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Please add roller beetle to wvw

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I feel its time to suggest this again. It would be fun yes? The dismount skill could be buffed to do like 10000% more damage to gates, and it could have a 2000 range knockback when it hits players. There could be ramps to jump over walls, drive by bowling-like attacks vs big squads, and epic roaming chases across the entire map. If a squad of 50 beetles came drifting around the corner at top speed, you would figuratively feel the ground shake as the lag crashes down on you, crushing your morale. I dont see any negative side to this.

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I think the roller beetle is the most fun and interesting mount if you're going to be riding around a lot. Even at Warclaw speed it would be fun although I'd be sure to die a lot running off of cliffs by hitting forward when I meant to turn or back up but it would be worth it. Our server is basically GTA The Mists at this point anyway so they might as well give us the appropriate ride and it would make the most awesome clash of blobs or trying to run each other off the road before blasting off to fight.

At some point it would be fun to have multiplayer mounts or rides that passengers can shoot off of but get Knocked Back if the ride gets blown up and let them work on water also. I miss being lazy in Starwars Galaxies riding in a friends speeder or ship getting my inventory in order on the way to a fight or raid.

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@kash.9213 said:I think the roller beetle is the most fun and interesting mount if you're going to be riding around a lot. Even at Warclaw speed it would be fun although I'd be sure to die a lot running off of cliffs by hitting forward when I meant to turn or back up but it would be worth it. Our server is basically GTA The Mists at this point anyway so they might as well give us the appropriate ride and it would make the most awesome clash of blobs or trying to run each other off the road before blasting off to fight.

At some point it would be fun to have multiplayer mounts or rides that passengers can shoot off of but get Knocked Back if the ride gets blown up and let them work on water also. I miss being lazy in Starwars Galaxies riding in a friends speeder or ship getting my inventory in order on the way to a fight or raid.

I think beetles might acutally be fun as a weekend event or something, sadly it would probably be too difficult to implement.

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Can only imagine how much of a clusterkitten it would be having 50 Rollar beetles full speed ram into a tower gate, specially with all those fancy flashy skins xD

Not to mention the speed massive zergs could get around the map and decimate low pop servers.

If you want a mount to kill WvW this is definitely the one to do it xD

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The players on roller beetles crashing into the gates need to die instantly, sending them immediately back to their spawn waypoint. Skimmer mounts would then repair gates with their skill, costing the ability to mount up for the next hour. While an EWP is active, raptors, for that server only, would be temporarily available. While the air keep and all 3 shrines are owned by one server, they get to use griffons in only the air keep zone. Same with springer mounts for the earth keep and the skyscale for the fire keep.

Do I have them all covered?

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The problem that comes with Mounts is that for them to work their mechanics would have to be locked into territories you own, like gliding.And even then Mounts like Skyscale and griffon would need almost no HP so people have a chance to dismount out out of the sky and kill you. I personally wouldn't be against it, It'd be exciting to shoot skyscales out of the sky coming to defend a keep.

It'd liven up the game for sure, Traversing the map trying to find big fights is the most boring part of WVW for me but for people who enjoy roaming and 1v1s it'd ruin it for them.

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@Teratus.2859 said:Can only imagine how much of a clusterkitten it would be having 50 Rollar beetles full speed ram into a tower gate, specially with all those fancy flashy skins xD

Not to mention the speed massive zergs could get around the map and decimate low pop servers.

If you want a mount to kill WvW this is definitely the one to do it xD

Player cant get carried, so they sugest stuff like this...

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