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Elementalist makes me wanna quit the game


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I started playing about a month ago, was trying a few professions but finally settled with the ele. I loved doing the entire story btw. I found a nice guild and got into raiding. That's when I realised that I suck. The worst thing about it is that I researched my build, rotation, gear and the rotation for that boss as power weaver and my friend who is playing power ranger managed to outdo my dps with a lot less effort. I thought it's just the fact that my build requires more skill but having looked at the benchmarks and from general opinion it seems that's not the case. Even if I learn to play my spec to the maximum, ranger is still better at every role when it comes to raiding. Did I forget to mention that as the squishiest profession in the game I would very often get downed by aoe damage even though I was playing according with the mechanics. I was told there is just no reason to pick weaver over any other spec. I had a similar experience with every other aspect of the game. I am getting into pvp with power tempest off meta build and I quite enjoy that it's easy to shut down and I'm still playing on unranked. I was thinking that an elementalist would be useful in various aspects of the game, that a more complicated class would offer a better reward. The problem is that I couldn't find that reward anywhere. Judging by other posts on this subforum, ele in general is not in a good spot, and the most discussions I see that aren't about expressing dissapointment with ele, are about WvW. Is it worth even waiting for the ele to get fixed? I would like to stick with one character that can be good in most aspects of the game.

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@Drakewind.8961 said:I started playing about a month ago, was trying a few professions but finally settled with the ele. I loved doing the entire story btw. I found a nice guild and got into raiding. That's when I realised that I suck. The worst thing about it is that I researched my build, rotation, gear and the rotation for that boss as power weaver and my friend who is playing power ranger managed to outdo my dps with a lot less effort. I thought it's just the fact that my build requires more skill but having looked at the benchmarks and from general opinion it seems that's not the case. Even if I learn to play my spec to the maximum, ranger is still better at every role when it comes to raiding. Did I forget to mention that as the squishiest profession in the game I would very often get downed by aoe damage even though I was playing according with the mechanics. I was told there is just no reason to pick weaver over any other spec. I had a similar experience with every other aspect of the game. I am getting into pvp with power tempest off meta build and I quite enjoy that it's easy to shut down and I'm still playing on unranked. I was thinking that an elementalist would be useful in various aspects of the game, that a more complicated class would offer a better reward. The problem is that I couldn't find that reward anywhere. Judging by other posts on this subforum, ele in general is not in a good spot, and the most discussions I see that aren't about expressing dissapointment with ele, are about WvW. Is it worth even waiting for the ele to get fixed? I would like to stick with one character that can be good in most aspects of the game.

I dont raid often but when I do go out with the guild I have a weaver that gets consistent 30k dps every timeaccording to snowcrows weaver is sec best pure dps. right after powerChrono. Both are really, REALLY hard to play compared to other builds.Cant speak for WvW but there are people that definitely make it work in PvP, support tempest, Bunker weavers and LR builds exist.You just chose really hard spec to play, if you want it easy make a reaper, go reaper shroud and hold M1, get 25kdps and call it a day, weaver and Pchrono are for people that want to put in the effort.

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@Drakewind.8961 said:I started playing about a month ago, was trying a few professions but finally settled with the ele. I loved doing the entire story btw. I found a nice guild and got into raiding. That's when I realised that I suck. The worst thing about it is that I researched my build, rotation, gear and the rotation for that boss as power weaver and my friend who is playing power ranger managed to outdo my dps with a lot less effort. I thought it's just the fact that my build requires more skill but having looked at the benchmarks and from general opinion it seems that's not the case. Even if I learn to play my spec to the maximum, ranger is still better at every role when it comes to raiding.

The only thing of consequence here is that some classes are more difficult than others, and yes, elementalist can be more challenging.

The fact max benchmarks are different on classes is of no concern to you at this point in time. If you have to research classes, you are far from being even in the same galaxy as high end benchmarks.

