, except in this game ofcoarse where everything is upside down and nonsensical.

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@Anput.4620 said:

@Anput.4620 said:Except that you talk about skill here, not inherent advantages based on mechanics. The larger force can utilise the downstate even more than the smaller force, balancing is done when assuming equal skill. The more skilled player should win, that's just basic PvP.

You are basically saying "just be better" but that doesn't change the fact of inherent advantage assuming equal skill.

Yes, that's right. If you want to win against superior numbers then you must be better than your opponents. That is true whether downstate exists or not. Numbers are an advantage any way you slice it.

You asked for ANY scenario where downstate favors the outnumbered party. Well, there you go. If you are better than they are and have at least one friend present, then you have a chance to capitalize on downstate mechanics to win a fight that you otherwise would have lost without downstate mechanics.

Anyway, you obviously have no interest in even considering anything anyone else has to say. So, good luck with those demands. You sound like you really believe in this cause.

Except that they can utilise downstate even more in said scenario. Downstate still inherently benefits the larger group, no matter how skilled the smaller group is the larger group has the inherent advantage, skill has nothing to do with the situation but with the players. I am talking from a balancing-viewpoint, all you say is "just be better than them", balancing is done given equal skill. What helped you wasn't downstate, but your skill, we are talking about downstate as a mechanic given equal skill.

If a newbie plays against a grandmaster in chess but the newbie gets 2 queens, then the newbie has the advantage and the game isn't balanced as it isn't about pure skill anymore, i don't see how it is ever
, if the group wins because they are better then they should have won anyways no matter what. "If you are outskilling them so much that the kitten doesn't matter then it doesn't matter, doesn't change the fact its kitten buuuuuuuuut"

Condi mesmer is also bad when a freshly boosted player without gear plays it so that must mean it is balanced.

I also, think that pressing F should just "outskill" anyone without stability and a billion defenses because you should lose a fight even if you "kill" them 3 times.

A+ Design choices game of the year.

I downed them 1 time before the recording started btw, 3 times total, there is literally no way downstate ever not benefits the group with more poeple and it has no place in any competitive mode in it's current iteration period. With the new balance patch we really need to rework downstate as finishing poeple with cleave will be even harder then. You can't possibly seriously defend crutch mechanics like these.

that was entertaining and well played on all opponents alike. To be honest, as much i've been against downstate....i've now reconsider it as being a fair system. It is not fair to the opponent attempting to finish the kill but it is fair in giving the other opponent a fair chance to fight back,

Afterall, that is what healthy competition is; giving other opponent(s) a fair chance to fight back.

Not giving opponent(s) a Toxic design mechanic, skills that will guarantee a secure kill no matter what; like Toxic Bad Design Thief Profession, Toxic Stealth mechanic for all professions, Toxic +1 shooting skills

Alhought the Ranger Profession player was heavily focused on making the kill, there were no evidence of downstate being Toxic in the video so in conclusion; i give downsate a +1

Downstate is not Toxic after all

The opponents have a chance to fight back, you know, in the actual fight, downstate is just a second chance that purely scales with numbers and rewards you for dying if you have numbers.

How can you not see that a mechanic that gives my opponents massive advantages while it gives me nothing in that situation is toxic af? It literally gives them an
chance to fight back, as it always benefits the larger group that already has inherent advantage.

@Anput.4620 said:Again, if downstate is fine then why can't anyone give me a situation where it benefits the smaller group?

Hold on ... even if it's not fine, that's not a reason to remove it. It's got nothing to do with someone satisfying your requirements for scenarios. I mean, I think it's pretty clear that even if there isn't a benefit to smaller groups ... that doesn't mean it should be removed. That doesn't even make sense. Your approach is that you think you are right because no one can come up with a reason why your specific request is wrong? That's some kind of special right there.

