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Game balance is bad, Necro is insane

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@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@"GewRoo.4172" said:What's the weakness of this build (DM/SR) again? CC? The meta version of this build is not weak(er than others) to CC for several reasons. On the one hand you have two stun breaks (three if you take the escape sigil; one stun break is a port btw) on a 30 sec cd which is at least (!) average and you have stability on Lich (although the cd is pretty high). On the other hand the build is not as punished as other builds or even classes if cc'ed since it's (passive) sustain is through the roof (life force regeneration from several sources, second life on short cd shroud, Lich, Death's Carapace). Being kited? What does that even mean in this context? That you don't get the kill? This is not your goal with this build and no problem if you can facetank several opponents for a certain amount of time (then again you have a decent amount of skills avaiable that range up to 1200). That enemies freecast on you? Regarding the sustain of this build this should not punish you in mere seconds; also there was no situation in which I ever were picked apart from range by one opponent in the past few days (and even if I am able to abuse LOS or none port spots). Also, a necromancer who knows how to kite and abuse the map is the biggest pain in the kitten I can imagine in this state of conquest (not ranger or thief).

I am multiclassing/multicheesing since day 1 btw and you can be sure I will abuse the kitten out of this build so don't talk about bias :)

Yeah its still weak vs mobile classes. Aoe classes and ones with a lot of burst CC do well against them.

The one you are talking about is spectral walk yes When i tested i went with spectral walk wurn and lich because enemies love to stick to you like glue, and getting away is quite tough. I even tried to hug the pillar in order to attempt to get away and avoid the aoes and failed to counter rev.

Necro is very very slow( Like guardian i hear) has very few ports and has a couple access to swiftness. They lack invulns evades and the like,so they are forced to take blows.

It seems like its quite hard to do a lot of damage outside shroud and or the lich.

Just bc they do well against you doesn't mean they do well against necro

I'm done talking you trying to antagonize me. I'm trying to prove a point: core necros are fairly slow have 2 evades so sticking to them like glue.

Go back to playing guardian mr guardian.

Mate, you are legit defending the most broken class in the game rn

I mean, the longer people think that core necro is op the more time I have to farm them The way people build/play core necro right now is not that hard to shut down.

EXACTLY!! they are weak vs the same amount of stuff. Necro is weak vs the same things mobility and also cc big bursts. There are plenty of classes that are powerful in burst. I saw weaver with fairly decent size bursts revs warriors with rifles also rangers with pets and bow, and also Reapers. Reapers also end core cause they can pull you in and chill you and start smacking you, since they do better in melee range.

He's acting as if necro's have no weakness, they got the same exact kind of weaknesses, its just they also got a few st rengths that when combined as well with support become really powerful in 2V2 which shouldn't be even bothered to mentioned as 5v5 is the official.

Necros have also always been vulnerable to being overrun.

The difference is, necros might be a bit to strong in application of prot and beefiness of shroud.

Boi, you are clueless. "Weak to mobility" - what does that even mean? A lack of mobility is not punishable if you can facetank 2 or more enemies on node without even bothering if your team is helping you or not. Then again you have speed thanks to WH 5 and Spectral Walk and even a port (two if you consider Shroud 2) which may not allow you to be everywhere on map but to disengage if you are pressured. Stack builds, ez game. "CC big bursts" - wut? I already wrote a few sentences about it but you did not even picked them up.

I don't care about convincing you or whatever but I think it's hilarious how you are trying to defend broken mechanics (broken in context of the state of the game) with buzzwords like mobility or CC. I think this build is too rewarding for the low effort put in, too forgiving for mistakes made, and in some ways insusceptible for opposing plays. In my opinion it is undebatable that some skills, traits, mechanics, and their synergies are in need of an adjustment or even rework. And yes, I still don't see a weakness or 'counter' to the SR/DM bunker build besides mirroring or trying to outrotate it (good luck with pugs or more than one of them in the other team).

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@GewRoo.4172 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@GewRoo.4172 said:What's the weakness of this build (DM/SR) again? CC? The meta version of this build is not weak(er than others) to CC for several reasons. On the one hand you have two stun breaks (three if you take the escape sigil; one stun break is a port btw) on a 30 sec cd which is at least (!) average and you have stability on Lich (although the cd is pretty high). On the other hand the build is not as punished as other builds or even classes if cc'ed since it's (passive) sustain is through the roof (life force regeneration from several sources, second life on short cd shroud, Lich, Death's Carapace). Being kited? What does that even mean in this context? That you don't get the kill? This is not your goal with this build and no problem if you can facetank several opponents for a certain amount of time (then again you have a decent amount of skills avaiable that range up to 1200). That enemies freecast on you? Regarding the sustain of this build this should not punish you in mere seconds; also there was no situation in which I ever were picked apart from range by one opponent in the past few days (and even if I am able to abuse LOS or none port spots). Also, a necromancer who knows how to kite and abuse the map is the biggest pain in the kitten I can imagine in this state of conquest (not ranger or thief).

I am multiclassing/multicheesing since day 1 btw and you can be sure I will abuse the kitten out of this build so don't talk about bias :)

Yeah its still weak vs mobile classes. Aoe classes and ones with a lot of burst CC do well against them.

The one you are talking about is spectral walk yes When i tested i went with spectral walk wurn and lich because enemies love to stick to you like glue, and getting away is quite tough. I even tried to hug the pillar in order to attempt to get away and avoid the aoes and failed to counter rev.

Necro is very very slow( Like guardian i hear) has very few ports and has a couple access to swiftness. They lack invulns evades and the like,so they are forced to take blows.

It seems like its quite hard to do a lot of damage outside shroud and or the lich.

Just bc they do well against you doesn't mean they do well against necro

I'm done talking you trying to antagonize me. I'm trying to prove a point: core necros are fairly slow have 2 evades so sticking to them like glue.

Go back to playing guardian mr guardian.

Mate, you are legit defending the most broken class in the game rn

I mean, the longer people think that core necro is op the more time I have to farm them The way people build/play core necro right now is not that hard to shut down.

EXACTLY!! they are weak vs the same amount of stuff. Necro is weak vs the same things mobility and also cc big bursts. There are plenty of classes that are powerful in burst. I saw weaver with fairly decent size bursts revs warriors with rifles also rangers with pets and bow, and also Reapers. Reapers also end core cause they can pull you in and chill you and start smacking you, since they do better in melee range.

He's acting as if necro's have no weakness, they got the same exact kind of weaknesses, its just they also got a few st rengths that when combined as well with support become really powerful in 2V2 which shouldn't be even bothered to mentioned as 5v5 is the official.

Necros have also always been vulnerable to being overrun.

The difference is, necros might be a bit to strong in application of prot and beefiness of shroud.

Boi, you are clueless. "Weak to mobility" - what does that even mean? A lack of mobility is not punishable if you can facetank 2 or more enemies on node without even bothering if your team is helping you or not. Then again you have speed thanks to WH 5 and Spectral Walk and even a port (two if you consider Shroud 2) which may not allow you to be everywhere on map but to disengage
you are pressured. Stack builds, ez game. "CC big bursts" - wut? I already wrote a few sentences about it but you did not even picked them up.

I don't care about convincing you or whatever but I think it's hilarious how you are trying to defend broken mechanics (broken in context of the state of the game) with buzzwords like mobility or CC. I think this build is too rewarding for the low effort put in, too forgiving for mistakes made, and in some ways insusceptible for opposing plays. In my opinion it is undebatable that some skills, traits, mechanics, and their synergies are in need of an adjustment or even rework. And yes, I still don't see a weakness or 'counter' to the SR/DM bunker build besides mirroring or trying to outrotate it (good luck with pugs or more than one of them in the other team).

