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Chronomancers state in Pvp/WvW


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Ever since the patch I think in august of last year chronomancer has seen no play in pvp and as some one who loves chrono in pve I was really disappointed about how the shatters were reworked and could no longer shatter on them self, it affected all game modes. I hope that the devs could rework chrono so it may once again be a fun class once. I think part of the issues is putting together distortion and contium split, maybe reworking the traits in chrono will help so the one shotting won’t be an issue

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chrono has plenty of issues.1 Chronophantasma, it forces phantasms to be medicore -> feelsbadman. No phantasm is allowed to have good utility due to this trait, this is why disenchanter and taunt phantasms are super bad.2 Danger time -> in pve its impossible to keep uptime on this thing without dedicated team, without it chrono is weak, with it its too strong. And in pvp all it does is allowing bullshit 1shots.3 Csplit is such a fun idea, and its so fucking bad for the entire class. Effect is SUPER powerfull to the point where entire class has to revolve around it, and with insane cd of 105 it makes the spec lacluster without it and OP with it. whats the peak dps during csplit in pve? 70k? lol.4 No disort -> free kill for any class, there is a reason why disort exists, and to top it off with chrono F3 not self shattering you cant even f3 defensively. AND chrono has no good defensive traits, its defensive downgrade with questionable offensive power and utility.Csplit needs to be reworked, danger time needs to be change and chronophantasma needs to be nerfed. In turn chrono needs to get alot of buffs, along with mesmer overall. Who knows, mb when chrono is no longer to 4x cast phantasms then some of the shitty ones like defender/disenchanger can be buffed to usability ?One can dream

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I feel that after mirage was nerfed things can finally my be reverted it is clear that people believe that there is an illusion up time issues staff Phantasm does 25% of the dmg it did a year and a half ago(nerfed dmg by 50% and down to one worlock) phantasm dp need to be reworked in a way that makes them more effective, they are so easy to counter play and they should be the main source of mesmers damage. Staff bunker phantasm chrono can be healthy for the game as a side node the problem in chrono is the traits, I also think a big problem for Mesmer to be fixed is MANTRA. Mantra has been the main source of issues for Mesmer, for chrono to work with the old chrono trait line for power ( I think the trait is called lost time) If mantras were retired and traded for something new maybe giving phantasm their own line of skills the trait would only on more skill full used of cc like using diversion at the right time. Although I’m not sure how or what could replace mantras it would be nice to see some touch ups to the old Mesmer utilities that don’t see much play anymore

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:chrono has plenty of issues.1 Chronophantasma, it forces phantasms to be medicore -> feelsbadman. No phantasm is allowed to have good utility due to this trait, this is why disenchanter and taunt phantasms are super bad.2 Danger time -> in pve its impossible to keep uptime on this thing without dedicated team, without it chrono is weak, with it its too strong. And in pvp all it does is allowing kitten 1shots.3 Csplit is such a fun idea, and its so kitten bad for the entire class. Effect is SUPER powerfull to the point where entire class has to revolve around it, and with insane cd of 105 it makes the spec lacluster without it and OP with it. whats the peak dps during csplit in pve? 70k? lol.4 No disort -> free kill for any class, there is a reason why disort exists, and to top it off with chrono F3 not self shattering you cant even f3 defensively. AND chrono has no good defensive traits, its defensive downgrade with questionable offensive power and utility.Csplit needs to be reworked, danger time needs to be change and chronophantasma needs to be nerfed. In turn chrono needs to get alot of buffs, along with mesmer overall. Who knows, mb when chrono is no longer to 4x cast phantasms then some of the kitten ones like defender/disenchanger can be buffed to usability ?One can dream

To be fair I think chrono also lacks a sense of design purpose. It has wells and team support but a lot of the traits are all over the place while the wells are very lacklustre and awkward to use. Damage mods because PvE wants it so maybe it should be a bruiser? Except the shield is literally the worst shield in the game and tides of time is very awkward to use, yet it teeters on the brink of being broken because of the way it works.

Otherwise this is pretty accurate although I'd say Continuum Split and Chrono Phantasma need removing. Honestly though I think it and many other elite specs need to have a once over to sort out their niches.

