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If you're complaining about LR Ele the problem is your play


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@bravan.3876 said:Btw LR or Shock Aura also triggers when not attacking, there must be a bug or something, i got stunned and LR application by it several times without even attacking. I also see no reason for Shock Aura to be undodgeable, it interrupts and completely neutralize Lightning Reflexes on Ranger (because of the useless dmg application on that skill but because of the bug maybe even without that). But a stunbreak and dodge skill should not be neutralized by such braindead spammable hard cc stuff that procs such a big reward without even the need to interrupt anything. When good visible lines on the ground with decent casttime like Guardians staff cc skill (Line of Warding) or Ele staff skill on air (Static Field) are undodgeable is ok but not on instant applied Shock Aura.

deal as long as u remove undodgable slick shoes cause its also instant cast :)

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@Grimjack.8130 said:

@bravan.3876 said:Btw LR or Shock Aura also triggers when not attacking, there must be a bug or something, i got stunned and LR application by it several times without even attacking. I also see no reason for Shock Aura to be undodgeable, it interrupts and completely neutralize Lightning Reflexes on Ranger (because of the useless dmg application on that skill but because of the bug maybe even without that). But a stunbreak and dodge skill should not be neutralized by such braindead spammable hard cc stuff that procs such a big reward without even the need to interrupt anything. When good visible lines on the ground with decent casttime like Guardians staff cc skill (Line of Warding) or Ele staff skill on air (Static Field) are undodgeable is ok but not on instant applied Shock Aura.

deal as long as u remove undodgable slick shoes cause its also instant cast :)

The activation is instant the effect meanwhile is not instant. The Engi needs to move through me to affect me with that. But aside from slick shoes i think there is in general too much unblockable and undodgeable hard cc in the game atm.

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@"bravan.3876" said:Btw LR or Shock Aura also triggers when not attacking, there must be a bug or something, i got stunned and LR application by it several times without even attacking. I also see no reason for Shock Aura to be undodgeable, it interrupts and completely neutralize Lightning Reflexes on Ranger (because of the useless dmg application on that skill but because of the bug maybe even without that). But a stunbreak and dodge skill should not be neutralized by such braindead spammable hard cc stuff that procs such a big reward without even the need to interrupt anything. When good visible lines on the ground with decent casttime like Guardians staff cc skill (Line of Warding) or Ele staff skill on air (Static Field) are undodgeable is ok but not on instant applied Shock Aura.

Please stop complaining when you dont even know how the Mechanics work... Read Patchnotes. (For all classes)Or when dont and you want complain. Read the wiki ...(Btw when u get hit by shoking aura, you can't get hit by it for 1 s (Pretty long) use your stunbreak there ;) )

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Aura -> look @ transmuteAnd yeah, aurashare is pretty OP. But only thing what makes support tempest viable. Or any ele Build in teamfight.(Make shoking aura that it can stun only once per target)

And get your "Facts" straight. -> on which weapon sets ele/weaver/tempest has 5 cc's+ Shocking aura? (You count Earth Shield or Light. Hammer? Only there you get the perma cc)

Only thing what really needs a nerv is Tornado itself. Cooldown is way to low. With cantrips traited its retarted low. make it 120 s (Douple the coold.)(All 48 s nado call is fun but kinda broken :D )To clarivy: Not all of the tornado is unblockable. But should be removed.

Even though i think it is OP, a punch of players who arnt retarded know if a ele has nado ready. And there are so many ways to deal with it. From a single immob to just kite and burst it with condi or Power (2 revs = dead nado ele) and corrupt/strip &cc &&&&&&....

(With increased cooldown you bunker bois who want to hold Point endlessly against all classes can to it again -> Fun meta. Afk on point until game is over lel)

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@JorKadeen.3846 said:

@"bravan.3876" said:Btw LR or Shock Aura also triggers when not attacking, there must be a bug or something, i got stunned and LR application by it several times without even attacking. I also see no reason for Shock Aura to be undodgeable, it interrupts and completely neutralize Lightning Reflexes on Ranger (because of the useless dmg application on that skill but because of the bug maybe even without that). But a stunbreak and dodge skill should not be neutralized by such braindead spammable hard cc stuff that procs such a big reward without even the need to interrupt anything. When good visible lines on the ground with decent casttime like Guardians staff cc skill (Line of Warding) or Ele staff skill on air (Static Field) are undodgeable is ok but not on instant applied Shock Aura.

