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How to Counter Ranger EZ (With Examples)


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Very tldr:"I (core ranger) can counter another ranger (soulbeasts) watch how easy it is when I clearly playing better than potato against me in unranked games.This is why ranger isn't good competitively. It is extremely easy to shut down the damage from this class using my own class.Also viable option to 1x2 the ranger with someone who has projectile denial and unblockable CC in their kit when he is low on cooldowns - simple.Oh yes, you only need to evade LB4, dont mind me killing people because they are hilt bash'ed and mauled for 8k+, you dont need to evade these."I noticed how hopeless power mirage cant land anything and run in fear and ofc dies - its a good proof that mirage is in a terrible state, need an emergency fix! :DHow do you avoid mauld by pure movement alone once you are moving alongside with him? DRD tried to side evade still got booped by maul because of its range when you moved slightly (lul).Smokescale CC range is 240 iirc an will hit you miles away. Cant be avoided by moving in a straight line.Have you ever thought that attacks wont connect if they are used outside of their effective range?You have a good sense of humor there "Grimjack countering GS through movement as well" where ele with superspeed like ferrari rushing before you, by the way he evaded F2, you casted F1 and maul when was out of range both, on top he had superspeed, just use superspeed and somehow make ranger believe that he will land his attacks when he is clearly out of range (which is your own mistake).If you really want to show how easy to beat a ranger then fight somewhat competent player (and preferably not by using it as well)?

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@Crozame.4098 said:Is this a troll or something?

... You use ranger that one shots ranger to show ranger is fine....

Clip 7, yes, grim jack simply ran away..... He just ran away... Fair enough, good strategy.

Dodge PBS, LoS projectiles, use movement to counter pets, GS, and merge skills.

Was there anything I just listed that can't be done on every other other classes besides ranger?

You're making it sound like the clips I linked only worked because I used ranger-specific skills to kill another ranger. But that's not relevant at all. The videos show the same few ways to completely nullify the damage from rangers without having to do much more than dodge once and hold W.

It could also be that SLB is just learning and not good at it. Also, clip 7 is meaningless. Also, not many classes have a 4.75 sec cd on 6-7 dmg skill... Or two set of offensive weapons. Oh, sorry, I think that's only ranger....ANd I am not saying that ranger is good or bad. I am just saying your evidence here is not conclusive. Also, from a statistical point of view, at lest clip 1-3, you are farming the same Slb in the same game? So, your INDEPENDENT observations are less than 9...

I can link one for other classes too if you'd like. And no, clip 7 is exactly what good players do vs. ranger. Grim just did exactly what I do vs. greatsword rangers and simply run in the opposite direction so none of the attacks even have a chance at connecting. So that's a pretty kitten good example of what I've been trying to tell people. You can say "it's meaningless" all you want but in reality, it's exactly how you counter rangers in melee.

Also, you should read my OP again. Specifically:This is why ranger isn't good competitively. It is extremely easy to shut down the damage from this class.
The same attacks you see these players use are the exact same ones the good rangers throw at you.
However, by using reaction time to avoid Point Blank Shot, LoS to counter longbow damage, and movement to counter pets, greatsword, and merge skills, you can nullify almost all of the damage a ranger throws at you without having to burn more than a dodge or two.

And no, clip 7 is exactly what good players do vs. ranger. Grim just did exactly what I do vs. greatsword rangers and simply run in the opposite direction so none of the attacks even have a chance at connecting.
  1. Firstly, it would be more convincing if he run back and use the strategy to kill you. However, he just ran away and DID NOT come back to try to kill you... If you think this is a good argument to decide whether a class is viable in competitive environments, then no class is viable: anyone can just run away from you and survive. But this is meaningless.Also, freshair weaver might have the short CD burst to down you. And has nice superspeed uptime. So, again, might not be a very good piece of evidence.

This is why ranger isn't good competitively. It is extremely easy to shut down the damage from this class.
The same attacks you see these players use are the exact same ones the good rangers throw at you.
However, by using reaction time to avoid Point Blank Shot, LoS to counter longbow damage, and movement to counter pets, greatsword, and merge skills, you can nullify almost all of the damage a ranger throws at you without having to burn more than a dodge or two.
  1. Maybe a good advice, but you need to keep in mind that for melee classes, if I run away from rangers, rangers can run away from them too, but then ranger has LB set and pet dmg. So still might have the advantage. Also, think about the amount of skills others need to dodge: LB4, LB2 (if there is no place to LoS), GS2, 4 and 5. % also resets 2. And, pet cc, also you have unblock after pet swap.

More of Grim on ele.Clip 1 he knocks me down after the evade frame from Swoop and uses focus 4 in air to prevent me from stealthing after I swapped to longbow.Clip 2 he used unblockable knockdown through my GS4 into a burst.
  1. Clip 1: you were 1v2 do you know that? You also have a thief on you...Clip 2: Your stun breaks are all on CD..Can you please do not provide these kind of weak evidence to prove your case? Also as I mentioned, maybe freshair weaver counters you.