See if you enjoy elementalist, otherwise give a different profession a try.

@Drakewind.8961 said:Did I forget to mention that as the squishiest profession in the game I would very often get downed by aoe damage even though I was playing according with the mechanics.

If you got downed by aoe damage, you were not playing according to the mechanics.

@Drakewind.8961 said:I was told there is just no reason to pick weaver over any other spec.

Who ever told you that is an idiot. Yes, you can quote me to that person.

@Drakewind.8961 said:I had a similar experience with every other aspect of the game. I am getting into pvp with power tempest off meta build and I quite enjoy that it's easy to shut down and I'm still playing on unranked. I was thinking that an elementalist would be useful in various aspects of the game, that a more complicated class would offer a better reward.

So to summarize: you went into a competitive game mode, on a build you made yourself, on a class you can't play, which has a very high skill ceiling, and you are wondering why you are having a hard time?

@Drakewind.8961 said:The problem is that I couldn't find that reward anywhere. Judging by other posts on this subforum, ele in general is not in a good spot, and the most discussions I see that aren't about expressing dissapointment with ele, are about WvW. Is it worth even waiting for the ele to get fixed? I would like to stick with one character that can be good in most aspects of the game.

Ele is fine. Your main issue is you are trying to perform on a level which you are far away from. Pick a different class. Learn some of the basics of the game. Then return to ele. Or practice and get better at ele, that works too.

EDIT: and if this is just about showing up your friend on the damage meter, make a Staff Daredevil. Super easy to play, high damage even when just auto attacking.

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@"Drakewind.8961" said:I started playing about a month ago,Maybe it is a little too soon to start raiding especially with weaver. I have been playing for years and still can't quite hit benchmarks with weaver. Maybe it would be a good idea to make different toons for different situations and stop trying to be "the legendary op weaver" interntet talks about. In fact as @"Leonidrex.5649" mentioned playing an easier class even with losing some dps (not necessary actually, you can go DH and do some serious damage with a very little effort) won't be a big issue in training raid groups you're now in.And actually there is an interesting point you made there. You said " a more complicated class would offer a better reward". Well the reward is exactly the fact that it is complicated. You play piano on keyboard to do the same damage as a reaper does with 1 skill yeah.. It depends what is more enjoyable for you. Playing a piano class doesn't make you stronger or cooler than others.

Judging by other posts on this subforum, ele in general is not in a good spot, and the most discussions I see that aren't about expressing dissapointment with ele, are about WvW. Is it worth even waiting for the ele to get fixed? I would like to stick with one character that can be good in most aspects of the game.Who said that ? Weaver is meta in fractals, very good in raids and is quite strong in pvp. You are quite new here, maybe you donno much about WVW and I assure you the fact that you can still play ele in WVW is already a miracle. And in PVP too: water tempest spamming his auras is not "offmeta" at all, it is quite strong. All this is just excuses. This is not league of legends with monthly patches, here every class has its ups and downs and everything is more or less static. Hell I guess weaver is one of the few classes that is meta everywhere...And lastly, if weavers were the ultimate and only viable class to play, why would anywone bother playing anything else ? And if you don't like weaver go play something else.New players come here thinking "yea warrior is a lame class...guardian is just support, I don't wanna be a lame support, I want to do damage... I will play weaver, complicated, meteors, DAMAGE DPS DPS DPS..." This game is about teamplay. Playing support is challenging and fun unlike many other games. Maybe you should check some other classes, maybe somthing more simple (simple here doesnt mean bad or not interesting I assure you) then when you learn some mechanics, and really want to come back to weaver you are welcome to do so.

EDIT: Just came to my mind. Go play fractals, try to do some CMs. , not being a weaver main at all I always pick weaver in CMs when I play dps because it has the best damage on CM bosses and now that I am thinking has actually easy (or at most medium difficulty) and pleasant rotation. In CM groups, people sometimes write "DPS" in lfg, but what they mean is "weaver". For other t4 fractals you can go Tempest and be a monster in dps. If you want to be spicy you can even go heal tempest, it offmeta but pretty viable. You have so many options.