It's actually disheartening to see all the people going on about how strong core necro is. Yes, it needs adjusting. Mainly lich AA coefficient and fear from death. No, it's not unbeatable. No, it can't 1v2 unless the two are clueless. Yes, CC. will. shut. it down. Don't just spam your CC skills, take advantage of their long cast times and interrupt key skills. Avoid fears if you can help it. Pressure them hard in shroud. Its like since they don't melt in 2 seconds people see them as un-killable.

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@Zexanima.7851 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@GewRoo.4172 said:What's the weakness of this build (DM/SR) again? CC? The meta version of this build is not weak(er than others) to CC for several reasons. On the one hand you have two stun breaks (three if you take the escape sigil; one stun break is a port btw) on a 30 sec cd which is at least (!) average and you have stability on Lich (although the cd is pretty high). On the other hand the build is not as punished as other builds or even classes if cc'ed since it's (passive) sustain is through the roof (life force regeneration from several sources, second life on short cd shroud, Lich, Death's Carapace). Being kited? What does that even mean in this context? That you don't get the kill? This is not your goal with this build and no problem if you can facetank several opponents for a certain amount of time (then again you have a decent amount of skills avaiable that range up to 1200). That enemies freecast on you? Regarding the sustain of this build this should not punish you in mere seconds; also there was no situation in which I ever were picked apart from range by one opponent in the past few days (and even if I am able to abuse LOS or none port spots). Also, a necromancer who knows how to kite and abuse the map is the biggest pain in the kitten I can imagine in this state of conquest (not ranger or thief).

I am multiclassing/multicheesing since day 1 btw and you can be sure I will abuse the kitten out of this build so don't talk about bias :)

Yeah its still weak vs mobile classes. Aoe classes and ones with a lot of burst CC do well against them.

The one you are talking about is spectral walk yes When i tested i went with spectral walk wurn and lich because enemies love to stick to you like glue, and getting away is quite tough. I even tried to hug the pillar in order to attempt to get away and avoid the aoes and failed to counter rev.

Necro is very very slow( Like guardian i hear) has very few ports and has a couple access to swiftness. They lack invulns evades and the like,so they are forced to take blows.

It seems like its quite hard to do a lot of damage outside shroud and or the lich.

Just bc they do well against you doesn't mean they do well against necro

I'm done talking you trying to antagonize me. I'm trying to prove a point: core necros are fairly slow have 2 evades so sticking to them like glue.

Go back to playing guardian mr guardian.

Mate, you are legit defending the most broken class in the game rn

I mean, the longer people think that core necro is op the more time I have to farm them The way people build/play core necro right now is not that hard to shut down.

EXACTLY!! they are weak vs the same amount of stuff. Necro is weak vs the same things mobility and also cc big bursts. There are plenty of classes that are powerful in burst. I saw weaver with fairly decent size bursts revs warriors with rifles also rangers with pets and bow, and also Reapers. Reapers also end core cause they can pull you in and chill you and start smacking you, since they do better in melee range.

He's acting as if necro's have no weakness, they got the same exact kind of weaknesses, its just they also got a few st rengths that when combined as well with support become really powerful in 2V2 which shouldn't be even bothered to mentioned as 5v5 is the official.

Necros have also always been vulnerable to being overrun.

The difference is, necros might be a bit to strong in application of prot and beefiness of shroud.

Boi, you are clueless. "Weak to mobility" - what does that even mean? A lack of mobility is not punishable if you can facetank 2 or more enemies on node without even bothering if your team is helping you or not. Then again you have speed thanks to WH 5 and Spectral Walk and even a port (two if you consider Shroud 2) which may not allow you to be everywhere on map but to disengage
you are pressured. Stack builds, ez game. "CC big bursts" - wut? I already wrote a few sentences about it but you did not even picked them up.

I don't care about convincing you or whatever but I think it's hilarious how you are trying to defend broken mechanics (broken in context of the state of the game) with buzzwords like mobility or CC. I think this build is too rewarding for the low effort put in, too forgiving for mistakes made, and in some ways insusceptible for opposing plays. In my opinion it is undebatable that some skills, traits, mechanics, and their synergies are in need of an adjustment or even rework. And yes, I still don't see a weakness or 'counter' to the SR/DM bunker build besides mirroring or trying to outrotate it (good luck with pugs or more than one of them in the other team).

It's actually disheartening to see all the people going on about how strong core necro is. Yes, it needs adjusting. Mainly lich AA coefficient and fear from death. No, it's not unbeatable. No, it can't 1v2 unless the two are clueless. Yes, CC. will. shut. it down. Don't just spam your CC skills, take advantage of their long cast times and interrupt key skills. Avoid fears if you can help it. Pressure them hard in shroud. Its like since they don't melt in 2 seconds people see them as un-killable.

warhorn 5 you mean and spectral walk are good, but enemies still stick to you like glue because you need the extra swiftness to move around and kite, necros are known for being famously slow and limited ways to escape. Not much has changed.

There are a few classes known for being really slow and tanky, necro is one of them no invulns . This works great in 2v2 because its more closed in and eiaser to catch your enemies and also yoiu got a peeler in 2v2

Thing is the sustain is a bit too strong now since dmg was nerfed down so much, so now they got so much more room to take a beating while attacking.

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Necro don't need to be deleted from the game or hard-nerfed. These extremes are just silly.

But there's a reason 90% of 2v2's include at least one or two necros. The community likes to play flavor of the month, sure. But when you see Double Lich Form as a tactic to just turn around matches. Then you know something is up.

Necro needs nerfs as well as firebrand. They should both happen in unison otherwise we'll just have a new season filled with one or the other.

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@Stallic.2397 said:Necro don't need to be deleted from the game or hard-nerfed. These extremes are just silly.

But there's a reason 90% of 2v2's include at least one or two necros. The community likes to play flavor of the month, sure. But when you see Double Lich Form as a tactic to just turn around matches. Then you know something is up.

Necro needs nerfs as well as a firebrand. They should both happen in unison otherwise we'll just have a new season filled with one or the other.

Lich could probably stand to lose stab there too. I think you should be able to stun lich.

Matching double lich in a stream and its nuts 2 necros vs a thief and a necro holy cow.

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This patch was literally meant to address the fact that cheese builds exist and that the damage numbers were out of control.

Now they made it so only cheese builds like this are allowed to exist. Necro may be a core example to this problem but they sure heck are not the only class that is just plain frustrating to fight.

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@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@lare.5129 said:why we should worry if necro is insane?if that true - they all get place in upper division, and we will play in non upper, where no necro, and get same % of lose/wins.So if some class is up - this is absolutely no make inject to out gamelay. So problem solved.

Also I am sure that necro is not insane. But who care?

These last two sentences.Nice.

People just didn't adapt, and most players still trying to play their old playstyle.

If someone's not able to counter a necro: go play the class/build yourself.And especially go play against good players, that know how to counter a necro, or ask a necro player about necro's weaknesses.

Not true at all. The current necromancer bunker builds have absolutely no counter build nor counter play. There is no build or trait related mechanic to abuse, no weakness to exploit, close to no skill cap to make this build perfom well, and on top of that very short windows in which dmg or CC can be applied (Shroud/Lich). While it's not unkillable in classical meaning there is literally no other way to adapt to this kind of sustainable builds in 2v2 or 5v5 than mirroring it (watch the mAT final when reworked Scrapper was a thing to get an idea).