About the 10k True shot:
  1. It is more than 5 second cd mate. And no other skills can refresh it. And usually the other set of weapon of DH is defence. And DH does not have as many stuns and rangers. Also, the clip, you were hiting a mirage who was 1v3ing?
  1. In sum, your strategy against rangers, are the strategy against all other melee classes: think about rev and FB, just run away, and the symbols or rev Mace 2 would not hit. But they are not viable? Therefore, might not be appropriate to defend the ranger class. And, rangers do have a LB set which is also an offensive weapon. Rangers might be hard to start with, since they also need to control the pets (follow and attack), but saying its not viable is nonsense. Rangers might not be the strongest and might have counters, but it does not mean it is not viable.

Okay let me just preface this by saying I gave you multiple video examples on how this strategy can work consistently and you're trying to argue that:

a) It doesn't actually work consistentlyb) It's not a viable strategy
  1. Ranger's mobility is almost completely tied to GS. We have a single skill that should be reserved for trying to escape rather than chase someone down (it doesn't even cripple). Unlike holosmith, spb, or weaver, there are no ways to reliably close the gap on an opponent in melee range if they're kiting like this. As a result, simply turning around and holding W is a strategy that works more consistently against ranger's melee than all of those other side noders I just listed. Hence, why it's way easier for good players to nullify ranger damage (and why it's not/hasn't been good competitively) compared to other classes.
  2. So then dodge the PBS, LoS the longbow, and keep moving the same way to avoid the pet as you should do for greatsword. And you can't completely avoid other those classes' damage in melee like you can for ranger GS.
  3. Look how fast I died when other players know what they're doing. Well-timed CCs, well-timed damage, well-timed anti-projectile, etc. etc. Do you think Grim just randomly decided to hold down W or do you think maybe another high ranking player did that because it
    ? He was obviously looking behind him because turned around to try and kill me again as soon as I used the Maul.
  4. Didn't you
    say to me,
    ? Well, DH has a skill that can hit for 10k every 8 seconds. 3-4k more damage on a 1-2 second longer cooldown that can be used at 1200 range that can't simply be outranged easily (though just as easily dodgeable as Maul) is v dangerous considering it can take 60% of your health off at any given moment. :open_mouth:
  5. Yes, try straight up running away from a Rev to counter S/S Shiro or condi mallyx and see how that goes when they ranged chill, port/pull, and super speed you into downstate. Either way, there are other skills on other classes that can be avoided the same way. Ranger is one of the most prevalent ones that can be 100% avoided through movement alone (traveler runes are all you need if you choose not to take swiftness in your build).

Seriously mate, you arguments are not complete nor convincing:

Okay let me just preface this by saying I gave you multiple video examples on how this strategy can work consistently and you're trying to argue that:a) It doesn't actually work consistentlyb) It's not a viable strategyMy argument is: Your strategy can be used on many other classes, its not specifically against ranger. Therefore, you cannot use it to defend that ranger is not viable.

  1. Ranger's mobility is almost completely tied to GS. We have a single skill that should be reserved for trying to escape rather than chase someone down (it doesn't even cripple). Unlike holosmith, spb, or weaver, there are no ways to reliably close the gap on an opponent in melee range if they're kiting like this. As a result, simply turning around and holding W is a strategy that works more consistently against ranger's melee than all of those other side noders I just listed. Hence, why it's way easier for good players to nullify ranger damage (and why it's not/hasn't been good competitively) compared to other classes.

Firstly, GS3 is a leap. Also Slb has a leap also if merge with bird, right? I think there are more, but not sure. Also, you have LB that can do nice dmg. And in some places you need to take a few hits before running to a place that I can LoS.Again, if you are ranger, you can do the same to Engi and war. Run away when they have Holo or GS F1, then run back to kill them afterwards.

  1. Look how fast I died when other players know what they're doing. Well-timed CCs, well-timed damage, well-timed anti-projectile, etc. etc. Do you think Grim just randomly decided to hold down W or do you think maybe another high ranking player did that because it works? He was obviously looking behind him because turned around to try and kill me again as soon as I used the Maul.Most class dies fast under 1v2 or more and when others time well CC etc. Again, not specific to rangers.

Also, as I mentioned, it might be very well that Freshair weaver counters ranger, as they have every tool kit for it. Projectile denial, Superspeed uptime, short CD ranged burst etc. Having a counter is normal, it does not imply its not viable.

  1. Didn't you just say to me, "Also, not many classes have a 4.75 sec cd on 6-7 dmg skill"? Well, DH has a skill that can hit for 10k every 8 seconds. 3-4k more damage on a 1-2 second longer cooldown that can be used at 1200 range that can't simply be outranged easily (though just as easily dodgeable as Maul) is v dangerous considering it can take 60% of your health off at any given moment. :open_mouth:I mean, cmon, you hit 6-7 on Soulbeast, and your clip showed 9k on Mesmer. I am pretty sure Maul will do around the same dmg against that Mesmer. Additionally, true shot cannot be reset by landing another skill. Moreover, DH don't have other skills that hit that hard, while rangers have: pet dmg, LB 2 etc.