Please stop complaining when you dont even know how the Mechanics work... Read Patchnotes. (For all classes)Or when dont and you want complain. Read the wiki ...(Btw when u get hit by shoking aura, you can't get hit by it for 1 s (Pretty long) use your stunbreak there ;) )

-> look @ transmuteAnd yeah, aurashare is pretty OP. But only thing what makes support tempest viable. Or any ele Build in teamfight.(Make shoking aura that it can stun only once per target)

And get your "Facts" straight. -> on which weapon sets ele/weaver/tempest has 5 cc's+ Shocking aura? (You count Earth Shield or Light. Hammer? Only there you get the perma cc)

Only thing what really needs a nerv is Tornado itself. Cooldown is way to low. With cantrips traited its kitten low. make it 120 s (Douple the coold.)(All 48 s nado call is fun but kinda broken :D )To clarivy: Not all of the tornado is unblockable. But should be removed.

Even though i think it is OP, a punch of players who arnt kitten know if a ele has nado ready. And there are so many ways to deal with it. From a single immob to just kite and burst it with condi or Power (2 revs = dead nado ele) and corrupt/strip &cc &&&&&&....

(With increased cooldown you bunker bois who want to hold Point endlessly against all classes can to it again -> Fun meta. Afk on point until game is over lel)

@"bravan.3876" said:Btw LR or Shock Aura also triggers when not attacking, there must be a bug or something, i got stunned and LR application by it several times without even attacking.

L2P issue

Did i say i was hit by Transmute? No. I was not even in range of Transmute most of the time when it happened. I was hit by Shocking Aura without attacking. The only reason i could imagine was my pet triggering it but that is not how it should work. It only should affect my pet then and not me. Lol 1s icd pretty long he says (actually its 2 s what still is pretty short) xD Also what does a stunbreak help vs the dmg?

But maybe you Ele pros can help me, i got hit during gs block from something. The Ele was not rly doing anything, no weaponskill cast, no Tornado, no Earth Shield. It looked like he just switched to air and i got hit by a lighting flash. As far as i know there is no unblockable lightning flash skill or trait on Ele and when I checked Wiki i also could not find any. I am also not aware of any possibility for Eles to make skills unblockable (like Rev can do with his teleport for example). Can any of you tell me what was this instant unblockable lighting flash dmg? I checked combat log after but forgot the name of the skill sadly. But when i checked that skill in Wiki after it happened there was no unblockable feature listed for that. Maybe i missed a balance change and Wiki is still not updated about it?

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While it's true that LR ele doesn't really have much beside LR, that doesn't change the fact that the trait makes for quite the degenerate gameplay, and completely goes against the "CC-s shouldn't do damage" philosophy. If you delete LR, ele would definitely would suffer again, however: you could just buff some other things to compensate in the same patch.I played a lot of LR weaver in the last few weeks. It's basicly the embodiment of rock/paper/scissors, with player skill hardly impacting the outcome. Some situations you win 100%, some you die a meaningless death with no chance of getting away(Like when the enemy has a condi burst thief that is stealthcamping only to jump you when you are already engaged).LR ele could also be nerfed by taking hard CC away from some of the kits ele has access to, without touching the actual trait. I think in general the game could use some culling on all the CC thats flying around. On all classes and specialisations.

What needs to go, is this degenerate playstyle of crawling up into someones face and spamming interrupts till one of you go down. Achieve it by gutting LR or gutting CC, a-net-s choice.

