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Warrior is such a underpower, mediocre dmg no utility garbage class

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@Tayga.3192 said:

@"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:
  1. Mesmer: Need nerfs as usual, because bad design is still present. You sure love to pigeonhold yourself in those cheese builds a bit too much... After so many nerfs, people still are capable to find something that is straight up broken and unfun to play against, this needs a complete rework at this point(Mirage especially). Still being able to unload a lot of pressure while being on "defense" is no good, be it via condition on power. Haven't met any chronomancers so far, too scared to play? Onle seen Mesmer/Mirage.

Your account name is really explains what you write.

Mirage = B or B+ at bestChronomancer = Worst traitline right now, in entire game. Yes, worse than renegade, druid, berserker.Mesmer = C+ at best but I'd say it's C

In 2v2 it might be the case that mirage is only b tear but that is true for thief and war etc aswell. In 5v5 I think mirage will perform quite well as a bursty roamer. It might not be meta or the best carry class, but it will be viable. Therefore I dont think there is no merit in using mirage as an example for a bad class, suggesting buffs (this leondrix guy i think is a little sad he isnt as strong as he used to be). It will be countered by thief but that isnt a novel problem. The reason why mirage is b tear in 2v2 imo is rather some obnoxsious outliers, which most classes struggle with, not the power level of the class itself.

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@Axl.8924 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Axl.8924 said:What does guardian counter hard? just curious

Condi mesmer and thieves that decides to not run away.

Is it because you got good blocks? is that why? does it work vs those particles mes throw?

Also do guardians have good condi clears?I think he was creatively saying "bad players". Good thieves will open on you enough to make you use a long cooldown then back away and repeat. Once your stun breaks or damage immunities are gone, they'll go for the kill.
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@bravan.3876 said:You are not playing the right build then. There are Warrior builds you can even beat the lamest meta 2v2 comp easy with, and it didn't even matter what your duo is playing as long as he doesn't suck and get farmed fast ofc. Condi support Warrior for example. Don't ask for build i do not spread cancer.

So basically what I stated condition dmg is overshadowing power. yah if Im going condi on a warrior, might as well go revenant or weaver tbh and is what I'm doing. Also I have an idea of what build you are refering to I played them the spellbreaker meta and the core warrior or zerker bow etc. In general warrior is trash I really don't believe you could disprove this to me since I play it on plat and I given it a chance, but I recently reroll because other classes are more rewarding.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:Warrior is actually really good right now. Their damage is decent and they have the strongest CC options, making them very valuable in a meta dominated by CC and Condi.

I do believe Condition is dominant, and primarily most of the cc that you are getting now is from Immobilized due to switch of builds same thing why everyone seems to have a blind now. Anyways, warrior does have a lot of knockdowns, but it doesnt apply damage so it would most likely be turn into a meme cc bot build which tbh not one really cares for unless you are trolling and having fun in 5v5s unrank with a pug group.

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@Fantasylife.7981 said:

@UNOwen.7132 said:Warrior is actually really good right now. Their damage is decent and they have the strongest CC options, making them very valuable in a meta dominated by CC and Condi.

I do believe Condition is dominant, and primarily most of the cc that you are getting now is from Immobilized due to switch of builds same thing why everyone seems to have a blind now. Anyways, warrior does have a lot of knockdowns, but it doesnt apply damage so it would most likely be turn into a meme cc bot build which tbh not one really cares for unless you are trolling and having fun in 5v5s unrank with a pug group.

Nah, its not a meme cc bot build, its a legitimately threatening build that can lock you down for long amounts of time, has good survivability and still does decent power damage.

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@Ghostof Luzifer.6159 said:

@"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:
  1. Mesmer: Need nerfs as usual, because bad design is still present. You sure love to pigeonhold yourself in those cheese builds a bit too much... After so many nerfs, people still are capable to find something that is straight up broken and unfun to play against, this needs a complete rework at this point(Mirage especially). Still being able to unload a lot of pressure while being on "defense" is no good, be it via condition on power. Haven't met any chronomancers so far, too scared to play? Onle seen Mesmer/Mirage.

Your account name is really explains what you write.

