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Please extend the daily achievment point limit

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@Dante.1763 said:

@lare.5129 said:there is no any point to increase this cap. People should try other ways to get ap, not from dayli. Should be easy ans cheap ? Don't think so.

See my post above please.

Im running out of AP to obtain in all game modes and just hit 21k. FInishing all achievements in all game modes wouldnt bring me to 30k for even the first chest piece(If all the LS1 achievements where still in game i would be to able to reach that 30k but they arent.). I dont have anywhere near a maxed daily cap(roughly 6k AP, forgot to add monthlies in the earlier post.) Finishing off the remaining daily AP would take literal years to do if i could play everyday, i cant. Sometimes i cant play upwards of 6 months at a time(deployments are fun.).

So while i dont think they need to raise the cap(much. 1k a year would be nice.) i wish theyd stop being so stingy with AP given. The have drastically reduced the amount of AP gained for harder achievements even, and the income rate with each story is very low. Finishing off ascended collections used to grant 20+ Ap, some even 50AP, now they give 10AP if you are lucky.

How are you running out in all game modes?Im at 34.500 roughly got 9k more from dailys then you.Still got pve, wvw and spvp achievements to hunt, for example I havent finished a single one of the hot or pof elite spec weapon collections.

@Coelho Nat.4697 said:I would suggest to add something around +100 AP to daily achievements each new year (+2 per day). In this way, new players are able to reach the AP limit sooner or later. On other hand, older players are motivated to do some dailies to reach the new cap limit every year.

If as an older player the 2 gold and 3 spirit shards is not enough then dont do the daily.

I been caped for close to a year and still do the daily every day I log on.

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@"Coelho Nat.4697" said:I would suggest to add something around +100 AP to daily achievements each new year (+2 per day). In this way, new players are able to reach the AP limit sooner or later. On other hand, older players are motivated to do some dailies to reach the new cap limit every year.Or players could be motivated by playing the actual game, gaining permanent ap as they explore and participate in different parts of the game. Doesn't that sound much more fun than logging in daily, pressing f on a city vista, gathering home instance nodes in another city, and letting a random mesmer port you to a jp in a third map?

Honestly, dailies already give a bunch of goodies beyond ap, and the daily ap cap already is very generous. There's lots of daily activities you can participate in that give different kinds of bonus rewards. I see no reason whatsoever to attach more "motivation" to some of the most mundane activities this game has to offer, especially if it leads people to grind this over actually playing a variety of content and picking up permanent ap along the way.

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@"Coelho Nat.4697" said:I would suggest to add something around +100 AP to daily achievements each new year (+2 per day). In this way, new players are able to reach the AP limit sooner or later. On other hand, older players are motivated to do some dailies to reach the new cap limit every year.

You mean by playing 10 daylies per year. :) Given the new content per year, I managed around 50 days last year, so 100 AP per years do not make any difference.And still I cannot see it as goal to reach the limit. And as a newby you are doomed to be 5396 (Thx Ayrilana.1396 for the link) behind i.e. you can hardly make it into the Top 1000 at https://leaderboards.guildwars2.com/de/eu/achievements?page=40, if you reach the daily cap or not if you did all currently available AP or not.

@Rasimir.6239 said:Or players could be motivated by playing the actual game, gaining permanent ap as they explore and participate in different parts of the game.Partially, several of them I usually do on my short vists to GW2, but it could also very frustrating to do things like freeing tarir 100 times till you get some AP for it.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@lare.5129 said:there is no any point to increase this cap. People should try other ways to get ap, not from dayli. Should be easy ans cheap ? Don't think so.

See my post above please.

Im running out of AP to obtain in all game modes and just hit 21k. FInishing all achievements in all game modes wouldnt bring me to 30k for even the first chest piece(If all the LS1 achievements where still in game i would be to able to reach that 30k but they arent.). I dont have anywhere near a maxed daily cap(roughly 6k AP, forgot to add monthlies in the earlier post.) Finishing off the remaining daily AP would take literal years to do if i could play everyday, i cant. Sometimes i cant play upwards of 6 months at a time(deployments are fun.).

So while i dont think they need to raise the cap(much. 1k a year would be nice.) i wish theyd stop being so stingy with AP given. The have drastically reduced the amount of AP gained for harder achievements even, and the income rate with each story is very low. Finishing off ascended collections used to grant 20+ Ap, some even 50AP, now they give 10AP if you are lucky.