I also feel the pain, your statements does not stand scrutiny, many of them are just focusing on one aspect while ignoring the whole picture. The whole point of my response is to argue that your evidence is not sufficient to show that ranger is not viable. Thats all.

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@Crozame.4098 said:

@Crozame.4098 said:Is this a troll or something?

... You use ranger that one shots ranger to show ranger is fine....

Clip 7, yes, grim jack simply ran away..... He just ran away... Fair enough, good strategy.

Dodge PBS, LoS projectiles, use movement to counter pets, GS, and merge skills.

Was there anything I just listed that can't be done on every other other classes besides ranger?

You're making it sound like the clips I linked only worked because I used ranger-specific skills to kill another ranger. But that's not relevant at all. The videos show the same few ways to completely nullify the damage from rangers without having to do much more than dodge once and hold W.

It could also be that SLB is just learning and not good at it. Also, clip 7 is meaningless. Also, not many classes have a 4.75 sec cd on 6-7 dmg skill... Or two set of offensive weapons. Oh, sorry, I think that's only ranger....ANd I am not saying that ranger is good or bad. I am just saying your evidence here is not conclusive. Also, from a statistical point of view, at lest clip 1-3, you are farming the same Slb in the same game? So, your INDEPENDENT observations are less than 9...

I can link one for other classes too if you'd like. And no, clip 7 is exactly what good players do vs. ranger. Grim just did exactly what I do vs. greatsword rangers and simply run in the opposite direction so none of the attacks even have a chance at connecting. So that's a pretty kitten good example of what I've been trying to tell people. You can say "it's meaningless" all you want but in reality, it's exactly how you counter rangers in melee.

Also, you should read my OP again. Specifically:This is why ranger isn't good competitively. It is extremely easy to shut down the damage from this class.
The same attacks you see these players use are the exact same ones the good rangers throw at you.
However, by using reaction time to avoid Point Blank Shot, LoS to counter longbow damage, and movement to counter pets, greatsword, and merge skills, you can nullify almost all of the damage a ranger throws at you without having to burn more than a dodge or two.

And no, clip 7 is exactly what good players do vs. ranger. Grim just did exactly what I do vs. greatsword rangers and simply run in the opposite direction so none of the attacks even have a chance at connecting.
  1. Firstly, it would be more convincing if he run back and use the strategy to kill you. However, he just ran away and DID NOT come back to try to kill you... If you think this is a good argument to decide whether a class is viable in competitive environments, then no class is viable: anyone can just run away from you and survive. But this is meaningless.Also, freshair weaver might have the short CD burst to down you. And has nice superspeed uptime. So, again, might not be a very good piece of evidence.

This is why ranger isn't good competitively. It is extremely easy to shut down the damage from this class.
The same attacks you see these players use are the exact same ones the good rangers throw at you.
However, by using reaction time to avoid Point Blank Shot, LoS to counter longbow damage, and movement to counter pets, greatsword, and merge skills, you can nullify almost all of the damage a ranger throws at you without having to burn more than a dodge or two.
  1. Maybe a good advice, but you need to keep in mind that for melee classes, if I run away from rangers, rangers can run away from them too, but then ranger has LB set and pet dmg. So still might have the advantage. Also, think about the amount of skills others need to dodge: LB4, LB2 (if there is no place to LoS), GS2, 4 and 5. % also resets 2. And, pet cc, also you have unblock after pet swap.

More of Grim on ele.Clip 1 he knocks me down after the evade frame from Swoop and uses focus 4 in air to prevent me from stealthing after I swapped to longbow.Clip 2 he used unblockable knockdown through my GS4 into a burst.
  1. Clip 1: you were 1v2 do you know that? You also have a thief on you...Clip 2: Your stun breaks are all on CD..Can you please do not provide these kind of weak evidence to prove your case? Also as I mentioned, maybe freshair weaver counters you.

About the 10k True shot:
  1. It is more than 5 second cd mate. And no other skills can refresh it. And usually the other set of weapon of DH is defence. And DH does not have as many stuns and rangers. Also, the clip, you were hiting a mirage who was 1v3ing?
  1. In sum, your strategy against rangers, are the strategy against all other melee classes: think about rev and FB, just run away, and the symbols or rev Mace 2 would not hit. But they are not viable? Therefore, might not be appropriate to defend the ranger class. And, rangers do have a LB set which is also an offensive weapon. Rangers might be hard to start with, since they also need to control the pets (follow and attack), but saying its not viable is nonsense. Rangers might not be the strongest and might have counters, but it does not mean it is not viable.