Additionally, saying that Necromancer and its specialisations were weak pre patch is more than debatable. Core was performing pretty well in the past months and until ANet reworked Scourge both the Blood and the Curses build were meta defining in ATs and ranked. Players like Wing, Imda, Gornit, Mijo and Sinid were playing it for ages and always ranked in legendary.

Wow you sound like you don't play necro or know anything about necro at all then.

Necros were ultra vulnerable to mobile classes with big burst, of which most classes could perform under that. Because of the power creep of dmg sustain from other classes, necros tended to be punching bags.

As for weaknesses, you are kidding me right? necros are vulnerable to big burst kiting and CC.

Classes with tons of mobility CC: well duh there is thief and rev rangers got good mobility CC and blast dmg.Warrs have massive amounts of CC(Rampage) and big burst with rifle still.Guardians can burst and got reasonably high sustain and cc. they aren't as mobile as others but pretty strong.

So there you have it. Rangers thief revs warrs guardians are pretty strong.Remember that heavy burst kills necro. a reaper also works reasonably well v s core necro too.

Core necros have also weaker burst than reaper and condi is fairly weak now on core and boon corrupt is overshadowed by boonspam, so if you nerf sustain, you will have to seriously buff them elsewhere.
  1. You want to deny that core nec was good?
  2. You want to deny necro is absolutely stupid rn?
  3. Aren't you like gold? Maybe it's a l2p issue :)

Its easy to deny things that are false. If i lied and said something dumb like:Thiefs have no wekanesses they got all this stuff daredevil abilities exaggerating, then yes of course a main thief member is going to call it out and say that is a kitten lie and false statement. You were caught lying about weaknesses. Either that, or you don't know anything about necro.

Like i said, i called you out that they are weak vs heavy burst as heavy burst is able to burn their shroud down, while also ccing them. Stun them CC them while bursting and cripple them while kiting.

If you had said they might need slight nerfs i would concede that. If you wanted to discuss what should be nerfed actually knowing how it works? fine. There are people out there who know necro class way better than i do, and thats fine, but if you want ANET to listen to you and take you seriously, you should really at least understand what they are weak against.

For instance: Did you not notice their ability to gain stab was nerfed? They are massively vulnerable to cc, more so than others and some classes still burst really really hard like revenant and guardian can burst pretty well too.

Oh yes, they are weak to 1v2s and 1v3s :)Tell me a single class that can currently burst down a necro reliable in a 1v1 situation.

Like i said, thief bursts hard. Acro thief warriors with rifle revenants can burst f airly hard with that facet of life in herald.(condi) Warriors are really strong with rifle and can burst real hard. Rangers with bow and pet can burst extremely hard 6+k

Even reaper has better ways to close gap with the claws that chill and get ya in melee range. Yeah i know reaper is necro but core is vulnerable to reaper.> @GewRoo.4172 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@lare.5129 said:why we should worry if necro is insane?if that true - they all get place in upper division, and we will play in non upper, where no necro, and get same % of lose/wins.So if some class is up - this is absolutely no make inject to out gamelay. So problem solved.

Also I am sure that necro is not insane. But who care?

These last two sentences.Nice.

People just didn't adapt, and most players still trying to play their old playstyle.

If someone's not able to counter a necro: go play the class/build yourself.And especially go play against good players, that know how to counter a necro, or ask a necro player about necro's weaknesses.

Not true at all. The current necromancer bunker builds have absolutely no counter build nor counter play. There is no build or trait related mechanic to abuse, no weakness to exploit, close to no skill cap to make this build perfom well, and on top of that very short windows in which dmg or CC can be applied (Shroud/Lich). While it's not unkillable in classical meaning there is literally no other way to adapt to this kind of sustainable builds in 2v2 or 5v5 than mirroring it (watch the mAT final when reworked Scrapper was a thing to get an idea).

Additionally, saying that Necromancer and its specialisations were weak pre patch is more than debatable. Core was performing pretty well in the past months and until ANet reworked Scourge both the Blood and the Curses build were meta defining in ATs and ranked. Players like Wing, Imda, Gornit, Mijo and Sinid were playing it for ages and always ranked in legendary.

Wow you sound like you don't play necro or know anything about necro at all then.

Necros were ultra vulnerable to mobile classes with big burst, of which most classes could perform under that. Because of the power creep of dmg sustain from other classes, necros tended to be punching bags.

As for weaknesses, you are kidding me right? necros are vulnerable to big burst kiting and CC.

Classes with tons of mobility CC: well duh there is thief and rev rangers got good mobility CC and blast dmg.Warrs have massive amounts of CC(Rampage) and big burst with rifle still.Guardians can burst and got reasonably high sustain and cc. they aren't as mobile as others but pretty strong.

So there you have it. Rangers thief revs warrs guardians are pretty strong.Remember that heavy burst kills necro. a reaper also works reasonably well v s core necro too.

Core necros have also weaker burst than reaper and condi is fairly weak now on core and boon corrupt is overshadowed by boonspam, so if you nerf sustain, you will have to seriously buff them elsewhere.
  1. You want to deny that core nec was good?
  2. You want to deny necro is absolutely stupid rn?
  3. Aren't you like gold? Maybe it's a l2p issue :)

Its easy to deny things that are false. If i lied and said something dumb like:Thiefs have no wekanesses they got all this stuff combined daredevil deadeye and core abilities in one and exaggerating, like saying: Thief goes stealth for infinite time while regaining back their initiative and bursting, then yes of course a main thief member is going to call it out and say that is a kitten lie and false statement. You were caught lying about weaknesses. Either that, or you don't know anything about necro.

Like i said, i called you out that they are weak vs heavy burst as heavy burst is able to burn their shroud down, while also ccing them. Stun them CC them while bursting and cripple them while kiting.

If you had said they might need slight nerfs i would concede that. If you wanted to discuss what should be nerfed actually knowing how it works? fine. There are people out there who know necro class way better than i do, and thats fine, but if you want ANET to listen to you and take you seriously, you should really at least understand what they are weak against.

For instance: Did you not notice their ability to gain stab was nerfed? They are massively vulnerable to cc, more so than others and some classes still burst really really hard like revenant and guardian can burst pretty well too.

Dude, literally everything is "vulnerable to big burst". What are you even trying to compare here? :D There are three or four things which are problematic with necromancer right now and it is not even up for debate (life force?!)-

The issue is he exaggerated and got caught doing so. Yeah many people are calling for nerfs to necro but there is also exaggeration and claims and also requests to gut the class.

I won't deny life force gen is problematic, but at the same time, core is weaker than reaper so you need to be careful not to over nerf and leave in the trash bin.

Please give me the magical build that can apparently one shot a necro. Fuck even when necro gets to 1% health they have full life force and go into shroud and their fucking health regenrates as well....

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hope in this discussion main count of people understands that people don't want balance1)someone want only win. Logic chain is: (IF think necro op - take it.) Dont't want ?So you don't wan't win also.

2)someone want challenge and win wiht another class and repeat for himself "ou, I win vs some stronger class !!".

3)someone don't worry, this is true gw2 players. They know what any top class or build will grow up in upper division and don't disturb them play wiht other non meta.