How are you running out in all game modes?Im at 34.500 roughly got 9k more from dailys then you.Still got pve, wvw and spvp achievements to hunt, for example I havent finished a single one of the hot or pof elite spec weapon collections.

@"Ayrilana.1396" said:Qouting so you can see my numbers, please let me know where they dont add up as id love to find some AP i didnt know about.

I was just looking at the overview for the AP i had already obtained vs what i was missing

Breakdown of what i have now

Permanent AP =14,796Dailies = 5,423 APMonthlies = 825 AP

Grand total of 21,044k AP.

For missing APStory = 841General(discounting 250 missing HOM achievements) = 568HOT = 148POF = 179Side Stories = 81Competitive = 3676Raids = 602Fractals = 65Collections = 901Festivals = 853

Grand total Missing AP discounting dailies = 7914 AP

21,044k AP + Missing: 7914 AP = 28,958. Total AP.

Add the missing 8752 AP from dailies(which would take 2.4 years of playing every single day, as stated cannot do this.) and id have 37,710 AP total.

Im missing 3663 AP alone from historical/temporary achievements as well, if i was still able to get those id be well over 30k AP without dailies. With them, i could hit 40k after finishing all achievements.

edited: this is getting off topic, if theres actual feedback and not just "Oh get playing the game" please send me a private message.

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@Zaxares.5419 said:

@Mad As Hell.2168 said:8,175 hours 32 minutes over the 2,065 days. Don't Raid. Don't WvW. Don't PvP. Got burned out on fractals so I don't have all the challenge motes. Still don't have the last couple of Arah paths. 29,893 AP. I need my Fire Shirt.

THIS is my point. I have similar numbers, but the armor is completely out of reach right now.

Part of the issue (if one wants to call it that) is that ANet massively throttled the amount of AP granted by achievements from HoT onwards. For comparison, check out the Ambrite weapon collection, which gave players a whopping 50 AP, to something like the Machined weapon collection, which gave a measly 3 AP, despite requiring probably equal amounts of work. (Not until recently, with the Illuminated Boreal weapon collection, did we see a 50 AP collection again.) I can't speak for why ANet did this; maybe they didn't want players to reach such heights of AP that it would force them to keep creating ever more rewards for AP chests (my personal theory), but the discrepancy in AP granted by past and current achieves is pretty stark.


Do you know the reason that is? It's to make up for the Historical achievement points that players who missed out on those if they joined after those AP's were removed. This was discussed in a separate thread that had someone complaining they would never reach the highest level of AP's because they missed those Historical AP's. I did a quick calculation in my head and those additional AP's given out in HoT were to make up for the Historical ones. What we saw afterwards was more typical of what ArenaNet wanted to give out.

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@Dante.1763 said:

@lare.5129 said:there is no any point to increase this cap. People should try other ways to get ap, not from dayli. Should be easy ans cheap ? Don't think so.

See my post above please.

Im running out of AP to obtain in all game modes and just hit 21k. FInishing all achievements in all game modes wouldnt bring me to 30k for even the first chest piece(If all the LS1 achievements where still in game i would be to able to reach that 30k but they arent.). I dont have anywhere near a maxed daily cap(roughly 6k AP, forgot to add monthlies in the earlier post.) Finishing off the remaining daily AP would take literal years to do if i could play everyday, i cant. Sometimes i cant play upwards of 6 months at a time(deployments are fun.).

So while i dont think they need to raise the cap(much. 1k a year would be nice.) i wish theyd stop being so stingy with AP given. The have drastically reduced the amount of AP gained for harder achievements even, and the income rate with each story is very low. Finishing off ascended collections used to grant 20+ Ap, some even 50AP, now they give 10AP if you are lucky.

How are you running out in all game modes?Im at 34.500 roughly got 9k more from dailys then you.Still got pve, wvw and spvp achievements to hunt, for example I havent finished a single one of the hot or pof elite spec weapon collections.

@"Ayrilana.1396" said:Qouting so you can see my numbers, please let me know where they dont add up as id love to find some AP i didnt know about.

I was just looking at the overview for the AP i had already obtained vs what i was missing

Breakdown of what i have now

Permanent AP =14,796Dailies = 5,423 APMonthlies = 825 AP

Grand total of 21,044k AP.