Okay let me just preface this by saying I gave you multiple video examples on how this strategy can work consistently and you're trying to argue that:

a) It doesn't actually work consistentlyb) It's not a viable strategy
  1. Ranger's mobility is almost completely tied to GS. We have a single skill that should be reserved for trying to escape rather than chase someone down (it doesn't even cripple). Unlike holosmith, spb, or weaver, there are no ways to reliably close the gap on an opponent in melee range if they're kiting like this. As a result, simply turning around and holding W is a strategy that works more consistently against ranger's melee than all of those other side noders I just listed. Hence, why it's way easier for good players to nullify ranger damage (and why it's not/hasn't been good competitively) compared to other classes.
  2. So then dodge the PBS, LoS the longbow, and keep moving the same way to avoid the pet as you should do for greatsword. And you can't completely avoid other those classes' damage in melee like you can for ranger GS.
  3. Look how fast I died when other players know what they're doing. Well-timed CCs, well-timed damage, well-timed anti-projectile, etc. etc. Do you think Grim just randomly decided to hold down W or do you think maybe another high ranking player did that because it
    ? He was obviously looking behind him because turned around to try and kill me again as soon as I used the Maul.
  4. Didn't you
    say to me,
    ? Well, DH has a skill that can hit for 10k every 8 seconds. 3-4k more damage on a 1-2 second longer cooldown that can be used at 1200 range that can't simply be outranged easily (though just as easily dodgeable as Maul) is v dangerous considering it can take 60% of your health off at any given moment. :open_mouth:
  5. Yes, try straight up running away from a Rev to counter S/S Shiro or condi mallyx and see how that goes when they ranged chill, port/pull, and super speed you into downstate. Either way, there are other skills on other classes that can be avoided the same way. Ranger is one of the most prevalent ones that can be 100% avoided through movement alone (traveler runes are all you need if you choose not to take swiftness in your build).

Seriously mate, you arguments are not complete nor convincing:

Okay let me just preface this by saying I gave you multiple video examples on how this strategy can work consistently and you're trying to argue that:a) It doesn't actually work consistentlyb) It's not a viable strategyMy argument is: Your strategy can be used on many other classes, its not specifically against ranger. Therefore, you cannot use it to defend that ranger is not viable.
  1. Ranger's mobility is almost completely tied to GS. We have a single skill that should be reserved for trying to escape rather than chase someone down (it doesn't even cripple). Unlike holosmith, spb, or weaver, there are no ways to reliably close the gap on an opponent in melee range if they're kiting like this. As a result, simply turning around and holding W is a strategy that works more consistently against ranger's melee than all of those other side noders I just listed. Hence, why it's way easier for good players to nullify ranger damage (and why it's not/hasn't been good competitively) compared to other classes.

Firstly, GS3 is a leap. Also Slb has a leap also if merge with bird, right? I think there are more, but not sure. Also, you have LB that can do nice dmg. And in some places you need to take a few hits before running to a place that I can LoS.Again, if you are ranger, you can do the same to Engi and war. Run away when they have Holo or GS F1, then run back to kill them afterwards.
  1. Look how fast I died when other players know what they're doing. Well-timed CCs, well-timed damage, well-timed anti-projectile, etc. etc. Do you think Grim just randomly decided to hold down W or do you think maybe another high ranking player did that because it
    ? He was obviously looking behind him because turned around to try and kill me again as soon as I used the Maul.Most class dies fast under 1v2 or more and when others time well CC etc. Again, not specific to rangers.

Also, as I mentioned, it might be very well that Freshair weaver counters ranger, as they have every tool kit for it. Projectile denial, Superspeed uptime, short CD ranged burst etc. Having a counter is normal, it does not imply its not viable.
  1. Didn't you
    say to me,
    ? Well, DH has a skill that can hit for 10k every 8 seconds. 3-4k more damage on a 1-2 second longer cooldown that can be used at 1200 range that can't simply be outranged easily (though just as easily dodgeable as Maul) is v dangerous considering it can take 60% of your health off at any given moment. :open_mouth:I mean, cmon, you hit 6-7 on Soulbeast, and your clip showed 9k on Mesmer. I am pretty sure Maul will do around the same dmg against that Mesmer. Additionally, true shot cannot be reset by landing another skill. Moreover, DH don't have other skills that hit that hard, while rangers have: pet dmg, LB 2 etc.

I also feel the pain, your statements does not stand scrutiny, many of them are just focusing on one aspect while ignoring the whole picture. The whole point of my response is to argue that your evidence is not sufficient to show that ranger is not viable. Thats all.

This is basically all I was trying to point out myself. You can prove what ranger is weak against and how to counter it, these clips don't do that though. It comes off as a poor attempt of saying "See, ranger weak plz buff" rather than an informative guide. If that's what OP intended or not.


If you do want to do an informative guide plenty of people on youtube have examples you can build off of. It'll take a ton more work though than linking a few twitch clips.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@Crozame.4098 said:Is this a troll or something?

