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For 200 gold ...


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@Anput.4620 said:

@Sobx.1758 said:Soo... did all these people also cry about things like commander tag or griffon collection requiring gold?

You get gold by playing the game, the skin is 100% cosmetic and nobody really needs it. I don't see a problem here.

I mean technically you get gems by paying gold.

Yes, but what does it change about my previous post? :p

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@Fish.2769 said:

@Davros.9823 said:I'll point out again this is the FIRST mount skin that is 100% Obtainable without touching the Gem Store.

This is a great thing for people that want a reward for playing the game. Isn't that what people really want? Incentive to play the game? A REAL reward?

All this complaining is doing is stopping anet from releasing more mount skins obtainable ingame without the gemstore.

Actually not true since the Pepegasus AND the new Bearclaw (I forget it's actual name) are/were both rewards in Black Lion Chests. So with your argument this would be the 'THIRD' mount skin that's 100% obtainable without touching the Gem Store.

Except what you talk about has some heavy rng involved and the other is a guaranteed unlock. Not nearly the same.

@nxsage.6578 said:

@Angel.6085 said:It is in no way, shape or form a gemstore item. People farm gold in game, people pay with gold they earned in game. You do not have to swipe a credit card for this. Gemstore stuff is also obtainable without real money.You 100% can earn this in game.

Yeah? Empty your bank and try playing only WvW for a few months, tell us how much gold you make..

If you want to have gold in mmorpg, go farm it. If you don't want to farm it, deal with not having gold. Not new, not weird, not unfair. Why are some people so entitled?

@"ilMasa.2546" said:Well to me the problem is not the 200 gold but the ugly A. reskin....i mean doesnt look like a "LOOK what i got with 200gold and some grind".

Welp, I think the skin looks nice. Also are we officially pretending that picking a reward track in wvw involves "grind"? I guess I didn't get the memo :lol:

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200g isn't chump change to me.. I find myself rarely carrying around that kind of gold.

But I still bought the track, the skin alone is very appealing for my main so I will get it purely on that.I do hope that this won't be the last time we see mount skins obtainable in game like this, a few here and there in other game modes would be awesome to have as well and would not stop me occasionally buying more either.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@Davros.9823 said:I'll point out again this is the FIRST mount skin that is 100% Obtainable without touching the Gem Store.

This is a great thing for people that want a reward for playing the game. Isn't that what people really want? Incentive to play the game? A REAL reward?

All this complaining is doing is stopping anet from releasing more mount skins obtainable ingame without the gemstore.

Actually not true since the Pepegasus AND the new Bearclaw (I forget it's actual name) are/were both rewards in Black Lion Chests. So with your argument this would be the 'THIRD' mount skin that's 100% obtainable without touching the Gem Store.

Except what you talk about has some heavy rng involved and the other is a guaranteed unlock. Not nearly the same.

Well this skin is only obtainable by spending gold to unlock the track so it's still not 100% with your new founded logic. :D

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@Fish.2769 said:

@Davros.9823 said:I'll point out again this is the FIRST mount skin that is 100% Obtainable without touching the Gem Store.

This is a great thing for people that want a reward for playing the game. Isn't that what people really want? Incentive to play the game? A REAL reward?

All this complaining is doing is stopping anet from releasing more mount skins obtainable ingame without the gemstore.

Actually not true since the Pepegasus AND the new Bearclaw (I forget it's actual name) are/were both rewards in Black Lion Chests. So with your argument this would be the 'THIRD' mount skin that's 100% obtainable without touching the Gem Store.

Except what you talk about has some heavy rng involved and the other is a guaranteed unlock. Not nearly the same.

Well this skin is only obtainable by spending gold to unlock the track so it's still not 100% with your new founded logic. :D

How does spending gold make it not a guaranteed unlock compared to heavy rng of BLChests?

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@PookieDaWombat.6209 said:

@PookieDaWombat.6209 said:There is another MMO I play when not in GW2 and they just recently wrapped up another event in game where at the end of it (while earning things like in game "toy" type loot and unlocking emotes by doing dailies for the event) if you did enough of those you earned a top tier level ship to fly about in space that you can use on any character on your account. No cost. Just play and earn it. Thats how its done. This is not.Yeah I'm sure that space sim doesnt have any ingame store, season pass, dlcs or monthly subscription?

At least I hope it doesn't have any one of those or that would be hypocritical.

It does have those things. It also has a complete free to play set up that allows you to play the entire game and ALL updates to the game for free with absolutely no cost to the player with up to eight character slots for those free accounts and also access to the same events and event rewards as i described above. They've also run a few of these events within the last year, each rewarding T6 level ships. Can you put money into the game via subs for a few extra perks and even more character slots/ship slots? Sure, but it isn't necessary in the slightest AND you still benefit the same as any other player by just playing the game.

And if I'm not mistaken if you want something fancier than those peasant T6, the T6 ship packages in the STO cash shop also individually cost more than both GW2 expansions combined, dont they?