For missing APStory = 841General(discounting 250 missing HOM achievements) = 568HOT = 148POF = 179Side Stories = 81Competitive = 3676Raids = 602Fractals = 65Collections = 901Festivals = 853

Grand total Missing AP discounting dailies = 7914 AP

21,044k AP + Missing: 7914 AP = 28,958. Total AP.

Add the missing 8752 AP from dailies(which would take 2.4 years of playing every single day, as stated cannot do this.) and id have 37,710 AP total.

Im missing 3663 AP alone from historical/temporary achievements as well, if i was still able to get those id be well over 30k AP without dailies. With them, i could hit 40k after finishing all achievements.

edited: this is getting off topic, if theres actual feedback and not just "Oh get playing the game" please send me a private message.

I wouldent call close to 8k ap almost running out tho.

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@Dante.1763 said:

@lare.5129 said:there is no any point to increase this cap. People should try other ways to get ap, not from dayli. Should be easy ans cheap ? Don't think so.

See my post above please.

Im running out of AP to obtain in all game modes and just hit 21k. FInishing all achievements in all game modes wouldnt bring me to 30k for even the first chest piece(If all the LS1 achievements where still in game i would be to able to reach that 30k but they arent.). I dont have anywhere near a maxed daily cap(roughly 6k AP, forgot to add monthlies in the earlier post.) Finishing off the remaining daily AP would take literal years to do if i could play everyday, i cant. Sometimes i cant play upwards of 6 months at a time(deployments are fun.).

So while i dont think they need to raise the cap(much. 1k a year would be nice.) i wish theyd stop being so stingy with AP given. The have drastically reduced the amount of AP gained for harder achievements even, and the income rate with each story is very low. Finishing off ascended collections used to grant 20+ Ap, some even 50AP, now they give 10AP if you are lucky.

How are you running out in all game modes?Im at 34.500 roughly got 9k more from dailys then you.Still got pve, wvw and spvp achievements to hunt, for example I havent finished a single one of the hot or pof elite spec weapon collections.

@"Ayrilana.1396" said:Qouting so you can see my numbers, please let me know where they dont add up as id love to find some AP i didnt know about.

I was just looking at the overview for the AP i had already obtained vs what i was missing

Breakdown of what i have now

Permanent AP =14,796Dailies = 5,423 APMonthlies = 825 AP

Grand total of 21,044k AP.

For missing APStory = 841General(discounting 250 missing HOM achievements) = 568HOT = 148POF = 179Side Stories = 81Competitive = 3676Raids = 602Fractals = 65Collections = 901Festivals = 853

Grand total Missing AP discounting dailies = 7914 AP

21,044k AP + Missing: 7914 AP = 28,958. Total AP.

Add the missing 8752 AP from dailies(which would take 2.4 years of playing every single day, as stated cannot do this.) and id have 37,710 AP total.

Im missing 3663 AP alone from historical/temporary achievements as well, if i was still able to get those id be well over 30k AP without dailies. With them, i could hit 40k after finishing all achievements.

edited: this is getting off topic, if theres actual feedback and not just "Oh get playing the game" please send me a private message.

All of us put in the effort to cap the daily/monthly AP. I don’t see why you think that you’re different and shouldn’t have to.

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@Dante.1763 said:

@lare.5129 said:there is no any point to increase this cap. People should try other ways to get ap, not from dayli. Should be easy ans cheap ? Don't think so.

See my post above please.

Im running out of AP to obtain in all game modes and just hit 21k. FInishing all achievements in all game modes wouldnt bring me to 30k for even the first chest piece(If all the LS1 achievements where still in game i would be to able to reach that 30k but they arent.). I dont have anywhere near a maxed daily cap(roughly 6k AP, forgot to add monthlies in the earlier post.) Finishing off the remaining daily AP would take literal years to do if i could play everyday, i cant. Sometimes i cant play upwards of 6 months at a time(deployments are fun.).

So while i dont think they need to raise the cap(much. 1k a year would be nice.) i wish theyd stop being so stingy with AP given. The have drastically reduced the amount of AP gained for harder achievements even, and the income rate with each story is very low. Finishing off ascended collections used to grant 20+ Ap, some even 50AP, now they give 10AP if you are lucky.