... You use ranger that one shots ranger to show ranger is fine....

Clip 7, yes, grim jack simply ran away..... He just ran away... Fair enough, good strategy.

Dodge PBS, LoS projectiles, use movement to counter pets, GS, and merge skills.

Was there anything I just listed that can't be done on every other other classes besides ranger?

You're making it sound like the clips I linked only worked because I used ranger-specific skills to kill another ranger. But that's not relevant at all. The videos show the same few ways to completely nullify the damage from rangers without having to do much more than dodge once and hold W.

Saying a dodge or two, implies it might not be possible on Mirage :lol:Couldn't help it.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:shadow will argue like that.he will say you can just hold W to run away from rangers maul, and wont mention that you have to have superspeed and already some distance.not everyone has built in 25% movespeed buff combined with perma swiftness.

then you deserve to die since its clearly a l2p issue /s

Clearly I have to teach everyone how to play, it's not my class being broken, it's everyone else that's bad /s

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@BarnacleBoy.6918 said:This guy has been on a Rampage trying to justify the kinds of damage ranger can do. This is like, the 7th post?

Here’s the thing dude, More patches will come, and if certain things about ranger get nerfed or not, it won’t be because of these embarrassing string of posts.

I'm perfectly fine with damage modifiers getting nerfed lol...

I've wanted Sic Em removed for a looooong time and I've stated repeatedly that Gazelle damage and marksmanship modifiers should get lowered.

This thread isn't to defend ranger. I'll still do fine on this class regardless of what happens. These clips are just to show people how to fight against a ranger.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@BarnacleBoy.6918 said:This guy has been on a Rampage trying to justify the kinds of damage ranger can do. This is like, the 7th post?

Here’s the thing dude, More patches will come, and if certain things about ranger get nerfed or not, it won’t be because of these embarrassing string of posts.

I'm perfectly fine with damage modifiers getting nerfed lol...

I've wanted Sic Em removed for a looooong time and I've stated repeatedly that Gazelle damage and marksmanship modifiers should get lowered.

This thread isn't to defend ranger. I'll still do fine on this class regardless of what happens. These clips are just to show people how to fight against a ranger.


This thread isn't to defend ranger. I'll still do fine on this class regardless of what happens. These clips are just to show people how to fight against a ranger.

In your first post, you use these clips to show that rangers are not viable in competitive environment. This statement contradicts what you say...

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@Chaith.8256 said:

@Megametzler.5729 said:This is basically a proof - calculated by MATH!

I have also ran the math and confirmed anybody who could possibly die to ranger's abilities needs to L2P. Kappa

I have spoke with experts on the matter. and all of them agree that if you died to ranger you didnt press W button as hard as you should have.and you need to L2P.Its mathematically impossible to die to ranger if you press W hard.

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@Crozame.4098 said:

@BarnacleBoy.6918 said:This guy has been on a Rampage trying to justify the kinds of damage ranger can do. This is like, the 7th post?

Here’s the thing dude, More patches will come, and if certain things about ranger get nerfed or not, it won’t be because of these embarrassing string of posts.

I'm perfectly fine with damage modifiers getting nerfed lol...

I've wanted Sic Em removed for a looooong time and I've stated repeatedly that Gazelle damage and marksmanship modifiers should get lowered.

This thread isn't to defend ranger. I'll still do fine on this class regardless of what happens. These clips are just to show people how to fight against a ranger.


This thread isn't to defend ranger. I'll still do fine on this class regardless of what happens. These clips are just to show people how to fight against a ranger.

In your first post, you use these clips to show that rangers are not viable in competitive environment. This statement contradicts what you say...

I mean just because it's not viable in competitive doesn't mean it's not viable in ranked.

Ranger is a strong class atm but it's easier to counter for better players in Conquest.

I just think Anet should increase both the skill ceiling and skill floor for this class so it's worse at lower ratings and better at higher ones. They've been doing the opposite lately which has pushed this class into gimmick builds and made skills like GS4 OP by changing it into a 3s full block with an evade on the kick. I dislike the direction they've been taking with the class because it's just gotten easier and easier to play and they've removed so much versatility from our skills.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@BarnacleBoy.6918 said:This guy has been on a Rampage trying to justify the kinds of damage ranger can do. This is like, the 7th post?

Here’s the thing dude, More patches will come, and if certain things about ranger get nerfed or not, it won’t be because of these embarrassing string of posts.

I'm perfectly fine with damage modifiers getting nerfed lol...

I've wanted Sic Em removed for a looooong time and I've stated repeatedly that Gazelle damage and marksmanship modifiers should get lowered.

This thread isn't to defend ranger. I'll still do fine on this class regardless of what happens. These clips are just to show people how to fight against a ranger.


This thread isn't to defend ranger. I'll still do fine on this class regardless of what happens. These clips are just to show people how to fight against a ranger.