If you can argue that the above is at no cost, then a 200g warclaw track is at no cost as well. You can get it just fine ingame, "unlocking it" by doing dalies for 100 days (ignoring any other income). You know, just play and earn it.

But apparently that's different somehow?

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Well 200 gold would get you just under 600 gems.

Lets do the math here:

1 Key: 125 gems1 Statute: 13 gems ( fair estimate / 10 keys )1 Heroic Booster: 150 gems1 Guaranteed Skin: 1200 gemsTotal: 1488

Or if you want to be stingy and compare to random skin unlocks ( 400 gems ): 688 gems

Seems like it's a fair price for a package that includes a skin and various other items. And this is only counting the things that can have a sure gem value, totally ignoring the masteries and mats.

People need to stop expecting an MMORPG to give them everything for free.

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@"Master Ketsu.4569" said:Well 200 gold would get you just under 600 gems.

Lets do the math here:

1 Key: 125 gems1 Statute: 13 gems ( fair estimate / 10 keys )1 Heroic Booster: 150 gems1 Guaranteed Skin: 1200 gemsTotal: 1488

Or if you want to be stingy and compare to random skin unlocks ( 400 gems ): 688 gems

The skin of the reward track is a reskinned version, of a skin that costs 400 gems (in a skin package), so realistically it's at max only 400 gems for the skin.

Seems like it's a fair price for a package that includes a skin and various other items.

The price range is at the same level than other gemstore sales. You get a package of several items and the package price is lower than the sum of the items included.

People need to stop expecting an MMORPG to give them everything for free.

It seems you missed the point(s):

  • it was announced/advertised as skin from a WvW reward track. Items from a reward track, including gear/skins, were free. The same was expected this time.
  • yes, they added somewhere "reward track unlocked with gold", so a few gold for unlocking it was expected. But that the gold to unlock in fact was so high, that it is comparable to a gem store sale was not expected by lots of players
  • it was not announced as a black-lion-reward-track with a skin, it was announced as a WvW skin that you can get with a reward track. In fact it's a package deal as a sales promotion of black-lion stuff
  • the black-lion stuff is unwanted and has no value to lots of WvW players that only want the WvW-skin and do not care about black-lion-stuff. There is no way to get/buy the skin alone. You have to "buy" the complete package. 600 gems for a skin that is only a reskinned version of a 400 gem skin, is quite expensive.
  • this is the first time that Anet made a WvW reward track that has to be unlocked with gold and it is the first time that a WvW reward track is in reality a gem store sale in the form of a WvW reward track

Lots of players were expecting a free WvW skin from a WvW reward track as some form of WvW-recognition because Anet neglected the game mode for years. But they did not expect this kind of behaviour that it's only a gemstore sale in disguise as a new form of monetization.

Fair and honest would have been, if they would have put the contents of the reward track as a package in the gemstore for 400-600 gems or the skin alone for 200-400 gems.

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@Angel.6085 said:

@"kash.9213" said:

When we're told we'll get a skin that we can earn in game through a reward track (not gemstore) and then we find out our new thing is basically a gemstore item it doesn't matter if we're not forced or if it's optional, that's still a real letdown and says a lot about what they think of WvW players going forward.

It is in no way, shape or form a gemstore item. People farm gold in game, people pay with gold they earned in game. You do not have to swipe a credit card for this. Gemstore stuff is also obtainable without real money.

You 100% can earn this in game.

As you wrote all gemstore stuff can be obtained without real money by converting gold to gems. However, if most players would have enough gold to be able to convert it into gems if they buy from the gemstore, Anet would have no gem-sales with real money. So, in fact a lot of players do not have enough gold to convert gold into gems for gemstore stuff and buy gems with real money. Thats the business model of the gemstore.

If you buy black-lion stuff with gems or you buy it with gold makes basically no difference (except for the exchange fee), it is still a sale of gemstore stuff.Paying 200 gold (equals 500-600 gems) to "unlock" a reward track that gives you a "free" skin is basically the same as if you would buy the skin directly, it is the sale of a skin.

So, in fact it is a gemstore sale outside the gemstore in the shape of a reward track.

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While the 200 gold wasn't exactly a burden for me, I wish they would have given some alternative pricing that would allow us to spend some of the account bound WvW currencies we've been piling up for years. It could have been something like this:

  1. Buy for 200 gold.
  2. Buy for 180 gold + X Badges of Honor.
  3. Buy for 160 gold + Y Proof/Testimony of Heroics.
  4. Buy for 140 gold + Z WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets.
  5. Buy for 100 gold + X Badges of Honor + Y Proof/Testimony of Heroics + Z WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets.
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@Zok.4956 said:

@Master Ketsu.4569 said:Well 200 gold would get you just under 600 gems.

Lets do the math here:

1 Key: 125 gems1 Statute: 13 gems ( fair estimate / 10 keys )1 Heroic Booster: 150 gems1 Guaranteed Skin: 1200 gemsTotal: 1488

Or if you want to be stingy and compare to random skin unlocks ( 400 gems ): 688 gems

The skin of the reward track is a reskinned version, of a skin that costs 400 gems (in a skin package), so realistically it's at max only 400 gems for the skin.