How are you running out in all game modes?Im at 34.500 roughly got 9k more from dailys then you.Still got pve, wvw and spvp achievements to hunt, for example I havent finished a single one of the hot or pof elite spec weapon collections.

@"Ayrilana.1396" said:Qouting so you can see my numbers, please let me know where they dont add up as id love to find some AP i didnt know about.

I was just looking at the overview for the AP i had already obtained vs what i was missing

Breakdown of what i have now

Permanent AP =14,796Dailies = 5,423 APMonthlies = 825 AP

Grand total of 21,044k AP.

For missing APStory = 841General(discounting 250 missing HOM achievements) = 568HOT = 148POF = 179Side Stories = 81Competitive = 3676Raids = 602Fractals = 65Collections = 901Festivals = 853

Grand total Missing AP discounting dailies = 7914 AP

21,044k AP + Missing: 7914 AP = 28,958. Total AP.

Add the missing 8752 AP from dailies(which would take 2.4 years of playing every single day, as stated cannot do this.) and id have 37,710 AP total.

Im missing 3663 AP alone from historical/temporary achievements as well, if i was still able to get those id be well over 30k AP without dailies. With them, i could hit 40k after finishing all achievements.

edited: this is getting off topic, if theres actual feedback and not just "Oh get playing the game" please send me a private message.

Actually this is exactly why the cap should not be increased. This is someone who has limited time to play the game. They can chip away at that daily total while working at the most likely more arduous achievements remaining to them.

And for the person quoted, I would pick and track an achievement to work on, inching gradually closer. For instance, I have recently taken to killing ten things a day with my warhorn. Any more and I'd go crazy, any less and there wouldn't be progress.

I do also make sure to get the annual festival achievements. Yes, you will eventually make them up but they built in like ten years of them.

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@"Ayrilana.1396" said:

All of us put in the effort to cap the daily/monthly AP. I don’t see why you think that you’re different and shouldn’t have to.

My original comment still stands. There is not enough AP(Non daily, Permanent only) currently obtainable in game to reach 30k AP for the very first chest piece unlocked through achievement rewards, which is why i think anet should reorganize the rewards. One full set should be obtainable by 18k AP, the second by 36k, leaving the backpacks after that. It is a reasonable suggestion, wont ever happen though, ill still make it.

The argument of "Well we had to do something so you should to" is an awful argument. Just because you did a thing doesnt mean the system to obtain that thing couldnt be streamlined, or even made to make sense. Who would have thought players wanted a full armor set of one type? Nah, certainly the must only want boots gloves and the helmet.

But hey, you either didnt understand, didnt care to or ignored the majority of my original post, so i wont be responding further to you. you took the whole original post and narrowed it down to "Doesnt wanna do dailies, lazy." congrats.

@Linken.6345 said:

I wouldent call close to 8k ap almost running out tho.

I do. Roughly 4k of that sits in Competitive activities which i have trouble doing, various reasons, i can probably get 1/4 of that 4k, . Is that my problem, yes it is, but without that massive amount of AP that leaves me with 4k left obtainable.

And looking back at those numbers, i dont think they should expand the daily cap.

@Etria.3642 said:

Actually this is exactly why the cap should not be increased. This is someone who has limited time to play the game. They can chip away at that daily total while working at the most likely more arduous achievements remaining to them.

And for the person quoted, I would pick and track an achievement to work on, inching gradually closer. For instance, I have recently taken to killing ten things a day with my warhorn. Any more and I'd go crazy, any less and there wouldn't be progress.

I do also make sure to get the annual festival achievements. Yes, you will eventually make them up but they built in like ten years of them.

You are correct in that most of the AP thats left is the harder achievements that exist or achievements that are just flat out un achievable by me. i pick an achievement or two and work on it throughout the week, at the end of the week i rotate out.

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@"Luthan.5236" said:There should be a reasonable cap where most new players can catch up in a few years of playing. I think the current cap is already fine. The game should have other incentives to keep players playing.

Like the fun ... from stuff you can do repeatedly while having fun. Other permanent 1-time achievements not done yet? PvP? WvW? (Yeah those need improvements ... also for PvE a new expansion is announced. They should consider adding a separate AP source with cap to those "daily season 3/4" and making one for the new expansion for playing on the new maps then when it gets released.)