What I said was there isn't a reason you have presented to remove downstate that isn't better than the reason that put it in the game; and that reason is because Anet wants it (and personally, I can see why it's there in WvW/PvP and so to have other people in this thread that you continue to ignore with you nonsense request to prove some scenario wrong). That should give you NO reason to conclude I think it's fine, so you aren't asking me relevant questions in the first place.

Ok, i am convinced you understand nothing about competitive balance, WvW will be the next esport and this game will have 20 million players i get it. You justify everything with "just because", give me any successful competitive PvP game which balances with the philosophy "just because", because those all die.

Do you genuinly think WvW is a good competitive mode as is?

@God.2708 said:

@Anput.4620 said:My point is that even in large scale fights downstate inherently benefits the larger group.

Downstate doesn't benefit the larger group. Last night I was fighting a larger group and the fact there were more of them to downstate then finish meant my allies got to rally 2 or even 3 times instead of just once.

There. I have countered your empty hollow anecdotal evidence with my own. Case Closed. Pack it up.

If the larger group had equal skill as your smaller group they would have still won. Being massively better than your opponent doesn't make a mechanic more balanced, can you tell me how you downed way more of them than they downed yours when their group was bigger? If the answer is that your group was more skilled then your argument fails as balance is done given equal skill in competitive games.

I present situations given equal skill, how can you talk about anecdotes when you just give one? Like seriously, "downstate is good if you face rallybots" lmao.

Condi mesmer is also bad when a freshly boosted player without gear plays it so that must mean it is balanced.

Seriously, how come that everything thats common sense in any PvP game community is being heavilly rejected here? Why do i feel like its all the ktrainers?WvW feels like a playground, not a competitive mode, and some poeple heavilly defend it as they want it to be that. Many of the things defended by casuals would sound nonsensical to any PvP community of any popular competitive PvP game, but are praised here. I never have a hard timer argueing balance in games i play, most poeple are quite agreeable too normally, except in this game ofcoarse where everything is upside down and nonsensical.

Can’t remember who said this...maybe Sherlock Holmes...idk

—-If you are at a large gala hall looking for the sucker in the room, and if you can’t find the sucker in less than minute, then you are the sucker.

People that want to get rid of downstate are the suckers in the room.

I didn’t watch the video, but I (usto) main a reaper roamer, and a big reason why I was able to win many outnumbered fights (sometimes going as high as 1v8) is because I was able to cleave my downstate opponents to lure in resurrectors who underestimate my ability to cleave and overestimate their ability to Rez If it wasn’t for the downstate mechanic, there would be plenty times where that wouldn’t have been possible.

So ya, if you have an issue with opposing downstate, you need to look into your build or play style and adjust to it, because your WvW build should be built on the premise that you WILL find yourself in outnumbered situations.

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Those two were playing extremely badly, but yu were running Core signet build with no actual utility.If yu wanna blame anything, blame yur build.It has no real stunbreaks, tons of Shroud camping, and this is against two Professions notorious for having Boon Diarrhoea.

Idk, yu kinda deserved to die there because yur Lich Form was for fun apparently, considering Ranger is camping GS half the time.

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@"Anput.4620" said:

If the larger group had equal skill as your smaller group they would have still won. Being massively better than your opponent doesn't make a mechanic more balanced, can you tell me how you downed way more of them than they downed yours when their group was bigger? If the answer is that your group was more skilled then your argument fails as balance is done given equal skill in competitive games.

I present situations given equal skill, how can you talk about anecdotes when you just give one? Like seriously, "downstate is good if you face rallybots" lmao.

Condi mesmer is also bad when a freshly boosted player without gear plays it so that must mean it is balanced.

Seriously, how come that everything thats common sense in any PvP game community is being heavilly rejected here? Why do i feel like its all the ktrainers?WvW feels like a playground, not a competitive mode, and some poeple heavilly defend it as they want it to be that. Many of the things defended by casuals would sound nonsensical to any PvP community of any popular competitive PvP game, but are praised here. I never have a hard timer argueing balance in games i play, most poeple are quite agreeable too normally, except in this game ofcoarse where everything is upside down and nonsensical.