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I don't know how much you can really suck when you're one month in attempting to play competitive modes and raids on the most complex class in the game! Give yourself a pat on the back for even attempting it! That's bold!

On the rest, as a new player you're understandably lacking some context. Don't listen to the salt! No matter what, you'll have somebody telling you up is down. And they'll be both right and wrong about it! What is straight up broken in one area of the game might be undertuned in another - even within the same game mode! What is effective at silver rank in PvP doesn't usually work quite the same way at platinum+, right? There is really no good way for you as a new player to sort that out by reading what other players are saying on a forum.

So, don't. Just play what you want to play. It sounds to me like this isn't your first rodeo. If that's true, then you'll do fine. If you're going to get into high end PvP and raiding, you aren't going to do it playing just one class anyway. You're getting ahead of yourself here. Slow down and enjoy the ride a bit. You'll figure it out.

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There were some good points. Thanks to everyone who responded, especially @AliamRationem.5172 and @Armen.1483I’m writing on my phone so no quotes, sorry!

There were some salty comments too. To be clear, I was attempting to give an account of how I feel as a relatively new player in the endgame. Class selection does not describe difficulty or a specific role and my assumption was that an elementalist would be good at many roles (elements seem quite versatile aren’t they?) not a pure dps or off meta tempest heal when for example ranger seems to be in general so much better and versatile for raiding as well as warrior mesmer revenant with dps builds and utility builds that are part of the meta, but you’re right maybe I’ve been reading into snowcrows a bit too much.Also, I’m not claiming that more complicated classes should be inherently better, just saying that if you ask me to run an extra mile I would like a reason to do so. For example an extra utility for the party like mesmer. Am I cursed to be a tryhard because the profession I liked and chose as my main used to be broken and just got nefred? Gameplay is rewarding but it would be nice if ele was more viable in more aspects than just dps. Not everyone has time to make 9 characters. 100 hours is a lot for me and I would probably have chosen another profession. The whole point is hopefully to get some feedback to Anet.I will also give another try to fractals which seem to be more within ele’s domain.

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@Drakewind.8961 said:another profession. The whole point is hopefully to get some feedback to Anet.I will also give another try to fractals which seem to be more within ele’s domain.

Anet doesn't communicate with players, or it is very rare. So don't count on it.As for raids, they are supposed to be the ultimate pve thing to test your skills.After one month of play, it is safe to assume you are not ready. Have you tried some easier stuff like Orr events, fractal, living story, hot, pof ?

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That's because power ranger is basically spam maul (super low cooldown) , whirling defenses, and worldly impact under "sic em" / One Wolf Pack whereas weaver actually requires knowing your class.

If you really love elementalist then keep at it. If not there's definitely easier classes.

The tables will turn if you ever step foot into WvW, where power weaver has been relevant since its inception even if has fell out of meta to revs. That's not even including raw cleanse output of tempests running fire+water traitline.

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@"Aigleborgne.2981" said:After one month of play, it is safe to assume you are not ready. Have you tried some easier stuff like Orr events, fractal, living story, hot, pof ?I'm going chronologically, having finished LW 2, hot, and almost lw3 (I did get the mount though). I've been so into story and characters that I watched LW1 on youtube.I did some fractals, but could only do "the easy ones" as I have about 20 AR with the potion. I've had some good moments as tempest in PvP when dropping an overload in the right time could change the game, but in 1v1s it's been hard for me to know when to mitigate the burst or to position my burst with lightning orb. Also I noticed that people can be very salty in the pvp arena when I won once against a d/p thief who obviously had more experience than me but still said that "I'm nothing without tornado" so what's the point of going there if not to learn to play around other's skills. If you guys know a nice pvp guild I would really appreciate some recommendations!