Why, why do they need to "catch up" why is it that someone who has played the game since launch gets restricted so that someone who picks the game up 7 years later can catch up, they wont catch up, they have missed events and achievements that are no longer in the game, so the catch up argument is kinda invalid, hopefully now that Anet is under new management they will go back and look at things like AP.

The cap should have be raised/lifted completely.

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@Dante.1763 said:

@"Ayrilana.1396" said:

All of us put in the effort to cap the daily/monthly AP. I don’t see why you think that you’re different and shouldn’t have to.

My original comment still stands. There is not enough AP(Non daily, Permanent only) currently obtainable in game to reach 30k AP for the very first chest piece unlocked through achievement rewards, which is why i think anet should reorganize the rewards. One full set should be obtainable by 18k AP, the second by 36k, leaving the backpacks after that. It is a reasonable suggestion, wont ever happen though, ill still make it.

That’s a preference but not necessarily how something should be.

Whether daily AP is all obtainable at a single point in time or not doesn’t matter. I still say that they should be removed entirely from the game and the rewards rebalanced to account for that. If someone wants those armor skins then they have to do the achievements throughout the game rather than rely on daily AP as a crutch.

The argument of "Well we had to do something so you should to" is an awful argument. Just because you did a thing doesnt mean the system to obtain that thing couldnt be streamlined, or even made to make sense. Who would have thought players wanted a full armor set of one type? Nah, certainly the must only want boots gloves and the helmet.

Changing the system to make it so much easier to obtain the armor skins diminishes the work and effort player put in to obtain them. It’s like one is joining late in the game and thinking they deserve special treatment.

But hey, you either didnt understand, didnt care to or ignored the majority of my original post, so i wont be responding further to you. you took the whole original post and narrowed it down to "Doesnt wanna do dailies, lazy." congrats.

I understood your post but I just disagreed with it.

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@"Ok I Did It.2854" said:Why, why do they need to "catch up" why is it that someone who has played the game since launch gets restricted so that someone who picks the game up 7 years later can catch up, they wont catch up, they have missed events and achievements that are no longer in the game, so the catch up argument is kinda invalid, hopefully now that Anet is under new management they will go back and look at things like AP.

They need to catch up so they also can get some rewards and skins from the chests. Not being able to catch up might discourage new players from starting the game. On the other hand not increasing the cap is not a big deal since most players play it for fun and the few players that want the cap incresed would only login for their daily. (And not really actively playing the game anymore.)

I haven't seen a valid reason for increasing the cap. (But just too many reasons against an increase.) I mean "cuz I want it" is no real reason. I want tons of legendaries for free and I'm not getting then and I'm still playing the game - for fun. (Instead of making a thread to ask them to give me stuff.)

Those players basically are like "I need to prove myself to others online by showing them my increasing AP numbers. Give me an easy reason to further increase them cause I'm too lazy to actually play the game and do the real permanent achievements."

Instead of being grateful that there have been some dailies that allowed them to get 15k AP by just logging in for 15 minutes.

As a workaround previously in the thread I suggested to add a 2nd AP count (without cap) that could increase the total AP used for the toplist - while not counting for the achievement chests (and skins and gems given out there). I did not get many comments on that so far though. That would satisfy the "I need to get more easy AP to show off" people while still others could catch up on rewards and the rewards after 15k AP wouldn't be given out that cheap. Should satisfy everyone since I personally don't care about the numbers but the rewards associated with it are a problem. Just for showing off the numbers it is okay to give it to those people that need it to feel good and happy in life.

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Dailies shouldn't even reward APs. Achievement points should be rewarded for well achieving something, completing something challenging or discovering something new not grinding dailies. There are many other grindy achievements that shouldn't be really called achievements but dailies take the cake. There should be a total of 2 APs max available from dailies; 1 for completing your first daily and another for completing like 5.

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@Luthan.5236 said:

@"Ok I Did It.2854" said:Why, why do they need to "catch up" why is it that someone who has played the game since launch gets restricted so that someone who picks the game up 7 years later can catch up, they wont catch up, they have missed events and achievements that are no longer in the game, so the catch up argument is kinda invalid, hopefully now that Anet is under new management they will go back and look at things like AP.