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@apharma.3741 said:To be fair I think chrono also lacks a sense of design purpose. It has wells and team support but a lot of the traits are all over the place while the wells are very lacklustre and awkward to use. Damage mods because PvE wants it so maybe it should be a bruiser? Except the shield is literally the worst shield in the game and tides of time is very awkward to use, yet it teeters on the brink of being broken because of the way it works.

When HoT came out, Chronomancer felt like it had a cohesive design. The problem is that the design just makes it extremely OP as @Leonidrex.5649 pointed out. The spec has been nerfed heavily since it's release through looking at small pieces in a vacuum. What it's really needed is a re-thinking of the whole design to be unique without huge burst. For example, loss of self-shatter reduces the strength and burst if shatter skills, but a better implementation of continuum split (maybe just a lower CD) could counter-act that by allowing for more shatters.

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No, leave chrono and mirage where they are. Useless and without play in competitive modes. It's refreshing for once to not have to constantly read the whining of silver players about mesmer/chrono/mirage. Then spend pages trying to explain how they are wrong and it's a learn to play issue.

The moment the class becomes semi decent, the innate mechanics of clones will make people freak out again. Maybe the next elite specialization can be built with some kind of design which removes clones/phantasms but makes mesmer viable in competitive modes.

I'd much prefer they rework chrono for pve and give it some cohesive design there, and leave it out of pvp.

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@apharma.3741 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:chrono has plenty of issues.1 Chronophantasma, it forces phantasms to be medicore -> feelsbadman. No phantasm is allowed to have good utility due to this trait, this is why disenchanter and taunt phantasms are super bad.2 Danger time -> in pve its impossible to keep uptime on this thing without dedicated team, without it chrono is weak, with it its too strong. And in pvp all it does is allowing kitten 1shots.3 Csplit is such a fun idea, and its so kitten bad for the entire class. Effect is SUPER powerfull to the point where entire class has to revolve around it, and with insane cd of 105 it makes the spec lacluster without it and OP with it. whats the peak dps during csplit in pve? 70k? lol.4 No disort -> free kill for any class, there is a reason why disort exists, and to top it off with chrono F3 not self shattering you cant even f3 defensively. AND chrono has no good defensive traits, its defensive downgrade with questionable offensive power and utility.Csplit needs to be reworked, danger time needs to be change and chronophantasma needs to be nerfed. In turn chrono needs to get alot of buffs, along with mesmer overall. Who knows, mb when chrono is no longer to 4x cast phantasms then some of the kitten ones like defender/disenchanger can be buffed to usability ?One can dream

To be fair I think chrono also lacks a sense of design purpose. It has wells and team support but a lot of the traits are all over the place while the wells are very lacklustre and awkward to use. Damage mods because PvE wants it so maybe it should be a bruiser? Except the shield is literally the worst shield in the game and tides of time is very awkward to use, yet it teeters on the brink of being broken because of the way it works.

Otherwise this is pretty accurate although I'd say Continuum Split and Chrono Phantasma need removing. Honestly though I think it and many other elite specs need to have a once over to sort out their niches.

they could make it into mobile support, that is evasive but squishy, or they could make it into a straight up support.its design doesnt match bruiser at all, expecially lack of F4.I disagree about the shield part, at least before dmg nerf on shield 5. It was really strong for power, with chrono phantasma you just vomited shield phantasm... if only it wasnt bugged lol.

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@"Cyninja.2954" said:No, leave chrono and mirage where they are. Useless and without play in competitive modes. It's refreshing for once to not have to constantly read the whining of silver players about mesmer/chrono/mirage. Then spend pages trying to explain how they are wrong and it's a learn to play issue.

The moment the class becomes semi decent, the innate mechanics of clones will make people freak out again. Maybe the next elite specialization can be built with some kind of design which removes clones/phantasms but makes mesmer viable in competitive modes.

