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Open the T5 of wvw

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Even four tiers is still too much, three tiers would be ideal. If you want to avoid queues, play on the other maps like Borderlands, EoTM. The fact that almost no one ever plays them except to flip the occasional Keep shows the problem.

The game was built for large-scale, but its played like small scale in EBG around SMC almost always.

Dear ArenaNet, please bring EoTM into the main rotation already so we have an alternative to EBG that isn't an against-the-odds Borderlands map, and maybe do something about the fact that two of the Borderlands are exactly the same.(You know, the usual suggestions I make about once a month or so..)

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@Hannelore.8153 said:Even four tiers is still too much, three tiers would be ideal. If you want to avoid queues, play on the other maps like Borderlands, EoTM. The fact that almost no one ever plays them except to flip the occasional Keep shows the problem.

The game was built for large-scale, but its played like small scale in EBG around SMC almost always.

Dear ArenaNet, please bring EoTM into the main rotation already so we have an alternative to EBG that isn't an against-the-odds Borderlands map, and maybe do something about the fact that two of the Borderlands are exactly the same.(You know, the usual suggestions I make about once a month or so..)

wait what?EU with 3 tiers? i agree with this guy tho europe needs 5 tiers having everyday when kids go to bed finally a 30+ queue on all borders ye sure that was what i wanted..not even on t1 nor t2 dunno where we are at right now but its not fun.

pretty sure with all queues during prime time u can fill up T5 easily. so shouldnt be problem having EU with T5 again but Anet will never step back from this shit.

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Nah four tiers is good, but some servers could be merged in the end, two link servers is a mess to coordinate with. Also bandwagoning can potentially happen, as long as they stay medium or high population for a long period.

It just so happens Underworld became that, but it also had a pretty big population already, so it was a big mistake linking it to another T1 server.

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@reddie.5861 said:

@Hannelore.8153 said:Even four tiers is still too much, three tiers would be ideal. If you want to avoid queues, play on the other maps like Borderlands, EoTM. The fact that almost no one ever plays them except to flip the occasional Keep shows the problem.

The game was built for large-scale, but its played like small scale in EBG around SMC almost always.

Dear ArenaNet, please bring EoTM into the main rotation already so we have an alternative to EBG that isn't an against-the-odds Borderlands map, and maybe do something about the fact that two of the Borderlands are exactly the same.(You know, the usual suggestions I make about once a month or so..)

wait what?EU with 3 tiers? i agree with this guy tho europe needs 5 tiers having everyday when kids go to bed finally a 30+ queue on all borders ye sure that was what i wanted..not even on t1 nor t2 dunno where we are at right now but its not fun.

pretty sure with all queues during prime time u can fill up T5 easily. so shouldnt be problem having EU with T5 again but Anet will never step back from this kitten.

Yes, and NA needs even less, 1-2 tiers at the most. I realise that both regions have alot of action at primetime, and EU has more around-the-clock action than NA due to more varied timezones, but the majority of WvW is still a ghost town at any off-hours.

By increasing the tiers you solve the problems of high populations during high activity and make it far worse during low activity. If this wasn't true, then we would've still had the original tier system and link servers would not exist, but they do exist, so its obviously not true; the game's population has just declined too much even if it always seems like the queues are full and your enemy has 70-80 players on the map.

Its a little something called confirmation bias. (Consider that in PvE, this game originally filled 20+ servers with a reasonable population of players in every map in Central Tyria, and can now barely do so even with a single megaserver.)

The only way this would work is if the tier system waxed and waned according to real activity, but to do that they'd have to change the links at least every week and the matchups at least every day, and they're not going to. All decisions are for few months, even the bad ones.

(Really, the whole system is just terrible, but we're not going to see Alliances any time soon, so whatever.)

The best solution is fewer tiers and more maps in rotation that are disabled during periods of low activity to limit coverage. I'd even support the addition of Battlegrounds (shards of WvW for small groups, like Fractals), to further thin active populations. A single shard where three groups of ten players each have to compete to capture a neutral Tower or Keep removes 30 players from the queue.

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"Really, the whole system is just terrible, but we're not going to see Alliances any time soon, so whatever." - this is the only sentence really worth commenting.

the 4 tiers led to overstacked linkcombos and did not make fps/ping better mostly. but 5 tiers isn't exactly needed i feel. bseides, wasting too much thought about tiers is not progressing the game.

people are drama queens, the queues were really not that dramatic. especially since there are still "fake queues", ergo sometimes it displays a number but u can klick and enter maps. saw this up to a "12" queue at least, appearing randomly.

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@Virdo.1540 said:Im happy how it turned out now.T5 is back, together with no teams of 3 anymore, no stupidly big masses cuz of 2 full servers etc

It certainly changes the way the game is played in lower tiers. There's a lot more scope for small groups doing ninja work without being ganked or even spotted. It seems ... ghostly now that I've experienced the other extreme, but I guess that's what it always used to be like.

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A mess as usual, you can't just open T5 and hope all will work, do You have any idea about Models? what kind of analysis you do before changing the setup of the game? surely You have to hire people with the right skills on game design and game theory not to fire staff for cost reduction, because this is the result, have you even tried to have a look on this game mode seriously? do You really need tons of people to transfer to another server just to sell more gems? this is not a great strategy...

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@Doug.4930 said:If anything I sort of wish T4 was merged with T3. Sure reset has some small queues, but the rest of the week feels pretty dead.

T2 NA is 2 severs blobs ktain at a diferent timezone while nsp+gom cant do much xD, we m8 have a large pop at NA timezone(maybe).

BIG server vs small vs empty(based on each server had its own zerg timezone)... who ever is the smaller servers are just creating content for the ktrain groups.

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