They need to catch up so they also can get some rewards and skins from the chests. Not being able to catch up might discourage new players from starting the game. On the other hand not increasing the cap is not a big deal since most players play it for fun and the few players that want the cap incresed would only login for their daily. (And not really actively playing the game anymore.)

I haven't seen a valid reason for increasing the cap. (But just too many reasons against an increase.) I mean "cuz I want it" is no real reason. I want tons of legendaries for free and I'm not getting then and I'm still playing the game - for fun. (Instead of making a thread to ask them to give me stuff.)

Those players basically are like "I need to prove myself to others online by showing them my increasing AP numbers. Give me an easy reason to further increase them cause I'm too lazy to actually play the game and do the real permanent achievements."

Instead of being grateful that there have been some dailies that allowed them to get 15k AP by just logging in for 15 minutes.

As a workaround previously in the thread I suggested to add a 2nd AP count (without cap) that could increase the total AP used for the toplist - while not counting for the achievement chests (and skins and gems given out there). I did not get many comments on that so far though. That would satisfy the "I need to get more easy AP to show off" people while still others could catch up on rewards and the rewards after 15k AP wouldn't be given out that cheap. Should satisfy everyone since I personally don't care about the numbers but the rewards associated with it are a problem. Just for showing off the numbers it is okay to give it to those people that need it to feel good and happy in life.

Increasing the cap is still increasing the cap, whether it is 1, 2 or 10.

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@Etria.3642 said:

@"Ok I Did It.2854" said:Why, why do they need to "catch up" why is it that someone who has played the game since launch gets restricted so that someone who picks the game up 7 years later can catch up, they wont catch up, they have missed events and achievements that are no longer in the game, so the catch up argument is kinda invalid, hopefully now that Anet is under new management they will go back and look at things like AP.

They need to catch up so they also can get some rewards and skins from the chests. Not being able to catch up might discourage new players from starting the game. On the other hand not increasing the cap is not a big deal since most players play it for fun and the few players that want the cap incresed would only login for their daily. (And not really actively playing the game anymore.)

I haven't seen a valid reason for increasing the cap. (But just too many reasons against an increase.) I mean "cuz I want it" is no real reason. I want tons of legendaries for free and I'm not getting then and I'm still playing the game - for fun. (Instead of making a thread to ask them to give me stuff.)

Those players basically are like "I need to prove myself to others online by showing them my increasing AP numbers. Give me an easy reason to further increase them cause I'm too lazy to actually play the game and do the real permanent achievements."

Instead of being grateful that there have been some dailies that allowed them to get 15k AP by just logging in for 15 minutes.

As a workaround previously in the thread I suggested to add a 2nd AP count (without cap) that could increase the total AP used for the toplist - while not counting for the achievement chests (and skins and gems given out there). I did not get many comments on that so far though. That would satisfy the "I need to get more easy AP to show off" people while still others could catch up on rewards and the rewards after 15k AP wouldn't be given out that cheap. Should satisfy everyone since I personally don't care about the numbers but the rewards associated with it are a problem. Just for showing off the numbers it is okay to give it to those people that need it to feel good and happy in life.

Increasing the cap is still increasing the cap, whether it is 1, 2 or 10.Plus the skins in the ap rewards are not "end" rewards. You get a new chest every 500ap, and the more ap the top players have, the more rewards, including new skins, will be introduced. Increasing the cap will do nothing but inflate the rate of ap gain of the top players, thus introducing skins that are even more out of reach of newer players (by requiring them to grab even more daily ap before they reach the "end").
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Not the biggest fan of any daily systems myself but neither am I a fan of devaluating the work and dedication people have shown in the past. Making stuff easier and or less time consuming to achieve doesn't seem the right thing to do with anything that could be considered "just a veteran reward" without any actual advantages. It would make a selected few happy while upsetting a lot of others.

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@Dante.1763 said:My original comment still stands. There is not enough AP(Non daily, Permanent only) currently obtainable in game to reach 30k AP for the very first chest piece unlocked through achievement rewards, which is why i think anet should reorganize the rewards.

I'm confused here, the daily is a huge percentage of the available AP and is probably the easiest points to get nowadays. Even if you don't reach the daily cap, you can complete a lot of dailies while finishing the other achievements so your AP from dailies will never be zero. You have 8k of those yourself, why do you want to have enough permanent AP only to reach 30k?