In your first post, you use these clips to show that rangers are not viable in competitive environment. This statement contradicts what you say...

I mean just because it's not viable in competitive doesn't mean it's not viable in ranked.

Ranger is a strong class atm but it's easier to counter for better players in Conquest.

I just think Anet should increase both the skill ceiling and skill floor for this class so it's worse at lower ratings and better at higher ones. They've been doing the opposite lately which has pushed this class into gimmick builds and made skills like GS4 OP by changing it into a 3s full block with an evade on the kick. I dislike the direction they've been taking with the class because it's just gotten easier and easier to play and they've removed so much versatility from our skills.

You don't play competitive why do you keep saying its not viable in competitive. Actually ranger is currently the most powercreeped spec in the game and used in low and high tiers. It is so powerful right now in competitive it can be used as a bruiser due to high sustain, boon uptime, stealth, blocks, evades or can be used as a roamer to 1 shot thieves/revs/fbs. We've scrimed on NA/EU, done AT's on both regions and ranger is currently the single most broken class in gw2. Not to mention on eu last mat a ranger won(vod on sinds stream unless deleted) and that was when it wasnt even half as broken as it currently is. I'm sure all your unranked data is accurate about your only class' bias though. People defending these outrageous numbers smh when did forums become so degen.

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@NotoriousNaru.1705 said:

@BarnacleBoy.6918 said:This guy has been on a Rampage trying to justify the kinds of damage ranger can do. This is like, the 7th post?

Here’s the thing dude, More patches will come, and if certain things about ranger get nerfed or not, it won’t be because of these embarrassing string of posts.

I'm perfectly fine with damage modifiers getting nerfed lol...

I've wanted Sic Em removed for a looooong time and I've stated repeatedly that Gazelle damage and marksmanship modifiers should get lowered.

This thread isn't to defend ranger. I'll still do fine on this class regardless of what happens. These clips are just to show people how to fight against a ranger.


This thread isn't to defend ranger. I'll still do fine on this class regardless of what happens. These clips are just to show people how to fight against a ranger.

In your first post, you use these clips to show that rangers are not viable in competitive environment. This statement contradicts what you say...

I mean just because it's not viable in competitive doesn't mean it's not viable in ranked.

Ranger is a strong class atm but it's easier to counter for better players in Conquest.

I just think Anet should increase both the skill ceiling and skill floor for this class so it's worse at lower ratings and better at higher ones. They've been doing the opposite lately which has pushed this class into gimmick builds and made skills like GS4 OP by changing it into a 3s full block with an evade on the kick. I dislike the direction they've been taking with the class because it's just gotten easier and easier to play and they've removed so much versatility from our skills.

You don't play competitive why do you keep saying its not viable in competitive. Actually ranger is currently the most powercreeped spec in the game and used in low and high tiers. It is so powerful right now in competitive it can be used as a bruiser due to high sustain, boon uptime, stealth, blocks, evades or can be used as a roamer to 1 shot thieves/revs/fbs. We've scrimed on NA/EU, done AT's on both regions and ranger is currently the single most broken class in gw2. Not to mention on eu last mat a ranger won(vod on sinds stream unless deleted) and that was when it wasnt even half as broken as it currently is. I'm sure all your unranked data is accurate about your only class' bias though. People defending these outrageous numbers smh when did forums become so degen.

Necro is not far behind....

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@NotoriousNaru.1705 said:

@BarnacleBoy.6918 said:This guy has been on a Rampage trying to justify the kinds of damage ranger can do. This is like, the 7th post?

Here’s the thing dude, More patches will come, and if certain things about ranger get nerfed or not, it won’t be because of these embarrassing string of posts.

I'm perfectly fine with damage modifiers getting nerfed lol...

I've wanted Sic Em removed for a looooong time and I've stated repeatedly that Gazelle damage and marksmanship modifiers should get lowered.

This thread isn't to defend ranger. I'll still do fine on this class regardless of what happens. These clips are just to show people how to fight against a ranger.


This thread isn't to defend ranger. I'll still do fine on this class regardless of what happens. These clips are just to show people how to fight against a ranger.

In your first post, you use these clips to show that rangers are not viable in competitive environment. This statement contradicts what you say...

I mean just because it's not viable in competitive doesn't mean it's not viable in ranked.

Ranger is a strong class atm but it's easier to counter for better players in Conquest.

I just think Anet should increase both the skill ceiling and skill floor for this class so it's worse at lower ratings and better at higher ones. They've been doing the opposite lately which has pushed this class into gimmick builds and made skills like GS4 OP by changing it into a 3s full block with an evade on the kick. I dislike the direction they've been taking with the class because it's just gotten easier and easier to play and they've removed so much versatility from our skills.

