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Do you still use your raptor?

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I use the springer usually because I like the animations and find its ability convenient while exploring. Also, nothing beats yelling "CANNONBALL" over voice chat as your friends rush into a fight and round everything up with their raptors then a second later your fatty bunny spinballs into the middle of it.

My problem with the griffon and the skyscale are that they ruin the fun if you are playing with someone who doesn't have them yet and the barrier for getting them is a lot higher than just buying the expansion and flopping around in the Crystal Desert for a few days. Many people I know are active players but haven't yet unlocked the two fliers or even the beetle. Some haven't even unlocked the bunny because they like taking their time and don't want to spoil the story for themselves.

Raptor is always an excellent choice for playing with others and generally the best choice if you are doing world bosses or rushing from event to event.

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I doubt anybody judges anyone else for choice of mount. If someone is riding their skimmer or springer cross-country, I do kind of eye them and wonder why they made that choice, but hey, whatever makes you happy. I have every mount there is, still use my raptor very regularly, and despite my obsessive collection of mount skins, my main still rides a raptor with the first skin I ever got. ^^

Ride what you have and what makes you happy. Nobody else's opinion matters.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:Seeing absolutely no need for raptor anymore. The jackal outclasses it. Can take no fall damage, gets the warp move back much faster.

Personal preference and all, but fall damage is irrelevant with Bond of Faith, the raptor's engage is generally more useful than the jackal's, and raptor tends to be a little bit quicker covering ground, especially over shorter distances where you would typically choose the raptor/jackal over the beetle.

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@"Ardyth.9286" said:My griffon is my "go-to" mount, but I also use springer and skimmer quite a bit.

I used to use the griffon a lot, before the skyscale. But Ive seen almost no use for it now. Theres only few maps where you can take advantage of its superspeed when flying, and the fact you need a high place to dive from.But once you get used to the skyscale, its difficult to find much use for the flappyburd anymore. Especially because you dont need to constantly tap space to flap, and theres a lot more places for the skyscale to shine. Like navigating verdant brink with sublime ease for one.Also, a nod to the skyscale, ls4 and ISB maps comes with long trails of volatile magic or karma orbs that is made for the skyscale. As eating one resets your flight stamina.Jahai Bluffs for example is crisscrossed by lenghty trails of volatile magic orbs intop of the map that lets you constantly dash your way across the map if you are capable of aiming for the next orb in the trail.Though it should be noted when your hit the daily alotment of orbs of a type, they disappear.In contrast, so far in IBS, its been far less generous with karma orbs. But there is trails here and there that you can activate and go all pacman on.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:

@"Ardyth.9286" said:My griffon is my "go-to" mount, but I also use springer and skimmer quite a bit.

I used to use the griffon a lot, before the skyscale. But Ive seen almost no use for it now. Theres only few maps where you can take advantage of its superspeed when flying, and the fact you need a high place to dive from.But once you get used to the skyscale, its difficult to find much use for the flappyburd anymore. Especially because you dont need to constantly tap space to flap, and theres a lot more places for the skyscale to shine. Like navigating verdant brink with sublime ease for one.Also, a nod to the skyscale, ls4 and ISB maps comes with long trails of volatile magic or karma orbs that is made for the skyscale. As eating one resets your flight stamina.Jahai Bluffs for example is crisscrossed by lenghty trails of volatile magic orbs intop of the map that lets you constantly dash your way across the map if you are capable of aiming for the next orb in the trail.Though it should be noted when your hit the daily alotment of orbs of a type, they disappear.In contrast, so far in IBS, its been far less generous with karma orbs. But there is trails here and there that you can activate and go all pacman on.

I don't have a skyscale yet, but I can imagine it'll be my new best friend when I do.

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@Ardyth.9286 said:

@Ardyth.9286 said:My griffon is my "go-to" mount, but I also use springer and skimmer quite a bit.