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@Dante.1763 said:

All of us put in the effort to cap the daily/monthly AP. I don’t see why you think that you’re different and shouldn’t have to.

My original comment still stands. There is not enough AP(Non daily, Permanent only) currently obtainable in game to reach 30k AP for the very first chest piece unlocked through achievement rewards, which is why i think anet should reorganize the rewards. One full set should be obtainable by 18k AP, the second by 36k, leaving the backpacks after that. It is a reasonable suggestion, wont ever happen though, ill still make it.

But this only is applicable to you personally. Youre basically asking ArenaNet to reorganize rewards based on your personal playstyle and personal preference specifically.

It is achievement rewards so reorganizing would mean devaluing rewards for those who did achieve what they did. And while I would agree 2-3 years of dailies is a terribly boring thing to look forward to, I dont see the reason that a full armot set from just permanent achievements should be available.

Back in the day there were only a few pieces available... wasnt a problem at all it was unachievable.

One thing I can see as a solution is making daily achievement points vary over time in order to make it more interesting or something. Like if you did 7 dailies in a row you get x extra daily AP, or making daily AP reward more in the beginning (for example 20 ) and slow it out towards the end (only 1 or 2 as youre nearing the cap), but still taking the same amount of time to max out.

Something like that, that is fair to those who put in the effort, but also motivating those just starting out.

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The 30k chest will eventually be available for people doing only 1 game mode - even without increasing the daily cap. They just have to wait longer ... until future living world stuff gets released. (Which surely will bring new PvE achievements with AP.)

The thing is: Having to wait an additional time is the trade-off for not doing other stuff. (Doing dailies and cheap AP thrown at you basically for free - only 15 mins login - is no trade-off.)

This way people are encouraged to also play the other game modes. To really "earn" something. By the time lots more other PvE permanent achievements get introduced it will be available to you as well eventually. And other top level skins will get introduced that require to play all game modes.

That is a system which is totally okay.

We also have other hard obtain stuff. Individually single grindy achievements. Legendary armor that requires raiding which not everyone wants to do.Also you don't need the full set. I didn't even knew there was going to be a chest piece ages ago at the introduction of the achievement reward system. I use the gloves for example cause the look nice individually (I make mixed sets instead of a full set of the same armor).

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  • 3 months later...

@Zaklex.6308 said:

@"Luthan.5236" said:There should be a reasonable cap where most new players can catch up in a few years of playing.

New player will never catch-up with a still active veteran. They will never be able to get LS1 and past festival achievements.

Therefore the ranking is a bad thing. And I saw achievement points as my progress indicator for all the long time beyond lvl 80, and without these daily points there is no progress between LS episodes/festivals. So I made a break when only "not liked achievements" where left, and hey when the next episode appeared. ah, you can do them anytime, no reason to do next within the next week, and so the breaks took longer and longer.

This was brought up in an earlier discussion, it's been taken care of already...a new player can get just as many AP points as a player that played LS1...if you want the answers do a search for it on the forums. Taking a break from playing is the whole point behind part of the design decisions made with GW2, they didn't want to force anyone to have to play every single day to keep with others.

Achievement points have no inherent impact on game play. They're nice rewards, and have some nice titles, but the points themselves don't reflect anything more than the player's activity. No one HAS to play to keep up with others. There's no real benefit to keeping up involved there. At least no more than clicking up miles on an odometer.

With that being the only visible impact on the player, why hamstring players who play a lot by taking away the daily 10 AP points? It's literally dissing the most frequent players. And with those of us who have expansions, and like getting the writs of experience, it's even worse because not only do we not get the 10 AP once the cap has been reached, we don't get those writs, which help us develop new characters (and buy new character slots). No AP AND no writs of experience for expansion pack dailies means, for me at least, a massive resistance to doing dailies. The cumulative rewards (especially from the expansion pack dailies) are so poor, they're often not worth the effort.

The 2 gold isn't enough for many of the expansion pack dailies, And when they come up in the wrong combination, I skip the daily rewards, because I literally get nothing I want from the non-Central Tyria dailies. Put both the 10 AP and the write of experience back into that mix for ANY daily, I'd be doing dailies regularly again.