Mirage = B or B+ at bestChronomancer = Worst traitline right now, in entire game. Yes, worse than renegade, druid, berserker.Mesmer = C+ at best but I'd say it's C

In 2v2 it might be the case that mirage is only b tear but that is true for thief and war etc aswell. In 5v5 I think mirage will perform quite well as a bursty roamer. It might not be meta or the best carry class, but it will be viable. Therefore I dont think there is no merit in using mirage as an example for a bad class, suggesting buffs (this leondrix guy i think is a little sad he isnt as strong as he used to be). It will be countered by thief but that isnt a novel problem. The reason why mirage is b tear in 2v2 imo is rather some obnoxsious outliers, which most classes struggle with, not the power level of the class itself.

only thing that saddens me is that dummies go on forum and complain on mirage.my class is shit and let it be shit, its my garbage. dont touch my garbage.im not asking for any buffs, just fuck off and let the class be.bunch of whiners everywhere, reminds me of a guy that made a post complaining about100% evade uptime and counted illusion swap as 5s of immunity.this is the level the forums are on.And I seriously doubt mirage will be good roamer, thief alone makes the spec unplayable, nothing changed in that aspect if anything it got worse.Gl locking down thief, you have 1 fucking stun, thief can remove 3 lol.Portal is the only thing " decent " mesmer has left, no mobility no cc, no damage, no support nothing.maybe somehow portal becomes relevant one day who knows.Good players make it seem ok, they make it work with sheer power of fucking will, like John fucking wick, mad respect. And shame on the whiners.

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Well, OP. That is simply wrong!

Warrior is plenty viable in 2v2. I've played almost everyday this season and I see them almost every other match. Core warrior and spellbreaker are more favored for survivability but even berserker has its uses. I will say that it struggles against certain comps like weaver, condi renegade, scrapper, still...nothing too dramatic. It certainly is in a better place than mesmer, I hardly ever see them.

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@Fantasylife.7981 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:Warriors can survive 1 vs 3 with no problem and even chain-CC two of those three opponents without issue.Having good damage on top of that would be too strong.

that is a complete lie are you NA or EU and if so could you come to arena to show me what you are refering to?

If I'd remember the names of my opponents, I could give them to you But I don't usually do that.It might partially due to my allies being underwhelming, but Warrior CC is insane with the removal of so many stun breaks.

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warrior gets it rough in 2v2 becouse of terrain and objective. nobody is forced to fight you, necro can just run up the stairs and keep dropping down and fearing you off, and its YOU who have to keep fucking running up and down. and you have hard time providing help to the teammate if its focused, 1 good combo that pushes you off cliff and you cant help your mate for 2-4s. sometimes its all it takes.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:
  1. Mesmer: Need nerfs as usual, because bad design is still present. You sure love to pigeonhold yourself in those cheese builds a bit too much... After so many nerfs, people still are capable to find something that is straight up broken and unfun to play against, this needs a complete rework at this point(Mirage especially). Still being able to unload a lot of pressure while being on "defense" is no good, be it via condition on power. Haven't met any chronomancers so far, too scared to play? Onle seen Mesmer/Mirage.

Your account name is really explains what you write.

Mirage = B or B+ at bestChronomancer = Worst traitline right now, in entire game. Yes, worse than renegade, druid, berserker.Mesmer = C+ at best but I'd say it's C

In 2v2 it might be the case that mirage is only b tear but that is true for thief and war etc aswell. In 5v5 I think mirage will perform quite well as a bursty roamer. It might not be meta or the best carry class, but it will be viable. Therefore I dont think there is no merit in using mirage as an example for a bad class, suggesting buffs (this leondrix guy i think is a little sad he isnt as strong as he used to be). It will be countered by thief but that isnt a novel problem. The reason why mirage is b tear in 2v2 imo is rather some obnoxsious outliers, which most classes struggle with, not the power level of the class itself.

only thing that saddens me is that dummies go on forum and complain on mirage.my class is kitten and let it be kitten, its my garbage. dont touch my garbage.im not asking for any buffs, just kitten off and let the class be.bunch of whiners everywhere, reminds me of a guy that made a post complaining about100% evade uptime and counted illusion swap as 5s of immunity.this is the level the forums are on.

fair enough!

