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Forging Steel is NOT a strike mission.

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@"Pirindolo.9427" said:I know this is going to be a heavy blow to many people, but even so, it is my sad duty to informe about it: Forging Steel is not a strike mission. Sorry, but that's the harsh truth.

Strike missions have two unique characteristics that define them:

1) A direct access through the gate in EotN.You don't find Forging Steel there, right? Well, it's not a strike mission, so it shouldn't be there.

2) A message in the middle of the screen that says "STRIKE MISSION completed" when your group has killed the boss.No no, you didn't miss that message last time you ran Forging Steel. It's simply that there wasn't any message, because, well... it's not a strike mission.

So please, don't list LFG for Forging Steel under Strike Mission tab, please.

why do you care

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re: I rest my case. - You can put whatever label that you want on it. But it does not resemble other strike missions very much, though it has the rewards of one and is in some other ways placed in that category. I could not solo a strike mission, but I soloed Forging Steel. IMO it is placed in that category, but is the odd one out. I would actually like it if more strike missions were like Forging Steel.(because it is not like strikes or raids - it's more like a dungeon)

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@"Elden Arnaas.4870" said:re: I rest my case. - You can put whatever label that you want on it. But it does not resemble other strike missions very much, though it has the rewards of one and is in some other ways placed in that category. I could not solo a strike mission, but I soloed Forging Steel. IMO it is placed in that category, but is the odd one out. I would actually like it if more strike missions were like Forging Steel.(because it is not like strikes or raids - it's more like a dungeon)

Again, why are you defining strike missions as boss fights? The first strike mission ever added had multiple pre-events that had you clear out frozen minions to rescue snowmen and then a boss fight. Nowhere is it written that Strike Missions have to be as long as a 10 minute timer on a boss fight and not longer. And even if that was the case, having one exception to the "rule" doesn't even change anything.

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IMO the primary difference between Forging Steel and strikes/raids, is the boss mechanics. Strikes and raids have what I would consider to be twitch play-heavy, "console boss" mechanics. These rely much more on dexterity and reaction time, Whereas forging Steel utilizes mechanics much more like a dungeon.(IMO)

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I haven't done much raiding, but Forging Steel feels very much like Siege the Stronghold compared to other raid events, i.e. Forging Steel is the Escort of Strike Missions, especially with the challenge modes activated. Escort does count as raid. you get similar rewards but it's definitely different from fighting a single boss. Your points are inconsequential, but to address one, this Strike Mission may still be added to the Asura gate at a later point in time when it's not the active release any more. Also, this Strike Mission is the required story step to advance the journal, as opposed to all the other ones, which are side steps.

I'm sad to inform you that your heavy blow struck nothing but air.And it seems we finally ran out of things to complain about.

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@Elden Arnaas.4870 said:re: I rest my case. - You can put whatever label that you want on it. But it does not resemble other strike missions very much, though it has the rewards of one and is in some other ways placed in that category. I could not solo a strike mission, but I soloed Forging Steel. IMO it is placed in that category, but is the odd one out. I would actually like it if more strike missions were like Forging Steel.(because it is not like strikes or raids - it's more like a dungeon)

Like how the first raid encounter in Wing 3 doesn't resemble the majority of the other raid encounters? How about Spirit Run? Twisted Castle? The strike mission in Grothmar can be done solo. So according to your criteria, it must be mislabeled and players should stop posting in the LFG section for it (at least if you go with what the OP wants).

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And where did I mention all those raids? - most of which I haven't done - I didn't, this is about Strikes and how Forging Steel is atypical.And where did I mention that everyone must change their LFG habits? - I didn't.Perhaps you could respond to what was actually typed?I'm focusing on the boss mechanics, which is what IMO, really differentiates Forging Steel from what I think is typical of strikes.(and the raids I've seen)

re: The strike mission in Grothmar can be done solo. - Yeah, but I can't. I could not solo any strike I've tried, yet I can solo Forging Steel. Once again, please do look at what has actually been typed.

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@Etria.3642 said:

@Etria.3642 said:Well, I for one don't mind it there. Is it ten man content? Can I access it from EotN? Yes to both? Done.

EDIT: If there were 47543 strike missions in LFG I could see fussing about this, but whenever I look the most I have seen is 6. Usually only 2-3.

It has its own tab in the saga lfg, use it? They went through the effort to make a tab for it immediately; Other game modes had to wait forever so I assume they put the effort in to make sure it wouldn't bog down the Strikes tab.

I haven't posted for it at all yet, but admit I have never, not one single time, had to look for the other tab. There is almost always one in the Strikes tab, so I just either pick that, or a different strike. For you folks who post and look there, more power to you. I don't see the need. Just like I might see Tequatl under World bosses or I might see him under squads in central tyria. I don't care. List a dungeon in dungeons or in players needing help or achievements. I don't care. If it gets the person listing it the folks they want, and the folks who need it can find it, that is all that matters.

This is so minorly minor a fuss that...I am /delighted/ it's the only thing wrong with your gaming world right now. Like. If this was your reason for coming to the forums to post your wrath for folks posting things in the wrong channel...compared to balance, bugs, wanting more content, hating prices, let alone something real world-related, I wish I was in your shoes.

Oh no I have a bunch more im actively discussing on the forums, I didn't mean for it to sound rude. I was merely stating that there is Indeed a tab for it; And that A-net provided one so I could and can understand the annoyance people may experience. At the same time When isn't the guild wars community trying to kill one another over minor things rather than the larger picture?

