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  • I loathe PvP but I need to go WvW for the Gift of Battle for a Legi
  • I was told to follow the tag, but they all have mounts so by the time I get there whatever they are doing is over
  • I can't get a mount until I complete objectives.... Which I never do as they are over before I get there, or I die......
  • On the odd occasion I do get there, I inevitably die and nobody rezzes me, because people don't squad up in WvW?? Or they just don;t invite me
  • I ask a lot in chat to be invited to a group but nobody ever invites me
  • I am not having a good time. Not having a good time there at all..... I feel like I am running around aimlessly totally wasting my time.

Is there a discord or a guild or something that I can join who does WvW and I can group with?

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You do not have to run behind a Zerg to get your warclaw or gift of battle.

Simply kill a guard for each objective you need for warclaw. Then run around solo killing sentries, claiming ruins, taking or helping take camps. Repair a wall there or there. Keep your participation up.

When the Zerg runs through and takes the keep tower etc, so long as you have not left the map you get credit.

I recommend picking the red map for this and tagging whichever keep has not tiered up but on the safe side you can tag all three. Or better yet get in one of the map on reset. If you dislike red, go for blue or green but stay away from the map with Stonemist Castle as keeps there do not change hands as often.

Make sure you use boosts to get you more reward track progression. There is an infusion for the amulet, a guild Hall boost, etc.

Not being in the squad means you are missing on speed buffs, healing, protection, aegis, condi clears, and vocal instruction on movement. Unless you intend to actually PLAY wvw I would just stick to being solo.

Also don't get annoyed if a roamer kills you. Think of it as progressing their progress in achievements. Just respawn and try for a different objective.

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@"chrispy.7182" said:

  • I loathe PvP but I need to go WvW for the Gift of Battle for a Legi
  • I was told to follow the tag, but they all have mounts so by the time I get there whatever they are doing is over
  • I can't get a mount until I complete objectives.... Which I never do as they are over before I get there, or I die......
  • On the odd occasion I do get there, I inevitably die and nobody rezzes me, because people don't squad up in WvW?? Or they just don;t invite me
  • I ask a lot in chat to be invited to a group but nobody ever invites me
  • I am not having a good time. Not having a good time there at all..... I feel like I am running around aimlessly totally wasting my time.

Is there a discord or a guild or something that I can join who does WvW and I can group with?

Since the GoB is only dependent on the Reward track:

  1. Consume whatever boosters and ascended food you have.
  2. Find a quiet BL where your team hasn't captured much.
  3. Capture all the camps and sentries you can kill all the enemy team's yaks you find.
  4. Do the easy dailies in WvW (Camp Capturer, Veteran Creature Slayer, Monument Master, ect...) and consume the reward potions.

You do not need the mount for the reward track. You do not need to squad up. Once your participation is up, your reward track gain is no faster or slower than people who group.People were getting their GoB's well before the Warclaw was introduced.

I do a lot of WvW. I enjoy the game mode very much.If someone showed up with the "I loathe PvP, I am just here for my GoB" attitude I would not want to team with them, want them in my guild or invite them to a discord server. Players who start with that attitude are dead weight, zero fun to hang out with, constantly complaining and gone the moment the reward track is complete.But if someone showed up and politely said "I'm new, could someone show me the ropes for a few minutes?" I would absolutely bend over backwards to help them.... just as others did at times for me.

WvW is a small community where your actions have effects. The fact you are having difficulties getting into a squad may have something to do with the way you are presenting yourself in map chat to the rest of your team. Just as you have done here.Who is going to read your message that TLDR's to "I hate this, I just want the rewards" and want to invite you to their guild or discord?

Take my advice, go solo your GoB on a quiet BL.

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I loathe WvW too and only put up with it to get the Gift of Battle, as you are trying for, plus I did endure it to get the Warclaw. Every minute I'm in there, though, I hate it.