I used to use the griffon a lot, before the skyscale. But Ive seen almost no use for it now. Theres only few maps where you can take advantage of its superspeed when flying, and the fact you need a high place to dive from.But once you get used to the skyscale, its difficult to find much use for the flappyburd anymore. Especially because you dont need to constantly tap space to flap, and theres a lot more places for the skyscale to shine. Like navigating verdant brink with sublime ease for one.Also, a nod to the skyscale, ls4 and ISB maps comes with long trails of volatile magic or karma orbs that is made for the skyscale. As eating one resets your flight stamina.Jahai Bluffs for example is crisscrossed by lenghty trails of volatile magic orbs intop of the map that lets you constantly dash your way across the map if you are capable of aiming for the next orb in the trail.Though it should be noted when your hit the daily alotment of orbs of a type, they disappear.In contrast, so far in IBS, its been far less generous with karma orbs. But there is trails here and there that you can activate and go all pacman on.

I don't have a skyscale yet, but I can imagine it'll be my new best friend when I do.

4 dashes with bond of vigor can cover a good chunk of ground and reach ledges that the griffon never could reach. And I forgot to mention, the burd always have forward momentum. Which I well remember made it difficult with precision landings. Like the tiiiny floating rock in Bloodstone Fen that often would have a bloodstone node. Now? The skyscale lands with ease there, due stopping where you want it to stop.

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@"Kunzaito.8169" said:I'm like 80% convinced this is a 4/1 joke, but it does allow me to talk about how impressed I am at ANet's good design siloing uses for each of the mounts. Obviously some are more versatile/powerful than others but I use them all depending on the situation.

Raptor: If you're not a racing pro, a lot of the races are best done or have parts best done on a raptor. It's a good all-around option for short distance land travel, especially with long jumps, where it can be a bit easier to get where you want than the Jackal. Any time you're facing a bunch of small enemies the dismount is invaluable.

raptor is simply the fastest mount on mainly even terrain with bigger obstacles. the biggest benefit over jackal and beetle imo is not that you can maneuver it better but that the jump actually goes up. jackal sometimes fails to reach the other side of a canyon because it does not gain any height.

Bunny: It's had a lot of its usefulness stripped out by skyscale, but it still provides the strongest CC on its dismount skill, so I use it before engaging in those type of fights.

i disagree 100%. springer is by a huge margin the fastest climber. springer + bond of faith even more so. springer + bond of faith + griffon aerial mount skill is a pretty good rocket jump start for a fast flight. springer is actually the most versatile mount if you care about speed, it has a giant base jump (not the skill but the normal jump) and quite a fast base speed, it climbs the fastest and reaches almost any spot all by itself. yes the skyscale reaches every spot a springer can and more - but with doubled or tripled time!

Skimmer: It's the only water mount, so... yeah. Water. It's also the only dismount heal, but the heal can be finicky to land (I sometimes use it repeatedly to heal npcs). I wish they'd make one tweak, that when you use the hover over land, it keeps you at water speed. Would let you hop little land fingers more smoothly.

not a lot to say about a skimmer on land. what may be useful to know is that with jackal 4 and skimmer 3 the skimmer has an enormous dodge duration with its jump skill that is unmatched by any other mount. it's too slow to really make use of it sadly, so the other base mounts still outclass the skimmer in hostile territory, especially since a skimmer has very low hp.

Jackal: More maneuverable than the raptor. I feel like it's overall slightly slower most of the time, but it really shines any time you need to go uphill - the teleports do that much better than the raptor leap. Tight spaces, obviously the jackal portals, and the barrier dismount is pretty good for squishies.

jackal has the highest base speed but not a big speedup by its teleport, so it gets passed by the raptor and the beetle in their terrain. however the jackal has the farthest canyon jump as long as it goes downwards thanks to being able to jump mid-air, so the triple teleport beats a raptor leap (but loses to flying mounts). jackal is by a big margin the best survivor in hostile territory if you can time the dodges well, triple dodge is nice, every thief knows it. jackal dismount is the best dismount in dailies as it doesn't kill the mobs and has no movement in it. therefore jackal is kind of a jack-of-all trades in flat hostile areas: good survivor, high speed, useful dismount that gets better with more people around. however, it doesn't master any movement area.

Griffon: If you can get to a high place, it's hands down the fastest way to get across a map. Obviously needed for griffon races. It's fairly nimble climbing things but has a very lackluster dismount.

biggest downside for me is the low hp griffon has, once there is an enemy you can be quite sure your griffon is dead, it can't evade, it can't run away and it can't tank. apart from that it's the aerial master, reaching great speeds as mentioned. a mount doesn't need more on its side than speed to matter, so griffon still matters.