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@Zexanima.7851 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@GewRoo.4172 said:What's the weakness of this build (DM/SR) again? CC? The meta version of this build is not weak(er than others) to CC for several reasons. On the one hand you have two stun breaks (three if you take the escape sigil; one stun break is a port btw) on a 30 sec cd which is at least (!) average and you have stability on Lich (although the cd is pretty high). On the other hand the build is not as punished as other builds or even classes if cc'ed since it's (passive) sustain is through the roof (life force regeneration from several sources, second life on short cd shroud, Lich, Death's Carapace). Being kited? What does that even mean in this context? That you don't get the kill? This is not your goal with this build and no problem if you can facetank several opponents for a certain amount of time (then again you have a decent amount of skills avaiable that range up to 1200). That enemies freecast on you? Regarding the sustain of this build this should not punish you in mere seconds; also there was no situation in which I ever were picked apart from range by one opponent in the past few days (and even if I am able to abuse LOS or none port spots). Also, a necromancer who knows how to kite and abuse the map is the biggest pain in the kitten I can imagine in this state of conquest (not ranger or thief).

I am multiclassing/multicheesing since day 1 btw and you can be sure I will abuse the kitten out of this build so don't talk about bias :)

Yeah its still weak vs mobile classes. Aoe classes and ones with a lot of burst CC do well against them.

The one you are talking about is spectral walk yes When i tested i went with spectral walk wurn and lich because enemies love to stick to you like glue, and getting away is quite tough. I even tried to hug the pillar in order to attempt to get away and avoid the aoes and failed to counter rev.

Necro is very very slow( Like guardian i hear) has very few ports and has a couple access to swiftness. They lack invulns evades and the like,so they are forced to take blows.

It seems like its quite hard to do a lot of damage outside shroud and or the lich.

Just bc they do well against you doesn't mean they do well against necro

I'm done talking you trying to antagonize me. I'm trying to prove a point: core necros are fairly slow have 2 evades so sticking to them like glue.

Go back to playing guardian mr guardian.

Mate, you are legit defending the most broken class in the game rn

I mean, the longer people think that core necro is op the more time I have to farm them The way people build/play core necro right now is not that hard to shut down.

EXACTLY!! they are weak vs the same amount of stuff. Necro is weak vs the same things mobility and also cc big bursts. There are plenty of classes that are powerful in burst. I saw weaver with fairly decent size bursts revs warriors with rifles also rangers with pets and bow, and also Reapers. Reapers also end core cause they can pull you in and chill you and start smacking you, since they do better in melee range.

He's acting as if necro's have no weakness, they got the same exact kind of weaknesses, its just they also got a few st rengths that when combined as well with support become really powerful in 2V2 which shouldn't be even bothered to mentioned as 5v5 is the official.

Necros have also always been vulnerable to being overrun.

The difference is, necros might be a bit to strong in application of prot and beefiness of shroud.

Boi, you are clueless. "Weak to mobility" - what does that even mean? A lack of mobility is not punishable if you can facetank 2 or more enemies on node without even bothering if your team is helping you or not. Then again you have speed thanks to WH 5 and Spectral Walk and even a port (two if you consider Shroud 2) which may not allow you to be everywhere on map but to disengage
you are pressured. Stack builds, ez game. "CC big bursts" - wut? I already wrote a few sentences about it but you did not even picked them up.

I don't care about convincing you or whatever but I think it's hilarious how you are trying to defend broken mechanics (broken in context of the state of the game) with buzzwords like mobility or CC. I think this build is too rewarding for the low effort put in, too forgiving for mistakes made, and in some ways insusceptible for opposing plays. In my opinion it is undebatable that some skills, traits, mechanics, and their synergies are in need of an adjustment or even rework. And yes, I still don't see a weakness or 'counter' to the SR/DM bunker build besides mirroring or trying to outrotate it (good luck with pugs or more than one of them in the other team).

It's actually disheartening to see all the people going on about how strong core necro is. Yes, it needs adjusting. Mainly lich AA coefficient and fear from death. No, it's not unbeatable. No, it can't 1v2 unless the two are clueless. Yes, CC. will. shut. it down. Don't just spam your CC skills, take advantage of their long cast times and interrupt key skills. Avoid fears if you can help it. Pressure them hard in shroud. Its like since they don't melt in 2 seconds people see them as un-killable.

What Zexanima said. Instead of jumping in and blowing all your CDs immediately, use them to counter the Necromancer. CC the channeled shroud skills, interrupt the heal, soft CC the Lich and LoS, use your mobility to disengage, swap targets, etc.

Necromancer is undeniably strong but adjusting your own approach goes a long way.

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@asterix.9614 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@lare.5129 said:why we should worry if necro is insane?if that true - they all get place in upper division, and we will play in non upper, where no necro, and get same % of lose/wins.So if some class is up - this is absolutely no make inject to out gamelay. So problem solved.

Also I am sure that necro is not insane. But who care?

These last two sentences.Nice.

People just didn't adapt, and most players still trying to play their old playstyle.

If someone's not able to counter a necro: go play the class/build yourself.And especially go play against good players, that know how to counter a necro, or ask a necro player about necro's weaknesses.

Not true at all. The current necromancer bunker builds have absolutely no counter build nor counter play. There is no build or trait related mechanic to abuse, no weakness to exploit, close to no skill cap to make this build perfom well, and on top of that very short windows in which dmg or CC can be applied (Shroud/Lich). While it's not unkillable in classical meaning there is literally no other way to adapt to this kind of sustainable builds in 2v2 or 5v5 than mirroring it (watch the mAT final when reworked Scrapper was a thing to get an idea).

Additionally, saying that Necromancer and its specialisations were weak pre patch is more than debatable. Core was performing pretty well in the past months and until ANet reworked Scourge both the Blood and the Curses build were meta defining in ATs and ranked. Players like Wing, Imda, Gornit, Mijo and Sinid were playing it for ages and always ranked in legendary.

Wow you sound like you don't play necro or know anything about necro at all then.

Necros were ultra vulnerable to mobile classes with big burst, of which most classes could perform under that. Because of the power creep of dmg sustain from other classes, necros tended to be punching bags.

As for weaknesses, you are kidding me right? necros are vulnerable to big burst kiting and CC.

Classes with tons of mobility CC: well duh there is thief and rev rangers got good mobility CC and blast dmg.Warrs have massive amounts of CC(Rampage) and big burst with rifle still.Guardians can burst and got reasonably high sustain and cc. they aren't as mobile as others but pretty strong.

So there you have it. Rangers thief revs warrs guardians are pretty strong.Remember that heavy burst kills necro. a reaper also works reasonably well v s core necro too.

Core necros have also weaker burst than reaper and condi is fairly weak now on core and boon corrupt is overshadowed by boonspam, so if you nerf sustain, you will have to seriously buff them elsewhere.
  1. You want to deny that core nec was good?
  2. You want to deny necro is absolutely stupid rn?
  3. Aren't you like gold? Maybe it's a l2p issue :)

Its easy to deny things that are false. If i lied and said something dumb like:Thiefs have no wekanesses they got all this stuff daredevil abilities exaggerating, then yes of course a main thief member is going to call it out and say that is a kitten lie and false statement. You were caught lying about weaknesses. Either that, or you don't know anything about necro.

Like i said, i called you out that they are weak vs heavy burst as heavy burst is able to burn their shroud down, while also ccing them. Stun them CC them while bursting and cripple them while kiting.

If you had said they might need slight nerfs i would concede that. If you wanted to discuss what should be nerfed actually knowing how it works? fine. There are people out there who know necro class way better than i do, and thats fine, but if you want ANET to listen to you and take you seriously, you should really at least understand what they are weak against.

For instance: Did you not notice their ability to gain stab was nerfed? They are massively vulnerable to cc, more so than others and some classes still burst really really hard like revenant and guardian can burst pretty well too.