Weekends are best for more people on the map. And starting today there's a new bonus that gives +30% to WvW reward tracks, so I'm going to knuckle down and go for that next Gift of Battle. Are you NA or EU? Maybe we could hate it together.

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@chrispy.7182 said:

  • I loathe PvP but I need to go WvW for the Gift of Battle for a Legi
  • I was told to follow the tag, but they all have mounts so by the time I get there whatever they are doing is over
  • I can't get a mount until I complete objectives.... Which I never do as they are over before I get there, or I die......
  • On the odd occasion I do get there, I inevitably die and nobody rezzes me, because people don't squad up in WvW?? Or they just don;t invite me
  • I ask a lot in chat to be invited to a group but nobody ever invites me
  • I am not having a good time. Not having a good time there at all..... I feel like I am running around aimlessly totally wasting my time.

Is there a discord or a guild or something that I can join who does WvW and I can group with?

It's very tough to start in wvw and becoming self sufficient. Know that the pain isn't one sided though, pvp'ers have to go through world completion to get their legendary weapons, while not as dangerous... it's about as entertaining as watching paint dry for some people.

In any case here's some tips.

  • Zergs are usually up and running during prime time of your server, which for NA is usually 7-12pm est time. There are some random ones that run during the day depending on server and their commanders.
  • Most of the organized commanders will ask to join their discord when you join their squad.
  • Random roaming players don't usually squad up, so you have to wait on a commander or guild to get a public one running(sometimes there's guild only ones).
  • Players on mounts who have the mastery now give a speed boost matching the mount to those around them on foot, so it isn't entirely necessary to get the mount, although if you plan on making more trips into wvw in the future for more gifts it's probably best to get it, but you'll have to do it's reward track first over the gift of battle one.
  • Try using a mobile class like ranger, warrior, thief, elementalist, mesmer, all have a number of weapon or utility skills for gap closers and swiftness boost.
  • You can tag captures by killing guards around them, it's not necessary to actually kill the lord or be in the cap circle, just killing one guard will give you credit, so if you're running late to a capture just try and kill a guard by the gate.
  • Players cannot res dead players when they are flagged in combat, they can only do so if out of combat, so don't think too badly of team mates if you're not ress'ed while in the middle of combat.
  • If you need credit for some of the achievements like keep capture try to do it on your home map or borderland maps, keeps in eternal battlegrounds tend to almost never flip.
  • If you're looking to build participation, usually if your team has smc it's a good place to defend and build it, or your home borderland when it's under attack by zergs. Plan ahead on your run from place to place, if you see white swords on a place it means it could be under attack, or it could be a tap, if you see orange swords it means an active battle of 25+ players are currently there (might not necessary be your team though unless you see a tag in the area). Read the scout calls in map or team chat.
  • Track what places have flipped beforehand in territories to semi predict what's going to happen, like if a camp in your area just got flipped and especially if orange swords shows up, a good chance a nearby tower may also get hit by the zerg, head to it. Or if your side is in enemy territory and they just flipped a camp they may head to the nearest tower.
  • Don't show up in wvw wearing berserker stat gear... that's asking to get one shotted, even basic ptv gear is fine.

Good luck.

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I sympathize with the you OP, but at the same time, what began with curiosity and expanded into an easier way to get my dailies done, has evolved into something I spend roughly 50-60% of my playtime. Without exaggeration, I have 2 characters I use mainly for fractals / PvE, and I have 4 characters that I only use in WvW; I belong to one PvE guild, and 3 WvW guilds.

Having to farm a GOB isn't what brought me into WvW, but I firmly believe that is one of the reasons why ANET has it set up this way - to encourage players to dip their toe into that area of the game. And it isn't always going to work out ofc, and that's fine. In any case, the Gift of Battle takes way less time and effort to obtain than it might appear, even if you only go into WvW to get the dailies done, and use the Potion of WvW to advance the reward track, you'll have it before you've farmed up the eleventy billion elder wood / mithril ore you need (for Gen 2.5 at least)

As to the Warclaw, amen my friend. I pointed it out as a problem within 24hrs of the mount going live, and the best solution ANET came up with is now when you are running next to a Warclaw mounted player, they give you a speed buff equivalent to the mount speed, so long as you are not in combat. So if you are able to stay near a mounted player and not attack or be attacked, you will move at the same speed, which should get you to you objective in time to cap the ring. Outside of that, the advice others above have given is solid.