You don't play competitive why do you keep saying its not viable in competitive. Actually ranger is currently the most powercreeped spec in the game and used in low and high tiers. It is so powerful right now in competitive it can be used as a bruiser due to high sustain, boon uptime, stealth, blocks, evades or can be used as a roamer to 1 shot thieves/revs/fbs. We've scrimed on NA/EU, done AT's on both regions and ranger is currently the single most broken class in gw2. Not to mention on eu last mat a ranger won(vod on sinds stream unless deleted) and that was when it wasnt even half as broken as it currently is. I'm sure all your unranked data is accurate about your only class' bias though. People defending these outrageous numbers smh when did forums become so degen.

I've been saying sic em needs to go, attack of opportunity modifiers need to be halved, double kick bug needs to get fixed, gazelle damage lowered for a while now. But even before these get fixed, simply bringing any combination of weakness, blind, and aegis against a ranger is enough to nullify almost all of our big hits. LoS the LB and use movement to avoid hilt bash and worldly impact in particular, and you're either going to stalemate a ranger or be able to counterpressure him enough to kill.

And how MATs has a ranger actually won? The only time it has ever been a meta pick was when bunker boonbeast was a thing for 3 months and it's only busted now because damage modifiers weren't tuned down.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@"BarnacleBoy.6918" said:This guy has been on a Rampage trying to justify the kinds of damage ranger can do. This is like, the 7th post?

Here’s the thing dude, More patches will come, and if certain things about ranger get nerfed or not, it won’t be because of these embarrassing string of posts.

I'm perfectly fine with damage modifiers getting nerfed lol...

I've wanted Sic Em removed for a looooong time and I've stated repeatedly that Gazelle damage and marksmanship modifiers should get lowered.

This thread isn't to defend ranger. I'll still do fine on this class regardless of what happens. These clips are just to show people how to fight against a ranger.


This thread isn't to defend ranger. I'll still do fine on this class regardless of what happens. These clips are just to show people how to fight against a ranger.

In your first post, you use these clips to show that rangers are not viable in competitive environment. This statement contradicts what you say...

I mean just because it's not viable in competitive doesn't mean it's not viable in ranked.

Ranger is a strong class atm but it's easier to counter for better players in Conquest.

I just think Anet should increase both the skill ceiling and skill floor for this class so it's worse at lower ratings and better at higher ones. They've been doing the opposite lately which has pushed this class into gimmick builds and made skills like GS4 OP by changing it into a 3s full block with an evade on the kick. I dislike the direction they've been taking with the class because it's just gotten easier and easier to play and they've removed so much versatility from our skills.

You don't play competitive why do you keep saying its not viable in competitive. Actually ranger is currently the most powercreeped spec in the game and used in low and high tiers. It is so powerful right now in competitive it can be used as a bruiser due to high sustain, boon uptime, stealth, blocks, evades or can be used as a roamer to 1 shot thieves/revs/fbs. We've scrimed on NA/EU, done AT's on both regions and ranger is currently the single most broken class in gw2. Not to mention on eu last mat a ranger won(vod on sinds stream unless deleted) and that was when it wasnt even half as broken as it currently is. I'm sure all your unranked data is accurate about your only class' bias though. People defending these outrageous numbers smh when did forums become so degen.

I've been saying sic em needs to go, attack of opportunity modifiers need to be halved, double kick bug needs to get fixed, gazelle damage lowered for a while now.
But even before these get fixed, simply bringing any combination of weakness, blind, and aegis against a ranger is enough to nullify almost all of our big hits. LoS the LB and use movement to avoid hilt bash and worldly impact in particular, and you're either going to stalemate a ranger or be able to counterpressure him enough to kill.

And how MATs has a ranger actually won? The only time it has ever been a meta pick was when bunker boonbeast was a thing for 3 months and it's only busted now because damage modifiers weren't tuned down.

It's literally linked above by Tayga, starts at the 2hr 05m mark, ends 2hr 20m more or less.

In case scrolling is too much:https://www.twitch.tv/videos/556172860

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@apharma.3741 said:

@"BarnacleBoy.6918" said:This guy has been on a Rampage trying to justify the kinds of damage ranger can do. This is like, the 7th post?

Here’s the thing dude, More patches will come, and if certain things about ranger get nerfed or not, it won’t be because of these embarrassing string of posts.

I'm perfectly fine with damage modifiers getting nerfed lol...

I've wanted Sic Em removed for a looooong time and I've stated repeatedly that Gazelle damage and marksmanship modifiers should get lowered.

This thread isn't to defend ranger. I'll still do fine on this class regardless of what happens. These clips are just to show people how to fight against a ranger.


This thread isn't to defend ranger. I'll still do fine on this class regardless of what happens. These clips are just to show people how to fight against a ranger.

In your first post, you use these clips to show that rangers are not viable in competitive environment. This statement contradicts what you say...

I mean just because it's not viable in competitive doesn't mean it's not viable in ranked.

Ranger is a strong class atm but it's easier to counter for better players in Conquest.