@"Infusion.7149" said:That's because power ranger is basically spam maul (super low cooldown) , whirling defenses, and worldly impact under "sic em" / One Wolf Pack whereas weaver actually requires knowing your class.If you really love elementalist then keep at it. If not there's definitely easier classes.I've always been a sort of hardcore casual player, so I'd hate to think that a baseline (non-revenant) profession would be too hardcore for me. I understand that it's an 8 years old mmo and it hasn't had major class overhauls (I think?) to make them more accessible for newer players like in WoW - bad example since my poor old Warlock had been pruned from a jack of all trades to a jack of one ability which I found to be on the opposite side of this spectrum. I'm also usually in full time employment and education, but these days I mostly have gaming on my schedule (perhaps an ideal time to learn an overly complicated profession).

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@"Drakewind.8961" said:I'm going chronologically, having finished LW 2, hot, and almost lw3 (I did get the mount though). I've been so into story and characters that I watched LW1 on youtube.I did some fractals, but could only do "the easy ones" as I have about 20 AR with the potion. I've

I wasn't specific enough. Did you do this with friends that have carried you? Or solo /pugs?Everything I have done is solo. It helps you to learn your profession, more than playing in group where your mistakes are cover by others.

I remember final boss in LW3 where I died a lot before killing him. Those fights help you a lot to learn your profession. Same for all core champions, bounties... I would start there.

Finally, as I have already said, raids are for elites. And you said you are casual, so it might not be for you, at least not now. No offense here, I have been playing for 3 years as a casual and I haven't tried raids yet. I want to explore all easier content first, and it takes time, especially if you have several characters (I have 20).

Last, you wanted reward. Beeing successful with ele is a reward itself. You will probably not perform better than any other profession.

When I play my reaper in a difficult open world situation looking my life going down very quickly, I just laugh, hitting shroud, spin and everything is dead after. It is fun at first but it becomes boring quickly. I don't need to get skilled, it's the same 3 or 4 buttons pushed repeatedly in the same order. You barely have to know what your enemies can do...

With weaver (even core ele), you need to think ahead, adapt rotation to each situation. Mistakes are heavily punished. And when you win, it is priceless!

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@Drakewind.8961 said:I started playing about a month ago, was trying a few professions but finally settled with the ele. I loved doing the entire story btw. I found a nice guild and got into raiding. That's when I realised that I suck. The worst thing about it is that I researched my build, rotation, gear and the rotation for that boss as power weaver and my friend who is playing power ranger managed to outdo my dps with a lot less effort. I thought it's just the fact that my build requires more skill but having looked at the benchmarks and from general opinion it seems that's not the case. Even if I learn to play my spec to the maximum, ranger is still better at every role when it comes to raiding. Did I forget to mention that as the squishiest profession in the game I would very often get downed by aoe damage even though I was playing according with the mechanics. I was told there is just no reason to pick weaver over any other spec. I had a similar experience with every other aspect of the game. I am getting into pvp with power tempest off meta build and I quite enjoy that it's easy to shut down and I'm still playing on unranked. I was thinking that an elementalist would be useful in various aspects of the game, that a more complicated class would offer a better reward. The problem is that I couldn't find that reward anywhere. Judging by other posts on this subforum, ele in general is not in a good spot, and the most discussions I see that aren't about expressing dissapointment with ele, are about WvW. Is it worth even waiting for the ele to get fixed? I would like to stick with one character that can be good in most aspects of the game.

First and Foremost, going by Benchmarks is never the way to go, as you have noticed by now, you do die alot but eventually you'll learn more about the class as you go along, I've always said that every class is good enough to do raids, It's true that Druid is a better support than Tempest, but Tempest imo is a much easier spec to play and has the best healing output than any other class in the game, it's just that Druid brings better offensive support like Spirits. As for Weaver, it's meta in Fractals and yes it isn't as good as DH,Ranger or Renegade in some aspects, but Pugs or even guild players will (atleast in my experience) let you play what you want so long as you are good enough on it.