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@bravan.3876 said:

@bravan.3876 said:Btw LR or Shock Aura also triggers when not attacking, there must be a bug or something, i got stunned and LR application by it several times without even attacking. I also see no reason for Shock Aura to be undodgeable, it interrupts and completely neutralize Lightning Reflexes on Ranger (because of the useless dmg application on that skill but because of the bug maybe even without that). But a stunbreak and dodge skill should not be neutralized by such braindead spammable hard cc stuff that procs such a big reward without even the need to interrupt anything. When good visible lines on the ground with decent casttime like Guardians staff cc skill (Line of Warding) or Ele staff skill on air (Static Field) are undodgeable is ok but not on instant applied Shock Aura.

Please stop complaining when you dont even know how the Mechanics work... Read Patchnotes. (For all classes)Or when dont and you want complain. Read the wiki ...(Btw when u get hit by shoking aura, you can't get hit by it for 1 s (Pretty long) use your stunbreak there ;) )

-> look @ transmuteAnd yeah, aurashare is pretty OP. But only thing what makes support tempest viable. Or any ele Build in teamfight.(Make shoking aura that it can stun only once per target)

And get your "Facts" straight. -> on which weapon sets ele/weaver/tempest has 5 cc's+ Shocking aura? (You count Earth Shield or Light. Hammer? Only there you get the perma cc)

Only thing what really needs a nerv is Tornado itself. Cooldown is way to low. With cantrips traited its kitten low. make it 120 s (Douple the coold.)(All 48 s nado call is fun but kinda broken :D )To clarivy: Not all of the tornado is unblockable. But should be removed.

Even though i think it is OP, a punch of players who arnt kitten know if a ele has nado ready. And there are so many ways to deal with it. From a single immob to just kite and burst it with condi or Power (2 revs = dead nado ele) and corrupt/strip &cc &&&&&&....

(With increased cooldown you bunker bois who want to hold Point endlessly against all classes can to it again -> Fun meta. Afk on point until game is over lel)

@bravan.3876 said:Btw LR or Shock Aura also triggers when not attacking, there must be a bug or something, i got stunned and LR application by it several times without even attacking.

L2P issue

Did i say i was hit by Transmute? No. I was not even in range of Transmute most of the time when it happened. I was hit by Shocking Aura without attacking. The only reason i could imagine was my pet triggering it but that is not how it should work. It only should affect my pet then and not me. Lol 1s icd pretty long he says (actually its 2 s what still is pretty short) xD Also what does a stunbreak help vs the dmg?

But maybe you Ele pros can help me, i got hit during gs block from something. The Ele was not rly doing anything, no weaponskill cast, no Tornado, no Earth Shield. It looked like he just switched to air and i got hit by a lighting flash. As far as i know there is no unblockable lightning flash skill or trait on Ele and when I checked Wiki i also could not find any. I am also not aware of any possibility for Eles to make skills unblockable (like Rev can do with his teleport for example). Can any of you tell me what was this instant unblockable lighting flash dmg? I checked combat log after but forgot the name of the skill sadly. But when i checked that skill in Wiki after it happened there was no unblockable feature listed for that. Maybe i missed a balance change and Wiki is still not updated about it?

the lightning flash is elektric discharge and gale is unblockable

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@Koen.1327 said:

@bravan.3876 said:Btw LR or Shock Aura also triggers when not attacking, there must be a bug or something, i got stunned and LR application by it several times without even attacking. I also see no reason for Shock Aura to be undodgeable, it interrupts and completely neutralize Lightning Reflexes on Ranger (because of the useless dmg application on that skill but because of the bug maybe even without that). But a stunbreak and dodge skill should not be neutralized by such braindead spammable hard cc stuff that procs such a big reward without even the need to interrupt anything. When good visible lines on the ground with decent casttime like Guardians staff cc skill (Line of Warding) or Ele staff skill on air (Static Field) are undodgeable is ok but not on instant applied Shock Aura.