I'd much prefer they rework chrono for pve and give it some cohesive design there, and leave it out of pvp.

understands in thief

still though, the answer to "I want to play this spec in pvp" should not be "no" unless all options are exhausted.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:chrono has plenty of issues.1 Chronophantasma, it forces phantasms to be medicore -> feelsbadman. No phantasm is allowed to have good utility due to this trait, this is why disenchanter and taunt phantasms are super bad.2 Danger time -> in pve its impossible to keep uptime on this thing without dedicated team, without it chrono is weak, with it its too strong. And in pvp all it does is allowing kitten 1shots.3 Csplit is such a fun idea, and its so kitten bad for the entire class. Effect is SUPER powerfull to the point where entire class has to revolve around it, and with insane cd of 105 it makes the spec lacluster without it and OP with it. whats the peak dps during csplit in pve? 70k? lol.4 No disort -> free kill for any class, there is a reason why disort exists, and to top it off with chrono F3 not self shattering you cant even f3 defensively. AND chrono has no good defensive traits, its defensive downgrade with questionable offensive power and utility.Csplit needs to be reworked, danger time needs to be change and chronophantasma needs to be nerfed. In turn chrono needs to get alot of buffs, along with mesmer overall. Who knows, mb when chrono is no longer to 4x cast phantasms then some of the kitten ones like defender/disenchanger can be buffed to usability ?One can dream

To be fair I think chrono also lacks a sense of design purpose. It has wells and team support but a lot of the traits are all over the place while the wells are very lacklustre and awkward to use. Damage mods because PvE wants it so maybe it should be a bruiser? Except the shield is literally the worst shield in the game and tides of time is very awkward to use, yet it teeters on the brink of being broken because of the way it works.

Otherwise this is pretty accurate although I'd say Continuum Split and Chrono Phantasma need removing. Honestly though I think it and many other elite specs need to have a once over to sort out their niches.

they could make it into mobile support, that is evasive but squishy, or they could make it into a straight up support.its design doesnt match bruiser at all, expecially lack of F4.I disagree about the shield part, at least before dmg nerf on shield 5. It was really strong for power, with chrono phantasma you just vomited shield phantasm... if only it wasnt bugged lol.

It's more that shield 5 is a janky mess after all the changes and 4 is both easily countered and overloaded.

Personally I'd like them to make it about it's theme, quickness, alacrity, slow and chill and basically that's all the skills and traits really do, either give you ways to get those 2 boons at a decent level or apply it under certain conditions to enemies. That would be enough for me, I don't need continuum split and double phantasms, just let me apply slow and no damage to my enemies when I CC them (increase cool downs on CCs btw), let me get alacrity or quickness in decent levels from my shatters with 2 traits or a combination of the 2 in smaller amounts and give back IP.

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@vareares.1932 said:Ever since the patch I think in august of last year chronomancer has seen no play in pvp and as some one who loves chrono in pve I was really disappointed about how the shatters were reworked and could no longer shatter on them self, it affected all game modes. I hope that the devs could rework chrono so it may once again be a fun class once. I think part of the issues is putting together distortion and contium split, maybe reworking the traits in chrono will help so the one shotting won’t be an issue

i agree. I also hated the changes to shield skills and continuous nerf to wells. chrono, in my eyes, is an unplayable and unfun spec. Crazy how i used to think it was the most perfect playstyle for me. Now it's a disaster.

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@DigiQWill.6378 said:Honestly, it's a situation of skill-cap. The whole Mesmer class (and its e-specs) are now just extremely difficult to play in PvP but once you got that machinery going, it goes amazingly well. And I'm saying that after playing power phantasm chronomancer.

But the thing is I have almost 3000 hours of experience playing Mesmer majority in pvp and chrono is just not playable in the state it’s in and the way Mesmer is is that it isn’t strong enough to compete with some of these classes that have become very abusive and not requiring as much thought into what they do

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@Hot Boy.7138 said:

@"vareares.1932" said:Ever since the patch I think in august of last year chronomancer has seen no play in pvp and as some one who loves chrono in pve I was really disappointed about how the shatters were reworked and could no longer shatter on them self, it affected all game modes. I hope that the devs could rework chrono so it may once again be a fun class once. I think part of the issues is putting together distortion and contium split, maybe reworking the traits in chrono will help so the one shotting won’t be an issue

i agree. I also hated the changes to shield skills and continuous nerf to wells. chrono, in my eyes, is an unplayable and unfun spec. Crazy how i used to think it was the most perfect playstyle for me. Now it's a disaster.