Except to actually PICK that skin you'd need to pay 1200 gems, so lets not lowball here and claim you'd totally have a perfect rng to get whatever you want. This is not randomized.

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@"Shining One.1635" said:While the 200 gold wasn't exactly a burden for me, I wish they would have given some alternative pricing that would allow us to spend some of the account bound WvW currencies we've been piling up for years. It could have been something like this:

  1. Buy for 200 gold.
  2. Buy for 180 gold + X Badges of Honor.
  3. Buy for 160 gold + Y Proof/Testimony of Heroics.
  4. Buy for 140 gold + Z WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets.
  5. Buy for 100 gold + X Badges of Honor + Y Proof/Testimony of Heroics + Z WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets.It's already 100g + 30,000 badges or thereabouts, I cant be arsed to check the price of tributes.

That's really why this argument doesnt make any sense. "Alternative pricing"... reduce cost by spending materials we've gathered over the years? Yeah that's just called selling things in the bank.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@Zok.4956 said:

@"Master Ketsu.4569" said:Well 200 gold would get you just under 600 gems.

Lets do the math here:

1 Key: 125 gems1 Statute: 13 gems ( fair estimate / 10 keys )1 Heroic Booster: 150 gems1 Guaranteed Skin: 1200 gemsTotal: 1488

Or if you want to be stingy and compare to random skin unlocks ( 400 gems ): 688 gems

The skin of the reward track is a reskinned version, of a skin that costs 400 gems (in a skin package), so realistically it's at max only 400 gems for the skin.

Except to actually PICK that skin you'd need to pay 1200 gems, so lets not lowball here and claim you'd totally have a perfect rng to get whatever you want. This is not randomized.

No need for rng.

The "Warclaw Frontline Mount Pack" (not available at the moment) costs 2000 gems and is a package that includes 5 warclaw skins, so each of the skins has a value of 400 gems. Included in the package is the "Outrider Warclaw Skin". The "Guildrider Warclaw Skin" from the WvW track is a reskinned version of the "Outrider Warclaw Skin". As I wrote, it is a reskinned version, of a skin that costs 400 gems (in a skin package).

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@Zok.4956 said:

@Zok.4956 said:

@"Master Ketsu.4569" said:Well 200 gold would get you just under 600 gems.

Lets do the math here:

1 Key: 125 gems1 Statute: 13 gems ( fair estimate / 10 keys )1 Heroic Booster: 150 gems1 Guaranteed Skin: 1200 gemsTotal: 1488

Or if you want to be stingy and compare to random skin unlocks ( 400 gems ): 688 gems

The skin of the reward track is a reskinned version, of a skin that costs 400 gems (in a skin package), so realistically it's at max only 400 gems for the skin.

Except to actually PICK that skin you'd need to pay 1200 gems, so lets not lowball here and claim you'd totally have a perfect rng to get whatever you want. This is not randomized.

No need for rng.

The "Warclaw Frontline Mount Pack" (not available at the moment) costs 2000 gems and is a package that includes 5 warclaw skins, so each of the skins has a value of 400 gems. Included in the package is the "Outrider Warclaw Skin". The "Guildrider Warclaw Skin" from the WvW track is a reskinned version of the "Outrider Warclaw Skin". As I wrote, it is a reskinned version, of a skin that costs 400 gems (in a skin package).

Do you understand how packages work? Not only the value of the package is supposedly discounted (judging by both "rng box" and "pick the mount skin you want box" prices), you're also buying 5 skins for one mount and I'm sure you're totally swapping them around and using every single one of them all the time.Moreover, if "you're" such a gemstore collector that "you" keep whipping out gems for complete skin set boxes, there's even less of a reason to pretend 200gold price point is any problem at all.

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@"Sobx.1758" said:Moreover, if "you're" such a gemstore collector that "you" keep whipping out gems for complete skin set boxes, there's even less of a reason to pretend 200gold price point is any problem at all.

You actually missed the point completely of what I wrote. You can read again, if you like.

I give you a hint:

@Zok.4956 said:"Fair and honest would have been, if they would have put the contents of the reward track as a package in the gemstore for 400-600 gems or the skin alone for 200-400 gems."

good day.

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@Zok.4956 said:

@"Sobx.1758" said:Moreover, if "you're" such a gemstore collector that "you" keep whipping out gems for complete skin set boxes, there's even less of a reason to pretend 200gold price point is any problem at all.

You actually missed the point completely of what I wrote. You can read again, if you like.

I give you a hint:

@Zok.4956 said:"Fair and honest would have been, if they would have put the contents of the reward track as a package in the gemstore for 400-600 gems or the skin alone for 200-400 gems."

good day.

You ""accidentally missed"" the main point of my answer. Does it mean you agree with me or you just have nothing to say about that and would rather pretend your way of pricing items is correct, while it's obviously not for the reasons I've stated in my previous post?

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