And maybe you might find out you like WvW and decide to give it more time (or you just might conclude you hate making legendaries lol).

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Thank you so much everyone. What a great and supportive community!I have taken the advice given here and solo'd some things. I met someone in game and they helped me tag along with a group by giving me speed boosts from their mount which helped a lot.

After a few hours I am getting the hang of things. All of your suggestions here helped me out, so thank you :)

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@chrispy.7182 said:Thank you so much everyone. What a great and supportive community!I have taken the advice given here and solo'd some things. I met someone in game and they helped me tag along with a group by giving me speed boosts from their mount which helped a lot.

After a few hours I am getting the hang of things. All of your suggestions here helped me out, so thank you :)

It was nice chatting in-game with you, although bummer about us being NA/EU and not being able to play together. So glad you found a player that helped you with speed boosts and so forth. And I want to see your character with the beautiful Bifrost when you get it crafted!! =)

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@chrispy.7182 said:

  • I loathe PvP but I need to go WvW for the Gift of Battle for a Legi
  • I was told to follow the tag, but they all have mounts so by the time I get there whatever they are doing is over
  • I can't get a mount until I complete objectives.... Which I never do as they are over before I get there, or I die......
  • On the odd occasion I do get there, I inevitably die and nobody rezzes me, because people don't squad up in WvW?? Or they just don;t invite me
  • I ask a lot in chat to be invited to a group but nobody ever invites me
  • I am not having a good time. Not having a good time there at all..... I feel like I am running around aimlessly totally wasting my time.

Is there a discord or a guild or something that I can join who does WvW and I can group with?

These thoughts are natural Padawan. Learn to clear your mind and know your enemy.

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It was nice chatting in-game with you, although bummer about us being NA/EU and not being able to play together. So glad you found a player that helped you with speed boosts and so forth. And I want to see your character with the beautiful Bifrost when you get it crafted!! =)

It was good chatting with you too! I am starting to get the hang of WvW, although I still can't make sense of some things.People refuse to form a big group/squad for some reason. I don't understand this. If we are in a massive squad and stay together, we can move from place to place and obviously have a much greater chance of destroying any enemy group we find. I know there is a tag that some people follow, but it times there are only 10 or so players with everyone else scattered around the map it seems so we get wrecked by large enemy groups.

Anyway. I am getting better fighting players. I'm actually doing pretty good in 1V1 scenarios and seem to be winning quite often, which is surprising!

I'm looking for a WvW guild as I would enjoy this mode of gameplay much more if I was part of a coordinated group.

And I will certainly inform you when I finally get my Bifrost! :)

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Gating mounts behind a reward track was a bad idea

However, all you need to do is just take sentries/camps closest to w/e spawn. Don't need a tag for most stuff.

WvW reward potions help, so try to do dailies if it's easy. Guard killer, yes. Keep capturer or World Ranker, well, maybe try another day if you don't have a tag.

If you don't like WvW, just do your dailies and leave. It'll be the most efficient use of your time. Once you build up your partcipation, you just have to kill a sentry every few minutes.

Use a mobile class like a warrior or a ranger. Probably Warrior since they perform better in zergs and also with pve gear as well.

If you want to run with people, you need to pull your own weight. Unfortunately, it can be hard because personal responsibility is not required in 99% of the game. (even in WvW) There's a wealth of resources on metabattle and Youtube about how to get started. There's also advice on these forums but take it with a grain of salt and ignore the profession subforums.

