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What's the point?

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@reddie.5861 said:

@Daddicus.6128 said:Call me dumb, but what the heck is the point of the Super Adventure Festival? Nothing makes sense in there.

i agree i hate the event but i just dont go there problem solved :D

Yeah, but a lot of achievement points are available, so I wanted to at least give it a chance. But, it makes no sense to me. None of our usual skills or playing skill has any effect (except dodging, maybe). It may have been a good idea for April Fools Day, but as a festival, it is a waste of time.

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@Daddicus.6128 said:

@Daddicus.6128 said:Call me dumb, but what the heck is the point of the Super Adventure Festival? Nothing makes sense in there.

i agree i hate the event but i just dont go there problem solved :D

Yeah, but a lot of achievement points are available, so I wanted to at least give it a chance. But, it makes no sense to me. None of our usual skills or playing skill has any effect (except dodging, maybe). It may have been a good idea for April Fools Day, but as a festival, it is a waste of time.

tbh if u dont like it and feel like ur wasting your time u shouldnt go there, i mean i play gw2 to have fun.

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@Daddicus.6128 said:Sorudo: Oh, I wasn't wondering that. It's why I complain.

Reddie: Yeah, I gave up. But, that's just more AP that aren't available to me, and many resources wasted by ANet.

Just like raids are wasted resources for 90% of the GW2 players because they will never get those AP. Or even Fractals. I don't think close to 50% of the playerbase even cares about those.

Live and let live. They can make thousands of people happy by keeping this festival on life support and developing some content like the new weapons and now glitches, on top of the first kind of promise we ever got that the previously teased worlds 3 and 4 might be in development. The festival developers are knocking it out of the park honestly and none of their efforts are wasted.

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@Blocki.4931 said:Live and let live. They can make thousands of people happy by keeping this festival on life support and developing some content like the new weapons and now glitches, on top of the first kind of promise we ever got that the previously teased worlds 3 and 4 might be in development. The festival developers are knocking it out of the park honestly and none of their efforts are wasted.I like to think the addition of glitches is the result of the good people at ANet getting their feet wet with creating content (other than rewards) for this weird sub-engine.

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To answer your original question, it's point is to be fun. Same as the rest of the game. SAB is one of the things that sets GW2 apart from other generic MMO's and helps it stand out from the crowd.

@Daddicus.6128 said:I guess I just wish they would add enough achievement points so it would be possible to get a full set of radiant armor playing the heart of the game.

And what makes SAB any more or less the heart of the game than any other content? Festivals are part of the game, and many players enjoy them. Nothing wrong if you dislike SAB, but it is an amazing part of GW2 that is part of the charm that keeps me and many other players interested in the game.

If all you want is achievement points, the wiki shows that at best you can have about 670 achievement points from SAB so far. You can earn 15k achievement points for dailies alone. There is no shortage of achievement points in the game. And if you really only want the achievements, you can earn many of them within an hour or so of gameplay. Just do the normal mode achievements for completing areas, finding hidden rooms/shops, etc. With a guide it would not take long at all to get those, the only challenging ones are tribulation mode.

Nobody is going to like every piece of content in the game, that doesn't make that content pointless.

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@Daddicus.6128 said:~snip~

Reddie: Yeah, I gave up. But, that's just more AP that aren't available to me, and many resources wasted by ANet.

Except in this case there really aren't any resources wasted by ArenaNet other than what has been added in to SAB over the last couple of years. The reason I can state that is the original designers and building of the SAB was not done on ArenaNet time, it was done in off hours on the devs own personal time. Besides, those achievement points aren't that important, just like the ones supposedly missing from LS1(News flash: the front loaded AP points in subsequent LW seasons made up for the missing LS1 points). If you never liked platform games to begin with, you wouldn't like SAB.

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Since it's a FESTIVAL now instead of an April Fool's Day thingy, then maybe they could still use SAB for April Fools... figure out a way to "pixelize" our characters!

Just like this year, give out potions to everyone. When imbibed, it makes all the characters appear low-res for a given amount of time. (Monsters too, perhaps? Like the Bobblehead Lab?) Then later on, they can sell a "Pixelation Lab" in the TP for folks who want to do that at other times of the year just for kicks.

And nobody is forced to experience it if they think it's childish and stupid.

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Each to their own. I set aside the entire day tuesday to play in SAB and am THRILLED it's here for 4 weeks this year. It is difficult to get a grip the first time, here are a couple things that made it easier and far more enjoyable.

1) Go in with a friend who knows the path and is patient. Be able to laugh when you miss jumps.2) Convert gold, or just outright buy the continue coin. That way you don't waste the baubles you will want to get things for the achievements, and you REALLY won't mind dying. /gg works in SAB!!!

Going in with someone also makes checkpoints much more userfriendly. Also they can get the glitch and everyone in party qualifies. Also having one person smack the gem while the other does the jumps is so nice!