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It's really important that people bring up terrain. Warriors really suffer in maps like Hall of the Mists. If I'm on top of the stairs on one side, and my opponent(let's say thief) ports to the other side; unless I have a ranged weapon, I have to RUN to the opposite side, up the staircase to the top to get the thief. By the time I get back up there the thief ports again!

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Warrior's fine. The damage loss across the board is made up for by the relative tankiness warriors got indirectly as a result of that nerf.If you had muscle memory for warrior rotations, the same tricks you used before will work now, and if you miss damage run full glass.

@JTGuevara.9018 said:It's really important that people bring up terrain. Warriors really suffer in maps like Hall of the Mists. If I'm on top of the stairs on one side, and my opponent(let's say thief) ports to the other side; unless I have a ranged weapon, I have to RUN to the opposite side, up the staircase to the top to get the thief. By the time I get back up there the thief ports again!

That's what fog is for. Let the thief run. Eventually the fog will bring them to your axe.

@Leonidrex.5649 said:warrior gets it rough in 2v2 becouse of terrain and objective. nobody is forced to fight you, necro can just run up the stairs and keep dropping down and fearing you off, and its YOU who have to keep kitten running up and down. and you have hard time providing help to the teammate if its focused, 1 good combo that pushes you off cliff and you cant help your mate for 2-4s. sometimes its all it takes.

If your teammate is warrior, move to the warrior instead of running around and forcing the warrior to burn skills to chase you while you're focused Necros are allergic to Warriors up close so they will do anything they can to frustrate them with terrain. At that point its your duty as a teammate to come off the stairs and regroup if you aren't pinned.

That being said, yes. Terrain in the arenas makes it obnoxious to fight certain classes. Without it 100% we'd run over them though so its fair.

@Axl.8924 said:What does guardian counter hard? just curious

Thief/Daredevil if you build symbols, Warrior if you lean into blind and blocks, a handful of condi specs if you spec for more condi cleanse. Guard's really versatile and only really loses against fast classes that can hang out a mile away like Ranger and Deadeye.

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Here are a couple builds that I've been having success with in conquest. Most are pretty close to builds you'll find elsewhere, but with some minor differences.

Strength spbhttp://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAEh7lJwGZYsEGKOWX+vbA-z5gfKZKC6VIUwCojJgJGA

Defense spb (good for true side node games)http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAEh7lZwGZYsHGKeyX+vbA-z5gfKNqAyUE0rQojJgHGA

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@"ButterPeanut.9746" said:Here are a couple builds that I've been having success with in conquest. Most are pretty close to builds you'll find elsewhere, but with some minor differences.

Strength spbhttp://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAEh7lJwGZYsEGKOWX+vbA-z5gfKZKC6VIUwCojJgJGA

Defense spb (good for true side node games)http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAEh7lZwGZYsHGKeyX+vbA-z5gfKNqAyUE0rQojJgHGA

Remember the golden rule of the forums."spec sucks unless you post build, then its op."

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@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

@"ButterPeanut.9746" said:Here are a couple builds that I've been having success with in conquest. Most are pretty close to builds you'll find elsewhere, but with some minor differences.

Strength spb

Defense spb (good for true side node games)

Remember the golden rule of the forums."spec sucks unless you post build, then its op."

I’ve been seeing tons of effective warrior builds last weekend.

Warriors aren’t weak. If you aren’t doing damage then it’s a build problem.

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@saerni.2584 said:

@"ButterPeanut.9746" said:Here are a couple builds that I've been having success with in conquest. Most are pretty close to builds you'll find elsewhere, but with some minor differences.

Strength spb

Defense spb (good for true side node games)

Remember the golden rule of the forums."spec sucks unless you post build, then its op."

I’ve been seeing tons of effective warrior builds last weekend.

Warriors aren’t weak. If you aren’t doing damage then it’s a build problem.

It's not necessarily a build problem. The damage is definitely on the lower end, but it's much more based on actually hitting with your high damage skills. You can't just 1 shot with bulls charge into arcing slice anymore.

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Warrior isn't bad but other classes are still too good (like fb maybe). Plus axe got hard nerved from warrior (i mean burst skill doing less damage than second and third skill of axe ... rly anet?) but I could say warr atm is one of the good Balanced classes atm. (Compared to a bit too mutch cc)

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