Oh yes, they are weak to 1v2s and 1v3s :)Tell me a single class that can currently burst down a necro reliable in a 1v1 situation.

Like i said, thief bursts hard. Acro thief warriors with rifle revenants can burst f airly hard with that facet of life in herald.(condi) Warriors are really strong with rifle and can burst real hard. Rangers with bow and pet can burst extremely hard 6+k

Even reaper has better ways to close gap with the claws that chill and get ya in melee range. Yeah i know reaper is necro but core is vulnerable to reaper.> @GewRoo.4172 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@lare.5129 said:why we should worry if necro is insane?if that true - they all get place in upper division, and we will play in non upper, where no necro, and get same % of lose/wins.So if some class is up - this is absolutely no make inject to out gamelay. So problem solved.

Also I am sure that necro is not insane. But who care?

These last two sentences.Nice.

People just didn't adapt, and most players still trying to play their old playstyle.

If someone's not able to counter a necro: go play the class/build yourself.And especially go play against good players, that know how to counter a necro, or ask a necro player about necro's weaknesses.

Not true at all. The current necromancer bunker builds have absolutely no counter build nor counter play. There is no build or trait related mechanic to abuse, no weakness to exploit, close to no skill cap to make this build perfom well, and on top of that very short windows in which dmg or CC can be applied (Shroud/Lich). While it's not unkillable in classical meaning there is literally no other way to adapt to this kind of sustainable builds in 2v2 or 5v5 than mirroring it (watch the mAT final when reworked Scrapper was a thing to get an idea).

Additionally, saying that Necromancer and its specialisations were weak pre patch is more than debatable. Core was performing pretty well in the past months and until ANet reworked Scourge both the Blood and the Curses build were meta defining in ATs and ranked. Players like Wing, Imda, Gornit, Mijo and Sinid were playing it for ages and always ranked in legendary.

Wow you sound like you don't play necro or know anything about necro at all then.

Necros were ultra vulnerable to mobile classes with big burst, of which most classes could perform under that. Because of the power creep of dmg sustain from other classes, necros tended to be punching bags.

As for weaknesses, you are kidding me right? necros are vulnerable to big burst kiting and CC.

Classes with tons of mobility CC: well duh there is thief and rev rangers got good mobility CC and blast dmg.Warrs have massive amounts of CC(Rampage) and big burst with rifle still.Guardians can burst and got reasonably high sustain and cc. they aren't as mobile as others but pretty strong.

So there you have it. Rangers thief revs warrs guardians are pretty strong.Remember that heavy burst kills necro. a reaper also works reasonably well v s core necro too.

Core necros have also weaker burst than reaper and condi is fairly weak now on core and boon corrupt is overshadowed by boonspam, so if you nerf sustain, you will have to seriously buff them elsewhere.
  1. You want to deny that core nec was good?
  2. You want to deny necro is absolutely stupid rn?
  3. Aren't you like gold? Maybe it's a l2p issue :)

Its easy to deny things that are false. If i lied and said something dumb like:Thiefs have no wekanesses they got all this stuff combined daredevil deadeye and core abilities in one and exaggerating, like saying: Thief goes stealth for infinite time while regaining back their initiative and bursting, then yes of course a main thief member is going to call it out and say that is a kitten lie and false statement. You were caught lying about weaknesses. Either that, or you don't know anything about necro.

Like i said, i called you out that they are weak vs heavy burst as heavy burst is able to burn their shroud down, while also ccing them. Stun them CC them while bursting and cripple them while kiting.

If you had said they might need slight nerfs i would concede that. If you wanted to discuss what should be nerfed actually knowing how it works? fine. There are people out there who know necro class way better than i do, and thats fine, but if you want ANET to listen to you and take you seriously, you should really at least understand what they are weak against.

For instance: Did you not notice their ability to gain stab was nerfed? They are massively vulnerable to cc, more so than others and some classes still burst really really hard like revenant and guardian can burst pretty well too.

Dude, literally everything is "vulnerable to big burst". What are you even trying to compare here? :D There are three or four things which are problematic with necromancer right now and it is not even up for debate (life force?!)-

The issue is he exaggerated and got caught doing so. Yeah many people are calling for nerfs to necro but there is also exaggeration and claims and also requests to gut the class.

I won't deny life force gen is problematic, but at the same time, core is weaker than reaper so you need to be careful not to over nerf and leave in the trash bin.

Please give me the magical build that can apparently one shot a necro. kitten even when necro gets to 1% health they have full life force and go into shroud and their kitten health regenrates as well....

I wouldn't know on mes man but rifle warr does a ton of damage i-'ve seen em do up to like 12/1 3kBurn guard doesn't 1 shot but it does work vs necro as dmg keeps building pressure and doing its thing. Saw an angry guardian main use some stun ability to add stack of condi. He told me in his live stream and he won, and he kept abusing it winning vs necro, so there is that.Herald rev with those big fire fiends and the other stuff can stack a bunch of burns and torments.(Saw thief player change from thief to rev and he won. PS thief is too kitten weak)

Also, The thing about necro isn't necessarily about 1 shot. Don't try to1 shot necro, I don't think it's possible anymore, but do try to build up as much pressure as you can.

Is mirage still good? because if condi mirage is still a thing that might work unless the condi pressure was nerfed into the ground.

Weaver with massive burn build up also might work if thats possible anymore.

Also def nerf lich. Double lich is ridiculous.

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Also dolyak stance is 6 sec stab on 30 sec CD for rangers.

Before you say to others don't talk shit, you should not talk bs, dolyak stance was before patch on 40 sec CD and now on 60 sec cd.

Than, to one shot a necro or even to fast kill solo, was before patch only working against bad necros, I tried it many many many times against gornit and idk if I was ever successful, now you are only able to kill 1 life bar with completely glass Canon build (when he isn't porting). And than comes shroud and you have no dmg left.

Now you can't do not anything against necro, but there are not punishable, even if they have weaknesses, it's nothing you can punish, they can do mistakes, eat my full burst, than they go shroud and just heal them selfes, it takes way to long to bring a kill down, not even weaver wasn't able to be that long alive.Yo can eat cc, burst and lack of mobility because necros are just healing them selfes and just do not care.

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@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@lare.5129 said:why we should worry if necro is insane?if that true - they all get place in upper division, and we will play in non upper, where no necro, and get same % of lose/wins.So if some class is up - this is absolutely no make inject to out gamelay. So problem solved.

Also I am sure that necro is not insane. But who care?

These last two sentences.Nice.

People just didn't adapt, and most players still trying to play their old playstyle.

If someone's not able to counter a necro: go play the class/build yourself.And especially go play against good players, that know how to counter a necro, or ask a necro player about necro's weaknesses.

Not true at all. The current necromancer bunker builds have absolutely no counter build nor counter play. There is no build or trait related mechanic to abuse, no weakness to exploit, close to no skill cap to make this build perfom well, and on top of that very short windows in which dmg or CC can be applied (Shroud/Lich). While it's not unkillable in classical meaning there is literally no other way to adapt to this kind of sustainable builds in 2v2 or 5v5 than mirroring it (watch the mAT final when reworked Scrapper was a thing to get an idea).

Additionally, saying that Necromancer and its specialisations were weak pre patch is more than debatable. Core was performing pretty well in the past months and until ANet reworked Scourge both the Blood and the Curses build were meta defining in ATs and ranked. Players like Wing, Imda, Gornit, Mijo and Sinid were playing it for ages and always ranked in legendary.