My first reaction to chrono was "I refuse to play this broken op build" so I stuck with shatter core (I remember going into the 1v1 server on launch and just demolishing people with unnerfed launch chrono), but now I miss it (not the bunker version though).

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No clue why they buffed Lost Time so hard in PoF compared to its release state, not even a single Mesmer main asked for that change as far as i know. For no reason Anet turned it into a simple cc spam high dmg + slow skill, completely broken with an otherwise skillful and balanced interrupt tool like MoD. Turned MoD just into a second broken and braindead spammable MoP without any need to interrupt. Completely unlogical after they just nerfed PB before (what at least needs an interrupt to proc and not simple cc spam) to have no crit and way lower dmg for good reasons.

Also the whole trade off mess to Chrono is just a shame. Neither the IP deletion nor the f4 deletion was necessary to add a trade off to balance out the power lvl of the more cds Chrono gets from CS reset. Shatter rework and simple stat penalty (as they did to Scrapper) would have done the same job without contradicting Mesmer base shatter mechanics and without making it clunky and unfun to play and even dumbed down (because skillful power shatter without broken Lost Time is now unplayable while noobfriedly bunker and phantasmspam builds and condi spam from f2 builds might still work to some extent).

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@"bravan.3876" said:No clue why they buffed Lost Time so hard in PoF compared to its release state, not even a single Mesmer main asked for that change as far as i know. For no reason Anet turned it into a simple cc spam high dmg + slow skill, completely broken with an otherwise skillful and balanced interrupt tool like MoD. Turned MoD just into a second broken and braindead spammable MoP without any need to interrupt. Completely unlogical after they just nerfed PB before (what at least needs an interrupt to proc and not simple cc spam) to have no crit and way lower dmg for good reasons.

Also the whole trade off mess to Chrono is just a shame. Neither the IP deletion nor the f4 deletion was necessary to add a trade off to balance out the power lvl of the more cds Chrono gets from CS reset. Shatter rework and simple stat penalty (as they did to Scrapper) would have done the same job without contradicting Mesmer base shatter mechanics and without making it clunky and unfun to play and even dumbed down (because skillful power shatter without broken Lost Time is now unplayable while noobfriedly bunker and phantasmspam builds and condi spam from f2 builds might still work to some extent).

even without the "tradeoff" almost nobody played chrono, in fact after the nerfs I saw MORE chronos ( meming ) then I saw before the nerfs.LT was shitty version of LR even at its prime it did like what? 60-70% of its dmg on crit? and without crit less then half.LT made power chrono PLAYABLE due to the stupid danger time trait.Chrono lacks ANYTHING, it has no damage, sustain, CC, survi... It offers nothing.Power core vs Power chrono was a tradeoff, stealth vs sustained damage and double combo. At skillcap chrono was propably better, but much much harder then core, now its a straight up downgrade. Rip chrono.

I really liked chrono :/
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They did the same with Mirage. Instead of promote its basic mechanics and make it fun to play with more!!! dodges, allowing us to administrate them and play with more combos, with, for example, 4 dodges available and conveniently balance around it. They did de opposite. It seems they didn't really feel like doing extra work. And they decided to fu* the Mirage in the worse way, nerfing it to a single dodge. Now, like the Chronomancer, is more boring, i only like to play with it in PvE where we still can play around our dodges and thanks to the Stamina sigil, etc. In PvP now, you can't play with your dodges making combos because you only have a single one. Terrible decision. And watching what they did with Chronomancer who knows if a future rework will make the Mirage even worse...

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@vareares.1932 said:I feel that after mirage was nerfed things can finally my be reverted it is clear that people believe that there is an illusion up time issues staff Phantasm does 25% of the dmg it did a year and a half ago(nerfed dmg by 50% and down to one worlock) phantasm dp need to be reworked in a way that makes them more effective, they are so easy to counter play and they should be the main source of mesmers damage.

If you go by a few more years on the past it gets even worse.Phantasmal warlock use to it like a truck. We're talking like 8k+ on one bolt.

@DigiQWill.6378 said:Honestly, it's a situation of skill-cap. The whole Mesmer class (and its e-specs) are now just extremely difficult to play in PvP but once you got that machinery going, it goes amazingly well. And I'm saying that after playing power phantasm chronomancer.

Yes, in fact it does so well that only one player plays mesmer competitively.

