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Will you be making a Legendary for the new Armory?

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So, on the one hand, I'm already working on a few legendaries right now, with 2 pieces of WvW legendary armor finished, Aurora needing a Mystic Tribute/100 icy runestones to complete, the Visions of _____ achievement lines slowly getting completed, and my Emblems of the Conqueror and Avenger already earned, and the prospect of being able to use those legendaries on multiple toons at once without jumping through tons of hoops is exciting.

That said, it also depends on how they implement it. If you have to spend a lot of gems to unlock each piece or to unlock the armory on each character, or they make it overly tedious to use and it massively restricts what styles I can use on the armor, then that's going to be a serious turn-off for me. If they implement it well, though, I may be encouraged to venture into PvP and raids, two areas I haven't even really dipped my toes into, to maybe try for those legendaries as well. We'll see when it comes out.

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@MidnightX.6294 said:nope. i always found it to hard to aquire all the t6 mats. its to expensive for somebody whos only into rp and wvw.

I hear that alot. With Ascended being the same stats and a small fraction of the cost, people can craft all the stats they want and only lose the inventory space.

Basically, what you are missing out on is the skin, animations, and bragging rights (if you even care about any of those).

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I've only made one legendary, HOPE, and done some work on a number of gen 2.5 pre's (I actually have the full pre done for Chuka And Champawat but don't like the looks of the shortbow enough to grind out the mats to finish, I just wanted tigers). This armory tilts me a teensy bit more towards working to complete more of them. But I think the biggest factor in my new vague rise in interest is that grinding out the pips for the Warlord armor's lovely skins has gotten me doing enough WvW for the first time in years that the Gifts of Battle are accumulating. WvW avoidance was the main factor in my going "Oh well, no more leg's for me" since I had just one GoB from the old days when you could buy it with badges gained from achieve chests, heh, and that went to HOPE.

However, the Saga is giving me enough to do that I don't really need the time sink of crafting a legendary. So I'll see. Maybe one day I'll peruse my bank and realize I have most of a legendary accumulated and just go for it.

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@Game of Bones.8975 said:

@MidnightX.6294 said:nope. i always found it to hard to aquire all the t6 mats. its to expensive for somebody whos only into rp and wvw.

I hear that alot. With Ascended being the same stats and a small fraction of the cost, people can craft all the stats they want and only lose the inventory space.

Basically, what you are missing out on is the skin, animations, and bragging rights (if you even care about any of those).

If legendary armory rolls out , if you have the basic power + condi ascended x3 = 6 armors. If you run support (harrier/minstrel/magi) you have even more than that.Legendary armor is around 300g-400g per piece so it isn't that large a price premium when you consider ascended is 40-50g a piece.

Legendary amulet/trinkets/backpiece are more of a luxury than armor is after the armory rolls out, while legendary weapons will essentially never recoup their investment unless you have more than one of each class (with sword/staff/greatsword/axe being the most likely worthwhile).Amulet : Eternal Ice shards by the truckload in Bjora ; Bloodstone amulet and Mist pendant can be stat changedRing: Mist band and bloodstone ring can be stat changedTrinket/Accessories: Eternal Ice shards by the truckload in Bjora, Black ice earring (Winterberry) ; Mist Talisman can be stat changedBack: Icebrood back (Winterberries) ; Bloodstone backpiece can be stat changed

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@Infusion.7149 said:

If legendary armory rolls out , if you have the basic power + condi ascended x3 = 6 armors. If you run support (harrier/minstrel/magi) you have even more than that.Legendary armor is around 300g-400g per piece so it isn't that large a price premium when you consider ascended is 40-50g a piece.

I guess I should have said I was focusing more on weapons than armor. Weapons cost 1200G (The Minstrel)-3500G (Twilight+Sunrise=Eternity).

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since legies are the only thing keeping me ingame I will continue to do the ones with the skins I like although they don't follow the best use. my first legy has been predator and I got 3 classes using it only. maybe I am lucky and in the new expansion we get another profession with rifle.

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People need to stop complaining about their multiple ascended sets now being useless, you got plenty of use out of those Armor sets to justify the costs, and you still don’t really need the leggy gear, it’s still just for convenience.

There’s literally no down side in adding the armoury to the game, yet people don’t want it so they can justify the money they spent on their ascended gear and keep their justification for not crafting legendary gear > . >

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It's made me actually start my first Legendary, I seen no use for it before considering how expensive it is but now that it'll be account wide and possibly be able to use one set for multiple templates makes it so much more appealing. I have a long long way to go but I'm going to start with Medium Armor.