Wow you sound like you don't play necro or know anything about necro at all then.

Necros were ultra vulnerable to mobile classes with big burst, of which most classes could perform under that. Because of the power creep of dmg sustain from other classes, necros tended to be punching bags.

As for weaknesses, you are kidding me right? necros are vulnerable to big burst kiting and CC.

Classes with tons of mobility CC: well duh there is thief and rev rangers got good mobility CC and blast dmg.Warrs have massive amounts of CC(Rampage) and big burst with rifle still.Guardians can burst and got reasonably high sustain and cc. they aren't as mobile as others but pretty strong.

So there you have it. Rangers thief revs warrs guardians are pretty strong.Remember that heavy burst kills necro. a reaper also works reasonably well v s core necro too.

Core necros have also weaker burst than reaper and condi is fairly weak now on core and boon corrupt is overshadowed by boonspam, so if you nerf sustain, you will have to seriously buff them elsewhere.
  1. You want to deny that core nec was good?
  2. You want to deny necro is absolutely stupid rn?
  3. Aren't you like gold? Maybe it's a l2p issue :)

Its easy to deny things that are false. If i lied and said something dumb like:Thiefs have no wekanesses they got all this stuff daredevil abilities exaggerating, then yes of course a main thief member is going to call it out and say that is a kitten lie and false statement. You were caught lying about weaknesses. Either that, or you don't know anything about necro.

Like i said, i called you out that they are weak vs heavy burst as heavy burst is able to burn their shroud down, while also ccing them. Stun them CC them while bursting and cripple them while kiting.

If you had said they might need slight nerfs i would concede that. If you wanted to discuss what should be nerfed actually knowing how it works? fine. There are people out there who know necro class way better than i do, and thats fine, but if you want ANET to listen to you and take you seriously, you should really at least understand what they are weak against.

For instance: Did you not notice their ability to gain stab was nerfed? They are massively vulnerable to cc, more so than others and some classes still burst really really hard like revenant and guardian can burst pretty well too.

Oh yes, they are weak to 1v2s and 1v3s :)Tell me a single class that can currently burst down a necro reliable in a 1v1 situation.

Like i said, thief bursts hard. Acro thief warriors with rifle revenants can burst f airly hard with that facet of life in herald.(condi) Warriors are really strong with rifle and can burst real hard. Rangers with bow and pet can burst extremely hard 6+k

Even reaper has better ways to close gap with the claws that chill and get ya in melee range. Yeah i know reaper is necro but core is vulnerable to reaper.> @GewRoo.4172 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@lare.5129 said:why we should worry if necro is insane?if that true - they all get place in upper division, and we will play in non upper, where no necro, and get same % of lose/wins.So if some class is up - this is absolutely no make inject to out gamelay. So problem solved.

Also I am sure that necro is not insane. But who care?

These last two sentences.Nice.

People just didn't adapt, and most players still trying to play their old playstyle.

If someone's not able to counter a necro: go play the class/build yourself.And especially go play against good players, that know how to counter a necro, or ask a necro player about necro's weaknesses.

Not true at all. The current necromancer bunker builds have absolutely no counter build nor counter play. There is no build or trait related mechanic to abuse, no weakness to exploit, close to no skill cap to make this build perfom well, and on top of that very short windows in which dmg or CC can be applied (Shroud/Lich). While it's not unkillable in classical meaning there is literally no other way to adapt to this kind of sustainable builds in 2v2 or 5v5 than mirroring it (watch the mAT final when reworked Scrapper was a thing to get an idea).

Additionally, saying that Necromancer and its specialisations were weak pre patch is more than debatable. Core was performing pretty well in the past months and until ANet reworked Scourge both the Blood and the Curses build were meta defining in ATs and ranked. Players like Wing, Imda, Gornit, Mijo and Sinid were playing it for ages and always ranked in legendary.

Wow you sound like you don't play necro or know anything about necro at all then.

Necros were ultra vulnerable to mobile classes with big burst, of which most classes could perform under that. Because of the power creep of dmg sustain from other classes, necros tended to be punching bags.

As for weaknesses, you are kidding me right? necros are vulnerable to big burst kiting and CC.

Classes with tons of mobility CC: well duh there is thief and rev rangers got good mobility CC and blast dmg.Warrs have massive amounts of CC(Rampage) and big burst with rifle still.Guardians can burst and got reasonably high sustain and cc. they aren't as mobile as others but pretty strong.

So there you have it. Rangers thief revs warrs guardians are pretty strong.Remember that heavy burst kills necro. a reaper also works reasonably well v s core necro too.

Core necros have also weaker burst than reaper and condi is fairly weak now on core and boon corrupt is overshadowed by boonspam, so if you nerf sustain, you will have to seriously buff them elsewhere.
  1. You want to deny that core nec was good?
  2. You want to deny necro is absolutely stupid rn?
  3. Aren't you like gold? Maybe it's a l2p issue :)

Its easy to deny things that are false. If i lied and said something dumb like:Thiefs have no wekanesses they got all this stuff combined daredevil deadeye and core abilities in one and exaggerating, like saying: Thief goes stealth for infinite time while regaining back their initiative and bursting, then yes of course a main thief member is going to call it out and say that is a kitten lie and false statement. You were caught lying about weaknesses. Either that, or you don't know anything about necro.

Like i said, i called you out that they are weak vs heavy burst as heavy burst is able to burn their shroud down, while also ccing them. Stun them CC them while bursting and cripple them while kiting.

If you had said they might need slight nerfs i would concede that. If you wanted to discuss what should be nerfed actually knowing how it works? fine. There are people out there who know necro class way better than i do, and thats fine, but if you want ANET to listen to you and take you seriously, you should really at least understand what they are weak against.

For instance: Did you not notice their ability to gain stab was nerfed? They are massively vulnerable to cc, more so than others and some classes still burst really really hard like revenant and guardian can burst pretty well too.

Dude, literally everything is "vulnerable to big burst". What are you even trying to compare here? :D There are three or four things which are problematic with necromancer right now and it is not even up for debate (life force?!)-

The issue is he exaggerated and got caught doing so. Yeah many people are calling for nerfs to necro but there is also exaggeration and claims and also requests to gut the class.

I won't deny life force gen is problematic, but at the same time, core is weaker than reaper so you need to be careful not to over nerf and leave in the trash bin.

Please give me the magical build that can apparently one shot a necro. kitten even when necro gets to 1% health they have full life force and go into shroud and their kitten health regenrates as well....

I wouldn't know on mes man but rifle warr does a ton of damage i-'ve seen em do up to like 12/1 3kBurn guard doesn't 1 shot but it does work vs necro as dmg keeps building pressure and doing its thing. Saw an angry guardian main use some stun ability to add stack of condi. He told me in his live stream and he won, and he kept abusing it winning vs necro, so there is that.Herald rev with those big fire fiends and the other stuff can stack a bunch of burns and torments.(Saw thief player change from thief to rev and he won. PS thief is too kitten weak)

Also, The thing about necro isn't necessarily about 1 shot. Don't try to1 shot necro, I don't think it's possible anymore, but do try to build up as much pressure as you can.

Is mirage still good? because if condi mirage is still a thing that might work unless the condi pressure was nerfed into the ground.

Weaver with massive burn build up also might work if thats possible anymore.

Also def nerf lich. Double lich is ridiculous.