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@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

@vareares.1932 said:I feel that after mirage was nerfed things can finally my be reverted it is clear that people believe that there is an illusion up time issues staff Phantasm does 25% of the dmg it did a year and a half ago(nerfed dmg by 50% and down to one worlock) phantasm dp need to be reworked in a way that makes them more effective, they are so easy to counter play and they should be the main source of mesmers damage.

If you go by a few more years on the past it gets even worse.Phantasmal warlock use to it like a truck. We're talking like 8k+ on one bolt.

@DigiQWill.6378 said:Honestly, it's a situation of skill-cap. The whole Mesmer class (and its e-specs) are now just extremely difficult to play in PvP but once you got that machinery going, it goes amazingly well. And I'm saying that after playing power phantasm chronomancer.

Yes, in fact it does so well that only one player plays mesmer competitively.

takes notes:: Do not use sarcasm in the forums.

Honestly, Mesmer just sucks. And that's after putting 1k+ hours into learning it and having fun as a one-trick poney

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@vareares.1932 said:I feel that after mirage was nerfed things can finally my be reverted it is clear that people believe that there is an illusion up time issues staff Phantasm does 25% of the dmg it did a year and a half ago(nerfed dmg by 50% and down to one worlock) phantasm dp need to be reworked in a way that makes them more effective, they are so easy to counter play and they should be the main source of mesmers damage. Staff bunker phantasm chrono can be healthy for the game as a side node the problem in chrono is the traits, I also think a big problem for Mesmer to be fixed is MANTRA. Mantra has been the main source of issues for Mesmer, for chrono to work with the old chrono trait line for power ( I think the trait is called lost time) If mantras were retired and traded for something new maybe giving phantasm their own line of skills the trait would only on more skill full used of cc like using diversion at the right time. Although I’m not sure how or what could replace mantras it would be nice to see some touch ups to the old Mesmer utilities that don’t see much play anymore

On a side note, mantra always has very bad synergy with chrono thanks to how CS work.

@bravan.3876 said:No clue why they buffed Lost Time so hard in PoF compared to its release stateBecause it was the last used GM trait. Theirs skills uses stats probably get them the idea of a rework.

@Leonidrex.5649 said:chrono has plenty of issues.1 Chronophantasma, it forces phantasms to be medicore -> feelsbadman. No phantasm is allowed to have good utility due to this trait, this is why disenchanter and taunt phantasms are super bad.2 Danger time -> in pve its impossible to keep uptime on this thing without dedicated team, without it chrono is weak, with it its too strong. And in pvp all it does is allowing kitten 1shots.3 Csplit is such a fun idea, and its so kitten bad for the entire class. Effect is SUPER powerfull to the point where entire class has to revolve around it, and with insane cd of 105 it makes the spec lacluster without it and OP with it. whats the peak dps during csplit in pve? 70k? lol.4 No disort -> free kill for any class, there is a reason why disort exists, and to top it off with chrono F3 not self shattering you cant even f3 defensively. AND chrono has no good defensive traits, its defensive downgrade with questionable offensive power and utility.Csplit needs to be reworked, danger time needs to be change and chronophantasma needs to be nerfed. In turn chrono needs to get alot of buffs, along with mesmer overall. Who knows, mb when chrono is no longer to 4x cast phantasms then some of the kitten ones like defender/disenchanger can be buffed to usability ?One can dream

You miss :

  • Can't cast shield lock anymore to a behind opponent bursting you.
  • Can't cast MoD anymore to a behind opponent bursting you.
  • Can't count on illusion having +50% hp anymore with SoIl.
  • Can't count on phantasmal defender damage reduction anymore.

I'm not arguing about if it was bad or healthy, but about the fact that's it's less temporisation which was used in chrono that accumulates to other survival reduction.

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@viquing.8254 said:

@bravan.3876 said:No clue why they buffed Lost Time so hard in PoF compared to its release stateBecause it was the last used GM trait. Theirs skills uses stats probably get them the idea of a rework.But then they overbuffed it so hard based on a bad trait design (rewarding simple cc spam instead interrupts) that no one used the Quickness trait anymore what already was a pretty strong trait xD And i don't think the old slow trait was that bad at all in the first place.

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