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Ranger barrage inside structures


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@Teratus.2859 said:

@Teratus.2859 said:There are many spots where seige can be placed and nothing can reach them.. if anything that is more of an issue than being able to barrage over a door.

Protect your seige or loose it is how it's supposed to/should be.

That's fine.

However all range skills need to be this way then, including DH LB5 and ele meteor etc.

Agreed they should, ground targetted Aoe are ment to lay down preassure and cause people to either leave the AoE or use barriers/shields etc to negate the effect.With seige you got those shield generators to protect them but I rarely see them used in defense much, mostly I see them used for protecting rams and players on the attack from defensive arrow carts etc

And when the Ranger, and now Ele and DH target the Shield Generator from the other side of the wall? What then? You stated openly you rarely use them, so you're likely unaware of the consequences your suggestion would deliver.

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@Brutal Augus.5917 said:

@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:The whole point of barrage is to shoot a volley of arrows high in the air and OVER a structures in an arc that then falls on your enemy. Working as designed and desired. Is pretty easy to step out of the way too.

I dunno man, seems like a stretch to say that's the whole point of the skill. Wiki say it was meant to "barrage the target area with a hail of arrows that cripple" so the point seems to be aoedamage/soft CC in my opinion. Dont see anything about how they intended it to interact with walls or structures in WvWvW specifically but under patch history for may 2018 it does say that they "Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from being targeted in certain areas blocked by line of sight." Problem with saying it works as intended is that they dont specify whether or not those areas included the other side of a structures wall etc or not.

It is easy to avoid though, right about that.

Blocked by 'line of sight'... but if I can see through the gate, and the arrows shoot UP into the air and not straight (which barrage does), then I can target and hit them. It's always been this way... ANet in the past has agreed... Seriously though do people really want every single thing that can hurt them changed? As we agree, it's easy to get out of the way of. If a person isn't built to handle some incoming damage and get out of the way then the solution isn't to nerf the damager... the solution is to build the class correctly ;)

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@TinkTinkPOOF.9201 said:

@"Teratus.2859" said:There are many spots where seige can be placed and nothing can reach them.. if anything that is more of an issue than being able to barrage over a door.

Protect your seige or loose it is how it's supposed to/should be.

That's fine.

However all range skills need to be this way then, including DH LB5 and ele meteor etc.

Actually I agree with this.. As much as I don't like that ele meteor shower, it and the DH LB5 should be able to function the same way barrage does. They all "fall from the sky".

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@Revolution.5409 said:Can you post a screen to show what's going on well?I have never had these problems so I would like to see.

I don't have a shot for you but I can confirm what the op is saying. If I'm standing at the gate of a tower and can see inside then I can barrage deep into the tower. If I'm next to the wall and can see the top of the supply shack then I can hit anything that's on the shack.. and so on.

It's annoying to those inside but seriously this IS a Ranger skill set. It doesn't have a lot else it can do to help in fights, but is great for wall siege and siege inside towers etc. It makes me shake my head that pretty much anything that people don't want to build to deal with get complained about and screams for nerfing... :P

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@Teratus.2859 said:There are many spots where seige can be placed and nothing can reach them.. if anything that is more of an issue than being able to barrage over a door.

Protect your seige or loose it is how it's supposed to/should be.

That's fine.

However all range skills need to be this way then, including DH LB5 and ele meteor etc.

Agreed they should, ground targetted Aoe are ment to lay down preassure and cause people to either leave the AoE or use barriers/shields etc to negate the effect.With seige you got those shield generators to protect them but I rarely see them used in defense much, mostly I see them used for protecting rams and players on the attack from defensive arrow carts etc

And when the Ranger, and now Ele and DH target the Shield Generator from the other side of the wall? What then? You stated openly you rarely use them, so you're likely unaware of the consequences your suggestion would deliver.

I don't use them, I leave that up to more experienced people who know how to and have better knowledge on build locations.

As for Aoe taking them down, that would depend entirely on where you place them, common sense dictates you don't build them in obviously bad locations.As I said above there are plenty of locations you can build them that ground targeted AoE simply cannot hit them.

GTAOE is always limited by line of sight and range, being able to place them in specific locations beyond a wall is entirely down to to the class and your line of sight, this is very limited to how far you can see over a door usually.

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Everything should respect LOS, period. I hate siege as much as the next person but being able to hit players or siege any where inside an objective is broken. This also means fixing Engineer Mortar Kit which can do the same.

If you're comparing shooting over a wall to AOE's on the wall, you're just another person defending what you play.

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Staff elementalists and (depending on the placement) revs have been doing this since forever. I also see Mesmer clones and the odd ranger pet pecking away at things.Destroying siege in hard-to-reach places is probably the highlight of what a rangers can contribute to the gamemode. Have a problem with it? Kill them.

I wish necro torch 5 could still hit people and siege on walls. I really want to like torch but its sooo sloooow. =(

~ Kovu

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@"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:Everything should respect LOS, period. I hate siege as much as the next person but being able to hit players or siege any where inside an objective is broken. This also means fixing Engineer Mortar Kit which can do the same.

If you're comparing shooting over a wall to AOE's on the wall, you're just another person defending what you play.

Yep. This should apply to pretty much all weapon skills. If you don't have line of sight to the target, you can't cast. It would require people to actually target, be in range and have LOS to the target. It would stop weapon skills from being used to just run away.

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I tried to skim through all the comments on my phone, so apologies if I someone else said it. There are many aoes that can be placed behind walls using the lock on target option for placing aoes in the menu. As long as a player inside is targeted by a player outside and there is enough range, you can ignore line of sight usually required when placing aoes. I can't test for wvw right now, but in spvp you can turn this on and fight someone behind walls with almost any skill that is placed. The wall doesn't count as distance units either when turning this feature on. I'm wondering if this is what's causing the issue for you all and if you can do it with other skills.

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