In terms of WvW,

Tempest is Meta in pug zergs although Scrappers will be first choice, in guild groups you will probably find that Scrapper is all they want with maybe one tempest.

Weaver in WvW is still good although I feel some of the staff skills could do with some buffs like some Dual attacks, Eruption, Lava font and Meteor Shower.

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I love playing ele, so my post might be a bit one sided. But listen to me, all the classes, all the specs are available in this game. In my opinion, ele has some of the best builds around if you think about the fun to play factor.Now in PvE both tempest dps and weaver dps (power and condi) are really strong. As you have noticed it is a bit squishy compared to other classes but it's the fun part of this spec in my opinion. The idea of doing massive damage if mastered, and stay alive only with your personal skills it seems to me really nice. If you add to this the fact that is one of the few games where playing a mage is challenging, like being a mage should be (and not sit in the back and cast long skills).You can also fill the heal role with heal tempest, it is not in meta now, but it is still effective.

In WvW heal tempest is really good with power staff weaver in zerg vs zerg. If you prefer roam, there are some builds like LR weaver, some dagger dagger core, for some nostalgic player like me that miss the good old DD day.

In PvP for me now is a good time to be an Ele. Tempest heal is quite common, LR weaver can be both dps (if you play berserker) or duelist if you play avatar.

The only thing Ele is lacking a bit for me is the core specialization, which should bring something more.

I think what you are missing is some experience in the game, as other people already said, but don't stop play this wonderful game if you don't like a spec, maybe it is a bit to early for you to play ele, or maybe you should start with something easier than weaver, like power tempest.If you struggle with your health pool you can also equip more marauder pieces in pve, so you have a bit more vitality!

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@Drakewind.8961 said:

@"Aigleborgne.2981" said:After one month of play, it is safe to assume you are not ready. Have you tried some easier stuff like Orr events, fractal, living story, hot, pof ?I'm going chronologically, having finished LW 2, hot, and almost lw3 (I did get the mount though). I've been so into story and characters that I watched LW1 on youtube.I did some fractals, but could only do "the easy ones" as I have about 20 AR with the potion. I've had some good moments as tempest in PvP when dropping an overload in the right time could change the game, but in 1v1s it's been hard for me to know when to mitigate the burst or to position my burst with lightning orb. Also I noticed that people can be very salty in the pvp arena when I won once against a d/p thief who obviously had more experience than me but still said that "I'm nothing without tornado" so what's the point of going there if not to learn to play around other's skills. If you guys know a nice pvp guild I would really appreciate some recommendations!

@"Infusion.7149" said:That's because power ranger is basically spam maul (super low cooldown) , whirling defenses, and worldly impact under "sic em" / One Wolf Pack whereas weaver actually requires knowing your class.If you really love elementalist then keep at it. If not there's definitely easier classes.I've always been a sort of hardcore casual player, so I'd hate to think that a baseline (non-revenant) profession would be too hardcore for me. I understand that it's an 8 years old mmo and it hasn't had major class overhauls (I think?) to make them more accessible for newer players like in WoW - bad example since my poor old Warlock had been pruned from a jack of all trades to a jack of one ability which I found to be on the opposite side of this spectrum. I'm also usually in full time employment and education, but these days I mostly have gaming on my schedule (perhaps an ideal time to learn an overly complicated profession).

Try not to let the salt get to you in PvP. Just block and move on. Easy!

Alternatively, try this! Instead of trading insult for insult, tell them they fought a good fight! Maybe explain that you're new and ask them about a particular move they made that gave you trouble during the fight. In my experience, most players will calm down immediately in response to this and some even become helpful! And if they don't? So what? Blocked! The problem is solved on your end in either case.

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@"Drakewind.8961" said:Is it worth even waiting for the ele to get fixed?