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@Elden Arnaas.4870 said:And where did I mention all those raids? - most of which I haven't done - I didn't, this is about Strikes and how Forging Steel is atypical.And where did I mention that everyone must change their LFG habits? - I didn't.Perhaps you could respond to what was actually typed?I'm focusing on the boss mechanics, which is what IMO, really differentiates Forging Steel from what I think is typical of strikes.(and the raids I've seen)

re: The strike mission in Grothmar can be done solo. - Yeah, but I can't. I could not solo any strike I've tried, yet I can solo Forging Steel. Once again, please do look at what has actually been typed.

The point was that there are raid encounters which don’t fit with what is typically a raid encounter just like how we have a strike mission which doesn’t typically fit with what you feel that a strike mission should be.

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To be honest, I don''t agree with the original post. Because that is saying "text says this, not that", "in section this, not that". It's all just what label someone has slapped on it.
If I go into a pet store, and in the puppy section, among the cages of puppies there is a cage of kittens. And the shelf tag below the front of the cage says that they're puppies. Am I going to think that they're puppies? Or am I going to look at what they actually are and see that they're kittens?

IMO what separates raids and strikes from other content types is boss mechanics, and group size requirements. Group size for Forging Steel is flexible. And to me Forging Steel has boss mechanics more typical of a dungeon or meta boss rather than a strike/raid boss.

That said, I like and enjoy Forging Steel(once I was ale to solo it and figure it out) and I'd like for ANet to make more "strikes" like this, instead of like easier mini-raids. But the purpose of strikes is to be easier mini-raids. I'd rather ANet added variable difficulty to raids and made strikes their own thing.(A more challenging variable group size PvE content) But that isn't how ANet did it, for whatever reason.

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@"Elden Arnaas.4870" said:To be honest, I don''t agree with the original post. Because that is saying "text says this, not that", "in section this, not that". It's all just what label someone has slapped on it.

If I go into a pet store, and in the puppy section, among the cages of puppies there is a cage of kittens. And the shelf tag below the front of the cage says that they're puppies. Am I going to think that they're puppies? Or am I going to look at what they actually are and see that they're kittens?

Except what is a kitten and what is a puppy is very clear. The issue in this thread is that a few people have their own definition of what they personally feel that a strike mission is and are trying to impose it on to others. This definition also deviates from how Anet appears to be doing strikes, how they’ve done raids, and limits them from doing anything new at all in the future beyond just a single room with a boss.

IMO what separates raids and strikes from other content types is boss mechanics, and group size requirements. Group size for Forging Steel is flexible. And to me Forging Steel has boss mechanics more typical of a dungeon or meta boss rather than a strike/raid boss.

Group size for all of the strikes is flexible. You can’t solo all of them but you can certainly do them all with less than 10 players.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:Group size for all of the strikes is flexible. You can’t solo all of them but you can certainly do them all with less than 10 players.

Not quite the same: it's one thing that content is easy enough that it can be done with less people (easier strike missions), and another that the content scales enough to adjust for the number of players (forging steel). The former is designed for 10 people, the later for 1 to 10.

Makes sense that this vision isn't called an actual strike mission, however it's a little vague because it gives strike mission currency and improves the content of the weekly chest, too. :/

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@Skotlex.7580 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Group size for all of the strikes is flexible. You can’t solo all of them but you can certainly do them all with less than 10 players.

Not quite the same: it's one thing that content is easy enough that it can be done with less people (easier strike missions), and another that the content scales enough to adjust for the number of players (forging steel). The former is designed for 10 people, the later for 1 to 10.

Makes sense that this vision isn't called an actual strike mission, however it's a little vague because it gives strike mission currency and improves the content of the weekly chest, too. :/

Kind of like how the Grothmar strike stands out so apart from the other strikes. It has a jumping puzzles which the others do not. It’s considerably easier and possible to solo when the others do not. All of the mechanics can be ignored when they all can’t in the others.

Was it ever stated that there wouldn’t be another strike at the same level as the Grothmar one? Did they ever say the Grothmar one would be the minimum as far as easy goes?

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@Ayrilana.1396 saidWas it ever stated that there wouldn’t be another strike at the same level as the Grothmar one? Did they ever say the Grothmar one would be the minimum as far as easy goes?

I don't think they've stated their plans for future strikes, but I sure hope they have a difficulty between Boneskinner and Grothmar. I find the former so difficult I don't even want to retry, and the latter so easy it poses no risk at all.

maybe ANet is experimenting and measuring public reaction / engagement to guide their future strike developments.

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@Ayrilana.1396 saidWas it ever stated that there wouldn’t be another strike at the same level as the Grothmar one? Did they ever say the Grothmar one would be the minimum as far as easy goes?

I don't think they've stated their plans for future strikes, but I sure hope they have a difficulty between Boneskinner and Grothmar. I find the former so difficult I don't even want to retry, and the latter so easy it poses no risk at all.

maybe ANet is experimenting and measuring public reaction / engagement to guide their future strike developments.

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@AgentMoore.9453 said:Forging Steel is a 10-man story-mode dungeon that scales well for smaller groups and has both a private and public option, and if we are going to get more non-raid 10-man content, then I want it to be like this.

Yeah, sounds like Anet for some reason intentionally didn't call Forging Steel a Strike mission. Maybe scaling instances are the future of instanced content.

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