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It's clearly not true to say that achievement points are meaningless, as so many say in this thread. Maybe to you, but there wouldn't be so many threads about this if it didn't have meaning to someone.You could make the argument that most thing in this game is "meaningless" .. It's just a game afterall, but if someone enjoy collecting achievement points, they have a meaning to that person.And this is coming from someone with just 13.5k points

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@"jokke.6239" said:It's clearly not true to say that achievement points are meaningless, as so many say in this thread. Maybe to you, but there wouldn't be so many threads about this if it didn't have meaning to someone.You could make the argument that most thing in this game is "meaningless" .. It's just a game afterall, but if someone enjoy collecting achievement points, they have a meaning to that person.And this is coming from someone with just 13.5k points

The majority that want the daily AP cap raised likely want the skins and don't care about their actual AP. Adding more daily AP just dilutes the system further.

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@"mathion.8549" said:Achievement points have no inherent impact on game play. They're nice rewards, and have some nice titles, but the points themselves don't reflect anything more than the player's activity. No one HAS to play to keep up with others. There's no real benefit to keeping up involved there. At least no more than clicking up miles on an odometer.

With that being the only visible impact on the player, why hamstring players who play a lot by taking away the daily 10 AP points? It's literally dissing the most frequent players. And with those of us who have expansions, and like getting the writs of experience, it's even worse because not only do we not get the 10 AP once the cap has been reached, we don't get those writs, which help us develop new characters (and buy new character slots). No AP AND no writs of experience for expansion pack dailies means, for me at least, a massive resistance to doing dailies. The cumulative rewards (especially from the expansion pack dailies) are so poor, they're often not worth the effort.

The 2 gold isn't enough for many of the expansion pack dailies, And when they come up in the wrong combination, I skip the daily rewards, because I literally get nothing I want from the non-Central Tyria dailies. Put both the 10 AP and the write of experience back into that mix for ANY daily, I'd be doing dailies regularly again.

They have an impact because they also give some skins - in the higher reward chests. And skins are considered "end game" in GW2 - lol. (Some people call the game "fashion wars".)

People that don't get the 10 AP any more aren't hamstringed - if the ap have (according to your logic) no impact. And you actually mention only stuff that isn't really important. From my observation the "writ of experience" seem to come from the small chests for doing the individual achievements which you'd still get - if only the AP was capped but the small chests were still given out.

Also by the time someone reaches the cap they would probably have maxed a char of each profession. (So no real need for mor chars anymore. Unless they do it for some other reasons - where it is okay to level them slower. Or maybe buying level 80 boosters from the gem store. ArenaNet wants to stell stuff. :D )

If you say 2 gold isn't enough you can decide to be "free" of the dailies. Easier to say "I have finished them for the AP" - once you reach a cap. A cap is something to look forward to. A goal to work towards. Without cap I will just be "oh why should I start in the first place when I never reach the goal when there isn't any and others will just get a head even more".

For long-term otivation it makes sense to have the cap. People will still have TONS of other stuff to do in the game besides the dailies. (And people only logging in for dailies won't start to play other content juts because of the dailies. Doesn't matter if a handful of people are annoyed by the cap then.) Would be different for decisions in the main parts of the games.

For the reward chests (where not all of them have writs - according to wiki) - I'd prefer if there was some 2nd currency (besides laurels) that you earned. Where you could buy your individual chest or reward. (So some people could buy writs. Others could buy other stuff.)

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@"jokke.6239" said:It's clearly not true to say that achievement points are meaningless, as so many say in this thread. Maybe to you, but there wouldn't be so many threads about this if it didn't have meaning to someone.You could make the argument that most thing in this game is "meaningless" .. It's just a game afterall, but if someone enjoy collecting achievement points, they have a meaning to that person.And this is coming from someone with just 13.5k points

The majority that want the daily AP cap raised likely want the skins and don't care about their actual AP. Adding more daily AP just dilutes the system further.

I wasn't even arguing that the daily cap had to be increased with that message, just that achievement points does have meaning to a lot of people.I think you're very wrong that everyone just do achievement points for the skins.And actually the experience % you get from achievements are kind of a big deal for gaining spirit shards faster. You could even argue that being much more meaningful than skins.But "meaningful" is subjective. It depends on the person.Increasing a number on your screen is enough rewards for some people, and meaningful enough for them to want to increase the number, no matter how meaningless that type of progression is to some people.So yeah my points was that just because some people find them meaningless doesn't mean that's the case for everyone.

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