Please stop complaining when you dont even know how the Mechanics work... Read Patchnotes. (For all classes)Or when dont and you want complain. Read the wiki ...(Btw when u get hit by shoking aura, you can't get hit by it for 1 s (Pretty long) use your stunbreak there ;) )

-> look @ transmuteAnd yeah, aurashare is pretty OP. But only thing what makes support tempest viable. Or any ele Build in teamfight.(Make shoking aura that it can stun only once per target)

And get your "Facts" straight. -> on which weapon sets ele/weaver/tempest has 5 cc's+ Shocking aura? (You count Earth Shield or Light. Hammer? Only there you get the perma cc)

Only thing what really needs a nerv is Tornado itself. Cooldown is way to low. With cantrips traited its kitten low. make it 120 s (Douple the coold.)(All 48 s nado call is fun but kinda broken :D )To clarivy: Not all of the tornado is unblockable. But should be removed.

Even though i think it is OP, a punch of players who arnt kitten know if a ele has nado ready. And there are so many ways to deal with it. From a single immob to just kite and burst it with condi or Power (2 revs = dead nado ele) and corrupt/strip &cc &&&&&&....

(With increased cooldown you bunker bois who want to hold Point endlessly against all classes can to it again -> Fun meta. Afk on point until game is over lel)

@bravan.3876 said:Btw LR or Shock Aura also triggers when not attacking, there must be a bug or something, i got stunned and LR application by it several times without even attacking.

L2P issue

Did i say i was hit by Transmute? No. I was not even in range of Transmute most of the time when it happened. I was hit by Shocking Aura without attacking. The only reason i could imagine was my pet triggering it but that is not how it should work. It only should affect my pet then and not me. Lol 1s icd pretty long he says (actually its 2 s what still is pretty short) xD Also what does a stunbreak help vs the dmg?

But maybe you Ele pros can help me, i got hit during gs block from something. The Ele was not rly doing anything, no weaponskill cast, no Tornado, no Earth Shield. It looked like he just switched to air and i got hit by a lighting flash. As far as i know there is no unblockable lightning flash skill or trait on Ele and when I checked Wiki i also could not find any. I am also not aware of any possibility for Eles to make skills unblockable (like Rev can do with his teleport for example). Can any of you tell me what was this instant unblockable lighting flash dmg? I checked combat log after but forgot the name of the skill sadly. But when i checked that skill in Wiki after it happened there was no unblockable feature listed for that. Maybe i missed a balance change and Wiki is still not updated about it?

the lightning flash is elektric discharge and gale is unblockable

I know the minor trait Electric Discharge has a lighting flash animation and comes from attunement swap to air (it was the first i had in mind but it was not fitting because that one is not unblockable by itself). When Electric Discharge is not unblockable it means, even when the Ele did use Gale (what was not animated then, as said from my PoV the Ele did not cast anything) the interrupt of my block with Gale would have happened after the lighting flash dmg from attunement swap to air or not? Even when Ele is pressing Gale fast after attunement swap, the cc from Gale will come after the flash dmg. Also i just got dmg during my block was still running. No interrupt no cc, just the instant dmg with the flash animation. The only thing i could imagine is a lucky aftercast hit, i was still in block animation but maybe with server delay or something i was not rly blocking anymore. Never happened to me before though, maybe just an unlucky aftercast hit.

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@bravan.3876 said:

@bravan.3876 said:Btw LR or Shock Aura also triggers when not attacking, there must be a bug or something, i got stunned and LR application by it several times without even attacking. I also see no reason for Shock Aura to be undodgeable, it interrupts and completely neutralize Lightning Reflexes on Ranger (because of the useless dmg application on that skill but because of the bug maybe even without that). But a stunbreak and dodge skill should not be neutralized by such braindead spammable hard cc stuff that procs such a big reward without even the need to interrupt anything. When good visible lines on the ground with decent casttime like Guardians staff cc skill (Line of Warding) or Ele staff skill on air (Static Field) are undodgeable is ok but not on instant applied Shock Aura.