No. Purpose of ele class existence is to get it nerfed. Compared to other classes its the only one that ANet clearly has no idea what to do with it. Everytime ele is viable (and not OP or underperforming, just average) ele mains pray to god that "elementalist" word wont appear in the very next patch notes. Random nerfs, random buffs, ele is very unstable.I mained weaver since the start of PoF, prayed everytime there was a patch to not see elementalist word - please ANet, just dont touch it. Well, they finally touched it with february patch, so I went back to previous main and only play core d/d ele from time to time for nostalgy purposes. Kinda sad.

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It's pretty common that sometimes some classes are better. Not every class is equally easy to play and e.g. rotation for Holosmith or Chronomancer is super complex, but Dragonhunter can do high dps with much less effort. It's your choice what do you want to play and what brings you fun.Every rotation requires you to practice and master it. It's not pushing random skills; you must use them in specific order. Your squad/team composition also matters.What should you do? Do your benchmark on a golem. If you reach e.g. 30k dps (final), then you shouldn't worry about who does more dps on raid. Correct rotation and meta build = you're good. Don't play something only because it's easier.

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@Widmo.3186 said:

@"Drakewind.8961" said:Is it worth even waiting for the ele to get fixed?

No. Purpose of ele class existence is to get it nerfed. Compared to other classes its the only one that ANet clearly has no idea what to do with it. Everytime ele is viable (and not OP or underperforming, just average) ele mains pray to god that "elementalist" word wont appear in the very next patch notes. Random nerfs, random buffs, ele is very unstable.I mained weaver since the start of PoF, prayed everytime there was a patch to not see elementalist word - please ANet, just dont touch it. Well, they finally touched it with february patch, so I went back to previous main and only play core d/d ele from time to time for nostalgy purposes. Kinda sad.

To each their own. I picked up weaver around the beginning of this year and was really enjoying the fire weaver build from the previous meta. Then the 2/25 patch hit. That build is no longer meta, but so what? I like it, so I stuck with it. Maybe I could do better with a different class or build, but when was that ever not the case with any class or build, really? It's always been more important to me that I like the feel of the class than any other consideration.

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@"Drakewind.8961" said:Is it worth even waiting for the ele to get fixed?

No. Purpose of ele class existence is to get it nerfed. Compared to other classes its the only one that ANet clearly has no idea what to do with it. Everytime ele is viable (and not OP or underperforming, just average) ele mains pray to god that "elementalist" word wont appear in the very next patch notes. Random nerfs, random buffs, ele is very unstable.I mained weaver since the start of PoF, prayed everytime there was a patch to not see elementalist word - please ANet, just dont touch it. Well, they finally touched it with february patch, so I went back to previous main and only play core d/d ele from time to time for nostalgy purposes. Kinda sad.

To each their own. I picked up weaver around the beginning of this year and was really enjoying the fire weaver build from the previous meta. Then the 2/25 patch hit. That build is no longer meta, but so what? I like it, so I stuck with it. Maybe I could do better with a different class or build, but when was that ever not the case with any class or build, really? It's always been more important to me that I like the feel of the class than any other consideration.

If you mean PvP , last I checked water weaver and aurashare tempest are still alive there. Burn weaver has to contend with the condi cleanses of core condi necro, aura tempest, prot holo, sword or dagger pistol daredevils, and symbolbrands since the burn stacks are really what secure kills.

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@Infusion.7149 said:

@"Drakewind.8961" said:Is it worth even waiting for the ele to get fixed?

No. Purpose of ele class existence is to get it nerfed. Compared to other classes its the only one that ANet clearly has no idea what to do with it. Everytime ele is viable (and not OP or underperforming, just average) ele mains pray to god that "elementalist" word wont appear in the very next patch notes. Random nerfs, random buffs, ele is very unstable.I mained weaver since the start of PoF, prayed everytime there was a patch to not see elementalist word - please ANet, just dont touch it. Well, they finally touched it with february patch, so I went back to previous main and only play core d/d ele from time to time for nostalgy purposes. Kinda sad.