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@pninak.1069 said:since legies are the only thing keeping me ingame I will continue to do the ones with the skins I like although they don't follow the best use. my first legy has been predator and I got 3 classes using it only. maybe I am lucky and in the new expansion we get another profession with rifle.

I want to see a Revenant with a rifle. Use it for ranged spike damage, hitting a single foe from all sides simultaneously and a good focus on CC.

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:I have no issues with the armory. I do wish I knew this months ago before equipping all of my class my multiple builds with their ascended gear but it’s whatever.

The only thing that I want is the ability to turn off visual effects and
hopefully the skins can be customized between builds/characters

Knowing Anet, the skins will probably end up being shared across all characters using this armory, same as currently in the template system.

Since race specific skins exist, it can't.A combination of racial skins on legendaries and ability to move legendaries between characters was already problematic and you always had to give up on one of those. What makes you think it will suddenly work better now?

Your argument works the other way too.

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  • 3 months later...

I’m not complaining. I was honestly happy they announced it since I was heading towards a 4th set of armor maybe even 5th. Since the legendary armory has been announced iv been working on finishing my legendary trinkets. Still need aurora and vision, then after that weapons. Since in game build templates made legendary armor kind of meh with the swapping in a second. The armory truly makes me want to finish all the pieces what I want. Since the armory announcement now it truly entails armor and trinkets first since those would be more beneficial than 1 weapon for the armory.

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@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:I have no issues with the armory. I do wish I knew this months ago before equipping all of my class my multiple builds with their ascended gear but it’s whatever.

The only thing that I want is the ability to turn off visual effects and
hopefully the skins can be customized between builds/characters

Knowing Anet, the skins will probably end up being shared across all characters using this armory, same as currently in the template system.

Since race specific skins exist, it can't.A combination of racial skins on legendaries and ability to move legendaries between characters was already problematic and you always had to give up on one of those. What makes you think it will suddenly work better now?

Your argument works the other way too.Well, yeah, whatever their solution, something probably would break.(one thing i'm quite sure that the racial lock on cultural armor skins
go away)
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I have been spending time to make sure I have a full set of legendary trinkets (or as close to it as possible) in advance of the release of the Legendary Armoury. I have had Aurora & Visions plus 2 of the 3 legendary back items for quite some time, so in the past 6 months I have made Slumbering Conflux and Slumbering Transcendence. I still lack Coalescence, but I am making good progress on this.

If my interpretation of the Legendary Armoury is correct, I will probably find a new lease on the unplayed alts I have in my account and hopefully will be enjoying the game much more and investing more in the things I like to do. Now, let me be clear, I am assuming that all legendary items will then be usable by all my characters. How true this will be remains yet to be seen; we have been mislead or misinformed before. I truly hope we do not have to invest gems into the Legendary Armoury in order to get full use of it. But then the only other revenue-generating possibility for Anet would be to release it as part of the coming expansion. The caveat here is the (presumed) long time to delivery.

I have 3 sets of legendary armour already (light, medium and heavy -- all from WvW) and quite a few legendary weapons. But I have focused on ensuring that only my main character has a full set of legendary weapons that they can use. The limitation for me currently is my ability to acquire Mystic Clovers.

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This is what kills me. Mystic clovers and map currency kill my desire to complete more legendary armor. Another gift of crafting or pact ? Oh boy here we go again. I'm looking forward to the armory though. It is a pain to keep open slots in the bank to transfer legendary armor and weapons around.

@Adzekul.3104 said:I have been spending time to make sure I have a full set of legendary trinkets (or as close to it as possible) in advance of the release of the Legendary Armoury. I have had Aurora & Visions plus 2 of the 3 legendary back items for quite some time, so in the past 6 months I have made Slumbering Conflux and Slumbering Transcendence. I still lack Coalescence, but I am making good progress on this.

If my interpretation of the Legendary Armoury is correct, I will probably find a new lease on the unplayed alts I have in my account and hopefully will be enjoying the game much more and investing more in the things I like to do. Now, let me be clear, I am assuming that all legendary items will then be usable by all my characters. How true this will be remains yet to be seen; we have been mislead or misinformed before. I truly hope we do not have to invest gems into the Legendary Armoury in order to get full use of it. But then the only other revenue-generating possibility for Anet would be to release it as part of the coming expansion. The caveat here is the (presumed) long time to delivery.

I have 3 sets of legendary armour already (light, medium and heavy -- all from WvW) and quite a few legendary weapons. But I have focused on ensuring that only my main character has a full set of legendary weapons that they can use. The limitation for me currently is my ability to acquire Mystic Clovers.

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