Please stop complaining when you dont even know how the Mechanics work... Read Patchnotes. (For all classes)Or when dont and you want complain. Read the wiki ...(Btw when u get hit by shoking aura, you can't get hit by it for 1 s (Pretty long) use your stunbreak there ;) )

-> look @ transmuteAnd yeah, aurashare is pretty OP. But only thing what makes support tempest viable. Or any ele Build in teamfight.(Make shoking aura that it can stun only once per target)

And get your "Facts" straight. -> on which weapon sets ele/weaver/tempest has 5 cc's+ Shocking aura? (You count Earth Shield or Light. Hammer? Only there you get the perma cc)

Only thing what really needs a nerv is Tornado itself. Cooldown is way to low. With cantrips traited its kitten low. make it 120 s (Douple the coold.)(All 48 s nado call is fun but kinda broken :D )To clarivy: Not all of the tornado is unblockable. But should be removed.

Even though i think it is OP, a punch of players who arnt kitten know if a ele has nado ready. And there are so many ways to deal with it. From a single immob to just kite and burst it with condi or Power (2 revs = dead nado ele) and corrupt/strip &cc &&&&&&....

(With increased cooldown you bunker bois who want to hold Point endlessly against all classes can to it again -> Fun meta. Afk on point until game is over lel)

@bravan.3876 said:Btw LR or Shock Aura also triggers when not attacking, there must be a bug or something, i got stunned and LR application by it several times without even attacking.

L2P issue

Did i say i was hit by Transmute? No. I was not even in range of Transmute most of the time when it happened. I was hit by Shocking Aura without attacking. The only reason i could imagine was my pet triggering it but that is not how it should work. It only should affect my pet then and not me. Lol 1s icd pretty long he says (actually its 2 s what still is pretty short) xD Also what does a stunbreak help vs the dmg?

But maybe you Ele pros can help me, i got hit during gs block from something. The Ele was not rly doing anything, no weaponskill cast, no Tornado, no Earth Shield. It looked like he just switched to air and i got hit by a lighting flash. As far as i know there is no unblockable lightning flash skill or trait on Ele and when I checked Wiki i also could not find any. I am also not aware of any possibility for Eles to make skills unblockable (like Rev can do with his teleport for example). Can any of you tell me what was this instant unblockable lighting flash dmg? I checked combat log after but forgot the name of the skill sadly. But when i checked that skill in Wiki after it happened there was no unblockable feature listed for that. Maybe i missed a balance change and Wiki is still not updated about it?

the lightning flash is elektric discharge and gale is unblockable

I know the minor trait Electric Discharge has a lighting flash animation and comes from attunement swap to air (it was the first i had in mind but it was not fitting because that one is not unblockable by itself). When Electric Discharge is not unblockable it means, even when the Ele did use Gale (what was not animated then, as said from my PoV the Ele did not cast anything) the interrupt of my block with Gale would have happened after the lighting flash dmg from attunement swap to air or not? Even when Ele is pressing Gale fast after attunement swap, the cc from Gale will come after the flash dmg. Also i just got dmg during my block was still running. No interrupt no cc, just the instant dmg with the flash animation. The only thing i could imagine is a lucky aftercast hit, i was still in block animation but maybe with server delay or something i was not rly blocking anymore. Never happened to me before though, maybe just an unlucky aftercast hit.

basilisk venom otherwise i dunno right now

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@Koen.1327 said:

@bravan.3876 said:Btw LR or Shock Aura also triggers when not attacking, there must be a bug or something, i got stunned and LR application by it several times without even attacking. I also see no reason for Shock Aura to be undodgeable, it interrupts and completely neutralize Lightning Reflexes on Ranger (because of the useless dmg application on that skill but because of the bug maybe even without that). But a stunbreak and dodge skill should not be neutralized by such braindead spammable hard cc stuff that procs such a big reward without even the need to interrupt anything. When good visible lines on the ground with decent casttime like Guardians staff cc skill (Line of Warding) or Ele staff skill on air (Static Field) are undodgeable is ok but not on instant applied Shock Aura.