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Everything you need to know about SAB is finely condescend in the very first trailer for it back from 2013:

Suffice to say, SAB is pure genius.

TL;DR:It started as an April fools joke with a huge aspect of homage to 8-bit games, most notably Zelda, 80s and 90s video game commercials and overall just a throwback to games from that time. It developed from there into a festival.

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I'd recommend not to force yourself. If you don't like it ... don't play it. There are other sources for AP. Or play it only slowly a little bit.I'm lucky that I did most achievements in 2012/13. Only need to to the stuff that got added later.

So I just finished the adventure ones that upgrade the weapon skills. Still working on the furniture shop ones (the one in tribulaion mode not visited yet), the glitches and the adventure (time trial) ones. I'll eventually get most of that stuff except the time trial ones. When it gets too repetitive (too many tries to do the same stuff) it gets boring. Just a few AP and I can ignore them.

The main thing for me will be doing the normal mode daily for the bauble bubbles + some normal bauble to convert. I have only few rewards left to buy (had a lot of bubbles saved in my bank from back 2013) except the weapons. (They can be bought with gold at the TP.) Then the dailies (quick and easy to do while running the normal mode 1 time a day for baubles) for Assassins tokens.

It get's easier the more you play and the more you learn about the paths and secrets. Tribulaton though ... I won't force myself to play that one. Took me hours with videos (i spent a few days) back then with Dulfy vids in 2013. I'd probably need to re-learn with the vids (it is my first time since 2013) and taking tons of painful hours agin. Might do it once for 1 additional skin with each color (green yellow) but not more. Only once a year. Too tired then probably (even though it should get easier with the training). I don't want to use tools like TACO.

Biggest problem I have with SAB is that it is not available permanently ... beacuse it can get repetitive (especially when you try to go for all the tribulation mode skins ... which is a pain) and I might try 1 tribulatoin run only every few weeks (then relaxing and playing fun stuff and then back to "work" in tribulatoin mode again). Well ... I play mainly for fun. Others playing for the skins (or people that are extreme masochists) might run the tribulation mode all the time each day the festival is running. :D (Probably a small percentage of the playerbase compared to other festivals.)

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@"Cyninja.2954" said:Everything you need to know about SAB is finely condescend in the very first trailer for it back from 2013:

Suffice to say, SAB is pure genius.

TL;DR:It started as an April fools joke with a huge aspect of homage to 8-bit games, most notably Zelda, 80s and 90s video game commercials and overall just a throwback to games from that time. It developed from there into a festival.

After watching that I kind of want to have Rytlock bust in my door and yell at me

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Because its very fun, it exploits one of the best and unique mechanics on this game which is platforming adventuring. The game doesn't revolve around specifically you so asking "why's the point of this thing I don't like" is out of the line.

@Wildon.7618 said:To answer your original question, it's point is to be fun. Same as the rest of the game. SAB is one of the things that sets GW2 apart from other generic MMO's and helps it stand out from the crowd.

@Daddicus.6128 said:I guess I just wish they would add enough achievement points so it would be possible to get a full set of radiant armor playing the heart of the game.

And what makes SAB any more or less the heart of the game than any other content? Festivals are part of the game, and many players enjoy them. Nothing wrong if you dislike SAB, but it is an amazing part of GW2 that is part of the charm that keeps me and many other players interested in the game.

If all you want is achievement points, the wiki shows that at best you can have about 670 achievement points from SAB so far. You can earn 15k achievement points for dailies alone. There is no shortage of achievement points in the game. And if you really only want the achievements, you can earn many of them within an hour or so of gameplay. Just do the normal mode achievements for completing areas, finding hidden rooms/shops, etc. With a guide it would not take long at all to get those, the only challenging ones are tribulation mode.

Nobody is going to like every piece of content in the game, that doesn't make that content pointless.


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I have been playing this game since launch, that is 7+ years now. Never, I repeat, NEVER i played fractuals and raids. Now, did I ever ask " What's the point of having them? Waste of resources? " If I do, I will be asking the obvious. Obviously. Play what you like and enjoy, avoid those you think it's a waste of time.

And btw, what's the point of this topic? This, I have to ask.

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@Daddicus.6128 said:Call me dumb, but what the heck is the point of the Super Adventure Festival? Nothing makes sense in there.

What is the Super Adventure Box? Mad Asuran scientist creates virtual world - a game within a game. That's the short version.

You should play it if you enjoy silly throwbacks to 90s-era 3D platforming games. It even comes with three difficulty settings, with the hardest featuring all of the technical jumping, blind pitfalls, spike traps, and boiling lava you love to hate from back in the day! But there are also achievements, titles, and rewards, including a set of ridiculous weapon skins in several colors, backpacks, minis, boomboxes that play SAB music (including some hilarious metal versions from tribulation mode!), and more! You might even get lucky and score skins you can flip for a few hundred gold!

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