Ahhhhhhh. I see your issue.

WvW is not a competitive mode. It is a playground. It was not designed to be competitive in the sense of PvP, it was designed to be competitive through other metrics. Those have all just fallen through and now PvP is all that is left at the current juncture. Removal of downstate would not make the PvP more healthy though.

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To the OP,

Downstate is a mechanic that enhances and encourages party play. In fact, it really has zero benefits for a solo roamer except for the occasional rally when an NPC or enemy player is finished. It's main purpose is to allow a teammate to rally you back into combat. How it works is no mystery: more allies = more people to 'f' on downstate. So inherently, the group with larger numbers benefits more. It adds further depth into the combat system and if you can't look back or think of any instances where downstate made for a more interesting and exciting skirmish than I don't know what to tell you - your missing out.

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@Aspen Tie.5084 said:To the OP,

Downstate is a mechanic that enhances and encourages party play. In fact, it really has zero benefits for a solo roamer except for the occasional rally when an NPC or enemy player is finished. It's main purpose is to allow a teammate to rally you back into combat. How it works is no mystery: more allies = more people to 'f' on downstate. So inherently, the group with larger numbers benefits more. It adds further depth into the combat system and if you can't look back or think of any instances where downstate made for a more interesting and exciting skirmish than I don't know what to tell you - your missing out.

Benefit is a strong word. More players to Rez also means more potential targets that can receive cleaving damage that result in more deaths.

The argument that it benefits the side with more people is subjective and superficial at best.

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@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

@Anput.4620 said:Except that you talk about skill here, not inherent advantages based on mechanics. The larger force can utilise the downstate even more than the smaller force, balancing is done when assuming equal skill. The more skilled player should win, that's just basic PvP.

You are basically saying "just be better" but that doesn't change the fact of inherent advantage assuming equal skill.

Yes, that's right. If you want to win against superior numbers then you must be better than your opponents. That is true whether downstate exists or not. Numbers are an advantage any way you slice it.

You asked for ANY scenario where downstate favors the outnumbered party. Well, there you go. If you are better than they are and have at least one friend present, then you have a chance to capitalize on downstate mechanics to win a fight that you otherwise would have lost without downstate mechanics.

Anyway, you obviously have no interest in even considering anything anyone else has to say. So, good luck with those demands. You sound like you really believe in this cause.

Except that they can utilise downstate even more in said scenario. Downstate still inherently benefits the larger group, no matter how skilled the smaller group is the larger group has the inherent advantage, skill has nothing to do with the situation but with the players. I am talking from a balancing-viewpoint, all you say is "just be better than them", balancing is done given equal skill. What helped you wasn't downstate, but your skill, we are talking about downstate as a mechanic given equal skill.

If a newbie plays against a grandmaster in chess but the newbie gets 2 queens, then the newbie has the advantage and the game isn't balanced as it isn't about pure skill anymore, i don't see how it is ever
, if the group wins because they are better then they should have won anyways no matter what. "If you are outskilling them so much that the kitten doesn't matter then it doesn't matter, doesn't change the fact its kitten buuuuuuuuut"

Condi mesmer is also bad when a freshly boosted player without gear plays it so that must mean it is balanced.

I also, think that pressing F should just "outskill" anyone without stability and a billion defenses because you should lose a fight even if you "kill" them 3 times.

A+ Design choices game of the year.

I downed them 1 time before the recording started btw, 3 times total, there is literally no way downstate ever not benefits the group with more poeple and it has no place in any competitive mode in it's current iteration period. With the new balance patch we really need to rework downstate as finishing poeple with cleave will be even harder then. You can't possibly seriously defend crutch mechanics like these.

that was entertaining and well played on all opponents alike. To be honest, as much i've been against downstate....i've now reconsider it as being a fair system. It is not fair to the opponent attempting to finish the kill but it is fair in giving the other opponent a fair chance to fight back,

Afterall, that is what healthy competition is; giving other opponent(s) a fair chance to fight back.

