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In terms of usefulness, best thing to buy for 1200 gems?

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Randulf.7614 said:Copper Salvage-o-matic

I always hear this, but from what I understand unless you do a LOT of salvaging, over time the investment in this tool isn't realized in returns.

The payoff is: you do not need many many many stacks of 25 salvages , but just 1 item you can use forever.E.g. freeing Tarir, gives you easily 75+ items to salvage, i.e. more than 3 stacks, buying and carying all of them is quite an effort.

The 1st thing I bough on my 2nd account was a Copper Salvage-o-matic and a shared-inv slot to put it in.

Admittedly the situation is now - with the unident. items that stack up to 250 - more relaxed than it was before them (when you had to make a salvage break very often due to full inv.) , but I would still not like to miss it.

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The answer is pretty much a character slot unless you have plenty of storage for things that don't deserve a bank tab. You can use it for PvP only and opening bags that scale by level. If you don't have 1 of every profession this is advised.Would put armistice bastion pass if you WvW for build and equipment testing or mistlock sanctuary pass if you do fractals as well.

You can get by with just a mystic salvage kit for rares, so unid will just stack up in contrast to before the drop change from actual drops to unid gear. That makes silver fed and runeforger kits kind of wasteful. Copperfed has its convenience.

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@Randulf.7614 said:Copper Salvage-o-matic

This, always this for the first 800 gems, especially when used in combination with one of the shared account slots gained from expansions.

There is no contest here. This is the single most useful convenience item in the game. The cost saving, which is 0.4 copper per salvage, is just a nice bonus. I have pretty much every upgrade there is, with some classes having full equipment template and build slots, etc. If I had to pick 1 item/upgrade I could keep, it would be the Copper-Salvage-O. If it was 2 items/upgrades? The Copper-Salvage-O with a shared inventory slot.

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I keep telling myself I'll buy an infinite salvage kit (not sure which one) when I run out of mystic forge stones to make mystic kits. So far that's never happened and it can take me a couple of weeks to get through one mystic kit because I only play about 2 hours a day on average, and only do big meta events occasionally. (Also I sell whatever I can on the TP and only salvage what's left over.) I understand why other people think they're a must-have but for me it would be a waste of money.

For me the most useful items would be bank tabs, shared inventory slots and character slots, but like the infinate salvage kits it really depends on how you play. If you don't want many characters you probably don't need extra character slots, or shared inventory slots.

So I agree with the suggestion to save the gems until you know what would be most useful for you. Have a look through the gem store so you know what items are available, then wait until you find yourself really wishing you had something, then buy it. Added bonus of doing it that way is many things in the gem store are discounted periodically, so you might be able to get it cheaper.

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Thanks for the suggestions. Just went ahead and got the infinite use salvage tool. Going to save the last 400 for when its needed.Might grab another shared inventory slot since I only have the 2 free ones from the expansions. Don't really need character slots, have 10 which is enough for 1 of each class and 1 for throwaway stuff like weekly key farming. Not sure I need any more.

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Whatever you do, try to make it account bound instead of a one-shot character item.

I've wasted tons of gold/gems in the past on character-bound items and now I hardly play that character any more.

  • shared inventory spaces
  • unlimited gathering tools
  • unlimited salvage
  • character slot/bank slot/increase materials +250

Or save yourself the headache of deciding what to do and give it to a good cause: ME!!!

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I think at the end no one can really tell you what to get but you.First, what kind of player are you? Are you a person who likes to play different characters? If so I would recommend getting shared inventory slots so for account bound items such as (salvage kit) , harvesting tools, birthday/item boosters etc so you can have them accessible to all your characters via shared inventory slot. So you don’t have to go back and forth between characters.

If you have a main character then maybe extra inventory space would be good? But again, It’s only for one character only not all.

If you do a. Lot of WvW or bosses/events & have issues with your inventory getting filled up too fast then maybe invest on the cooper fed since that would be very useful on emptying inventory space when you’re unable to find a merchant.

If you like to farm a lot then for sure get the unbreakable harvesting tools & maybe even get extra storage space for your Matt’s

Good luck & don’t spend it too quickly :P

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