Rollerbeetle: Obviously land-based speed and racing courses. If the terrain isn't very clear and/or you don't know exactly what route to take it's not the best option because you will be slowed down constantly by hillocks and trees and small rocks and gaps or whatever. The dismount is a novelty, just let's you get one last burst toward the (figurative, now that you can't use it in races) finish line.

despite being a fully grounded mount the beetle actually can climb a lot of walls nicely, that plus its speed and that's it. no more, no less. good mount but not very versatile.

Skyscale: It's slow and clunky, but since it's basically a more versatile springer + griffon hybrid it tends to get used most often. It's intuitive to control and just gets the job done for a lot of short to medium A to B travel.

skyscale is infuriating, it grabs every little branch and stops. it's very clunky, indeed. but it is useful in too many areas to be left behind. it's slow, it has problems with any kind of canyon or abyss, it regularly grabs walls that seemingly don't exist, yet it can reach higher and farther than any other mount. best mount for fully unkown terrain, but once you know there is a grounded path the raptor is already the better choice. if you follow a magic trail the skyscale shines, then it suddenly is fast and nimble and unchallenged by any other mount.

Warclaw: Well, it's the only WvW mount, so even though it's been nerfed into being as much fun to drive as a Yugo and half the speed, we're kinda just stuck with it. It does what it does where it does it, monopoly style.

i don't own warclaw yet, so can't comment there.

imo it is really nice that all mount still have their use if you know it.despite all that long article i have a clear favorite that is the jackal just for the style. but every mount except skyscale has got its unique keybind on my mouse (skyscale is always selected as standard mount to use the standard mount keybind so that i can reach every one of them) and every mount is used from time to time.the mount i use the least is probably the griffon but it's hard to tell.if i had to get rid of one mount it would be the skyscale or the griffon, but certainly not any of the 4 base mounts.

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My mount choices are generally:1.) Skyscale2.) Roller Beetle3.) Skimmer tied with Jackal

My mount preference has changed. It seems like the better I get at the game, the less I use certain mounts. The better you get at the Roller Beetle the more you use it. The better you get at the abilities, your play style changes.

Skyscale is the all around mount. Great for avoiding things, great uneven terrain, great for relaxing, decent speed with boost and the AFK mount of choice.

Roller Beetle is my get from point A to Point B quickly with medium-large distances. Once you know the maps, you know when to use the beetle. Once you know when to use the beetle and when not to, you basically don't need the Raptor.

Skimmer is for water and underwater.

Jackal has been my go to for small to mid distances on the ground. It has the best base speed. I like to use my ability to avoid damage and being dismounted. This is my go to for quick ground runs where I can avoid a lot. I personally am faster on the Jackal because I hate being a slave to space bar and like playing more strategically. Chances are if I am using this it's because the Roller Beetle got me most of the way there already.

Griffin: I only really use it in the new zone. Since you teleport way up in the air, it replaces the Beetle for Drizzle peaks most of the time.

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I voted No because I almost never use my raptor. There are a few canyon jumps on the way to PoF hero points that are easier on a raptor, otherwise I never use it. That has nothing to do with the opinions of other people though. Personally, I just prefer the jackal which is generally my go to mount. When needed I'll switch to the springer or the skimmer but the jackal is my favorite. To this day I haven't bothered to get the skyscale, griffon, roller beetle, or underwater skimmer and get along just fine without them. If people want to judge me for that, I can only feel sorry for them that they have nothing better to do than judge me for my mount choices. :)

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I'm in the process of unlocking my Skyscale, and don't have the Warclaw either, so can't comment on those.

But I find each mount has its own particular uses, so I have keybinds for each one. This allows me to quickly swap depending on which mount is best for the current scenario.

With all that said however, Raptor is still probably my most used mount. For regular point A to point B travel, it's just the least hassle, and the jump is just fun.Also, it's bound to my middle mouse button, so yeah, probably the quickest to summon.

Also-also, the Raptor mini you can grab from the trainer is one of my favourites in the game. It follows you everywhere making that distinctive Raptor clip-clop noise, and when you summon your main ride, it looks like you've made your Raptor mini bigger and jumped on it!

I do absolutely adore my Griffon's animations and noises however. The little chirrups and clucks it makes are just really soothing :3

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