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So this is what "less damage" looks like?


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@"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

@"Ansau.7326" said:Oh, how sweet all these people with all these excuses defending a broken cheesy stealth 1-shot. Don't worry, I will step up the game for you.

I was lucky running Herald instead of Renegade...

The trait needs to be completely reworked, almost no one uses it because it's extremely difficult to get any actual value out of it. Using A.E.D. is pretty much mandatory unless you're 100% certain you're going to kill your target without a fight.

Overheating locks you out of your Tool Belt skills ( 5 seconds with this trait ), locks you out of Photon Forge ( 10 seconds? ), deals multiple ticks of damage to yourself, requires the target(s) to be within a radius of 240 ( the size of a Necro Well ) and likely doesn't allow much/any room for defensive skills/utilities/traits.

I'm defending the fact that this build is a complete joke if you're aware of it's presence. If it's getting Stealthed by allies or self-stacking Stealth then yes that's gonna be a little harder to react to, but the same can be said about a lot more things than just this, and something with so many drawbacks at that.

As I said initially, I think the trait needs to be completely reworked. Not a huge reduction in power coefficient or any small tweaks like that because unless you're doing what the attacker was doing, going all in on this one gimmick, it has 0 value. It needs to be replaced with something that doesn't require you to dedicate every resource to it.

I mean i get that it´s a meme build and it was the first time that I have seen someone using it in WvW, but no skill/ability should be able to do so much damage (regardless of how much toughness u have), even if it has massive drawbacks to the user

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@Xca.9721 said:

@"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

@"Ansau.7326" said:Oh, how sweet all these people with all these excuses defending a broken cheesy stealth 1-shot. Don't worry, I will step up the game for you.

I was lucky running Herald instead of Renegade...

The trait needs to be completely reworked, almost no one uses it because it's extremely difficult to get any actual value out of it. Using A.E.D. is pretty much mandatory unless you're 100% certain you're going to kill your target without a fight.

Overheating locks you out of your Tool Belt skills ( 5 seconds with this trait ), locks you out of Photon Forge ( 10 seconds? ), deals multiple ticks of damage to yourself, requires the target(s) to be within a radius of 240 ( the size of a Necro Well ) and likely doesn't allow much/any room for defensive skills/utilities/traits.

I'm defending the fact that this build is a complete joke if you're aware of it's presence. If it's getting Stealthed by allies or self-stacking Stealth then yes that's gonna be a little harder to react to, but the same can be said about a lot more things than just this, and something with so many drawbacks at that.

As I said initially, I think the trait needs to be completely reworked. Not a huge reduction in power coefficient or any small tweaks like that because unless you're doing what the attacker was doing, going all in on this one gimmick, it has 0 value. It needs to be replaced with something that doesn't require you to dedicate every resource to it.

I mean i get that it´s a meme build and it was the first time that I have seen someone using it in WvW, but no skill/ability should be able to do so much damage (regardless of how much toughness u have), even if it has massive drawbacks to the user

I..what? if it has that massive of drawbacks to the user i say leave it as is. Note i refuse to play engineer, but..it seems to be a high risk high pay off build?* unless its stealthed, not sure. But builds with massive drawbacks and massive damage are okay sometimes.

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@XenesisII.1540 said:It's a gimmick build, only one person runs it./s

Guild Wars 2 is know for gimmick mechanics, skills, Toxic designs and making exceptions as to what Profession should be excused to serious nerfings and what Professions should be nerfed.

Once again what we are witnessing is the typical partial treatment of certain Professions being excused to serious changes

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@"Ansau.7326" said:Oh, how sweet all these people with all these excuses defending a broken cheesy stealth 1-shot. Don't worry, I will step up the game for you.FJjcZkw.png

I was lucky running Herald instead of Renegade...And if you would have been running a dps rev you probably couldnt ported in with sword and taken 75% of his hp while evading everything, or you could have dumped 25+ torment stacks and have him kill himself in 2 seconds.

Broken cheesy builds indeed.

