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[Suggestion] Defeated Players Should Continue to Take Damage


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If a player is defeated they can be rezzed and retain that health restored but they can take no new damage. How does that make any sense? Suggestion is player will continue to take damage even when defeated since if they can be healed while defeated they should be able to take damage to counter that healing they are receiving.

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You take damage while defeated from environmental damage, so if you die in a pool of lava you keep taking damage. Better hope you keep those fire shrines.

Maybe treat them like minions where they take full damage while defeated when you target them, and 10% damage when aoe'd.

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i really care not at all about that. and what does it mean, does that make u beeing stuck "in battle"? horrible idea then, you'll not be able to teleport out.

rather get rid of fully dead, so they don't lie around in the way. resurrecting them is more annoying than anything anyways in most cases.

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@Me Kill You.9035 said:

@Justine.6351 said:I would be happier if you were auto-rezzed slowly over say ~1minute. There are times where I am killed and have to run all the way back from spawn. And with the recent nerf to warclaw speed...

So defenders against a much larger force could literally never win lol

all they would have to do is pull the ewp and call their zerg to come.

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@MikeG.6389 said:Why is this an issue for you? It's punishment enough that while defeated the player does not contribute to combat. It's only fair that they don't receive damage until they can actively defend themselves.

You down the target and defeat it. Stealth players then come in to rez it. Being stealth you can't see them come in. Once the rez begins you can't interrupt stealth rez without CCs, which might be on cooldown. You can't use targeted skills on stealthed target. Defeated target is now back in play like nothing happened. Another option here as seen in other games is damage would interrupt a rez. That work as well.

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@"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:i really care not at all about that. and what does it mean, does that make u beeing stuck "in battle"? horrible idea then, you'll not be able to teleport out.

rather get rid of fully dead, so they don't lie around in the way. resurrecting them is more annoying than anything anyways in most cases.

Nope not looking for them to be perma stuck in combat. This is just an issue of little counterplay.

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@Cambeleg.7632 said:This is absurd, tbh. If you're dead, you are dead. It's not enough to damage who tries to rez and being able to interrupt it?

Seriously, stop with this non sense so sick about the down state, kitten.

So picture a bigger issue. You have a group of stealth in inner. You defeat some. The others can simply stealth rez the defeated ones. You can't further damage the ones that are defeated and unless you have AOE CC for that particular reason you can't interupt the rezzing. So where does this make sense to you?

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@TheGrimm.5624 said:

@Cambeleg.7632 said:This is absurd, tbh. If you're dead, you are dead. It's not enough to damage who tries to rez and being able to interrupt it?

Seriously, stop with this non sense so sick about the down state, kitten.

So picture a bigger issue. You have a group of stealth in inner. You defeat some. The others can simply stealth rez the defeated ones. You can't further damage the ones that are defeated and unless you have AOE CC for that particular reason you can't interupt the rezzing. So where does this make sense to you?

The part where you're supposed to use brains and 10supply to toss a target painter if you can't for some unbelievable reason cleave over a corpse's location. Weapon skills even if targeted, will still work without a target. They auto aim to the center of your screen of where you're facing. Think of it like an FPS.

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@TheGrimm.5624 said:

@Cambeleg.7632 said:This is absurd, tbh. If you're dead, you are dead. It's not enough to damage who tries to rez and being able to interrupt it?

Seriously, stop with this non sense so sick about the down state, kitten.

unless you have AOE CC for that particular reason you can't interupt the rezzing.

Its called Adapting to overcome. You use what you have and if you can't...then change what you have to overcome the issue. Refusal to do so means no one can feel sorry for you as you refuse to change your own situation.

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@TheGrimm.5624 said:

@MikeG.6389 said:Why is this an issue for you? It's punishment enough that while defeated the player does not contribute to combat. It's only fair that they don't receive damage until they can actively defend themselves.

You down the target and defeat it. Stealth players then come in to rez it. Being stealth you can't see them come in. Once the rez begins you can't interrupt stealth rez without CCs, which might be on cooldown. You can't use targeted skills on stealthed target. Defeated target is now back in play like nothing happened. Another option here as seen in other games is damage would interrupt a rez. That work as well.

Defeated player is out of combat. Reviving player(s) is(are) also out of combat but at the very least not contributing. If they manage to revive a dead player and then kill you, you were outnumbered/out-powered to begin with.Also, damage shouldn't interrupt. Interrupts do. If you don't have CCs on hand, you are just unlucky or, again, overwhelmed.Regroup, coordinate, conquer.

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@TheGrimm.5624 said:

@Cambeleg.7632 said:This is absurd, tbh. If you're dead, you are dead. It's not enough to damage who tries to rez and being able to interrupt it?

Seriously, stop with this non sense so sick about the down state, kitten.

So picture a bigger issue. You have a group of stealth in inner. You defeat some. The others can simply stealth rez the defeated ones. You can't further damage the ones that are defeated and unless you have AOE CC for that particular reason you can't interupt the rezzing. So where does this make sense to you?