Ajax glass cannon warrior was hitting 6k gunflames BEFORE patch on my random minion core necro.Post patch I suspect it would be propably 5k hits.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@lare.5129 said:why we should worry if necro is insane?if that true - they all get place in upper division, and we will play in non upper, where no necro, and get same % of lose/wins.So if some class is up - this is absolutely no make inject to out gamelay. So problem solved.

Also I am sure that necro is not insane. But who care?

These last two sentences.Nice.

People just didn't adapt, and most players still trying to play their old playstyle.

If someone's not able to counter a necro: go play the class/build yourself.And especially go play against good players, that know how to counter a necro, or ask a necro player about necro's weaknesses.

Not true at all. The current necromancer bunker builds have absolutely no counter build nor counter play. There is no build or trait related mechanic to abuse, no weakness to exploit, close to no skill cap to make this build perfom well, and on top of that very short windows in which dmg or CC can be applied (Shroud/Lich). While it's not unkillable in classical meaning there is literally no other way to adapt to this kind of sustainable builds in 2v2 or 5v5 than mirroring it (watch the mAT final when reworked Scrapper was a thing to get an idea).

Additionally, saying that Necromancer and its specialisations were weak pre patch is more than debatable. Core was performing pretty well in the past months and until ANet reworked Scourge both the Blood and the Curses build were meta defining in ATs and ranked. Players like Wing, Imda, Gornit, Mijo and Sinid were playing it for ages and always ranked in legendary.

Wow you sound like you don't play necro or know anything about necro at all then.

Necros were ultra vulnerable to mobile classes with big burst, of which most classes could perform under that. Because of the power creep of dmg sustain from other classes, necros tended to be punching bags.

As for weaknesses, you are kidding me right? necros are vulnerable to big burst kiting and CC.

Classes with tons of mobility CC: well duh there is thief and rev rangers got good mobility CC and blast dmg.Warrs have massive amounts of CC(Rampage) and big burst with rifle still.Guardians can burst and got reasonably high sustain and cc. they aren't as mobile as others but pretty strong.

So there you have it. Rangers thief revs warrs guardians are pretty strong.Remember that heavy burst kills necro. a reaper also works reasonably well v s core necro too.

Core necros have also weaker burst than reaper and condi is fairly weak now on core and boon corrupt is overshadowed by boonspam, so if you nerf sustain, you will have to seriously buff them elsewhere.
  1. You want to deny that core nec was good?
  2. You want to deny necro is absolutely stupid rn?
  3. Aren't you like gold? Maybe it's a l2p issue :)

Its easy to deny things that are false. If i lied and said something dumb like:Thiefs have no wekanesses they got all this stuff daredevil abilities exaggerating, then yes of course a main thief member is going to call it out and say that is a kitten lie and false statement. You were caught lying about weaknesses. Either that, or you don't know anything about necro.

Like i said, i called you out that they are weak vs heavy burst as heavy burst is able to burn their shroud down, while also ccing them. Stun them CC them while bursting and cripple them while kiting.

If you had said they might need slight nerfs i would concede that. If you wanted to discuss what should be nerfed actually knowing how it works? fine. There are people out there who know necro class way better than i do, and thats fine, but if you want ANET to listen to you and take you seriously, you should really at least understand what they are weak against.

For instance: Did you not notice their ability to gain stab was nerfed? They are massively vulnerable to cc, more so than others and some classes still burst really really hard like revenant and guardian can burst pretty well too.

Oh yes, they are weak to 1v2s and 1v3s :)Tell me a single class that can currently burst down a necro reliable in a 1v1 situation.

Like i said, thief bursts hard. Acro thief warriors with rifle revenants can burst f airly hard with that facet of life in herald.(condi) Warriors are really strong with rifle and can burst real hard. Rangers with bow and pet can burst extremely hard 6+k

Even reaper has better ways to close gap with the claws that chill and get ya in melee range. Yeah i know reaper is necro but core is vulnerable to reaper.> @GewRoo.4172 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@lare.5129 said:why we should worry if necro is insane?if that true - they all get place in upper division, and we will play in non upper, where no necro, and get same % of lose/wins.So if some class is up - this is absolutely no make inject to out gamelay. So problem solved.

Also I am sure that necro is not insane. But who care?

These last two sentences.Nice.

People just didn't adapt, and most players still trying to play their old playstyle.

If someone's not able to counter a necro: go play the class/build yourself.And especially go play against good players, that know how to counter a necro, or ask a necro player about necro's weaknesses.

Not true at all. The current necromancer bunker builds have absolutely no counter build nor counter play. There is no build or trait related mechanic to abuse, no weakness to exploit, close to no skill cap to make this build perfom well, and on top of that very short windows in which dmg or CC can be applied (Shroud/Lich). While it's not unkillable in classical meaning there is literally no other way to adapt to this kind of sustainable builds in 2v2 or 5v5 than mirroring it (watch the mAT final when reworked Scrapper was a thing to get an idea).

Additionally, saying that Necromancer and its specialisations were weak pre patch is more than debatable. Core was performing pretty well in the past months and until ANet reworked Scourge both the Blood and the Curses build were meta defining in ATs and ranked. Players like Wing, Imda, Gornit, Mijo and Sinid were playing it for ages and always ranked in legendary.

Wow you sound like you don't play necro or know anything about necro at all then.

Necros were ultra vulnerable to mobile classes with big burst, of which most classes could perform under that. Because of the power creep of dmg sustain from other classes, necros tended to be punching bags.

As for weaknesses, you are kidding me right? necros are vulnerable to big burst kiting and CC.

Classes with tons of mobility CC: well duh there is thief and rev rangers got good mobility CC and blast dmg.Warrs have massive amounts of CC(Rampage) and big burst with rifle still.Guardians can burst and got reasonably high sustain and cc. they aren't as mobile as others but pretty strong.

So there you have it. Rangers thief revs warrs guardians are pretty strong.Remember that heavy burst kills necro. a reaper also works reasonably well v s core necro too.

Core necros have also weaker burst than reaper and condi is fairly weak now on core and boon corrupt is overshadowed by boonspam, so if you nerf sustain, you will have to seriously buff them elsewhere.
  1. You want to deny that core nec was good?
  2. You want to deny necro is absolutely stupid rn?
  3. Aren't you like gold? Maybe it's a l2p issue :)

Its easy to deny things that are false. If i lied and said something dumb like:Thiefs have no wekanesses they got all this stuff combined daredevil deadeye and core abilities in one and exaggerating, like saying: Thief goes stealth for infinite time while regaining back their initiative and bursting, then yes of course a main thief member is going to call it out and say that is a kitten lie and false statement. You were caught lying about weaknesses. Either that, or you don't know anything about necro.

Like i said, i called you out that they are weak vs heavy burst as heavy burst is able to burn their shroud down, while also ccing them. Stun them CC them while bursting and cripple them while kiting.

If you had said they might need slight nerfs i would concede that. If you wanted to discuss what should be nerfed actually knowing how it works? fine. There are people out there who know necro class way better than i do, and thats fine, but if you want ANET to listen to you and take you seriously, you should really at least understand what they are weak against.

For instance: Did you not notice their ability to gain stab was nerfed? They are massively vulnerable to cc, more so than others and some classes still burst really really hard like revenant and guardian can burst pretty well too.

Dude, literally everything is "vulnerable to big burst". What are you even trying to compare here? :D There are three or four things which are problematic with necromancer right now and it is not even up for debate (life force?!)-

The issue is he exaggerated and got caught doing so. Yeah many people are calling for nerfs to necro but there is also exaggeration and claims and also requests to gut the class.

I won't deny life force gen is problematic, but at the same time, core is weaker than reaper so you need to be careful not to over nerf and leave in the trash bin.