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I play engineer (not only engineer but every other class) but I think that some things will be toned down. There's a handful of things that haven't been touched in the Feb 25 balance update such as PBM (Photonic Blasting Module) damage, Mortar/grenade/bomb kit/tool kit damage, and explosive entrance is likely to be split between game modes. Lesser used skills such as the utility turrets also may have been oversights as well as gadgeteer interaction with mine field.

Rocket is probably the toolbelt skill for the rocket turret with 2.25 coefficient rather than from aim assisted rocket which had its damage reduced to 0.5 coefficient.

What you see there is vulnerability stacking with Modified Ammunition bonuses combined with untouched skills that will mostly see the 33-40% damage reduction just about every skill received.

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@Tao.5096 said:Power Mesmer also hits for similar damage with Mind Wrack.

It's funny that everything hits like wet noodles, but there is always some silly thing that keep it's old power.

Burn ticks.. main issue that needs to adressed.

mesmer (havent payed much atenttion but ive been killed trough infuse light from mesmer and holos where the skill says inc damage converted to health wich does not happen against some classes....i assume its server not receiving my data of what skill im performing.... aka desync between players )rifles warrior (non important IMO they gain adrenaline way to fast)thief snipers (non important)holos (banzai mode is weird...)reapers damage and secondary health kinda strong IDK something there can lead to a bit of carry behavior due damage output and secondary health(they die to low effort burn ticks cause burn atm is OP, still thats not balance...)

when u get instant 50 burn stacks, but luckelly u have resistance that ends being removed while u use all ur cleanses but still end with 20 burn stacks...Burn is ticking over 8k cause if u dont spam the cleanses wull end with those 50 burn stacks, ive died to instant burn tick and was just passing nearby the red rings.... due the nature of aoe spam and splashy combat this game has...

theres still a few things to tune up and down, we all knew this would take some time, but we all can see what needs to be adressed.

Still response from Anet ot overperfoming after game nbalance and nerfs situations could be faster.....

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Ah, that build. Its a gimmick. And not a good one, you will find in most situations its just too easily stopped. The way it works is that they rely on Photonic Blasting Module (which has a 5.0 coefficient. You read that right. After they reduced the other coefficients to rarely exceed 2.0, this one has a 5.0 one). The problem is, you need to fully heat, overheat and then wait for the delay before blasting the enemy in a short AoE. Lots of setup, usually easily stopped. And Holo has no way to get the kinda permastealth to prevent you from reacting.

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The old discussion...

  • Should something be possible at all, even if it's gimmicky?
  • If it exists, then it will work at some time. Does that justify a nerf ... or does it only justify a L2P post?

Personally I don't care about gimmicks, because they are nothing but noob filters.

Some people want passive counterplay more than anything else. If they get killed before they can fire something back, then they get mad, even though they could have avoided getting killed easily.

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@KrHome.1920 said:The old discussion...

  • Should something be possible at all, even if it's gimmicky?
  • If it exists, then it will work at some time. Does that justify a nerf ... or does it only justify a L2P post?

Personally I don't care about gimmicks, because they are nothing but noob filters.

Some people want passive counterplay more than anything else. If they get killed before they can fire something back, then they get mad, even though they could have avoided getting killed easily.

Agreed. This is one of those things that annoys you to get killed by because you feel cheesed but if you're prepared for it it's easily swatted away. Deadeye's entire existence is pretty much the same.

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@"Ansau.7326" said:Oh, how sweet all these people with all these excuses defending a broken cheesy stealth 1-shot. Don't worry, I will step up the game for you.FJjcZkw.png

I was lucky running Herald instead of Renegade...

I think its kinda rich saying broken cheesy builds while running condi rev. Just saying.

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@"Spartacus.3192" said:I think its kinda rich saying broken cheesy builds while running condi rev. Just saying.

Can we please stop with this "you run this build therefore you don't get to complain attitude" it adds nothing to the discussion and is literally on every forum post that talks about balance. What do you hope to accomplish by saying this? Do you want everyone to shut up about criticizing balance and go back to playing their own builds that someone else deems unhealthy? Or do you actually have an idea of what balance should be? And in that case, why not share that rather than spouting these useless one off statements that contribute nothing at all?