Please stop complaining when you dont even know how the Mechanics work... Read Patchnotes. (For all classes)Or when dont and you want complain. Read the wiki ...(Btw when u get hit by shoking aura, you can't get hit by it for 1 s (Pretty long) use your stunbreak there ;) )

-> look @ transmuteAnd yeah, aurashare is pretty OP. But only thing what makes support tempest viable. Or any ele Build in teamfight.(Make shoking aura that it can stun only once per target)

And get your "Facts" straight. -> on which weapon sets ele/weaver/tempest has 5 cc's+ Shocking aura? (You count Earth Shield or Light. Hammer? Only there you get the perma cc)

Only thing what really needs a nerv is Tornado itself. Cooldown is way to low. With cantrips traited its kitten low. make it 120 s (Douple the coold.)(All 48 s nado call is fun but kinda broken :D )To clarivy: Not all of the tornado is unblockable. But should be removed.

Even though i think it is OP, a punch of players who arnt kitten know if a ele has nado ready. And there are so many ways to deal with it. From a single immob to just kite and burst it with condi or Power (2 revs = dead nado ele) and corrupt/strip &cc &&&&&&....

(With increased cooldown you bunker bois who want to hold Point endlessly against all classes can to it again -> Fun meta. Afk on point until game is over lel)

@bravan.3876 said:Btw LR or Shock Aura also triggers when not attacking, there must be a bug or something, i got stunned and LR application by it several times without even attacking.

L2P issue

Did i say i was hit by Transmute? No. I was not even in range of Transmute most of the time when it happened. I was hit by Shocking Aura without attacking. The only reason i could imagine was my pet triggering it but that is not how it should work. It only should affect my pet then and not me. Lol 1s icd pretty long he says (actually its 2 s what still is pretty short) xD Also what does a stunbreak help vs the dmg?

But maybe you Ele pros can help me, i got hit during gs block from something. The Ele was not rly doing anything, no weaponskill cast, no Tornado, no Earth Shield. It looked like he just switched to air and i got hit by a lighting flash. As far as i know there is no unblockable lightning flash skill or trait on Ele and when I checked Wiki i also could not find any. I am also not aware of any possibility for Eles to make skills unblockable (like Rev can do with his teleport for example). Can any of you tell me what was this instant unblockable lighting flash dmg? I checked combat log after but forgot the name of the skill sadly. But when i checked that skill in Wiki after it happened there was no unblockable feature listed for that. Maybe i missed a balance change and Wiki is still not updated about it?

the lightning flash is elektric discharge and gale is unblockable

I know the minor trait Electric Discharge has a lighting flash animation and comes from attunement swap to air (it was the first i had in mind but it was not fitting because that one is not unblockable by itself). When Electric Discharge is not unblockable it means, even when the Ele did use Gale (what was not animated then, as said from my PoV the Ele did not cast anything) the interrupt of my block with Gale would have happened after the lighting flash dmg from attunement swap to air or not? Even when Ele is pressing Gale fast after attunement swap, the cc from Gale will come after the flash dmg. Also i just got dmg during my block was still running. No interrupt no cc, just the instant dmg with the flash animation. The only thing i could imagine is a lucky aftercast hit, i was still in block animation but maybe with server delay or something i was not rly blocking anymore. Never happened to me before though, maybe just an unlucky aftercast hit.

basilisk venom otherwise i dunno right now

No venom buff in the buff bar of the Ele and it would have interrupted my block and would have turned me into stone. It maybe rly was only a lucky hit into aftercast of my block.
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@"Lighter.5631" said:problem not CCs, problem is lightning rod doing too much damage.and it's going opposite of anet's current balance philosophy, also weakness is a problemweakness to 1.5 second and damage only apply when interrupt.

tbh they have been removing damage from CCs and lightning rod shouldn't be exception.


  • +1 shotting Elementalist-build included

+1 Kahsua played well

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@Burnfall.9573 said:

@"Lighter.5631" said:problem not CCs, problem is lightning rod doing too much damage.and it's going opposite of anet's current balance philosophy, also weakness is a problemweakness to 1.5 second and damage only apply when interrupt.

tbh they have been removing damage from CCs and lightning rod shouldn't be exception.

  • +1 shotting
    Elementalist-build included

Kahsua played well

This video shows someone playing a build that can do what thief and ranger can do but much worse... and this is a problem?