To each their own. I picked up weaver around the beginning of this year and was really enjoying the fire weaver build from the previous meta. Then the 2/25 patch hit. That build is no longer meta, but so what? I like it, so I stuck with it. Maybe I could do better with a different class or build, but when was that ever not the case with any class or build, really? It's always been more important to me that I like the feel of the class than any other consideration.

If you mean PvP , last I checked water weaver and aurashare tempest are still alive there. Burn weaver has to contend with the condi cleanses of core condi necro, aura tempest, prot holo, sword or dagger pistol daredevils, and symbolbrands since the burn stacks are really what secure kills.

Do you just go around in every profession forum to provoke them?

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@Infusion.7149 said:

@"Drakewind.8961" said:Is it worth even waiting for the ele to get fixed?

No. Purpose of ele class existence is to get it nerfed. Compared to other classes its the only one that ANet clearly has no idea what to do with it. Everytime ele is viable (and not OP or underperforming, just average) ele mains pray to god that "elementalist" word wont appear in the very next patch notes. Random nerfs, random buffs, ele is very unstable.I mained weaver since the start of PoF, prayed everytime there was a patch to not see elementalist word - please ANet, just dont touch it. Well, they finally touched it with february patch, so I went back to previous main and only play core d/d ele from time to time for nostalgy purposes. Kinda sad.

To each their own. I picked up weaver around the beginning of this year and was really enjoying the fire weaver build from the previous meta. Then the 2/25 patch hit. That build is no longer meta, but so what? I like it, so I stuck with it. Maybe I could do better with a different class or build, but when was that ever not the case with any class or build, really? It's always been more important to me that I like the feel of the class than any other consideration.

If you mean PvP , last I checked water weaver and aurashare tempest are still alive there. Burn weaver has to contend with the condi cleanses of core condi necro, aura tempest, prot holo, sword or dagger pistol daredevils, and symbolbrands since the burn stacks are really what secure kills.

Yes, my point was that ele is not in as bad a shape as all that. There are meta builds that work great currently, but you can still do your thing, too.

I placed platinum and climbed almost up to plat 2 using fire weaver. I haven't done enough pvp to complete the season, but it seemed fine to me.

I also roam a lot with fire weaver and I do great there as well. My point being that this is in no way as underpowered a class as some players seem to think it is.

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@Widmo.3186 said:

@"Drakewind.8961" said:Is it worth even waiting for the ele to get fixed?

No. Purpose of ele class existence is to get it nerfed. Compared to other classes its the only one that ANet clearly has no idea what to do with it. Everytime ele is viable (and not OP or underperforming, just average) ele mains pray to god that "elementalist" word wont appear in the very next patch notes. Random nerfs, random buffs, ele is very unstable.I mained weaver since the start of PoF, prayed everytime there was a patch to not see elementalist word - please ANet, just dont touch it. Well, they finally touched it with february patch, so I went back to previous main and only play core d/d ele from time to time for nostalgy purposes. Kinda sad.

Are you playing in Pvp or Pve? I was playing Fire/Earth/Air with Paladin/Forge pre-patch of 4/28 and it did pretty good. Dagger /Focus. What build are you playing with D/D? I'm getting pretty obsessed with Core Ele at the moment

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Im not saying that ele is dead. Fireweaver is kinda viable, LR dagger MH is good. But sword is dead, dagger OH is also kinda dead, so basically when I was playing power sw/d Weaver...each part of my build is dead.

@Stallic.2397 said:

@"Drakewind.8961" said:Is it worth even waiting for the ele to get fixed?

