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The Strongest Roaming Guilds in the History of NA


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@"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:All besides [QUAK] and [OPP] I would agree with being generally very skillful groups. [QQ] may be notoriously hated but they do have quite a few decent players, they're just salt farmers.

I'd also like to add Extra Basic [eB], Lookin Like A [snac], Redrum X Murder [RDRM] and Heretic Transcendence [HT] as guilds that I've found to be consistently challenging and have been around for quite some time.

I thought hard about eB too because their rev and thief are mightily talented. but I think they’re a rather new guild or even a ‘renamed’ or ‘combined’ guild as in they were previously in other guilds.

The other guilds you mentioned I think they’re good but not defining enough ?

For example, XOXO made the list because at their height I think they had close to a hundred members in their guild. 100 roamers! Even I was shocked when I heard that lol. But I also heard many left eventually to create their own guilds. But a recent call to rally by their leader, I think name was Midnight? brought many of them back to NSP including the hyper skilled Grouto.

I added OPP because they had one of the most popular streamers Gladomer from way back during Vanilla GW2. I found him and a few of their members always a threat so maybe we disagree here haha.

I was quite conflicted on the last guild but decided to add QUAK because they were quite pivotal to the roaming scene in the lower tiers back during vanilla times. If i recall rightly, they were a largely home defence type of roaming guild and they did it better than many other similar guilds imo. They appear a lot weaker now but still boast at least one talented warrior I can’t remember his name.

I’m sure I left out many other good guilds that kept a Low profile. Like there was a German sounding guild HDK? Herdaskha or something similar. Small guild but extremely deadly. Or EV eternal vigil also small and deadly. Or YUM strong as a collective unit. Or Black Lion Hunters HUNT also rather iconic during the vanilla era.

In the end I settled for the higher profile ones XD

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I remember farm killing some mesmer in vT and someone mentioned to me he was streaming. So I joined his stream and he was making every excuse possible as to why he died. I wasn't overly impressed with him or vT in general. And QQ, I've only seen a ranger - the other guilds, no idea who they are.

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@Hadi.6025 said:

@Hadi.6025 said:QQ is pretty bad though. Especially that Hadi guy. What a salt bag.

I mean, you kind of are, actually. Just sayin...

I'm not Hadi, i'm just talking about Hadi. My name is Hadi though.

Oh, right. LoL Didn't think I remembered that account name being associated with him. But anyway, yeah, that dude is salty, but QQ are good and he's one of the better ones I've fought from them. I'm in their matchup currently and have met some good fighters the past few days.

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Tha Rubberduckies [QUAK]Funny name? They will have you quacking from your waypoint in no time. Brilliant individually and collected, they were the benchmark of the deadly lower tier servers back in the days when most roamers worth their salt gathered there to avoid the higher tier blob servers. Beat them and your roaming guild enters the pantheons of roaming greatness. But how many can say they have done the impossible?

Everyone can.

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@PeerlessArch.6547 said:The Lamest Ganking Guilds in the History of NA

Fixed your title, and the winner actually goes to [iE].

They might gank runners near your keep or spawn but they're actually roaming still, I usually run into 2 to 4 if they're in a matchup and those are normally the more fun builds I get to mess around with even if their kind of trolling people. QQ seem to have a lot of people but at least I see them break up and move fast all over. Aside from that I feel that list are more like havoc squads, maybe it's just my log in time when I see most of them in a matchup, but as far as havoc to full squads go those other guilds are fun to run into and usually give you a reason to look over your combat log and mess with your build.

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@PeerlessArch.6547 said:The Lamest Ganking Guilds in the History of NA

Fixed your title, and the winner actually goes to [iE].

IE can gank just like any guild, but most of them leave me alone if I do the same to them. I mostly just hate being matched up against them because I get triggered having to spend an extra 30 seconds on my Warclaw walking from spawn when I die since the keep will be guaranteed perma tapped. I would say more than anything they are probably just bored and trolling for fun.

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@"TaraAshlynn.9746" said:From the list YOU provided, I'd have to say vT due to the fact the others just aren't qualified by any means to be called the best.

[QQ] is actually very bad, they aren't "roamers", they don't even respect any duels as well, they only gank people with less numbers, they run in a group of 5+ and that's about it. LATELY [QQ] and [XOXO] have been havocing together in a group of 6-10 people trying to fight anyone who has less numbers than them. QQ doesn't really duel people, um... I've dueled Thiefy the co-leader of XOXO on his third and druid, dueled 2 other guild members from there, and won every fight. Therefore you can't really say they are the BEST when their skill level doesn't match anywhere near that. They're pretty trash evenly, NO SHADE.

We did 6v6's against QQ 2 weeks ago, beat them twice, so they kept adding more people, they brought 9, so we won a 6v9, so they added 2 more people. Also, did I see you mention Grouto's name in one of your posts?? If you think Grouto is good, you're delusional, he's one of the most ragey, salty people in the whole "Roaming" scene, who thrives off having friends save him.

Is this tar? Still upset about getting thrashed I see. I’m down for FA mirrors whenever you want the smoke. Holler at me.

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Those I Will Make You [QQ] peeps are some of the best, coolest, AND nicest players in this game! I always loved seeing them roam and fight outnumbered, it was like watching superheroes swooping in and saving the day!

And maybe some are too salty to appreciate, but I Will Make You [QQ] peeps are very much loved around the servers! They have a rich history in this game and have also made a huge impact on the roaming scene in WvW! Maybe some of you can't, or won't, admit that you admire them, but others certainly can and do!

❤️ QQ ❤️

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I'd say [eB] are probably the best guild out of them all currently. Out of all time, it easily goes to [tM] but roaming back then was completely different than it is now. Now It is about just bursting and running back for cooldowns with invulns + mobility. Also, always nice to see people vote for their own guild

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