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@ArchonWing.9480 said:

  • Gating mounts behind a reward track was a bad idea
  • However, all you need to do is just take sentries/camps closest to w/e spawn. Don't need a tag for most stuff.
  • WvW reward potions help, so try to do dailies if it's easy. Guard killer, yes. Keep capturer or World Ranker, well, maybe try another day if you don't have a tag.
  • If you don't like WvW, just do your dailies and leave. It'll be the most efficient use of your time. Once you build up your partcipation, you just have to kill a sentry every few minutes.
  • Use a mobile class like a warrior or a ranger. Probably Warrior since they perform better in zergs and also with pve gear as well.
  • If you want to run with people, you need to pull your own weight. Unfortunately, it can be hard because personal responsibility is not required in 99% of the game. (even in WvW) There's a wealth of resources on metabattle and Youtube about how to get started. There's also advice on these forums but take it with a grain of salt and ignore the profession subforums.

Bad accretion design means that about 120 ranks are dedicated to mount/gliding and maybe more with provision mastery (if you want that juicy autoloot). These things were not needed for new players in the first few years of WvW. Seeing posts like OP really don't surprise me because the new player experience is mixed at best in the current year if not out right janky.


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@GDchiaScrub.3241 said:

  • Gating mounts behind a reward track was a bad idea
  • However, all you need to do is just take sentries/camps closest to w/e spawn. Don't need a tag for most stuff.
  • WvW reward potions help, so try to do dailies if it's easy. Guard killer, yes. Keep capturer or World Ranker, well, maybe try another day if you don't have a tag.
  • If you don't like WvW, just do your dailies and leave. It'll be the most efficient use of your time. Once you build up your partcipation, you just have to kill a sentry every few minutes.
  • Use a mobile class like a warrior or a ranger. Probably Warrior since they perform better in zergs and also with pve gear as well.
  • If you want to run with people, you need to pull your own weight. Unfortunately, it can be hard because personal responsibility is not required in 99% of the game. (even in WvW) There's a wealth of resources on metabattle and Youtube about how to get started. There's also advice on these forums but take it with a grain of salt and ignore the profession subforums.

Bad accretion design means that about 120 ranks are dedicated to mount/gliding and maybe more with provision mastery (if you want that juicy autoloot). These things were not needed for new players in the first few years of WvW. Seeing posts like OP really don't surprise me because the new player experience is mixed at best in the current year if not out right janky.


To be fair, you just need 4 points to get gliding/mounts, though of course you will be worse off without the rest of the stuff. Having to unlock autoloot is kinda dumb but then again most wvw loot is worthless anyways.

But, yea, the new player experience espeically in wvw is terrible.

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@ArchonWing.9480 said:

  • Gating mounts behind a reward track was a bad idea
  • However, all you need to do is just take sentries/camps closest to w/e spawn. Don't need a tag for most stuff.
  • WvW reward potions help, so try to do dailies if it's easy. Guard killer, yes. Keep capturer or World Ranker, well, maybe try another day if you don't have a tag.
  • If you don't like WvW, just do your dailies and leave. It'll be the most efficient use of your time. Once you build up your partcipation, you just have to kill a sentry every few minutes.
  • Use a mobile class like a warrior or a ranger. Probably Warrior since they perform better in zergs and also with pve gear as well.
  • If you want to run with people, you need to pull your own weight. Unfortunately, it can be hard because personal responsibility is not required in 99% of the game. (even in WvW) There's a wealth of resources on metabattle and Youtube about how to get started. There's also advice on these forums but take it with a grain of salt and ignore the profession subforums.

Bad accretion design means that about 120 ranks are dedicated to mount/gliding and maybe more with provision mastery (if you want that juicy autoloot). These things were not needed for new players in the first few years of WvW. Seeing posts like OP really don't surprise me because the new player experience is mixed at best in the current year if not out right janky.


To be fair, you just need 4 points to get gliding/mounts, though of course you will be worse off without the rest of the stuff. Having to unlock autoloot is kinda dumb but then again most wvw loot is worthless anyways.