No. Purpose of ele class existence is to get it nerfed. Compared to other classes its the only one that ANet clearly has no idea what to do with it. Everytime ele is viable (and not OP or underperforming, just average) ele mains pray to god that "elementalist" word wont appear in the very next patch notes. Random nerfs, random buffs, ele is very unstable.I mained weaver since the start of PoF, prayed everytime there was a patch to not see elementalist word - please ANet, just dont touch it. Well, they finally touched it with february patch, so I went back to previous main and only play core d/d ele from time to time for nostalgy purposes. Kinda sad.

Are you playing in Pvp or Pve? I was playing Fire/Earth/Air with Paladin/Forge pre-patch of 4/28 and it did pretty good. Dagger /Focus. What build are you playing with D/D? I'm getting pretty obsessed with Core Ele at the moment

PvP only.Fire/water/arcane, power version with avatar or mender. Its not bad bunker, overall d/f Weaver is better, but d/d also has some spikes and good cleanses. Some ppl played dd even before patch, after it hit I feel like it became more viable. If you know what youre doing, how to map rotate and put combos (unfortunately compared to d/f LR Weaver, here you cant miss skills, otherwise you wont kill anything because of low pressure), stable Platinum is possible

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@Widmo.3186 said:Im not saying that ele is dead. Fireweaver is kinda viable, LR dagger MH is good. But sword is dead, dagger OH is also kinda dead, so basically when I was playing power sw/d Weaver...each part of my build is dead.

PvP only.Fire/water/arcane, power version with avatar or mender. Its not bad bunker, overall d/f Weaver is better, but d/d also has some spikes and good cleanses. Some ppl played dd even before patch, after it hit I feel like it became more viable. If you know what youre doing, how to map rotate and put combos (unfortunately compared to d/f LR Weaver, here you cant miss skills, otherwise you wont kill anything because of low pressure), stable Platinum is possible

Platinum D/D core is very good and neither of those amulets nor traitlines were affected this recent patch. I'll try it out tonight. I wonder if the heals is enough to compensate the loss of projectile hate.

D/F LR Weaver was fun until I realized you could have the same effectiveness with easier rotations on core. After the Feb patch, core builds are popping out of the Woodwork will into Plat. Very interesting

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@Stallic.2397 said:

@Widmo.3186 said:Im not saying that ele is dead. Fireweaver is kinda viable, LR dagger MH is good. But sword is dead, dagger OH is also kinda dead, so basically when I was playing power sw/d Weaver...each part of my build is dead.

PvP only.Fire/water/arcane, power version with avatar or mender. Its not bad bunker, overall d/f Weaver is better, but d/d also has some spikes and good cleanses. Some ppl played dd even before patch, after it hit I feel like it became more viable. If you know what youre doing, how to map rotate and put combos (unfortunately compared to d/f LR Weaver, here you cant miss skills, otherwise you wont kill anything because of low pressure), stable Platinum is possible

Platinum D/D core is very good and neither of those amulets nor traitlines were affected this recent patch. I'll try it out tonight. I wonder if the heals is enough to compensate the loss of projectile hate.

D/F LR Weaver was fun until I realized you could have the same effectiveness with easier rotations on core. After the Feb patch, core builds are popping out of the Woodwork will into Plat. Very interesting

I haven't checked metabattle or anything but what's the build for core dagger/dagger? I love dagger/dagger playstyle but the build I was running seemed a bit glassy.

And as far as the op is concerned, I think the biggest issue weaver/ele has right now is just in wvw. If you're not running some support spec or a roaming spec, trying to play the good ole glass backliner just feels pointless to me. It's rare you can actually land the abilities you want in zerg fights without retaliation or random conditions pressuring you, or a rev coalescing you mid meteor shower. lol

In pve though weaver, mes, and firebrand are my favorites. Weaver sword playstyle is just so unique and fluid when you get used to it and really helps you understand the importance of combo fields a lot better across all classes. Probably only comparable to holo in that regard.

In pvp I think most people just run dagger/focus lr weaver right now, or go for easy mode and play cc spam tempest, which still needs a nerf imo.

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