Please give me the magical build that can apparently one shot a necro. kitten even when necro gets to 1% health they have full life force and go into shroud and their kitten health regenrates as well....

I wouldn't know on mes man but rifle warr does a ton of damage i-'ve seen em do up to like 12/1 3kBurn guard doesn't 1 shot but it does work vs necro as dmg keeps building pressure and doing its thing. Saw an angry guardian main use some stun ability to add stack of condi. He told me in his live stream and he won, and he kept abusing it winning vs necro, so there is that.Herald rev with those big fire fiends and the other stuff can stack a bunch of burns and torments.(Saw thief player change from thief to rev and he won. PS thief is too kitten weak)

Also, The thing about necro isn't necessarily about 1 shot. Don't try to1 shot necro, I don't think it's possible anymore, but do try to build up as much pressure as you can.

Is mirage still good? because if condi mirage is still a thing that might work unless the condi pressure was nerfed into the ground.

Weaver with massive burn build up also might work if thats possible anymore.

Also def nerf lich. Double lich is ridiculous.

Ajax glass cannon warrior was hitting 6k gunflames BEFORE patch on my random minion core necro.Post patch I suspect it would be propably 5k hits.

Thats around what i saw thief hit. Saw deadeye thief do tops 5k dmg to a necro.

I do plan to play core mes someday to test it out, but first i just want to mess around with ranger for fun.

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Scourge is weak, when not paired by the signet build. They need to revisit their interactions with shades.

Reaper is okay. It could probably see a balancing effort done to make it a bit stronger, but it functions well.

Core is a little bit overperforming. It is weak to CC and I think that tradeoff for being a damage sponge is excellent, but if they are so tanky that they dont even need to attempt to dodge to soak damage and rebuild their HP then another look needs to be taken. I'm against nerfing this too hard, small adjustments should be made to lf gen or lf cap if any and see what those do.

Lich form is egregiously overtuned . If you had a problem with rampage ruining your entire HP bar once it was off cd, then you should have a problem with lichform doing 4-8k autos.

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@"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:Scourge is weak, when not paired by the signet build. They need to revisit their interactions with shades.

Reaper is okay. It could probably see a balancing effort done to make it a bit stronger, but it functions well.

Core is a little bit overperforming. It is weak to CC and I think that tradeoff for being a damage sponge is excellent, but if they are so tanky that they dont even need to attempt to dodge to soak damage and rebuild their HP then another look needs to be taken. I'm against nerfing this too hard, small adjustments should be made to lf gen or lf cap if any and see what those do.

Lich form is egregiously overtuned . If you had a problem with rampage ruining your entire HP bar once it was off cd, then you should have a problem with lichform doing 4-8k autos.

"A little bit overperforming" is the understatement of the year. The build can easily 1v2 anything that isnt another necro. Its pretty absurd. And no, its not weak to cc at all, besides the fact that it has above average amounts of stunbreak, it also is so tanky that ccing them does next to nothing.

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@hotte in space.2158 said:

@Fantasylife.7981 said:Necro is ridiculous and lich form is out of control, Downstate in this game is a joke very unbalance.Every non-necro-player agrees with this

I play a necro (reaper) atm and I agree it's broken, the rate lf is able to be replenished currently is way too fast that there is no strategic timing required to use it any more.

what i see the biggest problem is the Balance team forgot about the impact of reduced damage meant for spectral armor and walk, because of the reduced damage after the meta update, this means necros get to survive longer and rip the maximum benefits from these 2 utilities; and because they gets to survive longer, that also means they have higher chance to get back into shroud for the second health bar

spectral armor giving 8% lf is a bit much, it needs be at least be brought down to 4% to be more inline with spectral walkand spectral walk may need to have its duration reduced, the 24sec swiftness still needs to be reduced, way it is way too long still

I feel both spectral armor and spectral walk both provides way too much lf as a defensive skill, life force should be 'sucked out from other players', not gained from yourself, so I'm for having lf on these 2 skills be nerfed down to 2% lf gain

the second is the lich form, it is like a secondary shroud through drain health, grant vit, stab and gives 15% lf on end

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@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:Scourge is weak, when not paired by the signet build. They need to revisit their interactions with shades.

Reaper is okay. It could probably see a balancing effort done to make it a bit stronger, but it functions well.

Core is a little bit overperforming. It is weak to CC and I think that tradeoff for being a damage sponge is excellent, but if they are so tanky that they dont even need to attempt to dodge to soak damage and rebuild their HP then another look needs to be taken. I'm against nerfing this too hard, small adjustments should be made to lf gen or lf cap if any and see what those do.

Lich form is egregiously overtuned . If you had a problem with rampage ruining your entire HP bar once it was off cd, then you should have a problem with lichform doing 4-8k autos.

I'm currently playing scourge and it is stronger than reaper

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:Scourge is weak, when not paired by the signet build. They need to revisit their interactions with shades.

Reaper is okay. It could probably see a balancing effort done to make it a bit stronger, but it functions well.

Core is a little bit overperforming. It is weak to CC and I think that tradeoff for being a damage sponge is excellent, but if they are so tanky that they
dont even need to attempt to dodge
to soak damage and rebuild their HP then another look needs to be taken. I'm against nerfing this too hard, small adjustments should be made to lf gen or lf cap if any and see what those do.

Lich form is
egregiously overtuned
. If you had a problem with rampage ruining your entire HP bar once it was off cd, then you should have a problem with lichform doing 4-8k autos.

"A little bit overperforming" is the understatement of the year. The build can easily 1v2 anything that isnt another necro. Its pretty absurd. And no, its not weak to cc at all, besides the fact that it has above average amounts of stunbreak, it also is so tanky that ccing them does next to nothing.While its true its super overperforming, dying to 1x2 would mean that you are just insanely bad, core ranger SOMETIMES can kill it (thanks to not nerfed pets hitting like a truck and spammable maul , lol), killed one tryhard on power onedodgeman(zerk) but it took about ~5 minutes and interrupting all heals out of shroud

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It's always been the same since GW2 Beta. A lot people complain about how OP is something they don't play themselves. Good players learn opposing classes at least as well as their favorite classes. But all the crybabies don't do that. Anet has to be very careful about what feedback they listen to. Many of the things I read here are simple problems for the players themselves and the reason for their own failure to deal with the mechanics. I don't even refer to Necro when I write something like that. There have been many classes and builds over the years that have been drama, and it has rarely been as bad as the players felt. I'm not saying that nothing needs to be adjusted, but the drama that some players create says a lot about themselves and has often no basis for constructive discussions. They just want to play their own classes and builds without worrying about the rest, but GW2 is not Overwatch. :p

However, many thanks to the few people who are discussing constructively here. :)

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@Sileeent.5861 said:It's always been the same since GW2 Beta. A lot people complain about how OP is something they don't play themselves. Good players learn opposing classes at least as well as their favorite classes. But all the crybabies don't do that. Anet has to be very careful about what feedback they listen to. Many of the things I read here are simple problems for the players themselves and the reason for their own failure to deal with the mechanics. I don't even refer to Necro when I write something like that. There have been many classes and builds over the years that have been drama, and it has rarely been as bad as the players felt. I'm not saying that nothing needs to be adjusted, but the drama that some players create says a lot about themselves and has often no basis for constructive discussions. They just want to play their own classes and builds without worrying about the rest, but GW2 is not Overwatch. :p

However, many thanks to the few people who are discussing constructively here. :)

I'm currently abusing necro and its stupidly broken

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