I just think Anet should increase both the skill ceiling and skill floor for this class so it's worse at lower ratings and better at higher ones. They've been doing the opposite lately which has pushed this class into gimmick builds and made skills like GS4 OP by changing it into a 3s full block with an evade on the kick. I dislike the direction they've been taking with the class because it's just gotten easier and easier to play and they've removed so much versatility from our skills.

You don't play competitive why do you keep saying its not viable in competitive. Actually ranger is currently the most powercreeped spec in the game and used in low and high tiers. It is so powerful right now in competitive it can be used as a bruiser due to high sustain, boon uptime, stealth, blocks, evades or can be used as a roamer to 1 shot thieves/revs/fbs. We've scrimed on NA/EU, done AT's on both regions and ranger is currently the single most broken class in gw2. Not to mention on eu last mat a ranger won(vod on sinds stream unless deleted) and that was when it wasnt even half as broken as it currently is. I'm sure all your unranked data is accurate about your only class' bias though. People defending these outrageous numbers smh when did forums become so degen.

I've been saying sic em needs to go, attack of opportunity modifiers need to be halved, double kick bug needs to get fixed, gazelle damage lowered for a while now.
But even before these get fixed, simply bringing any combination of weakness, blind, and aegis against a ranger is enough to nullify almost all of our big hits. LoS the LB and use movement to avoid hilt bash and worldly impact in particular, and you're either going to stalemate a ranger or be able to counterpressure him enough to kill.

And how MATs has a ranger actually won? The only time it has ever been a meta pick was when bunker boonbeast was a thing for 3 months and it's only busted now because damage modifiers weren't tuned down.

It's literally linked above by Tayga, starts at the 2hr 05m mark, ends 2hr 20m more or less.

In case scrolling is too much:

The ranger that won the MAT stalemated Crann 1v1, was losing vs. Trama 1v1, couldn't decap a mirage in a 1v1, and died in a few +1s. He didn't win a single one of his duels and died several times. What exactly was so impressive about ranger in that match?

And he was even running a/a and s/wh over lb/gs which is a much stronger side noder build.

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@apharma.3741 said:

@"BarnacleBoy.6918" said:This guy has been on a Rampage trying to justify the kinds of damage ranger can do. This is like, the 7th post?

Here’s the thing dude, More patches will come, and if certain things about ranger get nerfed or not, it won’t be because of these embarrassing string of posts.

I'm perfectly fine with damage modifiers getting nerfed lol...

I've wanted Sic Em removed for a looooong time and I've stated repeatedly that Gazelle damage and marksmanship modifiers should get lowered.

This thread isn't to defend ranger. I'll still do fine on this class regardless of what happens. These clips are just to show people how to fight against a ranger.


This thread isn't to defend ranger. I'll still do fine on this class regardless of what happens. These clips are just to show people how to fight against a ranger.

In your first post, you use these clips to show that rangers are not viable in competitive environment. This statement contradicts what you say...

I mean just because it's not viable in competitive doesn't mean it's not viable in ranked.

Ranger is a strong class atm but it's easier to counter for better players in Conquest.

I just think Anet should increase both the skill ceiling and skill floor for this class so it's worse at lower ratings and better at higher ones. They've been doing the opposite lately which has pushed this class into gimmick builds and made skills like GS4 OP by changing it into a 3s full block with an evade on the kick. I dislike the direction they've been taking with the class because it's just gotten easier and easier to play and they've removed so much versatility from our skills.

You don't play competitive why do you keep saying its not viable in competitive. Actually ranger is currently the most powercreeped spec in the game and used in low and high tiers. It is so powerful right now in competitive it can be used as a bruiser due to high sustain, boon uptime, stealth, blocks, evades or can be used as a roamer to 1 shot thieves/revs/fbs. We've scrimed on NA/EU, done AT's on both regions and ranger is currently the single most broken class in gw2. Not to mention on eu last mat a ranger won(vod on sinds stream unless deleted) and that was when it wasnt even half as broken as it currently is. I'm sure all your unranked data is accurate about your only class' bias though. People defending these outrageous numbers smh when did forums become so degen.

I've been saying sic em needs to go, attack of opportunity modifiers need to be halved, double kick bug needs to get fixed, gazelle damage lowered for a while now.
But even before these get fixed, simply bringing any combination of weakness, blind, and aegis against a ranger is enough to nullify almost all of our big hits. LoS the LB and use movement to avoid hilt bash and worldly impact in particular, and you're either going to stalemate a ranger or be able to counterpressure him enough to kill.

And how MATs has a ranger actually won? The only time it has ever been a meta pick was when bunker boonbeast was a thing for 3 months and it's only busted now because damage modifiers weren't tuned down.

It's literally linked above by Tayga, starts at the 2hr 05m mark, ends 2hr 20m more or less.

In case scrolling is too much:

Just noticed that Misha sounds like Drazeh here... also rofl about the no valid path bug being one deciding factor of that match.

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