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Easy ways to get ascended gear without crafting or fractals?

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Well you can always buy them from the wvw/pvp vendors if you enjoy those modes, if not you can always do strike missions and buy them from the vendor there. Other than that it's with achievements, crafting and mob/chest drops. You could just look at wiki though has much more detail about it.

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I would really suggest trying to catch Dragonfall when it's a daily map. With full keys, you can get like 70-90 motes from one run + the daily. Doing that combined with Bjora Marches (trading Eternal Ice for other LS4 currency) can fairly quickly get the trinkets you want without doing something completely boring such as picking winterberries. Though, once you run out of collections for backpieces, winterberries or orrian pearls in Siren's Fall are the best bet. I personally prefer collecting pearls over berries.

Strikes give color'd crystals that rotate each week. There is a crystal merchant that will trade the crystals for ascended gear though it does take quite a bit of farming. You can trade crystals for different colors at the same merchant. A slow but consistent method if you're doing the daily strike for gear.

You can also farm Drakkar while doing Bjora Marches. He can drop an ascended weapon. I managed to get one from him. Not reliable, but worth trying to get a kill in while farming Bjora Marches for the chance.

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@aaron.7850 said:For some reason the wvw ascended gear are all locked, and I cant purchase them.

There is a reward track, complete the track to choose a piece to unlock, then you can buy the ascended equivalent.

Edit: easy yes, cheap, kinda, fast, eh. Depends on how quickly you complete reward tracks.

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Note that for weapons, there are some collections in PoF that rewards you with an ascended weapon. I wouldn't necessarily say they are fast, but I unlocked quite a bit of many of the collections just by playing the maps normally - then I look and see what I'm missing (usually a race or skritt chest with a specific class). So while it may not be super fast, it may be a more enjoyable way to get them.HoT has something similar, but those feel a lot more grindy to me to get - there is the same thing of needing to defeat certain bosses or other bits, but they also need at least 250 of each map currency IIRC. Which in itself may not be a problem if you have a lot, but you can start burning through it pretty quickly if you starting getting a bunch of them.

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I won't sugar coat anything here. Be patient, play the game, avoid WvW, and don't sell anything. I got all my ascended for free using PvP and raiding. And obviously don't spend your gold. Plain and simple.

Also about your laurels, don't spend them on ascendeds. Join a guild that does guild missions and get your amulets and rings that way.

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@Aridon.8362 said:I won't sugar coat anything here. Be patient, play the game, avoid WvW, and don't sell anything. I got all my ascended for free using PvP and raiding.

Why would you avoid WvW? When i started playing, i only did open world pve, i only got couple ascended weapon chest drop from Teq.2 years and a bit back i went to WvW to get gift of battle for legendary and loved it there.Now I mainly do WvW and have so many ascended armor/weapon boxes and rings dropped there.

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@Sleepwalker.1398 said:

@Aridon.8362 said:I won't sugar coat anything here. Be patient, play the game, avoid WvW, and don't sell anything. I got all my ascended for free using PvP and raiding.

Why would you avoid WvW? When i started playing, i only did open world pve, i only got couple ascended weapon chest drop from Teq.2 years and a bit back i went to WvW to get gift of battle for legendary and loved it there.Now I mainly do WvW and have so many ascended armor/weapon boxes and rings dropped there.

I'm going to ignore your statement about ascendeds just falling from the sky in WvW, because I played in WvW since late 2012 and only got 2 ascended drops, and a howl, in my entirety of playing it. As a whole WvW is relatively unrewarding compared to PvE and PvP. It's also slow and mundane if you're grinding for stuff. WvW is mostly about the fun of being in big brawls and waiting to get into towers.

As an example I can get a full set of ascended jewlery in ascended jewlery in three weeks using Fractals and guild missions alone. Free. In WvW I'd have to wait for my monthly set of laurels and waste them like they're useless. I could go ranked PvP for a full four days and get the ascended trinkets and amulets and rings you can rest for free, which is what I did.