Not giving opponent(s) a Toxic design mechanic, skills that will guarantee a secure kill no matter what; like Toxic Bad Design Thief Profession, Toxic Stealth mechanic for all professions, Toxic +1 shooting skills

Alhought the Ranger Profession player was heavily focused on making the kill, there were no evidence of downstate being Toxic in the video so in conclusion; i give downsate a +1

Downstate is not Toxic after all

The opponents have a chance to fight back, you know, in the actual fight, downstate is just a second chance that purely scales with numbers and rewards you for dying if you have numbers.

How can you not see that a mechanic that gives my opponents massive advantages while it gives me nothing in that situation is toxic af? It literally gives them an
chance to fight back, as it always benefits the larger group that already has inherent advantage.

@Anput.4620 said:Again, if downstate is fine then why can't anyone give me a situation where it benefits the smaller group?

Hold on ... even if it's not fine, that's not a reason to remove it. It's got nothing to do with someone satisfying your requirements for scenarios. I mean, I think it's pretty clear that even if there isn't a benefit to smaller groups ... that doesn't mean it should be removed. That doesn't even make sense. Your approach is that you think you are right because no one can come up with a reason why your specific request is wrong? That's some kind of special right there.

What I said was there isn't a reason you have presented to remove downstate that isn't better than the reason that put it in the game; and that reason is because Anet wants it (and personally, I can see why it's there in WvW/PvP and so to have other people in this thread that you continue to ignore with you nonsense request to prove some scenario wrong). That should give you NO reason to conclude I think it's fine, so you aren't asking me relevant questions in the first place.

Ok, i am convinced you understand nothing about competitive balance, WvW will be the next esport and this game will have 20 million players i get it. You justify everything with "just because", give me any successful competitive PvP game which balances with the philosophy "just because", because those all die.

Do you genuinly think WvW is a good competitive mode as is?

@God.2708 said:

@Anput.4620 said:My point is that even in large scale fights downstate inherently benefits the larger group.

Downstate doesn't benefit the larger group. Last night I was fighting a larger group and the fact there were more of them to downstate then finish meant my allies got to rally 2 or even 3 times instead of just once.

There. I have countered your empty hollow anecdotal evidence with my own. Case Closed. Pack it up.

If the larger group had equal skill as your smaller group they would have still won. Being massively better than your opponent doesn't make a mechanic more balanced, can you tell me how you downed way more of them than they downed yours when their group was bigger? If the answer is that your group was more skilled then your argument fails as balance is done given equal skill in competitive games.

I present situations given equal skill, how can you talk about anecdotes when you just give one? Like seriously, "downstate is good if you face rallybots" lmao.

Condi mesmer is also bad when a freshly boosted player without gear plays it so that must mean it is balanced.

Seriously, how come that everything thats common sense in any PvP game community is being heavilly rejected here? Why do i feel like its all the ktrainers?WvW feels like a playground, not a competitive mode, and some poeple heavilly defend it as they want it to be that. Many of the things defended by casuals would sound nonsensical to any PvP community of any popular competitive PvP game, but are praised here. I never have a hard timer argueing balance in games i play, most poeple are quite agreeable too normally, except in this game ofcoarse where everything is upside down and nonsensical.

Can’t remember who said this...maybe Sherlock Holmes...idk

—-If you are at a large gala hall looking for the sucker in the room, and if you can’t find the sucker in less than minute, then you are the sucker.

People that want to get rid of downstate are the suckers in the room.