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@"Bazsi.2734" said:While it's true that LR ele doesn't really have much beside LR, that doesn't change the fact that the trait makes for quite the degenerate gameplay, and completely goes against the "CC-s shouldn't do damage" philosophy. If you delete LR, ele would definitely would suffer again, however: you could just buff some other things to compensate in the same patch.I played a lot of LR weaver in the last few weeks. It's basicly the embodiment of rock/paper/scissors, with player skill hardly impacting the outcome. Some situations you win 100%, some you die a meaningless death with no chance of getting away(Like when the enemy has a condi burst thief that is stealthcamping only to jump you when you are already engaged).LR ele could also be nerfed by taking hard CC away from some of the kits ele has access to, without touching the actual trait. I think in general the game could use some culling on all the CC thats flying around. On all classes and specialisations.

What needs to go, is this degenerate playstyle of crawling up into someones face and spamming interrupts till one of you go down. Achieve it by gutting LR or gutting CC, a-net-s choice.

“Something something degenerate play.” -someone whose avi is a deadeye symbol

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@Poelala.2830 said:

@"Bazsi.2734" said:While it's true that LR ele doesn't really have much beside LR, that doesn't change the fact that the trait makes for quite the degenerate gameplay, and completely goes against the "CC-s shouldn't do damage" philosophy. If you delete LR, ele would definitely would suffer again, however: you could just buff some other things to compensate in the same patch.I played a lot of LR weaver in the last few weeks. It's basicly the embodiment of rock/paper/scissors, with player skill hardly impacting the outcome. Some situations you win 100%, some you die a meaningless death with no chance of getting away(Like when the enemy has a condi burst thief that is stealthcamping only to jump you when you are already engaged).LR ele could also be nerfed by taking hard CC away from some of the kits ele has access to, without touching the actual trait. I think in general the game could use some culling on all the CC thats flying around. On all classes and specialisations.

What needs to go, is this degenerate playstyle of crawling up into someones face and spamming interrupts till one of you go down. Achieve it by gutting LR or gutting CC, a-net-s choice.

“Something something degenerate play.” -someone whose avi is a deadeye symbol

Nice throughout refutation of what I've just said. What a joke you are.

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@Bazsi.2734 said:

@Bazsi.2734 said:While it's true that LR ele doesn't really have much beside LR, that doesn't change the fact that the trait makes for quite the degenerate gameplay, and completely goes against the "CC-s shouldn't do damage" philosophy. If you delete LR, ele would definitely would suffer again, however: you could just buff some other things to compensate in the same patch.I played a lot of LR weaver in the last few weeks. It's basicly the embodiment of rock/paper/scissors, with player skill hardly impacting the outcome. Some situations you win 100%, some you die a meaningless death with no chance of getting away(Like when the enemy has a condi burst thief that is stealthcamping only to jump you when you are already engaged).LR ele could also be nerfed by taking hard CC away from some of the kits ele has access to, without touching the actual trait. I think in general the game could use some culling on all the CC thats flying around. On all classes and specialisations.

What needs to go, is this degenerate playstyle of crawling up into someones face and spamming interrupts till one of you go down. Achieve it by gutting LR or gutting CC, a-net-s choice.

“Something something degenerate play.” -someone whose avi is a deadeye symbol

Nice throughout refutation of what I've just said. What a joke you are.

Only thing you said that was of content was in complete compliance with my original statement. You suggested to not nerf LR. You mentioned LR is easily dominated because ‘rock, paper, scissors’, and you said nerfing LR will render ele in a worser state. Only thing I disagreed with was where you said it’s degenerate play. I didn’t think I would have to explain this all to you.

It’s really rich to see someone who is a deadeye main call LR, a build with 26 skills, decadent.

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@Poelala.2830 said:

@"Lighter.5631" said:problem not CCs, problem is lightning rod doing too much damage.and it's going opposite of anet's current balance philosophy, also weakness is a problemweakness to 1.5 second and damage only apply when interrupt.

tbh they have been removing damage from CCs and lightning rod shouldn't be exception.