From WvW however, there is a positive light for doing it and that's getting the badges for the practically free exotic armor and bandit weapons. You can get ascended armor using your memories of battle but that's still super expensive, and much much more time consuming than fractals, raiding, and ranked PvP. If we're talking getting ascendeds fast and free, WvW tops as inefficiency maximus.

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@Aridon.8362 said:

@Aridon.8362 said:I won't sugar coat anything here. Be patient, play the game, avoid WvW, and don't sell anything. I got all my ascended for free using PvP and raiding.

Why would you avoid WvW? When i started playing, i only did open world pve, i only got couple ascended weapon chest drop from Teq.2 years and a bit back i went to WvW to get gift of battle for legendary and loved it there.Now I mainly do WvW and have so many ascended armor/weapon boxes and rings dropped there.

I'm going to ignore your statement about ascendeds just falling from the sky in WvW, because I played in WvW since late 2012 and only got 2 ascended drops, and a howl, in my entirety of playing it. As a whole WvW is relatively unrewarding compared to PvE and PvP. It's also slow and mundane if you're grinding for stuff. WvW is mostly about the fun of being in big brawls and waiting to get into towers.

As an example I can get a full set of ascended jewlery in ascended jewlery in three weeks using Fractals and guild missions alone. Free. In WvW I'd have to wait for my monthly set of laurels and waste them like they're useless. I could go ranked PvP for a full four days and get the ascended trinkets and amulets and rings you can rest for free, which is what I did.

From WvW however, there is a positive light for doing it and that's getting the badges for the practically free exotic armor and bandit weapons. You can get ascended armor using your memories of battle but that's still super expensive, and much much more time consuming than fractals, raiding, and ranked PvP. If we're talking getting ascendeds fast and free, WvW tops as inefficiency maximus.

Well.....OP asked without crafting and having to do Fractals.So one of the options is WvW......ascended items do drops there.So you can't just tell the person to avoid it just cos you don't like it.Who knows, OP might like it there even though its not the most profitable place.Sadly I do think your account just had bad luck. Like mine, i have ascended drops but no precursor.

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Since I started HoT + LS3 and PvP again ... I got a lot of trinkets. Though most have fixed stats I don't need there are a few (PvP amulet I think and from LS3 some) that have selectable stats. + with LS3 more variation to choose from with the ones with fixed stats. (Remember season 2 that only gave boring stats as achievement rewards.) Weapon Chests Ascended drop every now and then (rarely and with stats I don't need). I think crafting might be needed if you don't want to do fractals. (I don't like them myself though I migh tgive them a try because of the home instance cat you can recruit which needs stuff from there. :D )

There are also ascended weapons from achievements (they take a bit longer I think ... collections).

That said ... I played most content until LS3 last chapter (where I am now - playing in release order still not touched PoF, mounts and LS4) with exotics without problems. (I'm even too lazy to get food. and play without it most of the time. ... except for hard stuff like Turai Ossa killing in the seasonal event for the King's Slayer title which I totally managed with core engineer with exotics gear.)

I probably will go for Aurora (since LS3 basically has one or 1 parts needed for it that are pretty easy to obain from the map master collections) as legendary first essentially skipping one part of the ascended gear there.

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Good guide on getting ascended trinkets and an ascended weaponhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Tanetris/So_You_Want_To_Gear_a_CharacterAscended trinkets can be purchased with LW3 and LW4 map currencies. You can pickup a ton of those currencies casually by doing the content and then get plenty more from farming the nodes.

If you finish the HoT story you can get a collection achievement that isn't very difficult and results in you getting a choice of several different ascended weapons.

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@sorudo.9054 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:except for laurel gear, nope....

This is 100% incorrect. Ascended trinkets, rings, and amulets can be purchased using map currency from many season 3, season 4, and season 5 maps.

which isn't the easy way.....so it's 100% correct.

He asked for a way without laurels, crafting, or fractals. Here let me quote him for you so you actually understand. "But maybe that is a waste of laurels, are there any ways to get ascended pieces without crafting or having to do fractals?" Also running around doing map events for map currency is the opposite of hard soooo...

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