So fix the actual issue at hand: introduce proper stealth counter play. Don't band-aid via other mechanics.

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too many hits do even stagger you... and the situation of stealthers reviving fully dead constantly rarely to never (i never saw that at least yet) happens. but well, that's my view on that. WvW has other, bigger issues. about fully dead, they just annoy me, lying around there and waiting till somebody res them and are often used as a bait by thiefs (roaming, smallscale)

@MikeG.6389 idk how blessed your server is, but if everyone would be constantly able to fight on even numbers, that would be pretty nice. reality however is, you barely fight on equal group sizes ever.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@Cambeleg.7632 said:This is absurd, tbh. If you're dead, you are dead. It's not enough to damage who tries to rez and being able to interrupt it?

Seriously, stop with this non sense so sick about the down state, kitten.

So picture a bigger issue. You have a group of stealth in inner. You defeat some. The others can simply stealth rez the defeated ones. You can't further damage the ones that are defeated and unless you have AOE CC for that particular reason you can't interupt the rezzing. So where does this make sense to you?

So fix the actual issue at hand: introduce proper stealth counter play. Don't band-aid via other mechanics.

Hence after re-thinking about it I dropped out the idea about taking damage would break a revive, but yes it does raise the question about what can be done while ins stealth.

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@aleron.1438 said:

@Cambeleg.7632 said:This is absurd, tbh. If you're dead, you are dead. It's not enough to damage who tries to rez and being able to interrupt it?

Seriously, stop with this non sense so sick about the down state, kitten.

So picture a bigger issue. You have a group of stealth in inner. You defeat some. The others can simply stealth rez the defeated ones. You can't further damage the ones that are defeated and unless you have AOE CC for that particular reason you can't interupt the rezzing. So where does this make sense to you?

The part where you're supposed to use brains and 10supply to toss a target painter if you can't for some unbelievable reason cleave over a corpse's location. Weapon skills even if targeted, will still work without a target. They auto aim to the center of your screen of where you're facing. Think of it like an FPS.

Sure stop and stand still in the middle of combat to open your inventory, tell me how well that works out for you. :)

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@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

@Cambeleg.7632 said:This is absurd, tbh. If you're dead, you are dead. It's not enough to damage who tries to rez and being able to interrupt it?

Seriously, stop with this non sense so sick about the down state, kitten.

unless you have AOE CC for that particular reason you can't interupt the rezzing.

Its called Adapting to overcome. You use what you have and if you can't...then change what you have to overcome the issue. Refusal to do so means no one can feel sorry for you as you refuse to change your own situation.

Adapting is also coming to the games forums and discussing mechanics that could use reviewing. Roam and havoc, adapt and overcome everyday.

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@TheGrimm.5624 said:If a player is defeated they can be rezzed and retain that health restored but they can take no new damage. How does that make any sense? Suggestion is player will continue to take damage even when defeated since if they can be healed while defeated they should be able to take damage to counter that healing they are receiving.

Using that logic though would mean defeated players should get healed and revived by ambient AoE heals. If they are to take damage from AoEs in defeated state, the other side of the coin says they should get healed as well. Do we want mass resurrection to make it's way into GW2 via the use of dropping water fields? I don't think so.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@TheGrimm.5624 said:If a player is defeated they can be rezzed and retain that health restored but they can take no new damage. How does that make any sense? Suggestion is player will continue to take damage even when defeated since if they can be healed while defeated they should be able to take damage to counter that healing they are receiving.

Using that logic though would mean defeated players should get healed and revived by ambient AoE heals. If they are to take damage from AoEs in defeated state, the other side of the coin says they should get healed as well. Do we want mass resurrection to make it's way into GW2 via the use of dropping water fields? I don't think so.

Quite correct, not looking for that either and fair point.

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@kamikharzeeh.8016 said:@MikeG.6389 idk how blessed your server is, but if everyone would be constantly able to fight on even numbers, that would be pretty nice. reality however is, you barely fight on equal group sizes ever.

OP's point was about a small scale issue that he/she seems to have had a negative experience about. I commented on that. If you want to broaden the picture and talk about server-wide inequalities and population problems, that is a different topic.

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@aleron.1438 said:

@"Cambeleg.7632" said:This is absurd, tbh. If you're dead, you are dead. It's not enough to damage who tries to rez and being able to interrupt it?

Seriously, stop with this non sense so sick about the down state, kitten.

So picture a bigger issue. You have a group of stealth in inner. You defeat some. The others can simply stealth rez the defeated ones. You can't further damage the ones that are defeated and unless you have AOE CC for that particular reason you can't interupt the rezzing. So where does this make sense to you?

The part where you're supposed to use brains and 10supply to toss a target painter if you can't for some unbelievable reason cleave over a corpse's location. Weapon skills even if targeted, will still work without a target. They auto aim to the center of your screen of where you're facing. Think of it like an FPS.

Just what I was about to say. You have reveal traps, you have AoE with activation (ranger, necro, thief, dragonhunter),... so NO, the "bigger issue" is just a lazy excuse.

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