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@K THEN.5162 said:

@"Spartacus.3192" said:I think its kinda rich saying broken cheesy builds while running condi rev. Just saying.

Can we please stop with this "you run this build therefore you don't get to complain attitude" it adds nothing to the discussion and is literally on every forum post that talks about balance. What do you hope to accomplish by saying this? Do you want everyone to shut up about criticizing balance and go back to playing their own builds that someone else deems unhealthy? Or do you actually have an idea of what balance should be? And in that case, why not share that rather than spouting these useless one off statements that contribute nothing at all?

Indeed, just because one thing is broken, doesn't mean something else cant be as well, which ones worse is just semantics.

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@Spartacus.3192 said:

@"Ansau.7326" said:Oh, how sweet all these people with all these excuses defending a broken cheesy stealth 1-shot. Don't worry, I will step up the game for you.

I was lucky running Herald instead of Renegade...

I think its kinda rich saying broken cheesy builds while running condi rev. Just saying.

I know when a thing it's broken, cheesy or too good enough that simply carries players, holo overheat meme isn't anything different. All you defending it or bringing lame excuses to undermind people's facts it's the ultimate reason why this game it's in current state.

And if I have to sit in others classes broken builds is because anet does nothing but to listen to forum warriors and destroy mesmer. Until they bring back 2 dodges to mirage and IP to chrono, so I can play a build that feels I'm actually the one playing the game (and no, I wasn't playing condi mirage or stealth 1-shot GS), this is what people will have to suffer. Currently I'm running condi rev and FT scrapper. First everybody knows it. Second it's even more lame, AA does everything: Top 5 damage and cleanses in squad, in roaming you don't even have to dodge most of the times.

All I've left to say is enjoy the game where traits and skills plays for you, you community of GW2 definitely earned it.But please, at least make everyone the favor not to look like a fool when discussing topics: Overheat 1-shot from stealth meme has to disappear, period.

PD: I just read one of your recent posts: "Holo is one of my fav classes to play along with war, rev and guard." Of course they are, how dare you to like anything that isn't carrying you with their passives or broken mechanics....

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@Ansau.7326 said:

@Ansau.7326 said:Oh, how sweet all these people with all these excuses defending a broken cheesy stealth 1-shot. Don't worry, I will step up the game for you.

I was lucky running Herald instead of Renegade...

I think its kinda rich saying broken cheesy builds while running condi rev. Just saying.

I know when a thing it's broken, cheesy or too good enough that simply carries players, holo overheat meme isn't anything different. All you defending it or bringing lame excuses to undermind people's facts it's the ultimate reason why this game it's in current state.

And if I have to sit in others classes broken builds is because anet does nothing but to listen to forum warriors and destroy mesmer. Until they bring back 2 dodges to mirage and IP to chrono, so I can play a build that feels I'm actually the one playing the game (and no, I wasn't playing condi mirage or stealth 1-shot GS), this is what people will have to suffer. Currently I'm running condi rev and FT scrapper. First everybody knows it. Second it's even more lame, AA does everything: Top 5 damage and cleanses in squad, in roaming you don't even have to dodge most of the times.

All I've left to say is enjoy the game where traits and skills plays for you, you community of GW2 definitely earned it.But please, at least make everyone the favor not to look like a fool when discussing topics: Overheat 1-shot from stealth meme has to disappear, period.

PD: I just read one of your recent posts: "Holo is one of my fav classes to play along with war, rev and guard." Of course they are, how dare you to like anything that isn't carrying you with their passives or broken mechanics....

I never said i wasnt playing a carrying class. But if you think playing power rev is carrying then sure im playing a carrying class.

I play power rev 90% of the time and if i want to go tryhard or if very outnumbered I play condi rev because condi rev is one of the most broken roaming spec right now. I have not seen a SINGLE one of these so called one shot Holo's while roaming (im on BG) . I stopped playing holo after the latest balance patch.

And yes i am actually advocating that ANET nerfs Condi Rev. Its way more obnoxious than this mythical Holo that has made you mad.

P.S its nice that i triggered you enough to make you search my post history. Its like when i get salty whispers when i kill someone in the borderlands.

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