  • +1 shotting
    Elementalist-build included

Kahsua played well

This video shows someone playing a build that can do what thief and ranger can do but much worse... and this is a problem?

this is why fixing the root core problems is the solution instead of addressing their symptoms resulting with the same repetitiveness problems all over again that we are experiencing again


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@Tayga.3192 said:

@Poelala.2830 said:It’s really rich to see someone who is a deadeye main call LR, a build with 26 skills, decadent.

Firebrand has 33 skills + mantra charges

..And quickness to activate everything faster plus insta activation mantra/tome skill/symbols..did I forget something?...I'd love to see a guardian attempting to play core ele in pvp/wvw and succeed if I can..you can also right?!...After all I do play guardian too

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@Poelala.2830 said:

@Bazsi.2734 said:While it's true that LR ele doesn't really have much beside LR, that doesn't change the fact that the trait makes for quite the degenerate gameplay, and completely goes against the "CC-s shouldn't do damage" philosophy. If you delete LR, ele would definitely would suffer again, however: you could just buff some other things to compensate in the same patch.I played a lot of LR weaver in the last few weeks. It's basicly the embodiment of rock/paper/scissors, with player skill hardly impacting the outcome. Some situations you win 100%, some you die a meaningless death with no chance of getting away(Like when the enemy has a condi burst thief that is stealthcamping only to jump you when you are already engaged).LR ele could also be nerfed by taking hard CC away from some of the kits ele has access to, without touching the actual trait. I think in general the game could use some culling on all the CC thats flying around. On all classes and specialisations.

What needs to go, is this degenerate playstyle of crawling up into someones face and spamming interrupts till one of you go down. Achieve it by gutting LR or gutting CC, a-net-s choice.

“Something something degenerate play.” -someone whose avi is a deadeye symbol

Nice throughout refutation of what I've just said. What a joke you are.

Only thing you said that was of content was in complete compliance with my original statement. You suggested to not nerf LR. You mentioned LR is easily dominated because ‘rock, paper, scissors’, and you said nerfing LR will render ele in a worser state. Only thing I disagreed with was where you said it’s degenerate play. I didn’t think I would have to explain this all to you.

It’s really rich to see someone who is a deadeye main call LR, a build with 26 skills, decadent.

LoL. I see the education system really is failing, I blame society. If what you got from my original post is not to nerf LR, I suggest a reread. Don't just scan it looking for keywords, actually read.Also who told you I main anything? I don't remember ever saying that on these forums ever, however I kept saying the opposite for years, when it came up in any balance related discussion. Also it doesn't matter, if anything it would strenghten the argument that LR eles are kind of busted, as it took me 2 weeks to learn it to compete against plat 3, while for deadeye it took me 2 whole months. When a DE main does better on ele than on thief, maybe LR is overtuned? Or maybe I'm not a DE main when we're looking at it from that angle?

Also just to nitpick, which ele build has 26 skills? F1-F4 are skills on their own, 5 weapon skills for each, 5 utility skills. That's the bare minimum, not counting conjures, overloads on tempest, dual skills on weaver. So I guess math isn't your strongsuit either. If you attend(or attended) a private school, I suggest you sue.

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@Poelala.2830 said:It’s really rich to see someone who is a deadeye main call LR, a build with 26 skills, decadent.

Firebrand has 33 skills + mantra charges

..And quickness to activate everything faster plus insta activation mantra/tome skill/symbols..did I forget something?...I'd love to see a guardian attempting to play core ele in pvp/wvw and succeed if I can..you can also right?!...After all I do play guardian too

I didn’t even mention the aegis, AoE’s, mid-ranged hard CC, blind, cover condi, constant access to stability, resistance, amazing condition clear, instant cast CC, and the fact that Mantras themselves are degenerate play... on all classes that use them.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@Poelala.2830 said:All viable classes fit into those two categories.


Category #1: the classes I play, completely skill based, in need of buffsCategory #2: the classes my opponents play, complete cheese / carry mechanics, in need of nerfs

Carry on.

I would love for you to hop on LR ele and beat any class I fight you with, from three button condi stealth thief, to ranger. Let’s see if you recognize which class is cheese and has carry mechanics and is in need of nerfs.

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