But, yea, the new player experience espeically in wvw is terrible.

To get the bare minimum yes. The one with more ranks will have innate mechanical advantage in WvW (e.g. a new player can't lance people on their mount while a 'veteran' can for example). Back in the days of the old forums I recall them saying they wanted the mastery system to create roles, but its execution is just another grindy progression that allows you to assume all such roles if you simply grinded (ground?) more.


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@GDchiaScrub.3241 said:

  • Gating mounts behind a reward track was a bad idea
  • However, all you need to do is just take sentries/camps closest to w/e spawn. Don't need a tag for most stuff.
  • WvW reward potions help, so try to do dailies if it's easy. Guard killer, yes. Keep capturer or World Ranker, well, maybe try another day if you don't have a tag.
  • If you don't like WvW, just do your dailies and leave. It'll be the most efficient use of your time. Once you build up your partcipation, you just have to kill a sentry every few minutes.
  • Use a mobile class like a warrior or a ranger. Probably Warrior since they perform better in zergs and also with pve gear as well.
  • If you want to run with people, you need to pull your own weight. Unfortunately, it can be hard because personal responsibility is not required in 99% of the game. (even in WvW) There's a wealth of resources on metabattle and Youtube about how to get started. There's also advice on these forums but take it with a grain of salt and ignore the profession subforums.

Bad accretion design means that about 120 ranks are dedicated to mount/gliding and maybe more with provision mastery (if you want that juicy autoloot). These things were not needed for new players in the first few years of WvW. Seeing posts like OP really don't surprise me because the new player experience is mixed at best in the current year if not out right janky.


To be fair, you just need 4 points to get gliding/mounts, though of course you will be worse off without the rest of the stuff. Having to unlock autoloot is kinda dumb but then again most wvw loot is worthless anyways.

But, yea, the new player experience espeically in wvw is terrible.

To get the bare minimum yes. The one with more ranks will have innate mechanical advantage in WvW (e.g. a new player can't lance people on their mount while a 'veteran' can for example). Back in the days of the old forums I recall them saying they wanted the mastery system to create roles, but its execution is just another grindy progression that allows you to assume all such roles if you simply grinded (ground?) more.


Yea.... I dunno why there's like 7 tiers. Lance should be made @ level 2 or baseline.

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@chrispy.7182 said:

It was nice chatting in-game with you, although bummer about us being NA/EU and not being able to play together. So glad you found a player that helped you with speed boosts and so forth. And I want to see your character with the beautiful Bifrost when you get it crafted!! =)

It was good chatting with you too! I am starting to get the hang of WvW, although I still can't make sense of some things.People refuse to form a big group/squad for some reason. I don't understand this. If we are in a massive squad and stay together, we can move from place to place and obviously have a much greater chance of destroying any enemy group we find. I know there is a tag that some people follow, but it times there are only 10 or so players with everyone else scattered around the map it seems so we get wrecked by large enemy groups.

Anyway. I am getting better fighting players. I'm actually doing pretty good in 1V1 scenarios and seem to be winning quite often, which is surprising!

I'm looking for a WvW guild as I would enjoy this mode of gameplay much more if I was part of a coordinated group.

And I will certainly inform you when I finally get my Bifrost! :)

Because not everyone wants to run in a giant zerg or there really isn't enough people online, roaming or small group can also be challenging and fun which lets you learn and get better with your class or role. Sure running in a large groups allows this too, but there's a lot of cover for mistakes in bigger groups. Those same players tend to also like getting equal or even outnumbered fights rather than just bulldozing opponents over (that can get boring after a while and even chase enemies off the map leaving you with no content). There use to be times in the past when servers would take a blob and conquer all 4 maps and the enemies would just take the week off.

If you want to run in an organized zerg on a regularly basis then look for a guild, there's usually a few on every server, but they can be a little more strict for classes or gear you need to run.

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