I didn’t watch the video, but I (usto) main a reaper roamer, and a big reason why I was able to win many outnumbered fights (sometimes going as high as 1v8) is because I was able to cleave my downstate opponents to lure in resurrectors who underestimate my ability to cleave and overestimate their ability to Rez If it wasn’t for the downstate mechanic, there would be plenty times where that wouldn’t have been possible.

So ya, if you have an issue with opposing downstate, you need to look into your build or play style and adjust to it, because your WvW build should be built on the premise that you WILL find yourself in outnumbered situations.

You haven't really provided an argument on why the mechanic is balanced and scales fairly by numbers here.

@Yasai.3549 said:Those two were playing extremely badly, but yu were running Core signet build with no actual utility.If yu wanna blame anything, blame yur build.It has no real stunbreaks, tons of Shroud camping, and this is against two Professions notorious for having Boon Diarrhoea.

Idk, yu kinda deserved to die there because yur Lich Form was for fun apparently, considering Ranger is camping GS half the time.

I tried locust this time but normally use spectral armor, thats 2 stunbreaks. Again like others you haven't really provided an argument on why the mechanic is balanced and scales fairly by numbers here.

@Aspen Tie.5084 said:To the OP,

Downstate is a mechanic that enhances and encourages party play. In fact, it really has zero benefits for a solo roamer except for the occasional rally when an NPC or enemy player is finished. It's main purpose is to allow a teammate to rally you back into combat. How it works is no mystery: more allies = more people to 'f' on downstate. So inherently, the group with larger numbers benefits more. It adds further depth into the combat system and if you can't look back or think of any instances where downstate made for a more interesting and exciting skirmish than I don't know what to tell you - your missing out.

I mean you are basically saying exactly why it is unbalanced and unfair here lol, why do we need such inherently unfair mechanics in the game?

@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

@Aspen Tie.5084 said:To the OP,

Downstate is a mechanic that enhances and encourages party play. In fact, it really has zero benefits for a solo roamer except for the occasional rally when an NPC or enemy player is finished. It's main purpose is to allow a
to rally you back into combat. How it works is no mystery: more allies = more people to 'f' on downstate. So inherently, the group with larger numbers benefits more. It adds further depth into the combat system and if you can't look back or think of any instances where downstate made for a more interesting and exciting skirmish than I don't know what to tell you - your missing out.

Benefit is a strong word. More players to Rez also means more potential targets that can receive cleaving damage that result in more deaths.

The argument that it benefits the side with more people is subjective and superficial at best.

So given equal skill you say that the larger group can't capitalise on it more?

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@Anput.4620 said:So given equal skill you say that the larger group can't capitalise on it more?

Precisely because, the more targets that stack for a Rez, the more targets become susceptible to cleave damage because they have to bunch together. Like I said earlier, this is what makes 1v8’s on reaper possible, which I have repeatedly been successful at accomplishing.

The same applies in the opposing direction. The more players I have that can cleave enemy downstates the more advantageous it is for my numbers to dominate theirs...especially when they ball up for a resurrection.

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@Aspen Tie.5084 said:To the OP,

Downstate is a mechanic that enhances and encourages party play. In fact, it really has zero benefits for a solo roamer except for the occasional rally when an NPC or enemy player is finished. It's main purpose is to allow a
to rally you back into combat. How it works is no mystery: more allies = more people to 'f' on downstate. So inherently, the group with larger numbers benefits more. It adds further depth into the combat system and if you can't look back or think of any instances where downstate made for a more interesting and exciting skirmish than I don't know what to tell you - your missing out.

Benefit is a strong word. More players to Rez also means more potential targets that can receive cleaving damage that result in more deaths.

The argument that it benefits the side with more people is subjective and superficial at best.

So given equal skill you say that the larger group can't capitalise on it more?

I agree with Justice, the 'benefit' seems mostly superficial in terms of numbers.

Downstate is a double edged sword; depending on the situation it can have just as many 'drawbacks' as it does 'benifits'. Like I said, it's an element that adds depth to the combat system and opens the door for some exciting fights.

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